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CHRIS BROWN injury (1 Viewer)

After being hurt, he stayed on the field, made big plays, and then was shut down at halftime of a game that was well in hand.
My memory was he immediately came off the field, they gave the ball to ASmith, he fumbled it away, and Brown went to the locker room.Can anyone confirm that Brown re-entere the game after his long run and injury?As for LHUCKS knowledge, his posturing betrays the fact that he knws FAR less than he thinks he does, but he is definmitely up on his FF info and I consider him one of the more knowledgabe guys around her, if more than slightly cocky.I give LHUCKS this bastardized quote: a man with only a small amount of knowledge is infinitely more dangerous than a man with none. LOL!
After being hurt, he stayed on the field, made big plays, and then was shut down at halftime of a game that was well in hand.
My memory was he immediately came off the field, they gave the ball to ASmith, he fumbled it away, and Brown went to the locker room.
My apologies, I misread the earlier postings on the injury--thought he was injured immediately before the big play, not after.
First off, he will have one extra day to recover thanks to the scheduling change. If this were a serious injury, there is no way the dude would be allowed to be standing/jogging on the sidelines. Every serious ankle injury I've ever had or been associated with immediately gets the RICE treatment. Finally, you can be sure the coaching staff had one eye towards next week's huge game against the Colts when deciding what to do with Brown today. While the game may not have been a blowout, Tennessee was clearly in control most of the way. McNair only threw FOURTEEN passes the entire game. It's clear they came in with a conservative game plan, figuring the Dolphins pitiful offense wouldn't be able to get much, if anything going. They were right. Why risk further injury with the Indy game coming up, when the backup RBs could do just enough to keep the offense moving? As far as the alleged Bennett comments, they could be accurate. The problem is that even if some of the players aren't sold on Brown, the coaching staff is. There is no way they jettison Eddie, ignore the RB position in the draft, and make no significant effort to sign another back during free agency. Antowain Smith? He wasn't brough in until JULY 23RD. Either the coaching staff is completely illogical, or else they might just have a little faith in their explosive 2nd year running back.

