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Adult Woman and Teenage boys (2 Viewers)

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I think that depends on what type of personality the kid has. If they are a rule follower, they might have trouble saying no to a youth leader no matter how lenient the actually authority is.

I disagree with your second point. I think the penis can respond to physical stimulation without the mental will to have sex. I have nothing to back that up other than I just disagree.
Either willing or not, I doubt he was more than a two pump chump which means it is probably all about the youth leaders ego as someone mentioned above.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.

What were the ages of the woman and the kid?

I see how the church and the parents were impacted in your description, but how about the kid? how was he impacted by this?
I think he is 15 or 16. I think he was pretty upset about it, as he was the one who came to his parents to tell them what was going on.
I just don't understand this.

I remember being 15 or 16. If some church lady wanted to sex me up, one of two things would've happened. One, if she was hot, I'd have banged her silly. Two, if she wasn't, I'd have laughed in her face. She has 0 authority over me, and a 15/16 year old is more than capable of giving consent or not.

The teacher/student thing is a different ballgame because of the impact a teacher can hold over a kid's head. But something like this, there is no authority to abuse. And hence, its not rape. The kid probably consented and then later changed his mind about it for whatever reason. Thats not rape.
How about the kid tries it one time because he is curious about it. He then doesn't like it or feels guilty about it and decides he's not going to do it anymore. When he tells that to the teacher/authority figure she's says he better or she is going to say that he tried to rape her. I am not saying this happened in this instance but adults find ways to manipulate kids all the time into doing what they want.
I don't see how the ages of the 2 parties are relevant in your scenario. Could happen between 2 adults and be just as fubar'd.

What were the ages of the woman and the kid?

I see how the church and the parents were impacted in your description, but how about the kid? how was he impacted by this?
I think he is 15 or 16. I think he was pretty upset about it, as he was the one who came to his parents to tell them what was going on.
I just don't understand this.

I remember being 15 or 16. If some church lady wanted to sex me up, one of two things would've happened. One, if she was hot, I'd have banged her silly. Two, if she wasn't, I'd have laughed in her face. She has 0 authority over me, and a 15/16 year old is more than capable of giving consent or not.

The teacher/student thing is a different ballgame because of the impact a teacher can hold over a kid's head. But something like this, there is no authority to abuse. And hence, its not rape. The kid probably consented and then later changed his mind about it for whatever reason. Thats not rape.
How about the kid tries it one time because he is curious about it. He then doesn't like it or feels guilty about it and decides he's not going to do it anymore. When he tells that to the teacher/authority figure she's says he better or she is going to say that he tried to rape her. I am not saying this happened in this instance but adults find ways to manipulate kids all the time into doing what they want.
I don't see how the ages of the 2 parties are relevant in your scenario. Could happen between 2 adults and be just as fubar'd.
Age is totally relevant in a he said/she said situation. People are generally more likely to believe adults than teenagers.

Are they asking these woman why they are doing this? Is it pedophilia? Is it a power trip? Are they reliving high school because they were uncool back then? Getting back at their spouse? Were they abused themselves? Curious about the why in these cases

[SIZE=medium]Since I like to blame the feminists for everything… I blame this on them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]For what seems like forever we’ve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Women’s movement tells women… I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say ‘men do it, so why can’t I?’ They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesn’t really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think ‘if he can do it, I can do it’. So they find young boys and do the same thing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves… at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.[/SIZE]
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?

We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.

Are they asking these woman why they are doing this? Is it pedophilia? Is it a power trip? Are they reliving high school because they were uncool back then? Getting back at their spouse? Were they abused themselves? Curious about the why in these cases
No. These "victims" are not children.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I think that depends on what type of personality the kid has. If they are a rule follower, they might have trouble saying no to a youth leader no matter how lenient the actually authority is.

I disagree with your second point. I think the penis can respond to physical stimulation without the mental will to have sex. I have nothing to back that up other than I just disagree.
On the second issue, I know that if I don't want to, it won't stand up. But maybe others are different?

And on the first point, the kid @ 14 who is a rule follower is likely still a rule follower @ 18, isn't he?

It just burns me up inside that there are guys out there who were 19 and had a 17 year old girlfriend... relationship went south, and for the rest of that dude's life he's a convicted rapist and sex offender. When in reality, he did nothing wrong. Held to the same standards and scrutiny as actual pedophiles.

I hate that we don't make the distinction as a society.

Actual pedos... they maliciously hunt PRE-PUBESCENT kids, not 14 year olds. And, I'm pretty sure they are never curable. They'll always be pedophiles. Frankly, I think we're too soft on them, and way way way too hard on people who are copulating with post pubescents who are typically capable of making their own choices.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.

