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Bros Icing Bros (1 Viewer)

Saw a guy ice himself this weekend........this is getting out of hand.
Wait....what? Can you provide details?
Classic case of trying WAY too hard.I was at a small dance club in Clear Lake, Iowa Saturday night with my younger cousin and a group of 21-22 year old guys. We had gotten completely bombed there the night before, as in, I pissed in my cousin's kitchen after bar close (First time this has ever happened to me, too old to keep up doing shots with the younger guys).With our first order we Iced the other 2 guys in the group we were meeting there. 30 minutes later, they iced us. Fine, that was my one and done for the night, might as well get it out of the way. One extra guy that was apparently a buddy at the table, must have felt left out. We see him walk back over from the bar with one in his hand, sits his drink on the table, and gets down to one knee. We laugh and cheer at first until someone whispers, "Did he just ice himself?", hilarity ensues.
Loaded up a half-sixer of ice in the fridge this weekend, for defensive purposes. Kept it masked in a brown paper bag to hide the ammo.

Stay vigilant.

I don't always drink Smirnoff Ice, but when I do, I prefer to consume it all at once whilst down on one knee; bro
Saw a guy ice himself this weekend........this is getting out of hand.
Wait....what? Can you provide details?
Classic case of trying WAY too hard.I was at a small dance club in Clear Lake, Iowa Saturday night with my younger cousin and a group of 21-22 year old guys. We had gotten completely bombed there the night before, as in, I pissed in my cousin's kitchen after bar close (First time this has ever happened to me, too old to keep up doing shots with the younger guys).With our first order we Iced the other 2 guys in the group we were meeting there. 30 minutes later, they iced us. Fine, that was my one and done for the night, might as well get it out of the way. One extra guy that was apparently a buddy at the table, must have felt left out. We see him walk back over from the bar with one in his hand, sits his drink on the table, and gets down to one knee. We laugh and cheer at first until someone whispers, "Did he just ice himself?", hilarity ensues.
This could top "giving yourself a nickname, then insisting people call you by it" as a new level of attention-whoring.
Don't go letting your guard down just yet folks. It aint over.

I was iced via UPS today. Extra warm.

A fellow bro brings over a small cooler with what I thought was some beer for the night.

He hands me the cooler to put in the fridge... and i grabbed it and was shocked how light it was.

So I was like "WTF dude" and he was like... "Just open it brah.."

Inside was a 22 oz. Triple Black (at least it was chilled)... I got 2/3 of it down in the initial one knee chug.

I bet that drink is incredibly acidic. Way to put your teeth on the line.
Son, I have access to industrial strength fluorides that aren't even allowed on the market. Unlike a mere mortal, I could soak my teeth in Smirnoff Ice and come out smelling like a rose.

To the rest of you though, you're correct that Smirnoff is very acidic.

HOWEVER, the actual act of icing involves chugging the beverage.. minimizing it's contact with the teeth.

It's the sippers that get the most acid/sugar conatct on their teeth.

So from a dentists perspective of keeping your teeth healthy it would be far better to get iced 6 times then to slowly sip on a couple ices over an hour or 2
Got my invisalign off today. Teeth look like chiclets :thumbup:
By the way, while drunk at the lake a couple weekends ago, I tried to explain this phenomenom to some locals. Pretty sure I was laughed at by a bunch of guys with gun tattoos pounding cold coors lights. Taste the Rockies

By the way, while drunk at the lake a couple weekends ago, I tried to explain this phenomenom to some locals. Pretty sure I was laughed at by a bunch of guys with gun tattoos pounding cold coors lights. Taste the Rockies
Probably because you got your degree by age 25.
offdee said:
By the way, while drunk at the lake a couple weekends ago, I tried to explain this phenomenom to some locals. Pretty sure I was laughed at by a bunch of guys with gun tattoos pounding cold coors lights. Taste the Rockies
Probably because you got your degree by age 25.
I'm thinking it was more because I was trying to tell them that the "cool kids" are having fun forcing each other to down ####ty malt beverages that aren't coors light.
(PS I've got pretty sweet video on my cameraphone of an icing I took within the past several months. Not dead yet.)

