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Alright, it's official Manning is greedy (1 Viewer)

Let me get this straight. You work for a team that played it's rival and beat it easily with a TD pass that was not needed. The next year, the rival played you tough and beat you even though you should have won easily because of that TD? Do you really think the TD made that much of a difference? What kind of rivally is there if they need that spark? Never, ever did we need any extra incentive when playing a rival and they still don't. You talk to kids at my old HS and they need no incentive to play their hardest against our main rival. If you need extra incentive to go out and play any game hard then maybe you shouldn't be stepping out there. Maybe your team fell into the trap game especially after leading early.Maybe it's just my thought process is different from yours which is perfectly fine. My favorite coachs were always ones that played for the juggular. My junior year of baseball, we were hated beyound belief for scoring unneeded runs in blowouts. I went to a small school so we didn't have many subs so we couldn't pull all the starters but he would also use unneeded tatics ike suicide squeezes and such. Did those things piss teams off? Yes. Did they play harder the next time? If so, then they deserve the whipping they got last time for not trying their hardest. We no hit one team in 5 innings (mercy kill) one game like 22-0 scoring unneeded runs with our ace on the mound. They were pissed off and of course made some comments like they would enjoy returning the beating. This implies they would try their hardest and have extra reasons to beat us. Well, it was our #3 guys turn to go the only other time we played them and they showed up fired up. Even with the easy win last time, our coach always had us ready and we no hit them for a 15-0 victory that time so I guess maybe their extra incentive did help a bit, we scored 7 less runs. Many times we led big early but this coach never let up. It pissed people off but personally I'd rather play that way.In fact, 3 years ago on a work softball team we showed up with the minimum amount we could play with, 8. We were playing the best team and whom we beat the last time. 8 guys against a great team usually means doom and it did here. After 4 innings, we were down 26-5 or so. The 5th inning they came up and with the mercy rule clearly in site (10 run lead after 5, we were home obviously), they went up obviously bored with us and wanting to end it. They started swinging to hit pop-ups (no one wants to strike out, even on purpose) so we culd get them out and they could get us out and go home. We had some hot heads on our team but I'm not known to be one so when I went off, they were shocked. Why did I go off? You find it disrespecting when someone goes out and tries hard to score when they didn't need too but I got mad because I felt they were disrespecting us by not trying anymore. I would rather they score 10+ runs that inning if they could have. Anyway, I don't get why the Colts should run, run, run when they get a decent lead. I didn't hear anyone bash the Chiefs when they beat the Falcons 56-10. 6 rushng TDs and in the 4th Q, what did they do? They rushed the ball for 2 more TDs! 2 passes and 16 rush attempts! The bastards! Wasn't 6 rushing TDs enough going into the 4th quarter?As a player, #### simple. Don't want to see TO doing a dance, stop him. Don't want Manning throwing his 5th TD, stop him. I am in favor of teams calling plays to get them into the endzone no matter the score or time. No player should need extra incentive to play thier hardest on any level. When you put on that uniform, you should be going all out no matter the opponent, time, score, whatever. If you can beat me or my team in an embarrassing fashion, do it because we should be stopping you. We aren't doing our job and you are and there is no shame in doing your job.
:goodposting: I agree with all of this.My view of sports is simple. You go out, you compete as hard as you can for the allotted time. You always give your best and leave it all on the field. If this means you embarass someone, thats their fault, not yours. If they embarass you, thats your fault. Get better or shut up about it.Of course the usual response to this is "You take sports too seriously." Nonsense. I don't take it that seriously at all. Its just a game, and when its over you leave what happened on the field and get on with the rest of your life. But while I'm out there I'm going to compete. Thats the essence of sports. I'm not going to worry about whose ego I'm bruising, nor do I want or expect the other side to care about my feelings. I don't take it personally, they're competing just like me. If you take it personally, if after a year you're still offended by a meaningless touchdown, then you're the one taking the game too seriously.
The above post highlights the great divide in sports: the people who want to go compete and leave it all on the field, and the people that want to turn sports into a "fun for everyone" lovefest of telling each kid he's just as special as everyone else and only playing sports to learn life lessons.That second one is bulls***.If you ask me, I'd guess that everyone whining about Manning in this thread is not really whining about Manning, but whatever big eighth grader would block every one of their shots in basketball and pin them to the wall in dodgeball. If people don't like Manning scoring TDs on them, they should man up like NE's defense did in last year's playoffs, doing everything they can to beat him. Not whine like ****ing sissies that got their lunch money taken away.Sissies.

