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What's Normal: In Your Long-Term M/F Relationship, Which Gender Has a 51% or Greater Stake in Decision-Making? (1 Viewer)

In Your Long-Term M/F Relationship, Which Gender Has a 51% or Greater Stake in Decision-Making?

  • The woman has 51% or greater equity share in decisions

    Votes: 33 37.1%
  • The man has a 51% or greater equity share in decisions

    Votes: 24 27.0%
  • Both sides share 50% in decision-making

    Votes: 21 23.6%
  • I love lamp

    Votes: 11 12.4%

  • Total voters
It depends on the decision.

Daily running the house stuff; wife.
Decisions of consequence; my ultimate call but she's my first officer so to speak
I'm in the idc about 90% of decisions camp. My wife insists that I do care and she's wants my input. I tell her what I think will help her make the quickest decision. Do I really care what color the kids' bathroom wall is painted? Not a bit.
Free Life Advice:

"No" to the first choice. "Yes" to the second choice.

It makes it look like you care.

Sadly, my wife caught on....
Wife wanted 2 cocker spaniels, I wanted 0 cocker spaniels, so we compromised and got 2 cocker spaniels….obviously, you know how I voted…
FWIW, wife wanted 6 kids. I wanted 2.

At least cocker spaniels don’t go to college.
But two dogs is one thing. Cocker spaniels? Why? The better dogs got taken?
You’ll have to ask her that for me as I can’t figure it out. But hey, at least I’ve come to not like them…
Things I dont care about = Wife 100%
Things I do care about, i get my way 95% of the time.
The other 5% i suddenly dont care as much about anymore.
But we are both fairly easy going and know when either of us has a bigger stake in something
My wife and I equal. Certain decisions he has more sway and certain ones go in my favor but I think we always work together on big things. That's probably why our relationship is so good. We know when to debate about it and when to just let the other have their way.
I'm typically not friends with guys like that. Type A guys that feel like they need to make all decisions are usually, in my experience, huge ******** and not somebody I want to spend time with.
This is a great point. I completely agree with this sentiment.
How many such people do you know? I've literally never met such a person, that I know of at least.
They’re the ones stacking menus.
My wife is indecisive and deferential, so I make most major decisions. I certainly respect her opinion though, and welcome any input she provides.

I have several friends whose wives wear the proverbial pants. While some of them seem content, the unhappy ones always assume there's no alternative.
I'm in the idc about 90% of decisions camp. My wife insists that I do care and she's wants my input. I tell her what I think will help her make the quickest decision. Do I really care what color the kids' bathroom wall is painted? Not a bit.
Free Life Advice:

"No" to the first choice. "Yes" to the second choice.

It makes it look like you care.

Sadly, my wife caught on....
Add that ultimately she ignores my input and goes with the first choice...
I literally tore down our old house and built a new one from scratch. With zero input from the wife. I handle the bills, vacation planning, investments. She handles the medical stuff.
On the major things, like what furniture we are buying, I believe it's a true 50-50 process. For just about everything else, I try to make it 50-50 but my wife will never decide so I make the decisions. This is, where are we going to eat, what movie should we watch. Since there are a lot more unimportant decisions, I voted the male makes >51% of the decisions.
Might as well ask if water is wet @Anarchy99

Folks...when people say to you there's no such thing as a dumb question, I suggest you reflect on this thread and tell them they are incorrect.
If that were the case and this were such a dumb question, then why is the distribution of people casting actual votes split 50%/22%/28%?
When we were "building" our house and had to make every single decision from the lighting to the carpet I told her I don't care, just let me have one room. And she did. But as we sat there, mind numbingly picking out brick and tile and granite, I think she saw how bored I was and threw me a bone. "hey frosty, which tile do you want in the master shower, 1 or 2?"

I picked one I liked better. The look of disgust on my wife's face was only rivaled by her look after the most severe diaper blowouts of our children. I said "why did you even ask me" She said "you look so bored and I never htought you'd pick that one" and I said "I am, but i still dont' want to pick any of this."

So that.
It's a very interesting question. I think early on my wife deferred to me on just about everything but that's because she was raised in a way where she didn't often feel her input was valued.