After being hurt, he stayed on the field, made big plays, and then was shut down at halftime of a game that was well in hand.
This is an innaccurate statement. He was "hurt" when the score was 0-0 and he never returned after his first twinge of discomfort.
As for LHUCKS knowledge, his posturing betrays the fact that he knws FAR less than he thinks he does
Well Mr. Levin...we'll let our SOS II ff teams do the talking wont we...I hope this doesn't make two years in a row.I've never questioned the depth of your ff knowledge, I'm not sure why you find it necessary to question mine.
Finally, you can be sure the coaching staff had one eye towards next week's huge game against the Colts when deciding what to do with Brown today. While the game may not have been a blowout, Tennessee was clearly in control most of the way. McNair only threw FOURTEEN passes the entire game. It's clear they came in with a conservative game plan, figuring the Dolphins pitiful offense wouldn't be able to get much, if anything going. They were right. Why risk further injury with the Indy game coming up, when the backup RBs could do just enough to keep the offense moving? As far as the alleged Bennett comments, they could be accurate. The problem is that even if some of the players aren't sold on Brown, the coaching staff is. There is no way they jettison Eddie, ignore the RB position in the draft, and make no significant effort to sign another back during free agency. Antowain Smith? He wasn't brough in until JULY 23RD. Either the coaching staff is completely illogical, or else they might just have a little faith in their explosive 2nd year running back.
More on Chrissy Brown.A good friend of mine grew up and went to high school with Drew Bennet in California. They are still good friends and talk regularly.To make a long story short, a lot of the Titans players and some of the coaching staff don't believe in Chris Brown and they are just waiting for the RB situation there to blow up.Take that for what it's worth.I own Chris Brown in zero leagues. And I could care less if you believe me.(pre-emptive attack on this board's usual response to these types of posts)
Do you play in a fantasy football league with this kid or another of his close friends? You know I trust you on all things football, but do you trust this kid? Is there any chance he was trying to keep Brown's price down in a draft? Re: "the RB situation" - Even if he "blows up", I would have found it unlikely prior to this game that Antowain was going to take over. After today's fumblitis, the only way I see Antowain getting significant time is if he's hurt. The bad blood between some SF players and Barlow didn't make me downgrade him, and that's been more public than behind the scenes rumblings about a young player replacing a team captain.
Antowain Smith? He wasn't brough in until JULY 23RD. Either the coaching staff is completely illogical, or else they might just have a little faith in their explosive 2nd year running back.
...and that was how soon after George was let go?
After being hurt, he stayed on the field, made big plays, and then was shut down at halftime of a game that was well in hand.
This is an innaccurate statement. He was "hurt" when the score was 0-0 and he never returned after his first twinge of discomfort.
It wasn't only the ankle injury that kept him out. It was also the "blow" he was taking after a 52 yard run. IIRC he was taken to the locker room right after the TD was scored for x-rays.So, he was probably ok after the x-rays but by then they were up 7-0 and Miami had produced NOTHING offensively giving Fisher no real reason to chance further injury to Brown.
As far as the alleged Bennett comments, they could be accurate. The problem is that even if some of the players aren't sold on Brown, the coaching staff is. There is no way they jettison Eddie, ignore the RB position in the draft, and make no significant effort to sign another back during free agency. Antowain Smith? He wasn't brough in until JULY 23RD. Either the coaching staff is completely illogical, or else they might just have a little faith in their explosive 2nd year running back.
I think the powers that be definitely have faith in Chris Brown. My point is that my sources tell me that the confidence in Brown is far from unanimous. And IMHO A. Smith isn't much of a downgrade from Eddie George talent-wise at this stage in their careers.
HK, I kinda remember you being all over DD last year when he sat out a game in the beginning of his surprising run last year declaring him soft and all. Then, if my memory doesn't fail me, you were sort of silent on the topic for a while after that.This is one game, and the writing WAS on the wall. If we see a real pattern develop, I will listen to you and concede that you guessed correctly; until then, I am sorry, but this is just noise.
100% correct, except for the fact that I went silent on the topic. I was all over D3 last year, which is why I consider myself an expert on RB's that are timid...Go to the player spotlight to see my analysis on Davis for 2004.Brown had a chance to control that game today all by himself, but he chose to take himself out. The truly great ones would have toughed it out and stayed in the game, but Candy decided he was too precious to play. O-linemen know who play hurt and they know who leaves them hanging, Brown did not endear himself to his meal ticket today.
I guess you were not silent then; but you were still wrong...How does one acquire expertise on timid rbs anyway?
It wasn't only the ankle injury that kept him out. It was also the "blow" he was taking after a 52 yard run. IIRC he was taken to the locker room right after the TD was scored for x-rays.So, he was probably ok after the x-rays but by then they were up 7-0 and Miami had produced NOTHING offensively giving Fisher no real reason to chance further injury to Brown.
So, a 7-0 lead at halftime is now insurmountable in the NFL? OK.... :rolleyes:
If the Titans players and organization and players has no confidence in Chris Brown then Eddie George would still be there. This talk of teammates having no confidence sounds like pure crap.

I'm disappointed that I missed out on what could have been. I missed getting a 50-some-odd yard touchdown by a few feet which was only stopped by a dirty tackle that knocked him out for the rest of the game (and my league rewards long tds). But I'm excited about the kind of year it looks like Brown could have. 100 yards in less than a half, against what has to be considered at least a solid run D, if not better. I don't buy that he didn't want back in. Reports during the radio broadcast were that he was pacing the sideline, with a noticable limp, but wanted back in the game. I fully believe it was the coaching staff that kept him out.

The blinding stubbornness of you guys who insist on ripping Brown is amazing. How many other marquee backs would be destroyed for a 100 yd. half? Edge didn't have a 100yd. half the other day. Neither did Dillon. Dillon got fewer carries than Brown, over the whole game. And both of them had fewer YPC. Does that mean they suck? No. It just means that it's ridiculous to rip a guy after a 100yd. half. If you think Jeff Fisher would have had him sitting in an important situation, you're dreaming. Fisher is not an amateur. Those who think Chris Brown has the power to just pull himself out if teammates and Fisher need him in the game... well, those are the amateurs.