No, you'd ask him to do it against every opponent, in the regular season, playoffs, and Super Bowl. Peyton is the reason why Indy is the one team no one wants to play in the playoffs, because in a sport which depends almost entirely on the team, he has a greater individual impact than any other player in the game.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: As a Pats fan, I'd like nothing more than to see Manning and his one dimensional offense in the playoffs.PATS = teamCOLTS = individualsIt's no coincidence that it is why the Pats win Superbowls while Manning watches the games from his couch every year. :rotflmao:
You moron...the Colts make the playoffs just about every year. Just because they don't win the SB doesn't mean the team plays like a bunch of individuals. They're a damn good team with an achilles heal...defense.Come on dude...your posts are ridiculous.
In 2nd half while leading:

Culpepper - 70 attempts, 8 TD

McNabb - 125 attempts, 7 TD

Brees - 76 attempts, 6 TD

Manning - 63 attempts, 6 TD (in one extra game)

In 4th quarter while leading:

McNabb - 56 attempts, 4 TD

Culpepper - 36 attempts, 4 TD


Manning - 18 attempts, 0 TD

Percentage of plays which are pass plays, when leading in the 4th quarter

Eagles - 48%

Patriots - 34%

Colts* - 26%

Steelers - 19%

* - Doesn't count today's game. Percentage would be lower if it did.
This is what makes FBG worth $20. Yes, I know...the message boards are free. But this is a good example of staff commitment to the cause.
In 2nd half while leading:

Culpepper - 70 attempts, 8 TD

McNabb - 125 attempts, 7 TD

Brees - 76 attempts, 6 TD

Manning - 63 attempts, 6 TD (in one extra game)

In 4th quarter while leading:

McNabb - 56 attempts, 4 TD

Culpepper - 36 attempts, 4 TD


Manning - 18 attempts, 0 TD

Percentage of plays which are pass plays, when leading in the 4th quarter

Eagles - 48%

Patriots - 34%

Colts* - 26%

Steelers - 19%

* - Doesn't count today's game. Percentage would be lower if it did.
This is what makes FBG worth $20. Yes, I know...the message boards are free. But this is a good example of staff commitment to the cause.
That's not exactly government classified knowledge. Anyone with 15 minutes on their hands could've compiled that on their own with no trouble. To say THAT is worth $20 is laughable. And that's no meant as any disrespect to Doug Drinen who is basically the sole reason I came to these forums.
In 2nd half while leading:

Culpepper - 70 attempts, 8 TD

McNabb - 125 attempts, 7 TD

Brees - 76 attempts, 6 TD

Manning - 63 attempts, 6 TD  (in one extra game)

In 4th quarter while leading:

McNabb - 56 attempts, 4 TD

Culpepper - 36 attempts, 4 TD


Manning - 18 attempts, 0 TD

Percentage of plays which are pass plays, when leading in the 4th quarter

Eagles - 48%

Patriots - 34%

Colts* - 26%

Steelers - 19%

* - Doesn't count today's game.  Percentage would be lower if it did.
This is what makes FBG worth $20. Yes, I know...the message boards are free. But this is a good example of staff commitment to the cause.
That's not exactly government classified knowledge. Anyone with 15 minutes on their hands could've compiled that on their own with no trouble. To say THAT is worth $20 is laughable. And that's no meant as any disrespect to Doug Drinen who is basically the sole reason I came to these forums.
Anybody could have, but nobody did. Besides, I inferred that the $20 is a good value because FBG staff contribute solid analysis to arguments such as this one. I did not say Drinen's post itself was worth $20.

Like teacher said...understand what you read.