I think now 17 years later we're probably closer to true 50/50. I am still a much more naturally outgoing/extroverted person compared to her, so I lead the charge for the two of us, but the direction I'm leading us in is always mutually decided.
Who knows hundreds of couples? Really? Hundreds?
Sorry you don't have any friends, nerd.
I feel like hundreds of couples is a lot! Knowing them to the point you’re intimately aware who makes the decisions in the household?
Let me explain the method behind the madness. Did I formally survey each couple and distribute a questionnaire and tabulate the responses? Of course not. But there is something to be said about deductive reasoning to draw more of a preponderance of the evidence style conclusion. Let's go over some examples . . .

On the coaching side, many times there were situations that came up. Taking the kids out for pizza or ice cream. Pre-planning a road trip to play in a location well out of our geographic region. Hosting a pool party. Figuring our who wanted to buy a team sweatshirt, the volunteering schedule, etc.. Most times, if it was the father / husband being asked, the response was he had to check with his wife. When the wife was approached, I think I got a let-me-check-with-my-husband response twice. Is that conclusive and irrefutable evidence? No. But that gave me a pretty good idea in terms of who was making a lot of the decisions.

On the socialization side involving couples getting together as couples, here are some examples. Invites to dinner, outings, parties, school functions, etc. Very similar ratio. Ask the husband, and the auto response is have to check with the wife and get back to you or I would love to but not sure if she wants to attend. Ask the wives, and they typically provided an answer without any consultation. Again, just a small sample, but IMO, enough to lead the witness.

On the guys hanging out with guys side. Discussions of getting together for poker, golf, a ballgame, a concert, whatever. The typical response is usually not sure my wife will let me go. On top of that, plenty of discussion on other wife decisions . . . the ugly couch she bought, the new house she really wanted to move into, the new dishes they just got, the bizarre place the wife picked to go on vacation, etc. Again, not conclusive, but certainly leads one to believe things go a certain way in that household.

On the business side, when it came to one of the parties making a decision to purchase something, that often was close to a 50/50 split of needing to consult with a spouse before making the purchase. But that's the only example from my years of making observations where I felt there was an equal stake in the decision making process.

Did I know many of these people well enough to start asking them who makes their major financial decisions, their breakdown of retirement contributions, who leads the charge in nocturnal activities, who ultimately will decide where their kids go to college? No. Maybe it's a case of daily minor decisions fall on one party and major decisions fall on the other. But passed on interactions with a lot of people, I would definitely suggest that women were more influential in the decision-making process for the situations that came up that I observed.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
Yeah I think that's natural, especially early on and when dating. I mean, sure I'm willing to go watch Love Actually with your annoying friends and then pay for dinner at a restaurant I don't really like because you're willing to try X in the bedroom tonight and that's all I'll be thinking about the entire time. But, as a now married guy for over 11 years where honestly my wife's libido is higher than mine and nothing is "new," I defer to her on the small things because I truly don't care.

*OG Woz on this board would be so mad if he read this.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
Yeah I think that's natural, especially early on and when dating. I mean, sure I'm willing to go watch Love Actually with your annoying friends and then pay for dinner at a restaurant I don't really like because you're willing to try X in the bedroom tonight and that's all I'll be thinking about the entire time. But, as a now married guy for over 11 years where honestly my wife's libido is higher than mine and nothing is "new," I defer to her on the small things because I truly don't care.

*OG Woz on this board would be so mad if he read this.

If my wife’s libido was higher than mine we’d never leave the house.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
Yeah I think that's natural, especially early on and when dating. I mean, sure I'm willing to go watch Love Actually with your annoying friends and then pay for dinner at a restaurant I don't really like because you're willing to try X in the bedroom tonight and that's all I'll be thinking about the entire time. But, as a now married guy for over 11 years where honestly my wife's libido is higher than mine and nothing is "new," I defer to her on the small things because I truly don't care.

*OG Woz on this board would be so mad if he read this.

If my wife’s libido was higher than mine we’d never leave the house.
I remember Otis positing on this board like 15 years ago that there are some nights he'd simply rather just go to sleep. I recall responding that I thought that was crazy and at the time I genuinely thought he was. Sadly, I now get it as most nights I'm so mentally tired from work and the stressors of the day that I'd rather just go to sleep. :bag:
I think there's some study that posits that a person can only handle the stress of so many decisions throughout the day. This is why you'll see some notable intellectuals doing things to minimize their decision-making (e.g. Steve Jobs wearing the same outfit daily to eliminate that choice). For me, I'm involved in helping clients make some major, stressful, and impactful decisions throughout my average day, so when I get home and am asked which shade of white the trim on our curtains should be or some such, I don't care.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
Yeah I think that's natural, especially early on and when dating. I mean, sure I'm willing to go watch Love Actually with your annoying friends and then pay for dinner at a restaurant I don't really like because you're willing to try X in the bedroom tonight and that's all I'll be thinking about the entire time. But, as a now married guy for over 11 years where honestly my wife's libido is higher than mine and nothing is "new," I defer to her on the small things because I truly don't care.