After suffering through years of having RB's die on me like uncharged battteries, I have the keenest of eyes when it come to recognizing a bust, and believe me, Candy did not take a step in the right direction today. :suds:
Yet last year I tried to convince you for what 14, 15 even 16 weeks that Lewis was not a bust and wasn't going to let you down.Have some faith! :popcorn:
McNair only threw FOURTEEN passes the entire game.
Well, in all fairness, several things come into play here:1) the 14 passes neglects two sacks an dtwo runs on broken plays.2) given that a hurricane was coming, they may have been planning to run a lot since they anticip[ated rain.3) the run was unexpectedly working very very well - 180+ yards versus the Dolphins' D is huge.
I guess you were not silent then; but you were still wrong...How does one acquire expertise on timid rbs anyway?
Wrong how? Davis missed a lot of time considering hisfew starts and carries last year. I'll bet you anything you want that he won't play 16 games this year, he couldn't even make it through training camp again this year!BTW, my expertise comes from owning the likes of Edge & D3, in 2003, S.Davis in 2002, Terrell Davis in 2001, Fragile Fred in 2000, etc...and now Candy Boy in 2004.
Do you play in a fantasy football league with this kid or another of his close friends? You know I trust you on all things football, but do you trust this kid? Is there any chance he was trying to keep Brown's price down in a draft? The bad blood between some SF players and Barlow didn't make me downgrade him, and that's been more public than behind the scenes rumblings about a young player replacing a team captain.
This story is legit Fred...I have no motive to make stuff up here. My performance in FBG-related expert leagues speaks for itself. Think of what you know about me.-Went to Pac-10 school...check(Bennett went to UCLA)-Have lived much of my life in California...check(Bennett from Caliornia)Like I said, I could care less if anybody believes this. I'm not even sure why I waited this long to post it...probably because the obvious backlash that comes from these types of posts coupled with my anti-brown stance would have made for a headache that I could quite honestly do without.He's a talented back in a good situation. But in my opinion he lacks the one quality that counts most...heart. I could very well be wrong on Brown and I've been almost the only person on this board to take an anti-Brown stance. I have been wrong on many players before and I've been right on many more players before here as well. How Brown's year turns out is of little consequence to me as I own him in zero leagues and I'm quite happy with the players I've chosen ahead of him.Just remember you can't win your draft in the first three rounds, but you sure as hell can lose it. Cheers fellas, I'm off to watching the Pac-10 dominate some more Midwest teams :football:
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I've never questioned the depth of your ff knowledge, I'm not sure why you find it necessary to question mine.
Sorry - attempting lightness.Let me say for the record, that I believe LHUCKS has a lot of FF and NFL knowledge - much more than the average Shark Pool denizen. He is consistently selected to participate in creme-de-la-creme FFGuy events for good reason and he does well when he participates.His cockiness comes from years of play that is better than your average Bear (or shark) in the FF world.Now if he'd JUST get rid of that sig line, all would be right.
my expertise comes from owning the likes of...
expertise n : skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledgefan n: an ardent devotee; an enthusiast.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------i own ray and jamal lewis in my leaguewhich is lucky for me, because i think i'm going to try my hand at some drug dealing/murdering tomorrow. at least i'll be an expert.
C'mon guys. If today was Sunday with a full slate of games to analyze, we wouldn't be wasting that much time on CB. He tweaked his ankle- he'll play next week, period. I have CB in a keeper league and count on him for RB 2/3 type production (well below where he was going in a lot of drafts) because he never has seemed like a full time workhorse even in his good yr at CU. He's tall and lanky. I didn't bother to back him up with A. Smith because that guy's a disaster.If you have CB- don't worry. Just don't expect him to be a consistant RB 1/2. If you're lucky enough to have A. Smith trade him- he'd be a wasted start. Zero consistancy.