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In 2nd half while leading:

Culpepper - 70 attempts, 8 TD

McNabb - 125 attempts, 7 TD

Brees - 76 attempts, 6 TD

Manning - 63 attempts, 6 TD (in one extra game)

In 4th quarter while leading:

McNabb - 56 attempts, 4 TD

Culpepper - 36 attempts, 4 TD


Manning - 18 attempts, 0 TD

Percentage of plays which are pass plays, when leading in the 4th quarter

Eagles - 48%

Patriots - 34%

Colts* - 26%

Steelers - 19%

* - Doesn't count today's game. Percentage would be lower if it did.
This is what makes FBG worth $20. Yes, I know...the message boards are free. But this is a good example of staff commitment to the cause.
Maybe, but the stats are misleading. If you are leading by 3 points, you need to keep scoring. Manning and the Colts have been leading by 30 points in the second half. Not really a need to score at that point.
In 2nd half while leading:

Culpepper - 70 attempts, 8 TD

McNabb - 125 attempts, 7 TD

Brees - 76 attempts, 6 TD

Manning - 63 attempts, 6 TD  (in one extra game)

In 4th quarter while leading:

McNabb - 56 attempts, 4 TD

Culpepper - 36 attempts, 4 TD


Manning - 18 attempts, 0 TD

Percentage of plays which are pass plays, when leading in the 4th quarter

Eagles - 48%

Patriots - 34%

Colts* - 26%

Steelers - 19%

* - Doesn't count today's game.  Percentage would be lower if it did.
This is what makes FBG worth $20. Yes, I know...the message boards are free. But this is a good example of staff commitment to the cause.
Maybe, but the stats are misleading. If you are leading by 3 points, you need to keep scoring. Manning and the Colts have been leading by 30 points in the second half. Not really a need to score at that point.
In each of the last three weeks, Manning did not throw a TD when up by 30 points or more in the second half. Only when Manning was up 20+ in the third did he keep throwing (and in the 4th three weeks ago).
What is the breakdown of pass/run when they are up 20? What is the average of other teams in the league in the same situation?
When up 20, the Colts are 42/58 pass/run. League average is 33/67. The Colts have thrown 39 passes when up 20. Had they been in line with the league average ratio, they would have thrown 30. That's nine (9) bonus pass attempts.When up 20 in the 2nd half, they are 40/60 compared to a league average of 31/69. That amounts to seven (7) extra passes for the Colts, three of which were thrown by Sorgi.When up 20 in the 4th quarter, they are 21/79 compared to a league average of 22/78.The Colts have been somewhat more likely than an average team to pass when way up, but the difference amounts to a handful of pass attempts. Like 5 or 10. That's 5 or 10 passes, not 5 or 10 TDs. Manning has thrown a lot of passes when the Colts are way up because the Colts have been way up a lot (more than any other team). He has thrown some TDs in that situation because he is dang good at throwing TDs. I have no way to verify this, but I would bet that Young '94 and Favre '95 and '96 and Warner '99 were throwing passes at just as high a rate with their teams up 20. It certainly seemed like it when my fantasy team was going against them, anyway.And again, Manning has thrown 18 passes and 0 TDs when leading in the 4th quarter by any amount. What exactly "running up the score" means is open to interpretation, but my goodness, shouldn't it be game on for at least three quarters? Opinions obviously vary on this, but I just do not see the poor sportsmanship angle. I do, to some extent, see the get-Edge-more-involved angle, but that's a different argument.
What is the breakdown of pass/run when they are up 20?  What is the average of other teams in the league in the same situation?
When up 20, the Colts are 42/58 pass/run. League average is 33/67. The Colts have thrown 39 passes when up 20. Had they been in line with the league average ratio, they would have thrown 30. That's nine (9) bonus pass attempts.When up 20 in the 2nd half, they are 40/60 compared to a league average of 31/69. That amounts to seven (7) extra passes for the Colts, three of which were thrown by Sorgi.When up 20 in the 4th quarter, they are 21/79 compared to a league average of 22/78.The Colts have been somewhat more likely than an average team to pass when way up, but the difference amounts to a handful of pass attempts. Like 5 or 10. That's 5 or 10 passes, not 5 or 10 TDs. Manning has thrown a lot of passes when the Colts are way up because the Colts have been way up a lot (more than any other team). He has thrown some TDs in that situation because he is dang good at throwing TDs. I have no way to verify this, but I would bet that Young '94 and Favre '95 and '96 and Warner '99 were throwing passes at just as high a rate with their teams up 20. It certainly seemed like it when my fantasy team was going against them, anyway.And again, Manning has thrown 18 passes and 0 TDs when leading in the 4th quarter by any amount. What exactly "running up the score" means is open to interpretation, but my goodness, shouldn't it be game on for at least three quarters? Opinions obviously vary on this, but I just do not see the poor sportsmanship angle. I do, to some extent, see the get-Edge-more-involved angle, but that's a different argument.
Thank you Doug. :thumbup: I appreciate you taking the time to settle the issue.Turns out that my perception on the topic doesn't jive with the statistics. I stand corrected.
Turns out that my perception on the topic doesn't jive with the statistics.
Honestly, my perception was the same as yours. I think the reason for it is this:Number of plays run while up by 20 or more before the 4th quarter

