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Adult Woman and Teenage boys (1 Viewer)

Last week, this hit closer to home, and it has had devastating consequences. My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),

and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son. I am not privy to all the details, but apparently this had gone on for awhile before the boy finally came to his parents and told them what was going on. The couple has had to take a leave of absence from the Church. When the story was told to the congregation one of the men in attendance commented "what's the big deal? The boy got laid". The couple doesn't know if they will be able to continue working at the Church, which in turn may cause the Church to shut down.
I'm not clear on why the couple feel they might have to leave the church.

I'm guessing (and I know I could be wrong) that they think the prevailing attitude in the church is the "what's the big deal? The boy got laid" attitude? And that that attitude is too prevalent in the church and too far away from their view that something very wrong happened?

If that's the case they're probably better off leaving the church. They won't be comfortable there again.

Looks like it is a movie dealing with the possiblity of a double standard in regards to sexual harassment in the workplace. Sounds similar to what I am talking about. Men sexually harass women at work. Women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work. But no one stops to think... maybe we just shouldn't do it at all.
WTF are you talking about? By your analogy it would be acceptable for 47 year old men to bang 15 year olds. Which not only is it illegal for them to do, a large section of the community would probably be calling for castration.
I think he's making this exact point.
I think he's making the opposite point. I base this on his statement: "women think, if men can do it so can I. So women start sexually harassing men at work". That statement implies that women essentially see men getting away with something so instead of trying to correct the behavior they replicate it.

Here, older men absolutely cannot get away with banging 15 year olds. The criminal laws punishing the behavior are harsh and society despises it. So, his proffered thought process that women undergo wouldn't apply.
Yeah, I get what you're saying, but now he's applying double standards and the point is getting a bit muddy. I would say that in tracing the argument, the "men can do it" is more of a physical thing than a legal thing w/r/t to the "can."

You dig?
Eh, I suppose, but I find it hard to believe that the gender which could probably "get" more of the sex they desired than the men since they commonly desire it less, are just now realizing that they can bone younger guys. Hell, 16 year old boys across history have probably been the group most willing to bang anything that'll let them. I find it hard to believe that women are just now realizing that it is physically possible to sleep with this group.

Eh, I suppose, but I find it hard to believe that the gender which could probably "get" more of the sex they desired than the men since they commonly desire it less, are just now realizing that they can bone younger guys. Hell, 16 year old boys across history have probably been the group most willing to bang anything that'll let them. I find it hard to believe that women are just now realizing that it is physically possible to sleep with this group.
I agree with you. I don't think we're in any way disagreeing with each other about your broader substantive point, nor that Jutz is making a good point.

And the "You dig?" looks bad. That wasn't my tonal intent. My bad. (Not that you made any sort of deal about it at all.)

The oversexualized culture sets high expectations that sometimes/usually aren't met ... there's tons of guys commiting suicide because they couldn't get any tail in high school. Just today I want on a run and ran across a fresh memorial with burning candles and I looked it up and yup another local 18 year old committed suicide, probably because women didnt like him (he looked normal to me). I had an old high school friend just commit suicide a couple months ago ... he'd been periodically depressed since age 18 and gave up at age 45 or so ... because women paid no attention to him.

In the absence of legalized prostitution, I look at the teachers seeing it and stepping up to provide a valuable service. They can see the trouble and stress thats out there and act as a relief valve.

My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son
What do you mean by this?
Christians are above this sort of thing, no?
No, they are not. Christians are humans. Haters gonna hate though, and this surely reflects all Christians.. Keep up the good work my man. :thumbup:

30 something women banging 15 year old boys in every country but this one = zero cares.

We're backwards about sex in the US.
Do you think a 30 something man banging 15 year old girls is alright? Assume the girl is into it and gives consent.
Any country it is legal in sure. The 15 yr old is gonna be banging somebody, these girls are not precious little innocent snowflakes. A 33 yr old guy banging an 18 yr old is the envy of his peers (at least the ones who don't have daughters) so the age difference by itself is irrelevant. Men want to bang young fertile women. That is natural, or as Mr Cross put it, how God designed us.
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30 something women banging 15 year old boys in every country but this one = zero cares.