After suffering through years of having RB's die on me like uncharged battteries, I have the keenest of eyes when it come to recognizing a bust, and believe me, Candy did not take a step in the right direction today. :suds:
Yet last year I tried to convince you for what 14, 15 even 16 weeks that Lewis was not a bust and wasn't going to let you down.Have some faith! :popcorn:
DD! My Man! Where have you been?You're right, JLew ended up being pretty good for me last year, but he did not break the rushing record as many predicted he would. This year my personal projects will include Rudi, C.Brown, Deuce & Henry, so consider yourself warned that I will never type anything positive about that collective group of sloths this season. ;) :D
I guess you were not silent then; but you were still wrong...How does one acquire expertise on timid rbs anyway?
Wrong how? Davis missed a lot of time considering hisfew starts and carries last year. I'll bet you anything you want that he won't play 16 games this year, he couldn't even make it through training camp again this year!BTW, my expertise comes from owning the likes of Edge & D3, in 2003, S.Davis in 2002, Terrell Davis in 2001, Fragile Fred in 2000, etc...and now Candy Boy in 2004.
AFTER you declared him a sissy, he scored quite a bit (helped me win a super bowl, so I remember). Thereforeo, you are wrong as of now; the rest is conjecture.As for the timid expertise, I can't see how owning players who sucumbed to injuries equate to that. Heck, I can't see how T. Davis should be considered timid. I have had my share of those players, and still don't consider myself a timid expert (and I am probably drunk by now too). I do know a POTENTIAL stud when i see one though, and Brown is looking every bit the part so far.
For the love of god, lay off the guy. It seems like all this hate is coming from people who thought he was hyped up too much in the preseason. He was, but he is still a hell of a player. Injuries are a part of the game and Brown's injury problems were factored into where he was drafted, at least by most people. His FBG's projection for my league was #13, but for injury reasons I passed on him for Thomas Jones. I think he'll put up good numbers this year (who's complaining about 100 yards in the first half?) but I like guys who are a little more reliable. I still have Brown ranked higher than Faulk since Brown's injury risk is minor compared to Faulk's.

He's a talented back in a good situation. But in my opinion he lacks the one quality that counts most...heart.
Having lived in Denver for a decade - and for a year in Boulder during Brown's last year there - I can say this is 110% wrong, but whatever.<<tongue planted firmly in cheek>> I'm sure your friend's story about what Bennett said one day sometime in the offseason is much more authoritative than every drop of info I heard about him for years here in Boulder. <<tongue back in place>>Yes, he gets injured easy, no, he doesn't lack heart, yes, he plays injured. Those are the facts from four years here in Boulder. The kid had almost 2G in rush yardage in a 12 game college season - I like him, even if he does seem to get a lot of nagging injuries. His heart, however, is NOT in question, IMO. The Titans may need to LEARN what kind of guy Brown is since he missed most of last year, but this is a 2nd year player replacing an 8-year leader for the team.Hard feelings much?Trepadition about the "new guy" much?Yup, I think so.
Do you play in a fantasy football league with this kid or another of his close friends?  You know I trust you on all things football, but do you trust this kid?  Is there any chance he was trying to keep Brown's price down in a draft?  The bad blood between some SF players and Barlow didn't make me downgrade him, and that's been more public than behind the scenes rumblings about a young player replacing a team captain.
This story is legit Fred...I have no motive to make stuff up here. My performance in FBG-related expert leagues speaks for itself. Think of what you know about me.-Went to Pac-10 school...check(Bennett went to UCLA)-Have lived much of my life in California...check(Bennett from Caliornia)Like I said, I could care less if anybody believes this. I'm not even sure why I waited this long to post it...probably because the obvious backlash that comes from these types of posts coupled with my anti-brown stance would have made for a headache that I could quite honestly do without.He's a talented back in a good situation. But in my opinion he lacks the one quality that counts most...heart. I could very well be wrong on Brown and I've been almost the only person on this board to take an anti-Brown stance. I have been wrong on many players before and I've been right on many more players before here as well. How Brown's year turns out is of little consequence to me as I own him in zero leagues and I'm quite happy with the players I've chosen ahead of him.Just remember you can't win your draft in the first three rounds, but you sure as hell can lose it. Cheers fellas, I'm off to watching the Pac-10 dominate some more Midwest teams :football:
I never questioned your motive or your acumen and I hope you know I don't mean it that way. My question was whether there's any chance this guy was feeding you a story to get Brown on the cheap, because it contradicts everything I've heard, and because word out of Tennessee was that he looked awesome - maybe your friend was trying to feed you a line so he'd get Brown cheap in a league you're in with him (or one of his friends who enjoys messing with you). My apologies if that came across as a dig. You know I'd rather make fun of your Survivor I team but it turns out you don't have one. I'd make fun of your SII team but with Shipp and Boldin it seems mean. Which leaves SOS II, and there's another thread for that. So as you can see, it wasn't a dig - I'd be much more direct. ;)
Hard feelings much?Trepadition about the "new guy" much?Yup, I think so.
There was more stuff about Brown that was said in terms of his heart, but I think it is most wise to just leave this post at where it is. In the grand scheme of things, what one player on a team thinks is fairly insignificant.As for trepidation and hard feelings, you may very well be correct. But where there is smoke there is often fire.That being said, a lot of Barry Bonds' teammates resent him, but he is without question one of the greatest baseball players of all time.
I never questioned your motive or your acumen and I hope you know I don't mean it that way. 
I know that...how could you? I outdrafted your #### again! :lol:
My question was whether there's any chance this guy was feeding you a story to get Brown on the cheap, because it contradicts everything I've heard, and because word out of Tennessee was that he looked awesome - maybe your friend was trying to feed you a line so he'd get Brown cheap in a league you're in with him.
Give me a little more credit than that Fred. I can assure you this wasn't a made-up story so the guy could land Brown...as a matter of fact he didn't draft Brown and the comments were made about five hours after the draft when I was critiquing the teams.
My apologies if that came across as a dig.  You know I'd rather make fun of your Survivor I team but it turns out you don't have one.  I'd make fun of your SII team but with Shipp and Boldin it seems mean.  Which leaves SOS II, and there's another thread for that.  So as you can see, it wasn't a dig - I'd be much more direct.   ;)
Can't wait for Sunday :popcorn:
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I'm not sure if this has been posted and I didn't want to read every post in this thread. So here is the lastest update on Brown from KFFL