Colts - 50

Chiefs - 28

Giants - 26

Seahawks - 23

So what we have is:

(1) The Colts have been up big early in the game much more often than anyone else.

(2) This has especially been the case in the last few weeks.

(3) The fact that Manning is in pursuit of the record has focused a lot of attention on it.

Add it all up, plus the fantasy angst, and you've got a case of things getting magnified in people's minds. Before this thread started, Drew Brees had thrown more TD passes when up by 20+ than Manning had. The Eagles throw 48% of the time when up 20+ in the second half (compared to 40% for the Colts). But there's no outcry over these things. Why? Because there has been no reason to focus attention on them.

You can also add in the fact that The Colts defense, while not a powerhouse, has picked up their game. That many plays in the 3rd quarter with that kind of lead? Means the other team either has a putrid offense (Detroit,chicago) or the Colts defense played very well (houston). Giving the ball back time after time after time.The Houston game REALLY bothered me. It was inexplainable what they did. I was getting frustrated with alot of people that shrugged it off. Yeah win the game, get out of reach and run out the clock... There wasnt even a minute chance that the Texans could come back... UNLESS manning throws a bunch of picks, which he did... and they scored twice from that. Bottom line it was a little classless, and that is uncontestable.But the Bear and Lion games were polar opposite. Took it to them and then ran out the clock. It was classy and effective. :thumbup: I can't say Manning isn't geeked up about destroying the record, but whats going on is effective and works whether it is on their 10 yard line or in the redzone. The misuse of Edge is acceptable IMO.

My view of sports is simple. You go out, you compete as hard as you can for the allotted time. You always give your best and leave it all on the field. If this means you embarass someone, thats their fault, not yours. If they embarass you, thats your fault. Get better or shut up about it.Of course the usual response to this is "You take sports too seriously." Nonsense. I don't take it that seriously at all. Its just a game, and when its over you leave what happened on the field and get on with the rest of your life. But while I'm out there I'm going to compete. Thats the essence of sports. I'm not going to worry about whose ego I'm bruising, nor do I want or expect the other side to care about my feelings. I don't take it personally, they're competing just like me. If you take it personally, if after a year you're still offended by a meaningless touchdown, then you're the one taking the game too seriously.
:goodposting:This perfectly sums up my view. Could not agree more.
Turns out that my perception on the topic doesn't jive with the statistics.
Honestly, my perception was the same as yours. I think the reason for it is this:Number of plays run while up by 20 or more before the 4th quarter

Colts - 50

Chiefs - 28

Giants - 26

Seahawks - 23

So what we have is:

(1) The Colts have been up big early in the game much more often than anyone else.

(2) This has especially been the case in the last few weeks.

(3) The fact that Manning is in pursuit of the record has focused a lot of attention on it.

Add it all up, plus the fantasy angst, and you've got a case of things getting magnified in people's minds. Before this thread started, Drew Brees had thrown more TD passes when up by 20+ than Manning had. The Eagles throw 48% of the time when up 20+ in the second half (compared to 40% for the Colts). But there's no outcry over these things. Why? Because there has been no reason to focus attention on them.
Doug - thanks for the info and your analysis. There's a lot of silly noise in this thread, but there's also some legitimate issues that I think get lost in the shuffle. Maybe that is why this thread seems to draw so much attention.I think the most intriguing issue of all is how the pursuit of a personal record can negatively imact a team. In between all the name calling and babble, there's good arguments on both sides. The best argument from the other side is that Manning's passing has ben working. BUT - you have to consider if they would be better served diversifying their offense - particularly inside the 5 and on short yardage. After all - they will probably need to run some of those plays down the stretch and in the playoffs.