We're backwards about sex in the US.
Do you think a 30 something man banging 15 year old girls is alright? Assume the girl is into it and gives consent.
Any country it is legal in sure. The 15 yr old is gonna be banging somebody, these girls are not precious little innocent snowflakes. A 33 yr old guy banging an 18 yr old is the envy of his peers (at least the ones who don't have daughters) so the age difference by itself is irrelevant. Men want to bang young fertile women. That is natural, or as Mr Cross put it, what God wanted?
And yet a 25 year old banging a 10 year old is not so much the envy of his peers. The actual ages matter with respect to the age difference.
My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son
What do you mean by this?
Christians are above this sort of thing, no?
surely reflects all Christians..
It actually does.

Then, with another touch of perfect stage timing, Shattuck herself, a diminutive dynamo with the most boffo body in Baltimore, stands bare foot in the dramatic brick-red foyer in a form-fitting periwinkle dress. "Hi, I'm Molly," she says simply.

Seriously. At 15, I would have hit that, repeatedly. Make her buy you stuff. Ride that train to the end of the line, then when it comes crashing down, deny it all. Hall of fame, baby.

Last week, this hit closer to home, and it has had devastating consequences. My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),

and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son. I am not privy to all the details, but apparently this had gone on for awhile before the boy finally came to his parents and told them what was going on. The couple has had to take a leave of absence from the Church. When the story was told to the congregation one of the men in attendance commented "what's the big deal? The boy got laid". The couple doesn't know if they will be able to continue working at the Church, which in turn may cause the Church to shut down.
I'm not clear on why the couple feel they might have to leave the church.

I'm guessing (and I know I could be wrong) that they think the prevailing attitude in the church is the "what's the big deal? The boy got laid" attitude? And that that attitude is too prevalent in the church and too far away from their view that something very wrong happened?

If that's the case they're probably better off leaving the church. They won't be comfortable there again.
At least for the husband, he was pretty devastated by that comment. In addition, I think he is having trouble continuing to work at the place where his son, in his opinion, was sexually abused. The wife seems more willing to try to continue to work there.

I noticed you used the word "abused" regarding your friends' son. Was he actually being abused or just in a sexual relationship. I know many people think it's the same thing, but I don't and the clarification would help me form an opinion.
my guess (like I said, I don't have all the information) is she inititated having sex with him and he felt he couldn't say no because she was an authority figure. I don't think he came to his parents to tell them because he wanted them to know what a great time he was having with all the sex.

"Sexually Abused" was the phrase told to my wife by the pastor
Youth Leader is a far cry from an authority figure, unless you're in some sort of cult.

Furthermore, a male's biology prevents having sex you don't want to have. If he wasn't into it on some level, he wouldn't have had an erection imo.
I'm calling BS on this. It's as stupid as the old saying (in effect) of "A woman can't be raped unless she consents". Totally assinine.
Apples and oranges. The women I know don't need erections to have sex.
Unwanted clitoral stimulation would still cause the woman to lubricate. That certainly doesn't mean the sex is consensual. Same case while men and erections.

Regardless, this entire stupid conversation is irrelevant because a 15 year old can't consent anyway.
A 15 year old can consent with another 15 year old. But they're apparently incapable of making that decision when their partner is 18 and up?

The conversation isn't stupid, the law is.

God gave us the ability to reproduce at a young age. It is the law of man that has decided God is wrong. In the Eyes of God you are a man or women when you can reproduce.

Feels weird to be on the same side of this issue with you. Albeit for completely different reasons.

Lets leave god out of it. If a body is sexually mature (which it is in 15 year olds), then it makes sense that its fine for said body to engage in sex. Our society, with its general weirdness about sex, has said that the mind isn't ready. But really, thats more a cultural thing here than an actual fact imo. And it bothers me that we don't do enough to make the distinction between sexually mature people engaging in sex and someone exploiting a sexually immature person for sex (actual pedophilia).

Between this thread and the vocal Christians who condemned and damned Brittany Maynard on social media over her decision to die with dignity in Oregon this week, I'm proud I gave up on religion over 20 years ago. Lotta lunatics.

30 something women banging 15 year old boys in every country but this one = zero cares.

We're backwards about sex in the US.
Do you think a 30 something man banging 15 year old girls is alright? Assume the girl is into it and gives consent.
I don't think there is anything inheritly wrong with 2 sexually mature people engaging in sex. And I say this as a father of 2 little girls.

This is assuming no power dynamic is being exploited (ie teacher/student) and that the sex was consensual.

We're socialized to think its wrong. Doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means our society has chosen to not accept it. 2,000 years ago, girls were married between the ages of 12 and 14. I'm not saying that is preferred or anything, just that it was different and what society then expected.