What were the ages of the woman and the kid?

I see how the church and the parents were impacted in your description, but how about the kid? how was he impacted by this?
I think he is 15 or 16. I think he was pretty upset about it, as he was the one who came to his parents to tell them what was going on.
I just don't understand this.

I remember being 15 or 16. If some church lady wanted to sex me up, one of two things would've happened. One, if she was hot, I'd have banged her silly. Two, if she wasn't, I'd have laughed in her face. She has 0 authority over me, and a 15/16 year old is more than capable of giving consent or not.

The teacher/student thing is a different ballgame because of the impact a teacher can hold over a kid's head. But something like this, there is no authority to abuse. And hence, its not rape. The kid probably consented and then later changed his mind about it for whatever reason. Thats not rape.
How about the kid tries it one time because he is curious about it. He then doesn't like it or feels guilty about it and decides he's not going to do it anymore. When he tells that to the teacher/authority figure she's says he better or she is going to say that he tried to rape her. I am not saying this happened in this instance but adults find ways to manipulate kids all the time into doing what they want.
I don't see how the ages of the 2 parties are relevant in your scenario. Could happen between 2 adults and be just as fubar'd.
Age is totally relevant in a he said/she said situation. People are generally more likely to believe adults than teenagers.
Maybe. Upstanding youth leader vs some kid.

But, make it 30 year old police officer vs 30 year old druggie, and its the same thing... people inclined to believe the cop. Should it be illegal for police officers to have sex with druggies?

I still think that the crime in your scenario is completely different. Its using a threat (real or not) to induce sexual favors... which is a crime regardless of age.

Are they asking these woman why they are doing this? Is it pedophilia? Is it a power trip? Are they reliving high school because they were uncool back then? Getting back at their spouse? Were they abused themselves? Curious about the why in these cases
Its NOT pedophilia. Pedophilia is a defined condition that involves sexual desire towards children who have no yet reached puberty.

I absolutely hate that this get mixed in with what is clearly a completely different situation. Hate it.

Is there any kind of profile building of the boys who are typically the object of these older women's attentions? Are the cougars going after the innocent looking types, the star athletes or the kind of bad boy who sneaks smokes in the boys bathroom?

I do think back to some missed opportunities. Worked for a lawn service in high school. My job one day was to bust up the sidewalk in front of my boss's house. Hot day, so I was working without my shirt on.

Boss's wife came out 4 times in her bikini top to ask if I wanted to come in for a soda or glass of water. Each time I turned her down because I was sweaty and had an icewater jug outside.

I was a dumb kid. :wall:

[SIZE=medium]Since I like to blame the feminists for everything… I blame this on them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]For what seems like forever we’ve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Women’s movement tells women… I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say ‘men do it, so why can’t I?’ They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesn’t really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think ‘if he can do it, I can do it’. So they find young boys and do the same thing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves… at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.[/SIZE]
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?

We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do.

I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.

Is there any kind of profile building of the boys who are typically the object of these older women's attentions? Are the cougars going after the innocent looking types, the star athletes or the kind of bad boy who sneaks smokes in the boys bathroom?
I demand that the NIH get on this one, pronto. For the health of high schoolers everywhere.

I don't think this is anything new, just made public more. As for the more sexualized, back in the early 80s when I was in elementary school kids were having sex in the 6th grade. Not a lot but some.
Yep. I always get a good chuckle at the "it wasn't like this in the old days" claims.

Yes, yes it was. In fact it was probably worse.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.

The time traveler from 1814 would be shocked that he couldn't bang a fully developed 14 year old without risking the gallows.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.
Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.

I just approached a Mennonite in Walmart today to ask him why all of the men in his culture were so tall (he was at least 6' and his teenage boys were close). The entire family stared blankly at me, then I realized they didn't speak English. The whole time his teenage daughter was eyeballing me, so I naturally assumed she wanted the Chauncey d. It occurred to me she is probably of age in her culture to find a husband and get to baby making. It is crazy how modern society creates rules and shame over our most basic human instinct. I need to learn to speak some German.

I just approached a Mennonite in Walmart today to ask him why all of the men in his culture were so tall (he was at least 6' and his teenage boys were close). The entire family stared blankly at me, then I realized they didn't speak English. The whole time his teenage daughter was eyeballing me, so I naturally assumed she wanted the Chauncey d. It occurred to me she is probably of age in her culture to find a husband and get to baby making. It is crazy how modern society creates rules and shame over our most basic human instinct. I need to learn to speak some German.
"who is that old, short dude and why is he asking my Dad weird questions?"

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Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.
That's the one where Michael Douglas gets throat cancer, isn't it?

