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*** All T.O. - All the time *** (1 Viewer)


Don't get me wrong, I love to watch both guys play the game. But in this heated battle of toolmanship, TO might be pulling back into the lead as the biggest WR tool to play the game. Lets recap;


Despite trying to sell his case as a go to receiver, TO, in his biggest playoff game to date drops pass after pass. Borderline in tears, Marucci consoles him on the sideline, asks him to pull himself together and get back on the field. A teary-eyed TO brings himself to finish out the game and makes a great catch as time expires against the Packers.

Thus setting the tone of TO's career has the only guy to try and pick TO up while he was down was Mariucci...the man he continually threw under the bus later in his career.


Moss, being upset during the Rams romp of the Vikings in the playoffs, decides to sneak-attack the refs with a water bottle and squirt'em.


Although TO's personality has not completely blossomed as of yet, his cold statements after Rice's last game in a 49er uniform in San Francisco was worth noting.

reporter - So how was it being on the field with Rice today in San Francisco?

TO - "I caught 21 balls today! Lets talk about me! Rice is old news!"


Moss' 'play when I want to play attitude.


Despite Mooch doing everything he could do to help TO blossom into the player he was, once TO became a star, he was quick to point out that Mooch is the reason the franchise stinks...he should be fired! Mooch is eventually fired.

Randy Moss runs over a traffic cop. Personally, I think the traffic cop was greatly exagerating this story, but it counts.


Playing in the Metrodome, the Vikings blow out the 49ers behind a big game from Moss. TO chooses to use the National Spotlight to embarrass his Offensive Coordinator with a tirad Phil Hellmuth would be embarrassed to fess up to.


Randy Moss walks off the field and turns his back on his teammates as his teammates line up for an onside kick in Washington.


TO decides to redo his 1-year old contract, after getting everything he wanted. At which point he decides to throw Mr. Eagle (Donovan McNabb) under the bus.

Randy Moss does an interview with HBO and openly acknowledges that he 'may' smoke some doobies from time to time. The NFL is now looking into possibilities of suspending him.

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quick bump as...[NASCAR]"TO makes an aggresive move to the outside and surges past Randy Moss for the lead again. Boy this is some race huh Darryl?"[/NASCAR]

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Owens is so far ahead at this point, Moss is gonna have to murder a busload of handicapped kids to be a bigger ##### IMO.

Owens is so far ahead at this point, Moss is gonna have to murder a busload of handicapped kids to be a bigger ##### IMO.
That might be a little extreme.But as a Viking fan, I think we would be a little premature to count Moss out of this thing.

I remember last year when Moss walked off the field, I was like "There is no way TO can pass up Moss now, TO always brings it on the field."

On a side note, Keyshawn Johnson is about to be lapped.


So how does Moss' potential 4-game suspension affect this race? Does Moss finally pull up even with TO again?


Despite Mooch doing everything he could do to help TO blossom into the player he was, once TO became a star, he was quick to point out that Mooch is the reason the franchise stinks...he should be fired! Mooch is eventually fired.

advantage TO
He may have been onto something here.....
Funny post -- You left off the traffic cop incident with Moss though. I believe it happened in 2002.

So how does Moss' potential 4-game suspension affect this race? Does Moss finally pull up even with TO again?
What potential suspsension? I thought they were checking into whether or not he would have to go back into the program. Isn't it the 3rd strike that gets you a 4 game suspension and you aren't supposed to know about the 1st two? Also, it surprises me that all of this is public. We didn't know anything about Travis Henry's first two occasions before he just got suspended, did we?
So how does Moss' potential 4-game suspension affect this race?  Does Moss finally pull up even with TO again?
What potential suspsension? I thought they were checking into whether or not he would have to go back into the program. Isn't it the 3rd strike that gets you a 4 game suspension and you aren't supposed to know about the 1st two? Also, it surprises me that all of this is public. We didn't know anything about Travis Henry's first two occasions before he just got suspended, did we?
He refused a drug test. They're discussing if his comments warrant him being put back into the program. If they decide they do, then he'll have to take a drug test again. If he doesn't, then he is suspended.
A lot of my comments about have a lot of hyperbole. I should clean those up, anybody can help out - just post it below and I will amend.