The truth is, whenever an individual is ready for sex doesn't fit into a neat little box. Their body may be ready before their mind is, but to be frank, their mind could be ready at the same time as their body.

These laws we have about age of consent exist to protect those whose mind isn't ready when their body is. And I guess thats fair. But I strongly believe as a society that we need to differentiate between physically sexually mature people and those who are not. A 19 year old who has a 16 year old partner should NOT be subjected to a lifetime of being labeled as a sex offender imo, yet they are. Meanwhile, a 33 year old molesting 8 year olds should be completely removed from society (they'll NEVER get better and always continue this behavior if able to do so). By lumping these two issues into one, we've created a middle ground that is much too harsh for some and also not harsh enough for others. It is a completely flawwed policy and because we're immature jackmonkeys who can't talk frankly about sexual issues, we'll probably continue to fail to have a rational policy implemented in this society.

Hulkster with some out of the box thinking in this thread. That doesn't happen often enough on a board with a bunch of old sports fans. :thumbup:

Danger Joe Bryant! Your customer base is becoming a bunch of old fuddy duddies!

I don't think there is anything inheritly wrong with 2 sexually mature people engaging in sex. And I say this as a father of 2 little girls.

This is assuming no power dynamic is being exploited (ie teacher/student) and that the sex was consensual.

We're socialized to think its wrong. Doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means our society has chosen to not accept it. 2,000 years ago, girls were married between the ages of 12 and 14. I'm not saying that is preferred or anything, just that it was different and what society then expected.

The truth is, whenever an individual is ready for sex doesn't fit into a neat little box. Their body may be ready before their mind is, but to be frank, their mind could be ready at the same time as their body.

These laws we have about age of consent exist to protect those whose mind isn't ready when their body is. And I guess thats fair. But I strongly believe as a society that we need to differentiate between physically sexually mature people and those who are not. A 19 year old who has a 16 year old partner should NOT be subjected to a lifetime of being labeled as a sex offender imo, yet they are. Meanwhile, a 33 year old molesting 8 year olds should be completely removed from society (they'll NEVER get better and always continue this behavior if able to do so). By lumping these two issues into one, we've created a middle ground that is much too harsh for some and also not harsh enough for others. It is a completely flawwed policy and because we're immature jackmonkeys who can't talk frankly about sexual issues, we'll probably continue to fail to have a rational policy implemented in this society.
And how do you judge whether one's mind is ready for sex or not?

I'd actually argue the use of cultural sexual taboos can serve that purpose for judging those whose mind is not ready. It puts the impetus on the one having sex to "overcome" the taboo, which they will only do if they are ready. Those who are not ready will just go along with the taboo, by and large. On the other hand, those whose mind and body are ready will have sex no matter what society says. We can see that all throughout history, and is the ebb and flow of generations. The older generation restricts sex; the younger goes and gets it (when they are ready). What we haven't seen is an older generation who encourages the younger to go get sex because it is OMG AWESOME HEALTHY PRUDES SUXXORS. This will invariably pressure more to have sex before their minds are ready. And I think that is a bad idea and will have a net negative effect, but that is just me.

So I think it is best to look out for those whose minds are not ready, and not end up with a society who pressures the younger generation to have sex before they are ready (i.e. "everyone is doing it", "fistpump for having sex with the MILF").

No laws, neat and tidy. Taboos can serve a legitimate purpose IMHO, no matter how much they are demonized.

I am not going to address the age of consent stuff.. I think that is largely a red herring when the OP is talking about older women having sex with male teens.

Last week, this hit closer to home, and it has had devastating consequences. My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),

and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son. I am not privy to all the details, but apparently this had gone on for awhile before the boy finally came to his parents and told them what was going on. The couple has had to take a leave of absence from the Church. When the story was told to the congregation one of the men in attendance commented "what's the big deal? The boy got laid". The couple doesn't know if they will be able to continue working at the Church, which in turn may cause the Church to shut down.
I'm not clear on why the couple feel they might have to leave the church.

I'm guessing (and I know I could be wrong) that they think the prevailing attitude in the church is the "what's the big deal? The boy got laid" attitude? And that that attitude is too prevalent in the church and too far away from their view that something very wrong happened?

