They've got a lot to do.
Democrats Say Their First Bill Will Focus On Strengthening Democracy At Home
House Democrats' Agenda: Ethics, Infrastructure and Medical Legislation
I think the Democrats are in a tough spot - they need to investigate Trump. Trump and the Republicans are going to hammer them no matter how much or little they investigate. Republicans aren't going to work with Democrats and Trump is going to blame them for anything gone wrong. If there isn't a consistent message, some of the scandals and things they're fighting for might get lost in the mix.
Democrats Say Their First Bill Will Focus On Strengthening Democracy At Home
Sanders to Re-Introduce $15 Minimum Wage Bill in First Week of New Congress - He's not a Democrat, but he's a prominent voice within the party so I'm still counting it.The bill would establish automatic voter registration and reinvigorate the Voting Rights Act, crippled by a Supreme Court decision in 2013. It would take away redistricting power from state legislatures and give it to independent commissions.
Other provisions would overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which declared political spending is First Amendment free speech; they would mandate more disclosure of outside money and establish a public financing match for small contributions.
House Democrats' Agenda: Ethics, Infrastructure and Medical Legislation
Finally, here come the fireworks. They're reportedly loading a "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump targets. This one is probably going to garner the most coverage.Democratic leaders say they would use their first month in the House majority to advance sweeping changes to future campaign and ethics laws, requiring the disclosure of shadowy political donors, outlawing the gerrymandering of congressional districts and restoring key enforcement provisions to the Voting Rights Act.
I think the Democrats are in a tough spot - they need to investigate Trump. Trump and the Republicans are going to hammer them no matter how much or little they investigate. Republicans aren't going to work with Democrats and Trump is going to blame them for anything gone wrong. If there isn't a consistent message, some of the scandals and things they're fighting for might get lost in the mix.