So how does Moss' potential 4-game suspension affect this race? Does Moss finally pull up even with TO again?
What potential suspsension? I thought they were checking into whether or not he would have to go back into the program. Isn't it the 3rd strike that gets you a 4 game suspension and you aren't supposed to know about the 1st two? Also, it surprises me that all of this is public. We didn't know anything about Travis Henry's first two occasions before he just got suspended, did we?
He refused a drug test. They're discussing if his comments warrant him being put back into the program. If they decide they do, then he'll have to take a drug test again. If he doesn't, then he is suspended.
So how does Moss' potential 4-game suspension affect this race?  Does Moss finally pull up even with TO again?
What potential suspsension? I thought they were checking into whether or not he would have to go back into the program. Isn't it the 3rd strike that gets you a 4 game suspension and you aren't supposed to know about the 1st two? Also, it surprises me that all of this is public. We didn't know anything about Travis Henry's first two occasions before he just got suspended, did we?
He refused a drug test. They're discussing if his comments warrant him being put back into the program. If they decide they do, then he'll have to take a drug test again. If he doesn't, then he is suspended.
It is pretty obvious that T.O. isn't going to be an Eagle next year, but if you were to open the newspaper and see that your favorite team aquired him,how would you feel? Also, which team do you think would need him (or be willing to put up with his s--t)?

I'm honestly having trouble figuring which team would want to sign him and I'm having a very difficult time finding one. That's a pretty remarkable statement about a guy who's one of the most physically talented WR's to have ever played the game, and who is still in his prime.

It is pretty obvious that T.O. isn't going to be an Eagle next year, but if you were to open the newspaper and see that your favorite team aquired him,how would you feel?

Also, which team do you think would need him (or be willing to put up with his s--t)?
I wouldn't want him on my team if I was a QB. He really has an issue with QBs for some reason.
Raiders.Edit: Not saying Oakland needs him the most - it would just be kinda fun seeing him and Moss on the same offense.

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Raiders - I don't think they will have the cap room. After liquidating Moss' contract last season, he is do for a $10 million cap hit next season unless the Raiders can rework his deal, but I have seen stranger things happen.

Patriots - I could see the Patriots signing him to a 1-year deal, an opportunity for TO to 'prove' his worth and that he can work with a team. I don't think the Patriots would sign him to a long term team, but a fairly inexpensive 1-year deal may not be out of the question.

The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
As a Chiefs fan - I'd take him.As a Lions fan (yes, I'm a fan of 2 teams) - only if Garcia were gone. The obvious choice is the Packers.

The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
Corey Dillon's biggest offense was that he was tired of playing for an organization that did not appear to be trying, and he voiced his opinion about it. I don't think TO would play for the minimum.
I think the only 2 teams Owens would be happy on has a Manning at QB, but then, he really wanted to be an eagle so he could work with McNabb. Now McNabb is the worst thing that has happened to him since Garcia. I would be surprised to see TO working anywhere next year.

Before he went to PA there were many a discussion about ... Who would pay that kind of money for a player and be ok with the fact that he is not a leader or a role model of any kind?With plenty of leadership the Eagles were one of only a few teams that would dish out that kind of money for just a player. So I think that the question is still the same; What team is going to dish out the BIG $$$$ that TO demands and expect nothing but his play on the field - and scratch the locker loom presence. Is Denver that Team? Is Atlanta that team? I think that I would like to see the Seahawks with TO on that team this year. If that happens then Seattle gets to the superbowl. That might not be a bad situation ... if a contender - but unlikley champ, picks him up and goes on to the superbowl.

The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
Corey Dillon's biggest offense was that he was tired of playing for an organization that did not appear to be trying, and he voiced his opinion about it. I don't think TO would play for the minimum.
I don't think TO would play for the minimum either, but if the decision was not up to him (the market), where do you think TO would want to play for a cheap 1 year contract?I am just saying New England has what the 49ers had back in the 80s, a winning reputation. So some players are willing to play dirt cheap for them just to play for them.

Before he went to PA there were many a discussion about ...

Who would pay that kind of money for a player and be ok with the fact that he is not a leader or a role model of any kind?

With plenty of leadership the Eagles were one of only a few teams that would dish out that kind of money for just a player.

So I think that the question is still the same;

What team is going to dish out the BIG $$$$ that TO demands and expect nothing but his play on the field - and scratch the locker loom presence.

Is Denver that Team? Is Atlanta that team?

I think that I would like to see the Seahawks with TO on that team this year. If that happens then Seattle gets to the superbowl.