Titans | Brown Injury Update - from www.KFFL.com

Sat, 11 Sep 2004 19:12:59 -0700

Updating previous reports, Associated Press reports Tennessee Titans RB Chris Brown (ankle) suffered a sprained left ankle during the team's game Saturday, Aug. 11, against the Miami Dolphins. Before leaving with the injury, Brown rushed 16 times for 100 yards, including a 52-yard run. The Titans said they do not think Brown's ankle injury is serious.

These are Brown's post-game quotes from the Titan's website. If this is true that he got hurt on the second series and still kept playing until he aggravated it further on that last run, then maybe everyone should be re-thinking their witty "Chrissy candy-###" comments:RB CHRIS BROWN(on rushing for 100 yards, then getting hurt)I was really disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game, but I sprained my ankle in the second series of the game and I just kept on playing, and then it got too bad on the last run. (on ankle injury)It should be alright. I’m not really too concerned about it. We’ll check it out tomorrow and see how it feels. (on the job Smith and Holcombe did in his absence)They did great. It’s good to have guys like that who can go out there and keep producing where we left off. They kept going and we got a couple of more scores.

These are Brown's post-game quotes from the Titan's website. If this is true that he got hurt on the second series and still kept playing until he aggravated it further on that last run, then maybe everyone should be re-thinking their witty "Chrissy candy-###" comments:RB CHRIS BROWN(on rushing for 100 yards, then getting hurt)I was really disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game, but I sprained my ankle in the second series of the game and I just kept on playing, and then it got too bad on the last run. (on ankle injury)It should be alright. I’m not really too concerned about it. We’ll check it out tomorrow and see how it feels. (on the job Smith and Holcombe did in his absence)They did great. It’s good to have guys like that who can go out there and keep producing where we left off. They kept going and we got a couple of more scores.
Good post and thanks for the info. Some people on this board stick to their guns come hell or high water. It's quite amusing actually. Chris Brown must be a stud, because who else rips 100 yds in a half and is blasted. Any RB can sprain their ankle. People putting a label on that are full of s-*-*-t.
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I was really disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game, but I sprained my ankle in the second series of the game and I just kept on playing, and then it got too bad on the last run.
So what was my previous comment about him getting hurt, playing on it, breaking a big run, and then getting pulled out oat halftime? Right. Just checking.
I was really disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game, but I sprained my ankle in the second series of the game and I just kept on playing, and then it got too bad on the last run.
So what was my previous comment about him getting hurt, playing on it, breaking a big run, and then getting pulled out oat halftime? Right. Just checking.
Yeah but YOU didn't know that. Noone knew he was hurt before the end of the big run, after which he was done for the day.Broken clock being right twice a day doesn't mean it works right.Anyway, it sounds to me like he didn't want to give Madison the credit of having hurt him more than he was actually hurt badly before that, but that's just my speculation.
These are Brown's post-game quotes from the Titan's website. If this is true that he got hurt on the second series and still kept playing until he aggravated it further on that last run, then maybe everyone should be re-thinking their witty "Chrissy candy-###" comments:RB CHRIS BROWN(on rushing for 100 yards, then getting hurt)I was really disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game, but I sprained my ankle in the second series of the game and I just kept on playing, and then it got too bad on the last run. (on ankle injury)It should be alright. I’m not really too concerned about it. We’ll check it out tomorrow and see how it feels. (on the job Smith and Holcombe did in his absence)They did great. It’s good to have guys like that who can go out there and keep producing where we left off. They kept going and we got a couple of more scores.
Finally some real information. Thank you. :thumbup:
He's a talented back in a good situation. But in my opinion he lacks the one quality that counts most...heart.
In the NFL, to be a good Rb you need a lot of tallent, and a Job. Over the short term (from year to year), Heart does not factor. Look at Ricky, loads of tallent, had the job, put up great numbers but never had the heart.Lhucks - I don't know you, but have been reading your comments long enough to take what you write as being totaly legit. But I guess my question is why should your lack of heart comments (or what you heard about CB's lack of heart) factor into his production for this year? What I saw today was someone with great tallent have a great half game that will play in weeks to come. Considering if he keeps up this pace he would be a top 12RB and CB went drafted in ~ round 3 then how can I be down on him despite his lack of heart.A Top 12 Rb is a Top 12 RB Heart or no Heart.Or is it so bad that CB will sit out games all year? He seemed to do OK in his college years.... Or is there some more to the story that your not telling us?
He's a talented back in a good situation.  But in my opinion he lacks the one quality that counts most...heart. 
In the NFL, to be a good Rb you need a lot of tallent, and a Job. Over the short term (from year to year), Heart does not factor. Look at Ricky, loads of tallent, had the job, put up great numbers but never had the heart.Lhucks - I don't know you, but have been reading your comments long enough to take what you write as being totaly legit. But I guess my question is why should your lack of heart comments (or what you heard about CB's lack of heart) factor into his production for this year? What I saw today was someone with great tallent have a great half game that will play in weeks to come. Considering if he keeps up this pace he would be a top 12RB and CB went drafted in ~ round 3 then how can I be down on him despite his lack of heart.A Top 12 Rb is a Top 12 RB Heart or no Heart.Or is it so bad that CB will sit out games all year? He seemed to do OK in his college years.... Or is there some more to the story that your not telling us?