(PS I've got pretty sweet video on my cameraphone of an icing I took within the past several months. Not dead yet.)
A buddy of mine thought it would be funny to show up with a 24oz MegaIce at a Cookout I had last sunday. Unfortunately for him I had 3 12oz left back in the ######## of my fridge from the last time some ******* brought a sixpack over. I finished the 24oz bottle pretty quickly (nasty ### ####), but he struggled through the three singles with everyone busting his balls over it. I think that was the end of that. :lmao:
It occurs to me that Christmas morning could be an ideal time to bring this back temporarily.
Brilliant. Iced my Bros-in-law yesterday at the Christmas eve party. Was pretty solid, though I'm becoming increasingly aware of the fact that MIL thinks I'm an idiot.
It occurs to me that Christmas morning could be an ideal time to bring this back temporarily.
Brilliant. Iced my Bros-in-law yesterday at the Christmas eve party. Was pretty solid, though I'm becoming increasingly aware of the fact that MIL thinks I'm an idiot.
Today iced my cousins and other bros in law at Christmas. May be dead in other households but this is alive and kicking in mine.Youtube evidence available upon request
It occurs to me that Christmas morning could be an ideal time to bring this back temporarily.
Brilliant. Iced my Bros-in-law yesterday at the Christmas eve party. Was pretty solid, though I'm becoming increasingly aware of the fact that MIL thinks I'm an idiot.
Today iced my cousins and other bros in law at Christmas. May be dead in other households but this is alive and kicking in mine.Youtube evidence available upon request
iced family at the xmas gathering and worked out surprisingly well. it's alive
Yes, it's true. Before December 24th, I had never been "iced." Well, I am no longer a virgin, as I was ICED by mail by our good friend Proninja. :thumbup:

First off, can I just tell you guys how much Proninja rocks? I was looking to procure a bottle of The Abyss (beer nerds know what I'm talking about) for Christmas and not only was Proninja willing to part with one from his private collection, but he rebuffed my attempt to send him some beer in trade, instead asking only that I help out another FBG sometime in the future when possible.

Then, just when I thought he couldn't get any cooler, I receive the package at my mother's house and begin to open it. I recalled that he mentioned something about a "surprise" in the box during our e-mail correspondence and said I "might want to have a video camera around" when I opened it. I had no idea what to expect - heroin? A beaver shot from Betty White? My wife throws the camcorder on the EVO on me as I finish opening the box. I begin to sift through the packing material and..... I see it. My utterance of "Oh, I don't f###ing believe this...." belies my state of mind as I mentally castigate myself for both a) not realizing what the "surprise" was going to be and b) suggesting in this thread that Christmas gifts would be a great place to reinvigorate icing. Cowed, shamed, and thoroughly had, I took a knee and wolfed it down. God, do these things suck. My mother walked into the room as I was pounding it and mentioning how much it sucked and told me not to drink it. Oh Mom.... will you never get hip to internet memes and the trials of manhood? My embarrassment is evident on the video.

I'm still trying to upload the video to youtube, so stay tuned for possible evidence (so far, I keep getting some weird error message when I attempt to do it, so I don't know if the wife fouled something up or I'm just a moron when it comes to posting video from the phone, this is the first time I've tried it. Rest assured, though, that the Ox and Yams watched it about 14 times over Xmas weekend and laughed at and made fun of me repeatedly. I knew I should have iced those jerkoffs in their Christmas gifts.

Anyway, thanks again Proninja for making this Christmas even more memorable. Forever, 2010 will be know in my house as the year I got iced by mail on Christmas Eve. :lmao: :lmao:

I'm looking forward to seeing the video. Feel free to forward it along to me if you want someone else to try to upload it to youtube. :devil:


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