That might not be a bad situation ... if a contender - but unlikley champ, picks him up and goes on to the superbowl.
So you expect them to release TO? If so, I dont see the Seahawks grabbing him. Without Engram and Jackson, they didn't skip a beat and Jurevicius did just fine. Engram is back and with Jackson returning soon their WRs are set.

The team that needs him the most is Green Bay, but they're rebuilding so that won't happen. I'm sure Miami wouldn't mind having him, it would definitely open up their passing game with him and Chambers and having Ronnie/Ricky in the backfield. Denver is a possibility. I could also see KC wanting a player like him but don't think Vermeil would put up with his crap. No way he goes to Oakland, their cap is very tight and having both Moss/Owens would be a nightmare. Chicago would benefit alot since it would take some pressure off Orton, you can be sure he'd get NFC ROY.

I think those are all the possibilities. The other teams seem to be set at WR or wouldn't make many changes since they're doing well right now and don't need the distraction he brings to the team.

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I voted yes. Maybe if T.O. came to the Bills, we could actually throw deep? Evans, Owens, Moulds... :excited:
He'd do wonders for the confidence and development of Losman.
Yes but if he's released this year, and signs a 1 year deal with the Bills, Losman won't be in the game. And I can only imagine what would happen if Losman overthrew Owens like he did with Evans and Moulds early in the season. It would take alot of pressure off him if he could develop accuracy for the long ball.I would however be one of the first to buy an Owens throwback if he signed with the Bills. For some reason, I just like their throwbacks better. They played with them in Week 1 & 2 and wish they could every week.

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The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
Corey Dillon's biggest offense was that he was tired of playing for an organization that did not appear to be trying, and he voiced his opinion about it. I don't think TO would play for the minimum.
I don't think TO would play for the minimum either, but if the decision was not up to him (the market), where do you think TO would want to play for a cheap 1 year contract?I am just saying New England has what the 49ers had back in the 80s, a winning reputation. So some players are willing to play dirt cheap for them just to play for them.
What has made NE successful is team chemistry, and obviously the off/def coordinators that left already. Adding T.O. would kill any chemistry they have. Although it would make their passing game much much better.
The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
Corey Dillon's biggest offense was that he was tired of playing for an organization that did not appear to be trying, and he voiced his opinion about it. I don't think TO would play for the minimum.
I don't think TO would play for the minimum either, but if the decision was not up to him (the market), where do you think TO would want to play for a cheap 1 year contract?I am just saying New England has what the 49ers had back in the 80s, a winning reputation. So some players are willing to play dirt cheap for them just to play for them.
What has made NE successful is team chemistry, and obviously the off/def coordinators that left already. Adding T.O. would kill any chemistry they have. Although it would make their passing game much much better.
I wouldn't say T.O. would kill their chemistry as much as I would say T.O. would likely kill their chemistry. But with a minimal 1-year contract, if T.O. threatened team chemistry, releasing him at which point would not hurt the Patriots either.
The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
I can honestly say that the Pats would NOT bring in TO. He's a locker room cancer. Comparing him to Dillon is laughable.
The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
I can honestly say that the Pats would NOT bring in TO. He's a locker room cancer. Comparing him to Dillon is laughable.
I agree with this .... the Pats and BB / and Kraft would want nothing to do with with TO. They felt that Corey Dillon was a good player in a bad situation, frustrated by years and years of losing.

TO has already proven that he is a bad player on a good team that has a negative affect on an otherwise good team and that is what the Pats would stay away from.

Bessides ... you know that the Pats would not bring in someone like TO That will seriously disrupt the offence, especially Tom Brady. It is not their offence with the problems ... if they sign anyone, it is to help and fill holes on Defense (if anything).

The Patriots do not bring in guys like TO, they let them go. See: Milloy, Lawyer.
They brought in Corey Dillion and his rap sheet? Can you honestly say the Patriots would not bring T.O. in for a 1-year contract for the minimum? Anything involving a lot of money or multiple years, I am sure New England says no thanks.
Corey Dillon's biggest offense was that he was tired of playing for an organization that did not appear to be trying, and he voiced his opinion about it. I don't think TO would play for the minimum.
I don't think TO would play for the minimum either, but if the decision was not up to him (the market), where do you think TO would want to play for a cheap 1 year contract?I am just saying New England has what the 49ers had back in the 80s, a winning reputation. So some players are willing to play dirt cheap for them just to play for them.
What has made NE successful is team chemistry, and obviously the off/def coordinators that left already. Adding T.O. would kill any chemistry they have. Although it would make their passing game much much better.
I wouldn't say T.O. would kill their chemistry as much as I would say T.O. would likely kill their chemistry. But with a minimal 1-year contract, if T.O. threatened team chemistry, releasing him at which point would not hurt the Patriots either.
The Patriots look for value in payers, people that can be versitile, contribute and have that team mentality. TO does not have the value that the Pats look for, he is not a team player, would not contribute in other areas, and is over paid and wants wants wants more and more and more.

