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Couldn't Denver do the honorable thing (1 Viewer)

Jim James

Denver clearly should have lost that game yesterday. What would keep a team from forfeiting a game like that? Can the NFL step in and declare SD the winner?

This is a case where the integrity of the game is compromised. Denver forfeiting to SD would go a long way toward fixing that.


I feel bad for Chargers fans...until they overturn the OSU/UM game from 2002, I have to unfortunately go with the inadvertent whistle ruling.

Did you get hosed? yes you did.

Karma is a killer...I wouldn't want to be a Denver player the next few weeks, have a feeling the injury bug is going to be cast upon them by the FF Gods, just the gut talking, nothing more.

This is about as close as it gets to a situation where that wouldn't seem ridiculous, but the league and the teams have made it clear that there's a "no fault" policy when it comes to the refs. What the refs rule is what the refs rule, and that's the end of it. It's sort of like the refs being part of the field if a pass happens to hit them or a player runs into them. You accept that they're imperfect and move on. It's part of the game.

There have been times in the past - including a phantom TD on a Steve Buerlein QB sneak @ Seattle in a game with playoff implications IIRC - where an officiating failure clearly cost a team the game and the league has done nothing.

I don't expect Chargers fans to accept this on the gut level - I wouldn't in their position. I also wouldn't be speaking this way if there was evidence of fraud (e.g. Hoculi bet on the Broncos or something), but there's no evidence of that.

Denver clearly should have lost that game yesterday. What would keep a team from forfeiting a game like that? Can the NFL step in and declare SD the winner?This is a case where the integrity of the game is compromised. Denver forfeiting to SD would go a long way toward fixing that.Thoughts?
I feel bad for Chargers fans...until they overturn the OSU/UM game from 2002, I have to unfortunately go with the inadvertent whistle ruling. Did you get hosed? yes you did. Karma is a killer...I wouldn't want to be a Denver player the next few weeks, have a feeling the injury bug is going to be cast upon them by the FF Gods, just the gut talking, nothing more.
1. maybe you meant the real football gods, so I'll cut you some slack here. The FF Gods don't care about stuff like this. Actually the FF gods liked it because more stats were created.2. I think Karma already played a part in this. Philip Rivers acted like a 3 year old brat child at the end of the game between SD and Den last season. Karma is the reason yesterday happened in the first place. Karma is now washing it's hands of this situation.
This is not the first nor the last time a bad call will determine the outcome of a football game. It sucks, but it's life. The sun has come up and Week 3 is on the horizon.

It's called the human element. :shrug: :coffee:
I can accept the human element when it comes to refs getting in the way of a defender and a guy goes for a touchdown. But an obvious blown call deciding the outcome of a game is inexcusable. This is why we have instant replay. Get the call right!
It's called the human element. :ptts: :thumbup:
I can accept the human element when it comes to refs getting in the way of a defender and a guy goes for a touchdown. But an obvious blown call deciding the outcome of a game is inexcusable. This is why we have instant replay. Get the call right!
No one's disputing how bad of a call it was. But to expect the NFL to overrule and give the Chargers a win is a bit Pollyanna-ish.The integrity of the league... ;)
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It's called the human element. :goodposting:

I can accept the human element when it comes to refs getting in the way of a defender and a guy goes for a touchdown. But an obvious blown call deciding the outcome of a game is inexcusable. This is why we have instant replay. Get the call right!
No one's disputing how bad of a call it was. But to expect the NFL to overrule and give the Chargers a win is a bit Pollyanna-ish.
I don't know that I expect the NFL to give the Chargers a win. But let's put it another way... If the NFL did overturn the outcome of the game and awarded SD with the win, would anyone be upset? (other than Denver fans of course) I would imagine even Denver homers know that they really lost that game.

No way Denver should have forfeited. No way.

But I disagree with this:

Philip Rivers acted like a 3 year old brat child at the end of the game between SD and Den last season.
Hi Maurile,Can you elaborate on that? What's your take on what happened last year?

My understanding is that Cutler was talking smack the whole game to the defense.At the end of the game, Shaun Phillips and Rivers were on the sideline doing a little talking back. Rivers yelled "Atta baby!" He was not telling Cutler "Atta Baby," but was telling it to the Chargers' defense. It was meant to show up Cutler, but as part of the game. Sandlot talk. No cursing, no hard feelings, just having fun.

will complaining about refs ever do anyone any good? Thought we had a venting thread here

If ya ask me, both those defenses played two of the worst performances in quite a while. I can only imagine how many San Diego fans were screaming at the TV "The pass is going to Marshall, he's right there- cover him, cover him COVER HIM!"

It would be a slap in the face to the league and the officials who gave it to them if the Broncos were to refuse this gift . . .

It's called the human element. :wub:

I can accept the human element when it comes to refs getting in the way of a defender and a guy goes for a touchdown. But an obvious blown call deciding the outcome of a game is inexcusable. This is why we have instant replay. Get the call right!
No one's disputing how bad of a call it was. But to expect the NFL to overrule and give the Chargers a win is a bit Pollyanna-ish.
I don't know that I expect the NFL to give the Chargers a win. But let's put it another way... If the NFL did overturn the outcome of the game and awarded SD with the win, would anyone be upset? (other than Denver fans of course) I would imagine even Denver homers know that they really lost that game.
Just a wild guess, but I'm thinking there'd be a few bookies and bettors in Vegas who wouldn't be greatly amused that the results of a game had been overturned after the payoffs had already been made.
Ministry of Pain said:
I feel bad for Chargers fans...until they overturn the OSU/UM game from 2002, I have to unfortunately go with the inadvertent whistle ruling. Did you get hosed? yes you did. Karma is a killer...I wouldn't want to be a Denver player the next few weeks, have a feeling the injury bug is going to be cast upon them by the FF Gods, just the gut talking, nothing more.
:confused: to a scientific journal stating the reality and proof of karma. Karma is no more real than psychics, astrology, or tarot readers. Just b/c an idea is comforting does not make it true.
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Maurile Tremblay said:
Joe Bryant said:
Maurile Tremblay said:
No way Denver should have forfeited. No way.

