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Andre Hall (1 Viewer)


I know that several of the Footballguys were pretty high on Andre Hall for long-term potential. Is that still the case? Shanahan doesn't seem to want to give him the ball, and when he has gotten the chance he hasn't done that much with it. Is he a guy that people see as having potential still? Do you expect him to be more involved next year?

I still think he's the best RB on the Denver roster, but he's had trouble staying healthy, Denver is pass first now, and he's not a Shanny favorite, so at this point, he's just someone to track unless injuries strike Denver or he moves on...

I still think he's the best RB on the Denver roster, but he's had trouble staying healthy, Denver is pass first now, and he's not a Shanny favorite, so at this point, he's just someone to track unless injuries strike Denver or he moves on...
My feeling is that Shanny really doesn't have any plans to use him, because if he did, he would've put Torain on the IR.
I still think he's the best RB on the Denver roster, but he's had trouble staying healthy, Denver is pass first now, and he's not a Shanny favorite, so at this point, he's just someone to track unless injuries strike Denver or he moves on...
I think Young and Hall are pretty similar backs in terms of what they bring to the offense, but I think Young brings more of it. I've said it all along- I have yet to see anything from Andre Hall that has impressed me. He looks utterly generic on the field. Young has his issues, but at least he'll drop a play from time to time that just drips talent.In terms of what he brings to the offense (blocking and receiving), I'd call Pittman a better RB than Hall as well. And from what I've heard about Torain... Hall might be the 4th best RB on Denver's roster.
I don't think Hall ever did have any Dynasty value. And I never seen him too bad hyped around here but I am hit and miss so fortunatly I missed all the hype or ignored it when I was around.

Just the fact he plays for the Denver Broncos I guess he can be rostered on deep rosters. I am guilty drafting him as a RB-4 or 5 or 6 here and there mostly as a handcuff to Young but he has already been replaced and I didn't like what I saw pre sason games when he had his chances.

The real question related to this one is Young worth a roster spot? lol

I am almost ready to rank em

1.Torain when he gets healthy




And what ever happen to Aldridge? Practice squad?

If he doesn't get PT, he doesn't have immediate value, but I still think he is as talented or more talented than any of the backs on Denver's roster. He has not had many opportunities but has done well with the few he has had. He has a 4.9 ypc on 27 rushes. Where I come from that isn't bad. No, he hasn't busted a big play yet, but 27 attempts is a pretty small sample size. That's one game for some backs in this league. He is definitely a HOLD if you have room on your roster in dynasty--depends on who else you could have. I am not a believer in Torain--rookies who get hurt do not impress me and he didn't impress me as a prospect coming out of college. Pittman is a journeyman. If something happens to Young we will see Hall getting alot of carries.

I've been holding him and waiting, but it seems that he won't be the man in Denver. Torain coming back will only make that hope dim. I think he has some potential there if there weren't so much competition. He looked good last year, so I'm continuing to hold.

If Young goes down, Hall becomes a top-10 RB. You can't say that about too many RBs in the NFL.

So I would say the answer to your question is, "Depends on your roster size".

If Young goes down, Hall becomes a top-10 RB. You can't say that about too many RBs in the NFL.So I would say the answer to your question is, "Depends on your roster size".
I wish this was the case as I own Young and Hall as my #3 RB, but with Pittman in the picture now and Torrian breathing down their necks, I don't see it.
If Young goes down, Hall becomes a top-10 RB. You can't say that about too many RBs in the NFL.So I would say the answer to your question is, "Depends on your roster size".
I wish this was the case as I own Young and Hall as my #3 RB, but with Pittman in the picture now and Torrian breathing down their necks, I don't see it.
I agree. You could add Young's and Hall's numbers together in my league and not have the top 10 RB. It takes adding in Pittman before you get any juice.Assuming Torain can make it back in shape and rehabbed, I see Hall disappearing.
If Young goes down, Hall becomes a top-10 RB. You can't say that about too many RBs in the NFL.So I would say the answer to your question is, "Depends on your roster size".
Nope. If Young goes down, Hall will get more carries and more yards, but Pittman will still grab the TDs, and even that will only last until Torain comes back. If Young goes down, I could see Hall as a top-20 RB, but at the very low end of that spectrum.
If Young goes down, Hall becomes a top-10 RB. You can't say that about too many RBs in the NFL.So I would say the answer to your question is, "Depends on your roster size".
Nope. If Young goes down, Hall will get more carries and more yards, but Pittman will still grab the TDs, and even that will only last until Torain comes back. If Young goes down, I could see Hall as a top-20 RB, but at the very low end of that spectrum.
In other words, Hall's upside is Young's current numbers, until Torain gets back. :shrug:

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