*OG Woz on this board would be so mad if he read this.

If my wife’s libido was higher than mine we’d never leave the house.
I remember Otis positing on this board like 15 years ago that there are some nights he'd simply rather just go to sleep. I recall responding that I thought that was crazy and at the time I genuinely thought he was. Sadly, I now get it as most nights I'm so mentally tired from work and the stressors of the day that I'd rather just go to sleep. :bag:

I get it and does happen to me very, very rarely but at almost 50 I'm still ready to go daily/multiple times a day most of the time still.
This is going to sound crude but others
have alluded to it. I think a lot of guys care more about getting laid than they do the place they eat so they acquiesce on many small things to ensure they have the best chance possible of that happening. I realize this doesn’t apply 100% but I think it’s a reality for a lot of men.
Yeah I think that's natural, especially early on and when dating. I mean, sure I'm willing to go watch Love Actually with your annoying friends and then pay for dinner at a restaurant I don't really like because you're willing to try X in the bedroom tonight and that's all I'll be thinking about the entire time. But, as a now married guy for over 11 years where honestly my wife's libido is higher than mine and nothing is "new," I defer to her on the small things because I truly don't care.

*OG Woz on this board would be so mad if he read this.

If my wife’s libido was higher than mine we’d never leave the house.
I remember Otis positing on this board like 15 years ago that there are some nights he'd simply rather just go to sleep. I recall responding that I thought that was crazy and at the time I genuinely thought he was. Sadly, I now get it as most nights I'm so mentally tired from work and the stressors of the day that I'd rather just go to sleep. :bag:

I get it and does happen to me very, very rarely but at almost 50 I'm still ready to go daily/multiple times a day most of the time still.
Yeah I always thought that's how I'd be and I was until my work hours shot up and we adopted the third and fourth kid.

To be clear, I'm always open to certain sexual activities where, uh, I'm the focus and the one not doing "the work," but that's selfish to actually try to implement in practice.
Love this thread. We're psychotic, so here's what we do:

1. Every year we list all the categories of things we need to do in our life, around Thanksgiving. Ranges from auto to laundry to healthcare (this year we'll add all the child related tasks for the first time at our little summit) and so on.
2. We independently list who we think is in charge and who should be in charge of every category
3. We compare notes. Everything we agree on gets locked and assigned, and then we discuss what's left. It's a funny mix of things neither one of us want to be in charge of and things both of us want to be in charge of. We divvy those up, generally using a mix of who is best suited and who cares most.

On ad hoc stuff, decisions tend to be made by the person who cares more.

Equity-wise, I'd say we're 50/50. Volume-wise, I think I've managed to get it set up where I make fewer bigger decisions and she has to deal with more of the little crap probably 60/40. That's not always fair to her, but also there are more little things IDGAF about and she does.
Love this thread. We're psychotic, so here's what we do:

1. Every year we list all the categories of things we need to do in our life, around Thanksgiving. Ranges from auto to laundry to healthcare (this year we'll add all the child related tasks for the first time at our little summit) and so on.
2. We independently list who we think is in charge and who should be in charge of every category
3. We compare notes. Everything we agree on gets locked and assigned, and then we discuss what's left. It's a funny mix of things neither one of us want to be in charge of and things both of us want to be in charge of. We divvy those up, generally using a mix of who is best suited and who cares most.

On ad hoc stuff, decisions tend to be made by the person who cares more.

Equity-wise, I'd say we're 50/50. Volume-wise, I think I've managed to get it set up where I make fewer bigger decisions and she has to deal with more of the little crap probably 60/40. That's not always fair to her, but also there are more little things IDGAF about and she does.
My link
I'm very "go with the flow" so unless it's something I really disagree with, I usually leave it up to her.

eta: we're going on 30 years married later this year so that philosophy has served me well.
Last edited:
I'm a much more dominant personality and am in charge of the $, so voted I'm 51%+.

My wife just doesn't like making serious decisions and doesn't care to know about the money. She wants to do her job (elementary school assistant principal) and manage the house decor, grocery shop, meal prep, etc. That leaves most of the heavy stuff to me. If she feels strongly about anything I listen and usually go with her on it, but that's rare. Majority of major decisions are on me.

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