And with players like Brady, Dillon and Branch ... willing to take less money on contracts to keep good players arounf them with be terribly insulted (IMO) if they brought in a selfish, big mouth liek TO.

TO is the anti Patriot and it is a fit that just would not work. The Corp Culture and Team Identity is everything that TO isn't.

c'mon peoplehave we notlarned anything from professional sports?if you have the talent someone willpaay you no matter how big of a jerk you might be.TO will play next year.the eagles are going to have to ask themselves if they really want to flush this season by going it w/ out him.

I would be very disappointed if the Packers even gave him a thought. They are injured, down on their luck, and looking at a bad year. The only thing the Packers can salvage from this year is their dignity, but only if they as an organization conduct themselves with such.I would love for Favre to come out and say he appreciates any and all kind words spoken about him in this difficult season. I would then like him to say that his receivers are Walker, Driver, Murphy, Ferguson, and Chatman, and that he is thrilled to have such weapons, and that he is looking forward to next year when they will all be healthy. I'd love it even more if he said that he is willing, for the good of the team, to alter his pay for next season to free up some money to get Walker a deal right now. I'd love it if he said Walker is the game breaking receiver he dreams about throwing to and he can't wait for his return.

c'mon people

have we notlarned anything from professional sports?

if you have the talent someone willpaay you no matter how big of a jerk you might be.

TO will play next year.

the eagles are going to have to ask themselves if they really want to flush this season by going it w/ out him.
Without some sort of contractual guarantees that TO will #### and play, i.e. "if you cause turmoil, holdout, make disparaging remarks about the team or your teammates you will be suspended w/o pay and/or released with no further compensation" I can't see many teams bringing him in without some guarantees. Even then, I can't see anyone giving him a signing bonus or a long term deal. I'd think he'd get a deal with a performance based bonus with option years. He's basically talked himself out of the very thing he wanted.So I guess I agree that someone will sign him. There's even a chance that he stays in Philly. And I don't think they're flushing the season by sitting TO. They made it to the playoffs without him before. And they were losing with him this year.

I would be very disappointed if the Packers even gave him a thought. They are injured, down on their luck, and looking at a bad year. The only thing the Packers can salvage from this year is their dignity, but only if they as an organization conduct themselves with such.

I would love for Favre to come out and say he appreciates any and all kind words spoken about him in this difficult season. I would then like him to say that his receivers are Walker, Driver, Murphy, Ferguson, and Chatman, and that he is thrilled to have such weapons, and that he is looking forward to next year when they will all be healthy. I'd love it even more if he said that he is willing, for the good of the team, to alter his pay for next season to free up some money to get Walker a deal right now. I'd love it if he said Walker is the game breaking receiver he dreams about throwing to and he can't wait for his return.
they might want to see how well walker heals before signing him
Without some sort of contractual guarantees that TO will #### and play, i.e. "if you cause turmoil, holdout, make disparaging remarks about the team or your teammates you will be suspended w/o pay and/or released with no further compensation" I can't see many teams bringing him in without some guarantees. Even then, I can't see anyone giving him a signing bonus or a long term deal. I'd think he'd get a deal with a performance based bonus with option years. He's basically talked himself out of the very thing he wanted.
:goodposting: No team will take a long-term flier on him without that sort of language in his contract.However, since this whole debacle seems to be motivated by money, the new team knows that if they give TO a big money deal with those words in there (i.e. forfeiture of signing bonus and all that), he'll be forced to keep in line.So maybe a team takes a chance on a long term deal anyway.
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Like **** Vitale said, "is everybody wrong?". TO obviously has some problems with relationships and has serious character issues, but what's even worse is that he doesn't take responsibility for his actions. One day TO will have to look in the mirror and say to himself, maybe not everyone is wrong about me. He's no more than a rent-a-player now. I don't think anyone will ever sign him to a long term deal. I'll bet he doesn't even know that in his pea brain.To answer this post, no, I wouldn't want him on my team. The benefit gained by his talent doesn't outweigh the problems he causes in the locker room and beyond.


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