Also - let's not forget about the impact this is having on James. I know it sounds contrarian to bring up his personal interests here, but the fact is that running backs are often judged and compensated based on their touchdowns. I have heard some good arguments here that Edge has in fact been getting goal line opportunities, but you also can't deny the fact that you have the leading rusher in the NFL - who in the last 6 games has 1 TD while his record pursuing QB has thrown for 27. I'll acknowledge that this is the weaker of all my arguments, because quite frankly I think all personal stats are stupid in a team sport like football. As far as I'm concerned, players should be compensated not on their TD's but on the team's won/loss record.

Lastly - what impact is this pursuit having on the overall strategy during the course of a game? Is Manning clouded by the record? Is he passing at times when the game would dictate it makes more sense to run? I remember watching a Mariner game his year - late in the season - when Ichiro was close to getting the hits record. His team was down by a run late in the game and he came up with two outs and a runner on 2nd. You need an outfield base hit here to score the run - and your best hitter is up. Ichiro tries (unsuccessfully) for a bunt single. From a personal standpoint - maybe that was the best way for him to get a hit. But was it best for the team? I think most people can see the problem with this. Once again - in the Manning situation there are legitimate arguments on both sides.

The other issue is running up the score - or passing the ball late when you are up by a bunch. Manning clearly did that against Houston, but to Dungy's credit this situation appear to have been rectified and Manning has been pulled in the 4th quarter of the last 2 games. Call me old fashioned, but I guess I am one of the few people left on this board that values sports for the competition - and not the juvenile thrill of annihilating your opponent when you are clearly superior. I also think it is good strategy in the long run to NOT rile up your opponent. When your opponent's will to win has been taken away - don't give it back to them.

Too much emphasis these days on the individual. Football is the last great team sport. Let baseball have all the silly records.

I do, to some extent, see the get-Edge-more-involved angle, but that's a different argument.
Doug, as usual, you are a voice of sanity in this thread.However, I must disagree with your comment about Edge. I am replying to your post, but my point is not directed solely at you but more to the many who seem to agree that Edge should be more involved.He has 243 carries and 34 receptions through 11 games. That is an average of 22.1 carries and 25.2 touches per game, which projects to 354 carries and 403 touches in the regular season. Remember, this is a guy who hasn't played 16 games in a season since 2000. How much more involved should he be? Last season, he averaged 27.8 touches per game. Did they misuse him then? Shouldn't he have gotten more touches? I don't remember any public outcry saying so. So if he was used appropriately last season, that implies that him getting 2-3 more touches per game this season is all it would take for the Colts to be using him correctly this year. If so, that's a small gap to be complaining about. And what if they had reduced his workload a bit last season... would he have stayed healthy (he missed 3 games)?In 2002, he averaged 24.1 touches per game. Wow, they REALLY misused him that season, didn't they? I don't remember much of a public outcry about it. He still missed 2 games.In truth, I think it is very hard to make an argument that any RB on pace for 350+ carries and 400+ touches is underused.Now, as I posted earlier, I could better understand the argument that the Colts should try to work Rhodes and/or Mungro in more often, since they have a total of 40 carries and 6 receptions between them. Especially given that Rhodes has shown a lot of potential in the past, I could see an argument that the Colts should give him more opportunities now in case they should need to call upon him later this season or in the playoffs. That said, I still don't have a problem with Manning or how the Colts are running their offense.
Bottom line it was a little classless, and that is uncontestable.But the Bear and Lion games were polar opposite. Took it to them and then ran out the clock. It was classy and effective.
Maybe we just need to adjust the scoring criteria in the NFL. In addition to technical merit aka score, we could have artistic presentation. Of course there would be mandatory requirements such as one rushing TD inside the 10 yard line and one FG. Just so there's no bias, we could bring in the judges from the Russia.
It does appear that this thread is converging on sanity. :thumbup: I'm amused by this, though. I said:

