I've been working on a project for a client and needed more information, so I reached out electronically and asked for answers to 10 not difficult questions. Client responded by sending me a dozen files and said I should be able to find answers there. I browsed the files and none of the information was in there. I followed up and said that information wasn't in the files. Client responded by sending everything but the kitchen sink . . . reports, reviews, correspondence, internal memos, newspaper articles, links, marketing materials, spreadsheets, forms, screen shots, the whole shebang. Now I have hundreds of pages of stuff to sift through (many of which are pictures of handwritten notes that I can barely read). I replied and said it would take less time for both of us if the questions provided were simply answered. It would take 10 minutes. I was told that they don't have 10 minutes to answer the questions. But apparently, I have time to download, print, and read hundreds of pages of stuff that I already know doesn't have the info I need. (This is a flat rate project, meaning there will be no additional money if it takes 10 extra hours.)