Kirk Douglas wouldn't have gotten throat cancer.

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I just approached a Mennonite in Walmart today to ask him why all of the men in his culture were so tall (he was at least 6' and his teenage boys were close). The entire family stared blankly at me, then I realized they didn't speak English. The whole time his teenage daughter was eyeballing me, so I naturally assumed she wanted the Chauncey d. It occurred to me she is probably of age in her culture to find a husband and get to baby making. It is crazy how modern society creates rules and shame over our most basic human instinct. I need to learn to speak some German.
"who is that old, short dude and why is he asking my Dad weird questions?"
Exactly. That and she was probably born with big, inquisitive-looking eyes.


[SIZE=medium]Since I like to blame the feminists for everything… I blame this on them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]For what seems like forever we’ve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Women’s movement tells women… I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say ‘men do it, so why can’t I?’ They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesn’t really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think ‘if he can do it, I can do it’. So they find young boys and do the same thing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves… at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.[/SIZE]
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?

We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do.

I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
With every societal development there is some good and some bad. Overall, the feminist movement has been solidly on the plus side. The people espousing a solidly patriarchal society worry me a lot more.

There's actually quite a bit of evidence that early sexual activity negatively affects a males ability to enter into meaningful relationships later in life, especially when that early sexual activity is with older women. Whether he was physically willing is not all that relevant. Sexual relationships at that age when hormones are doing all sorts of crazy things to the brain really do affect how someone processes things when they are older.

There's actually quite a bit of evidence that early sexual activity negatively affects a males ability to enter into meaningful relationships later in life, especially when that early sexual activity is with older women. Whether he was physically willing is not all that relevant. Sexual relationships at that age when hormones are doing all sorts of crazy things to the brain really do affect how someone processes things when they are older.
I doubt that evidence refers to sexual activity at age 15/16 as "early". We're talking 14 and under imo.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.
Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.
WTF are you talking about? By your analogy it would be acceptable for 47 year old men to bang 15 year olds. Which not only is it illegal for them to do, a large section of the community would probably be calling for castration.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.
Unwanted clitoral stimulation would still cause the woman to lubricate. That certainly doesn't mean the sex is consensual. Same case while men and erections.

Regardless, this entire stupid conversation is irrelevant because a 15 year old can't consent anyway.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.
Unwanted clitoral stimulation would still cause the woman to lubricate. That certainly doesn't mean the sex is consensual. Same case while men and erections. Regardless, this entire stupid conversation is irrelevant because a 15 year old can't consent anyway.
I do remember reading about this a long time ago, some nutjob serial rapist would tie women down, eat the box until they nutted, then rape them. It's the kind of story you don't forget.
I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.
Unwanted clitoral stimulation would still cause the woman to lubricate. That certainly doesn't mean the sex is consensual. Same case while men and erections. Regardless, this entire stupid conversation is irrelevant because a 15 year old can't consent anyway.
I do remember reading about this a long time ago, some nutjob serial rapist would tie women down, eat the box until they nutted, then rape them. It's the kind of story you don't forget.
It's not at all uncommon for male or female victims of sexual assault or rape to have an orgasm. It's a bundle of nerves - it responds to stimulation.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.
Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.
WTF are you talking about? By your analogy it would be acceptable for 47 year old men to bang 15 year olds. Which not only is it illegal for them to do, a large section of the community would probably be calling for castration.
I think he's making this exact point.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.
Unwanted clitoral stimulation would still cause the woman to lubricate. That certainly doesn't mean the sex is consensual. Same case while men and erections. Regardless, this entire stupid conversation is irrelevant because a 15 year old can't consent anyway.
I do remember reading about this a long time ago, some nutjob serial rapist would tie women down, eat the box until they nutted, then rape them. It's the kind of story you don't forget.
It's not at all uncommon for male or female victims of sexual assault or rape to have an orgasm. It's a bundle of nerves - it responds to stimulation.
There are indeed people who achieve orgasm in completely non-sexual situations and report the experience as traumatic, especially when they're having ten orgasms or so a day.

There's actually quite a bit of evidence that early sexual activity negatively affects a males ability to enter into meaningful relationships later in life, especially when that early sexual activity is with older women. Whether he was physically willing is not all that relevant. Sexual relationships at that age when hormones are doing all sorts of crazy things to the brain really do affect how someone processes things when they are older.
I doubt that evidence refers to sexual activity at age 15/16 as "early". We're talking 14 and under imo.
Early is defined as pre-maturation. 15/16 are right in the wheelhouse. The brain is still rapidly developing and influenced by all sorts of heavy doses of hormones.

God gave us the ability to reproduce at a young age. It is the law of man that has decided God is wrong. In the Eyes of God you are a man or women when you can reproduce.