I do, to some extent, see the get-Edge-more-involved angle, but that's a different argument.
Then Tso said:
Also - let's not forget about the impact this is having on James.
And JWB said:
However, I must disagree with your comment about Edge.
Tough crowd here. Note to self: being non-commital will make both sides angry :)Seriously, though, thanks to General and others for the interesting viewpoints, and thanks to Gargoylez and others for reminding us that this isn't black-and-white. It's a multi-faceted issue, and one that's constantly in flux.Wish I had play-by-play data for Young's, Favre's, and Warner's monster seasons. I think that would shed some real light on this.
Ahhhh, that's it!!!!! It's not Manning chasing a TD passing record, it's all the receivers not falling down on the 1 yard line so Edge can score!! Quick, someone start a "Indy WR's are killing Edges' FF potential" post! Come on! We can't blame it all on Peyton, I mean you gotta look at Stokely, Harrison, Wayne, Pollard, and Clark. They keep catching the TD's! Now if someone on the defense would just tackle them outside the endzone, Edge would get his chances! :lol: :P :D

Turns out that my perception on the topic doesn't jive with the statistics.
Honestly, my perception was the same as yours. I think the reason for it is this:Number of plays run while up by 20 or more before the 4th quarter

Colts - 50

Chiefs - 28

Giants - 26

Seahawks - 23

So what we have is:

(1) The Colts have been up big early in the game much more often than anyone else.

(2) This has especially been the case in the last few weeks.

(3) The fact that Manning is in pursuit of the record has focused a lot of attention on it.

Add it all up, plus the fantasy angst, and you've got a case of things getting magnified in people's minds. Before this thread started, Drew Brees had thrown more TD passes when up by 20+ than Manning had. The Eagles throw 48% of the time when up 20+ in the second half (compared to 40% for the Colts). But there's no outcry over these things. Why? Because there has been no reason to focus attention on them.
:goodposting: Exactly. It's amazing how many Manning haters have surfaced now that it's obvious he will shatter (not just break) Marinos record.

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For anyone who thinks Manning is being greedy, they must not have ever seen Marino play in person, because that's exactly how he was, too. The Dolphins were constantly throwing back then and running up the score. At least Manning does it without constantly whining like a little girl or blaming his teammates whenever things aren't going their way.
"At least Manning does it without constantly whining like a little girl or blaming his teammates whenever things aren't going their way."What! Are you f'ing kidding? Have you ever seen the look on Manning's face when a ball falls "amazingly" incomplete? Dude looks for flag every single time he throws an incompletion. You're not perfect Peyton. ##### happens, this is football.And not blaming his teammates? Do you actually watch Colts games or just read the stats the day after?I personally hope the football gods are listening in on this dude. Bad karma!
From a fantasy perspective I'm sick of Manning (strictly out of jealousy because I don't have him on my team). But as a football fan I think it's incredible what he's doing. The guy is a freak! He makes it all look so easy. He may be conceited but the guy can laugh at himself (see his latest commercial). I have the utmost respect for Manning bacause I believe he's paid his dues and he is a student of the game. Now his spoiled, whiny brat, little brother...I hope he's a big time bust...can't stand that little bee-otch.

He may be conceited but the guy can laugh at himself (see his latest commercial).
It's called acting, although he was probably laughing about the big money he got for doing the commercial.
I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.