Heart may have been the wrong word...anybody that can play D-1 football at a high-level for 4 years at the runningback position is a tough SOB...there is no question about that. I could never take a hit from a middle-linebacker at that level and I consider myself a fairly athletic individual...so yes heart was the wrong word.I'm not going to expand on what I've already said, I will just say that the comments originating from Bennett were far from supportive and they questioned much more than what I have wrote. What Fisher and the media has been saying about Brown is quite a contrast from what I have heard. To answer your question(and I've stated this several times on this board over the years)...very few human beings can handle the weekly grind and punishment that a starting NFL runningback takes. Chris Brown's injury history, body type and comments I've heard from one team source collectively give me a general feeling that he is a bust waiting to happen. I've been flamed for this opinion in the past, but that is how I feel about this guy...and I've backed up that opinion in all of my money leagues and other important leagues listed in my sig as I have passed on him in every single one. Curtis Martin might not be the sexy pick, but he is the smart pick. I just have to shake my head when I see Brown drafted before him. Everybody is trying to hit a homerun, when they should be hitting the for sure doubles.
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Curtis Martin might not be the sexy pick, but he is the smart pick. I just have to shake my head when I see Brown drafted before him. Everybody is trying to hit a homerun, when they should be hitting the for sure doubles.
Curtis Martin? :yawn: The dude couldn't find the end zone last year with a map and a flash light.You need upside, you need to gamble. Playing it safe doesn't net championships unless you're playing with a bunch of guppies.
Curtis Martin might not be the sexy pick, but he is the smart pick.  I just have to shake my head when I see Brown drafted before him.  Everybody is trying to hit a homerun, when they should be hitting the for sure doubles.
Curtis Martin? :yawn: The dude couldn't find the end zone last year with a map and a flash light.You need upside, you need to gamble. Playing it safe doesn't net championships unless you're playing with a bunch of guppies.
I have won many "expert" leagues with a conservative pick in the second round...I have seen far more leagues lost with an "upside" pick in the second round though...see the countless Trung Candidate drafts from last year. In SOS II I took Kevin Jones and Thomas Jones at 2.12 and 3.01 as my RB#2 and RB#3...both score relatively close in my risk analysis when compared to Brown. But for that specific draft it was the right place at the right time to take on that risk. I'm not saying to never take risks, I'm saying most of the time it isn't wise...not in the middle of the second round anyhow.
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Curtis Martin might not be the sexy pick, but he is the smart pick.  I just have to shake my head when I see Brown drafted before him.  Everybody is trying to hit a homerun, when they should be hitting the for sure doubles.
Curtis Martin? :yawn: The dude couldn't find the end zone last year with a map and a flash light.You need upside, you need to gamble. Playing it safe doesn't net championships unless you're playing with a bunch of guppies.
Martin's TDs will dramatically increase this year IMHO.
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......collectively give me a general feeling that he is a bust waiting to happen. I've been flamed for this opinion in the past, but that is how I feel about this guy...and I've backed up that opinion in all of my money leagues and other important leagues listed in my sig as I have passed on him in every single one. Everybody is trying to hit a homerun, when they should be hitting the for sure doubles.
Hey, you put your money where your mouth is. You should not be flamed about that because if your looking not to loose in the first couple of rounds Martin is the better pick.Call me a fool, but I guess I like the idea of hitting a homerun. Your information makes you think CB wont hold up and thus will not merit the pick where he was selected. On the other hand, I see a player with tallent that has the job, with a team that more or less "Bought the Chris Brown farm" for the 2004 season.Only time will tell.Hijack on.Also, it's hard to argue that Martin is not a "double" waiting to happen in 04-05 - but the age does have to factor at some point.... But then again, he has tallent and the Job.....Hijack off.
Lhucks, as you can see by my avatar and my sig, i have nothing but love for drew bennett. I too have friends that hang out with him regualrly in nashville. By the way they have never mentioned anything about Chris Brown not being liked by teamates. either way, it makes very good sense to me that titans players would feel this way about brown. Its only natural that you have a chip on your shoulder towards the young kid that took your leader and warrior's job. IMO this is the players being more dissappointed that eddie was not brought back with the team, than it is them not liking chris brown. It is a transitional time for the franchise. Right now we are finding out who is going to step in and be the leader now that eddie is gone. Chris Brown is not an outspoken leader type. We will have to see who steps in an leads this team although it looks like it will be a combined effort of mcnair andbulluck. Chris brown does not have to be the team cheerleader or locker room favorite, he just needs to touch the ball 25 times a game and the rest will take care of itself.Lhucks, by the way, I guess our boy Drew Bennett has "no heart" either because he has had a few nagging injuries that he has pulled himself out of games for over the last two years too.I heard the Heimerdinger interview after the game. I dont know any other way to say it other than that he was absolutely praising brown's ability.