But I disagree with this:

shredhead said:
Philip Rivers acted like a 3 year old brat child at the end of the game between SD and Den last season.
Hi Maurile,Can you elaborate on that? What's your take on what happened last year?

My understanding is that Cutler was talking smack the whole game to the defense.At the end of the game, Shaun Phillips and Rivers were on the sideline doing a little talking back. Rivers yelled "Atta baby!" He was not telling Cutler "Atta Baby," but was telling it to the Chargers' defense. It was meant to show up Cutler, but as part of the game. Sandlot talk. No cursing, no hard feelings, just having fun.
Thanks. I'd heard that. But I'd also heard other sides that put a lot more (all) the blame on Rivers. Either way, the handshake at midfield yesterday before the coin toss looked more forced than a Mangini - Belichick post game handshake. Pretty funny.J

I wouldn't expect anything. This is the same city that refused to forfeit the 5th Down game to my beloved Tigers in 1990. They are a bunch of dishonorable cheaters, and I will not support them, unless there is tasty powder at Breckenridge.

Jim James said:
Denver clearly should have lost that game yesterday. What would keep a team from forfeiting a game like that? Can the NFL step in and declare SD the winner?This is a case where the integrity of the game is compromised. Denver forfeiting to SD would go a long way toward fixing that.Thoughts?
:rolleyes: :P :lmao:
I wouldn't expect anything. This is the same city that refused to forfeit the 5th Down game to my beloved Tigers in 1990. They are a bunch of dishonorable cheaters, and I will not support them, unless there is tasty powder at Breckenridge.
Typical out of towner. There are multiple ski areas that have tastier powder than Breckenridge. :goodposting:
I wouldn't expect anything. This is the same city that refused to forfeit the 5th Down game to my beloved Tigers in 1990. They are a bunch of dishonorable cheaters, and I will not support them, unless there is tasty powder at Breckenridge.
Typical out of towner. There are multiple ski areas that have tastier powder than Breckenridge. :goodposting:
:goodposting: Breck? Really? You were thinking of the best CO ski resorts and Breck was the first to come to mind?Plus Boulder does not equal Denver. It is about 15-30 minutes Northwest depending on what part of the city you're in.
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Jim James said:
Denver clearly should have lost that game yesterday. What would keep a team from forfeiting a game like that? Can the NFL step in and declare SD the winner?This is a case where the integrity of the game is compromised. Denver forfeiting to SD would go a long way toward fixing that.Thoughts?
Troll alert !!!!!!Sound the claxon
Maurile Tremblay said:
Joe Bryant said:
Maurile Tremblay said:
No way Denver should have forfeited. No way.

But I disagree with this:

shredhead said:
Philip Rivers acted like a 3 year old brat child at the end of the game between SD and Den last season.
Hi Maurile,Can you elaborate on that? What's your take on what happened last year?

My understanding is that Cutler was talking smack the whole game to the defense.At the end of the game, Shaun Phillips and Rivers were on the sideline doing a little talking back. Rivers yelled "Atta baby!" He was not telling Cutler "Atta Baby," but was telling it to the Chargers' defense. It was meant to show up Cutler, but as part of the game. Sandlot talk. No cursing, no hard feelings, just having fun.
If this is still an issue for Denver, then they seriously need to grow up.
Jim James said:
Kit Fisto said:
Jim James said:
Kit Fisto said:
It's called the human element. :ptts:

I can accept the human element when it comes to refs getting in the way of a defender and a guy goes for a touchdown. But an obvious blown call deciding the outcome of a game is inexcusable. This is why we have instant replay. Get the call right!
No one's disputing how bad of a call it was. But to expect the NFL to overrule and give the Chargers a win is a bit Pollyanna-ish.
I don't know that I expect the NFL to give the Chargers a win. But let's put it another way... If the NFL did overturn the outcome of the game and awarded SD with the win, would anyone be upset? (other than Denver fans of course) I would imagine even Denver homers know that they really lost that game.
Yes. That is a road that you don't want to go down. Changing the outcome of a game after it ends is a silly proposition.

You have to take it play by play. One play leads to the next play, leads to the next play until the end of the game.

You can't start changing one play two days later because, if that call was made during the game, it would effect the way any team calls the next play.

If you start changing the outcome days later, it's only matter of time before you transition to "declaring winners" because one team should've won because of injuries or because one team is "better".

The refs are as much of a factor as weather and it is what it is.

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Limp Ditka said:
Ministry of Pain said:
Limp Ditka said:
JM4Steelers said:
what happened?
The Shark Pool just got a little worse
vs what? The FFA?
vs it's previous low point.Sometime around this moment, would be my best guess

I dunno, the FFA gets pretty low when people brag about drunk driving.
Wow. That is really disgusting.

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