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Burress - cut in smaller FF leagues? (1 Viewer)


With possibly guys like Mason, Avery, Gonzo, etc available who are out-performing him, why not? Dont get hooked on the name or so called potential. Burress has sucked for so many weeks he's just a tease. he MIGHT put up a big day - so might any of the guys I mentioned, in fact they ARE putting up big days once in awhile, which is more than this loser can say.

I don't know... I have to think he has more upside than the WRs listed. You're stuck at this point. It seems like he'll be back. He had some hammy thing? Not sure if that's real or what but he's got a good schedule. depends on your bench.

I have considered dropping him but I would hate to give him up and get beat by him in playoffs. If push comes to shove I might drop him .

I have considered dropping him but I would hate to give him up and get beat by him in playoffs. If push comes to shove I might drop him .

I have considered dropping him but I would hate to give him up and get beat by him in playoffs. If push comes to shove I might drop him .


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