All of you "Manning is greedy" nut jobs need to take a one year break from
Fantasy football, and actually pay attention to the football aspect of football.
Running backs take a beating in the NFL. They get hit multiple times, every carry. History has shown us VERY CLEARLY that running backs have a much shorter career trajectory than QB or WR. So maybe, just maybe, the Colts are saving James, who they know they need fresh to win a Super Bowl.
For years, people have bi***ed and moaned that Manning laser locked on Harrison. Now that they've developed other weapons, people are bi**&ing and moaning that he's NOT laser locked on Harrison.
Is Preist Holmes "greedy" because he scored all of those TD's the last three years? Faulk from the late 1990's? Emmitt and/or Favre from the mid 1990's? Of COURSE not. The entire purpose of football is to score touchdowns, period. If you have a QB who can throw for 60, throw him for 60. If you have a RB who can score 25-30, run his ####. I see a lot of people who's entire perspective of football has been completely warped by fantasy.