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Martin's TDs will dramatically increase this year IMHO.
He had a whoppin' two last year. Dramatic would be what? Double, Triple.6 touchdowns?WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :excited: I'll bet Brown tops it.
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Call me a fool, but I guess I like the idea of hitting a homerun. Your information makes you think CB wont hold up and thus will not merit the pick where he was selected. On the other hand, I see a player with tallent that has the job, with a team that more or less "Bought the Chris Brown farm" for the 2004 season.
I like Chris Brown as a RB#2 in guppy leagues where I know I can land a solid RB#3 without hurting the quality of my starting lineup...in most expert leagues he is just too much risk for me to swallow.
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Its only natural that you have a chip on your shoulder towards the young kid that took your leader and warrior's job. IMO this is the players being more dissappointed that eddie was not brought back with the team, than it is them not liking chris brown. Chris brown does not have to be the team cheerleader or locker room favorite, he just needs to touch the ball 25 times a game and the rest will take care of itself.
I agree with both of those points...the question remains is can he carry the ball 25 times a game over the course of the season...especially in weeks 14-16 when he will be most needed by his fantasy owners?I say no...and use historical precedent as my argument.As for the "heart" comment, you're taking it slightly out of context. Injury prone players don't necessarily lack heart. I never said that and my intention was not to imply that.
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It's everyone vs LHUCKS night here at FBG. :football: "...especially in weeks 14-16 when he will be most needed by his fantasy owners?"Unless you subscribe to the "Billy Bean" theory of just getting your team into the playoffs and let "faith" handle the rest. "Faith" being a 2 for 1 keeper trade in an auction style format like most of the FF I am in. All I can say is I can't wait till kickoff tommorrow.....

