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Desert Island Album Draft - 15th Anniversary Edition - 50 Rounds in the books, sign up now for KP's listening program (3 Viewers)

I wish I brought some Manchester Orchestra to my island. I couldn't choose between Mean Everything to Nothing, Simple Math or A Black Mile to the Surface and I ended up not taking any. 

just messing bud ...but yeah post the pic!   :clap:
Tempted, but too embarrassed to post the pic of the destruction I am currently looking at.   We have a new dog (a mutt blend), and I have never come across a more destructive dog.  Has 2 corners of our walls chewed up, carpet ripped up, a shredded dog toy on the floor, and out in back yard there is a random storm gutter that she pulled off the house.  #### me.  

I've got heart it races on my work PC and threw it on yesterday. Another one I've been meaning to dive further into. What album were you going to draft?
Fate. It's really the only one I got into. I saw them a couple times on that tour too. Was pretty into them for a bit, not sure what happened. 

Oh yeah @Buffaloes - the box on that IPA is white - the cans are yellow, so I am not 100% sure we are talking about the same thing.  
I think we are. Unless New Belgium makes another mango ipa with a skeleton on it. I can't tell light greenish blue apart from teal and I can't tell Pink apart from light red according to fam so good chance I messed up the box color

Thanks, I will try to remember to give it a spin. Maybe even tonight.

The lead singer of Dr dog looks like he could be a recurring Fred Armisan character in portlandia. Wouldn't have to change the band name in that scenario either

The bass player sings a few tunes on Fate and they're my favorite. He's got a Rick Danko thing going on.

I think we are. Unless New Belgium makes another mango ipa with a skeleton on it. I can't tell light greenish blue apart from teal and I can't tell Pink apart from light red according to fam so good chance I messed up the box color
Fair.  They make a lot of these Voodoo Ranger series.  This one is 80s style with a Cobra jacket on.  

Why is it I can have 4-5 gins and in the morning be fine, but I have 2 IPAs and feel like dog ####?
A lot of craft beers gives me bad headaches. With the New Belgium beers which are brewed in Asheville, I can drink the Fat Tire beer (which is basically an amber), but I stay away from IPAs.  I don't drink gin. It taste like Christmas trees.

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New order - get ready. Almost picked this one too. The highs are way up there, but a lot of meh too. Crystal is a jam tho. Extended version w Dawn Zee's backing vocals...yeah. music video is where the killers got their name too

I wanted to draft some Foals too. Probably Antidotes when they were more dance/punk but I really love their heavier rocking What Went Down too.
They have a few good ones here and there but I haven't found a full foals album that I'm excited about. 

Kind of an interesting rock band in that they've had a few songs that have translated into really solid electronic dance remixes. Spanish Sahara and Late night off the top of my head. Late Night Sasha remix and Solomun remixes are choons. I think I might be mostly talking to myself in here when it comes to electronic dance or whatever it's called though  :oldunsure:

Maybe not didn't someone take daft punk?

I had three albums where I deleted partial writeups and drafted something else

V.U. - The Velvet Underground's album of unreleased tracks from 1985.  It fits right in with their other studio albums

Kiko by Los Lobos

Black Uhuru's Red - I never draft enough Reggae

They have a few good ones here and there but I haven't found a full foals album that I'm excited about. 

Kind of an interesting rock band in that they've had a few songs that have translated into really solid electronic dance remixes. Spanish Sahara and Late night off the top of my head. Late Night Sasha remix and Solomun remixes are choons. I think I might be mostly talking to myself in here when it comes to electronic dance or whatever it's called though  :oldunsure:

Maybe not didn't someone take daft punk?
I think Daft Punk and Justice were both drafted. 

I had three albums where I deleted partial writeups and drafted something else

V.U. - The Velvet Underground's album of unreleased tracks from 1985.  It fits right in with their other studio albums

Kiko by Los Lobos

Black Uhuru's Red - I never draft enough Reggae
White Light/White Heat went undrafted as well. 

Tempted, but too embarrassed to post the pic of the destruction I am currently looking at.   We have a new dog (a mutt blend), and I have never come across a more destructive dog.  Has 2 corners of our walls chewed up, carpet ripped up, a shredded dog toy on the floor, and out in back yard there is a random storm gutter that she pulled off the house.  #### me.  
dogs are awesome ...except when they aren't

love your patience ...it could end up a family favorite

I made the mistake of letting my pug puppy sleep with me when I was single

he would pee on the pillow when I had "guests" in order to assert his place  

Thanks to Simey and whoever else mentioned the TV documentary Laurel Canyon.  It took us four nights to get through it but it was excellent.  The still photo and home movie material was wonderful. It was much better than Echo in the Canyon which had too much Jakob Dylan.

I was so inspired I listened to the Eagles on my noontime walk.  There's some stuff there to like musically but I can't get over my irrational hatred for them.  The side one closing pairing of Tequila Sunrise and Desperado is undeniably strong.


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