If that's the case they're probably better off leaving the church. They won't be comfortable there again.
At least for the husband, he was pretty devastated by that comment. In addition, I think he is having trouble continuing to work at the place where his son, in his opinion, was sexually abused. The wife seems more willing to try to continue to work there.
Man, the split in opinions/feelings between the mom and the dad just makes this worse. One wants to leave the church (and probably can't go back), one wants to stay at the church. The worst thing that could come out of this is a split between the parents due to the emotional fallout, yet that seems possible. I wish I had advice, but I just don't.

My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son
What do you mean by this?
Christians are above this sort of thing, no?
No, they are not. Christians are humans. Haters gonna hate though, and this surely reflects all Christians.. Keep up the good work my man. :thumbup:

Last week, this hit closer to home, and it has had devastating consequences. My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),

and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son. I am not privy to all the details, but apparently this had gone on for awhile before the boy finally came to his parents and told them what was going on. The couple has had to take a leave of absence from the Church. When the story was told to the congregation one of the men in attendance commented "what's the big deal? The boy got laid". The couple doesn't know if they will be able to continue working at the Church, which in turn may cause the Church to shut down.
I'm not clear on why the couple feel they might have to leave the church.

I'm guessing (and I know I could be wrong) that they think the prevailing attitude in the church is the "what's the big deal? The boy got laid" attitude? And that that attitude is too prevalent in the church and too far away from their view that something very wrong happened?

If that's the case they're probably better off leaving the church. They won't be comfortable there again.
At least for the husband, he was pretty devastated by that comment. In addition, I think he is having trouble continuing to work at the place where his son, in his opinion, was sexually abused. The wife seems more willing to try to continue to work there.
Man, the split in opinions/feelings between the mom and the dad just makes this worse. One wants to leave the church (and probably can't go back), one wants to stay at the church. The worst thing that could come out of this is a split between the parents due to the emotional fallout, yet that seems possible. I wish I had advice, but I just don't.
Thanks for the thoughts, fatness, this is my wife's biggest concern that the situation may cause a rift between the parents. As a Christian, I am praying about it, hoping that God reveals some good out of the whole messed up situation. My wife found out yesterday that the woman is 29 (the boy 16) and she is married and has two kids. Just messed up for all involved.

30 something women banging 15 year old boys in every country but this one = zero cares.

We're backwards about sex in the US.
Do you think a 30 something man banging 15 year old girls is alright? Assume the girl is into it and gives consent.
I don't think there is anything inheritly wrong with 2 sexually mature people engaging in sex. And I say this as a father of 2 little girls.

This is assuming no power dynamic is being exploited (ie teacher/student) and that the sex was consensual.

We're socialized to think its wrong. Doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means our society has chosen to not accept it. 2,000 years ago, girls were married between the ages of 12 and 14. I'm not saying that is preferred or anything, just that it was different and what society then expected.

The truth is, whenever an individual is ready for sex doesn't fit into a neat little box. Their body may be ready before their mind is, but to be frank, their mind could be ready at the same time as their body.

These laws we have about age of consent exist to protect those whose mind isn't ready when their body is. And I guess thats fair. But I strongly believe as a society that we need to differentiate between physically sexually mature people and those who are not. A 19 year old who has a 16 year old partner should NOT be subjected to a lifetime of being labeled as a sex offender imo, yet they are. Meanwhile, a 33 year old molesting 8 year olds should be completely removed from society (they'll NEVER get better and always continue this behavior if able to do so). By lumping these two issues into one, we've created a middle ground that is much too harsh for some and also not harsh enough for others. It is a completely flawwed policy and because we're immature jackmonkeys who can't talk frankly about sexual issues, we'll probably continue to fail to have a rational policy implemented in this society.
Statutorily speaking, most states strongly differentiate between the two.

And if you can't see the public policy reasons behind criminalizing statutory rape (i.e. psychological harm to the victim, controlling pregnancy rates, controlling welfare costs of limiting the number of teenage pregnancies, controlling the spread of STDs, etc.) I don't know quite what to tell you. As someone who usually favors the decriminalization of most crimes, I can't with a straight face say that stat rape laws are stupid. If you can say that, however, I have a hard time believing you aren't terribly intelligent or just simply want to bang a 15 year old.

My wife is friends with a couple who co-pastor a protestant church in Arkansas. It is a small church (several hundred members),and the couple do the majority of work at the church. They just found out the part-time or volunteer Youth leader, a woman, was sexually abusing their own teenage son
What do you mean by this?
Christians are above this sort of thing, no?
No, they are not. Christians are humans. Haters gonna hate though, and this surely reflects all Christians.. Keep up the good work my man. :thumbup:


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