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In these scenarios and where there are ones, I feel for the husband and the kids. I'm sure it's unbelievably embarrassing and emasculating for the husband and the kids probably don't understand what the hell mommy is doing. I know it's mostly funny and hell, I would have loved for it to happen to me back in the day but as in most situations there are innocents on the sidelines who are impacted by the actions of their family member.

Since I like to blame the feminists for everything I blame this on them.

For what seems like forever weve seen a lot of marriages follow a similar path. Marriage. Man moves along is his career and makes more and more money. Has kids. Wife has less desire for sex. Man has money and goes through a mid life crisis so he decides to go after young tail. 40 year old men end up dating 20 somethings. Ex wives attempt to get as much $ from them as possible.

Womens movement tells women I am woman hear me roar. Anything a man can do, you can do better. Women take this idea too literally and start to actually do what men do. They become promiscuous and say men do it, so why cant I? They are correct in this statement but fail to realize it doesnt really do them any good to copy a bad behavior and do it better. These women have seen their husbands leave them for very young women. The women again think if he can do it, I can do it. So they find young boys and do the same thing.

The main thing leading to it is a desperate need for women to feel young and desirable. Something perpetuated by media and western culture. I think they feel if they are able to bed a young boy, it validates their attractiveness, and makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily. Until they actually stop and think about what they did.
Jesus, Jutz, you're all over the place with this. Men age, then chase younger tail but it's bad if women do the same? And this is because of feminists?We can't stop this from happening. We can't successfully legislate morality. About the only thing we could do (if we actually wanted to) is have the churchies buy all the television networks and start broadcasting only shows that celebrate the surface morality of the 1960s. Until that happens, better to take the (Hulk) approach and have an adult dialogue about the subject.
I don't think it's good when men do it, and I don't think it is good when women do it. From what I've seen, when anyone dates someone that is 15 - 20 years younger then them, it never works out. I think it is a bad behavior that men do, and women copy the behavior because feminists tell them they can do anything men can do. I don't really understand why you jump to legislation? And I do really believe this is an adult point. The feminist movement over the years has mandated the mantra that anything a man can do, women can do too. The adult point I am making is that... the feminists fail to evaluate weather the behavior they are copying is good or not, they just copy. And they copy the bad behaviors as well.
I bet you watched Disclosure more than once.
No, I haven't. I don't even know what it is you are referring to.
It is a movie that seems in your wheelhouse.
Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.
WTF are you talking about? By your analogy it would be acceptable for 47 year old men to bang 15 year olds. Which not only is it illegal for them to do, a large section of the community would probably be calling for castration.
I think he's making this exact point.
I think he's making the opposite point. I base this on his statement: "women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work". That statement implies that women essentially see men getting away with something so instead of trying to correct the behavior they replicate it.

Here, older men absolutely cannot get away with banging 15 year olds. The criminal laws punishing the behavior are harsh and society despises it. So, his proffered thought process that women undergo wouldn't apply.

Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.
WTF are you talking about? By your analogy it would be acceptable for 47 year old men to bang 15 year olds. Which not only is it illegal for them to do, a large section of the community would probably be calling for castration.
I think he's making this exact point.
I think he's making the opposite point. I base this on his statement: "women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work". That statement implies that women essentially see men getting away with something so instead of trying to correct the behavior they replicate it.

Here, older men absolutely cannot get away with banging 15 year olds. The criminal laws punishing the behavior are harsh and society despises it. So, his proffered thought process that women undergo wouldn't apply.
Yeah, I get what you're saying, but now he's applying double standards and the point is getting a bit muddy. I would say that in tracing the argument, the "men can do it" is more of a physical thing than a legal thing w/r/t to the "can."

You dig?

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In these scenarios and where there are ones, I feel for the husband and the kids. I'm sure it's unbelievably embarrassing and emasculating for the husband and the kids probably don't understand what the hell mommy is doing. I know it's mostly funny and hell, I would have loved for it to happen to me back in the day but as in most situations there are innocents on the sidelines who are impacted by the actions of their family member.
In the case of the cheerleader who blew the 15 yr old it isn't too bad. She is separated from the rich husband so he is probably thrilled as this will give him upper hand in divorce. She has a 15 year old son who will probably be the most popular kid in school. "Hey what's up Billy! Let's go hang out at your house after school. I heard your Mom makes really good snacks." Now her two other kids may have some trouble. But I believe nowadays with camera phones and Snapchat/Kik/etc, not to mention online porn, any kid over the age of 10-12 is going to know what sex and private parts are all about. I doubt kids are shocked or care about any of this as much as people of our generation.


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