I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
and how are the Colts doing today?winning?thought so
I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
You'd think by now Dungy would see how Manning is hurting the team and bench him. :rolleyes: Now I do question the wisdom of having Manning still playing with the game in hand, but that's a whole different discussion.However I don't question continuing to do what works, why in the world would Indy switch to the "pass prevent" thinking on offense when they are crushing teams with points?Boot. :popcorn:
I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
The Titans put up 24 in the first quarter and Sorgi was in after Ten. first possession of the fourth. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
I really don't want to resurrect this, but Manning has once again forced me to do it. Up by 17 in the 4th quarter, when it's time to run the ball, he's still chucking it up. His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
He played 2 minutes in the fourth threw 3 passes 2 completions and one that was passinterference or it would have been a catch. Then they took him out. The two runs at that time gained 2 and 3 yards. So other than the 1st play of the quarter. He threw on 2nd and 8 and 2nd and 7 against a defense playing the run. Perhaps this shouldn't have been resurrected.
What! Are you f'ing kidding? Have you ever seen the look on Manning's face when a ball falls "amazingly" incomplete? Dude looks for flag every single time he throws an incompletion.
Well, maybe it's just that he feels that way after throwing more TDs than completions:)
His passing today in the red zone today has been questionnable, especially with Edge being so effective.
and Edge has been so effective because... (fill in the blank).Just a hunch, but I'll bet defenses are focussing on shutting down Indy's passing a little more than the run.Boot. :popcorn:
I am finally conviced that everybody who is hating on P.Manning is either going against him this week or hating on the fantasy team that has him...you guys sound like a bunch of girls. Seriously. Edge has over 200 yards rushing and a TD, Peyton hasn't played the entire 4th quarter and here you guys are whining because Peyton has thrown 4 TD's already....Grow up please. Watch football and appreciate the season Manning is having because it is highly unlikely that you will see it again in this lifetime. P.S. I bet if Manning was on anyone of you guys team you wouldn't have half a negative word to say about him.....
Well said, we are watching something for the history books boy's & I am an Edge owner, now smarten up!
I am finally conviced that everybody who is hating on P.Manning is either going against him this week or hating on the fantasy team that has him...you guys sound like a bunch of girls. Seriously. Edge has over 200 yards rushing and a TD, Peyton hasn't played the entire 4th quarter and here you guys are whining because Peyton has thrown 4 TD's already....Grow up please. Watch football and appreciate the season Manning is having because it is highly unlikely that you will see it again in this lifetime. P.S. I bet if Manning was on anyone of you guys team you wouldn't have half a negative word to say about him.....
Well said, we are watching something for the history books boy's & I am an Edge owner, now smarten up!
yep, people blasting Manning are nothing but a bunch of little gals. Most were probably breast feeding at age 5.
I am finally conviced that everybody who is hating on P.Manning is either going against him this week or hating on the fantasy team that has him...you guys sound like a bunch of girls. Seriously. Edge has over 200 yards rushing and a TD, Peyton hasn't played the entire 4th quarter and here you guys are whining because Peyton has thrown 4 TD's already....Grow up please. Watch football and appreciate the season Manning is having because it is highly unlikely that you will see it again in this lifetime. P.S. I bet if Manning was on anyone of you guys team you wouldn't have half a negative word to say about him.....
Well said, we are watching something for the history books boy's & I am an Edge owner, now smarten up!
yep, people blasting Manning are nothing but a bunch of little gals. Most were probably breast feeding at age 5.
Do you mean still feeding from their mother at age 5, or feeding a newborn with breast milk at age 5? It makes a world of difference.
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I am not an EDGE owner, but I do think Peyton is out for the record is so obvious! He might get the record, but I know he will not get to the super bowl! He will lose to the Patriots again and somehow He will whine andthe NFL will change the rules again to benefit his receivers. THAT IS THE TRUE REASON HE IS HAVING SUCH A GREAT YEAR! :cry:

I am not an EDGE owner, but I do think Peyton is out for the record is so obvious! He might get the record, but I know he will not get to the super bowl! He will lose to the Patriots again and somehow He will whine andthe NFL will change the rules again to benefit his receivers. THAT IS THE TRUE REASON HE IS HAVING SUCH A GREAT YEAR!
Ummmm, so let me get this straight. You're whining about the fact Peyton whines?Interesting.
I am finally conviced that everybody who is hating on P.Manning is either going against him this week or hating on the fantasy team that has him...you guys sound like a bunch of girls. Seriously. Edge has over 200 yards rushing and a TD, Peyton hasn't played the entire 4th quarter and here you guys are whining because Peyton has thrown 4 TD's already....Grow up please. Watch football and appreciate the season Manning is having because it is highly unlikely that you will see it again in this lifetime. P.S. I bet if Manning was on anyone of you guys team you wouldn't have half a negative word to say about him.....
Well said, we are watching something for the history books boy's & I am an Edge owner, now smarten up!
yep, people blasting Manning are nothing but a bunch of little gals. Most were probably breast feeding at age 5.
Do you mean still feeding from their mother at age 5, or feeding a newborn with breast milk at age 5? It makes a world of difference.
What do you think?

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