the question remains is can he carry the ball 25 times a game over the course of the season...especially in weeks 14-16 when he will be most needed by his fantasy owners?
True dat - any back who carries the ball 375 times over the next 15 games is bound to be pretty banged around. ;)Seriously, th eissue isn't the 25 carries a game. With Brown, it is whether 16-18 carrries is too much if he gets injured every single game.I am not joking when it seemed lik eevery single game in his last year at CU he was getting banged up a bit, but when he was in there he was amazing to watch.Brown owners lik emyself should simply be prepared for a lot of games where he is on e roll with over 100 combined yards and a couple TDs and then is simply gone from the game for a little nagging injury.He is a guy with blow out the doors ability, but a body that is not designed to be a workhorse back - but just consider that Barry Sanders was not designed to be a workhorse back, and he grew into one. Folks looking for an Eddie dupe will be sorely disappointed = Brown takes punishment, he doesn't dish it out.
I wasn't on this board in 2002, but the general consensus was that Deuce McCallister was going to be injury prone also. The main reason people were spouting this was because of all the nagging injuries he had at Miss. and that he missed a few games.

This is why he fell to the Saints at Pick #23 of the 2001 Draft. Nfl Scfouts were worried about the same thing.

If memory serves, he had a decent 2002.

I couldn't CARE LESS if a player was banged up in College in 2001 or 2002 or early in 2003.

This is 2004!

Were Marshall Faulk, Curtis Enis, Ki-Jana Carter Corell Buckhalter injury prone in College?

They all were injured early in their carreers.

The fact is ANY Running Back can get hurt at ANY TIME!

Their is NO SUCH THING as an injury prone player.

Chris Brown Scouting Report for the 2002 Draft

Redshirted as a freshman at Northwestern University. INJURY LIST Suffered a high ankle sprain vs. Texas A&M in 2001, seeing limited action in the next four games … Did not play vs. Nebraska and Oklahoma (Big 12 Championship) in 2002 after severely bruising his sternum in the second quarter vs. Iowa State.
So he PLAYED THROUGH a high Ankle sprain (which is the worst kind of sprain) and missed the last 2 BIG 12 games of 2002 with a SEVERELY bruised sternum. Played in the Bowl game against Wisconsin - 28-97-1. He missed a total of TWO GAMES!!!!!!

What a WUSS!! ;)

Here's more of the Scouting, just in case you forgot how HE DOMINATED the Big 12 in '02


All-America first-team selection by The NFL Draft Report (named National Offensive Player of the Year by that publication) and American Football Coaches Association, adding second-team honors from the Associated Press, College Football News and The Sporting News … Unanimous All-Big 12 Conference first-team pick … Named Big 12 Offensive Player of the Year by the conference's coaches … Semifinalist for the Walter Camp Player of the Year Award … Runner-up for the Doak Walker Award (won by Penn State's Larry Johnson), given to the premier running back in the nation … Recipient of the Fred Casotti Award (team's outstanding offensive back), in addition to being named Colorado Collegiate Athlete of the Year by the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame … Earned Big 12 Player of the Week honors vs. Kansas and UCLA … Led the conference and ranked third in the nation with 303 carries for 1,841 yards (6.1 avg.) and 19 touchdowns … His 303 rushes broke the old school record of 298 by Rashaan Salaam in 1994 … His 1,841 yards rank behind Salaam (2055 in 1994) on the Buffs' season-record chart, while only Salaam (24 in 1994) scored more touchdowns in a season at Colorado … Added 40 yards on 5 receptions (8.0 avg.) … Ran for more 100 yards in nine of 12 contests
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