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desperation WK4 plays (1 Viewer)


my team is riddled with injuries in a 14-team PPR redraft so I'm resigned to trying to find one week wonders on the WW.

last week I "tried" Jason Snelling because a) he was there and b) he could catch the ball. I was desperate so it panned out. surprised me with 21 pts. I still lost though...

this week I'm stuck with having to go with Marlon Brown and considering Devone Bess. I said desperation plays...

Brown is going against a Bills secondary that is an injured mess. just look at what the Jets did last week. rice is banged up and may sit so they could just try and score through the air this week.

Bess from what I've seen is listed as the #2 WR in cleveland behind Gordon. of course there's Cameron, but these guys aren't out on the WW... cincy also has their two starting CBs listed as doubtful. Bess got 10/8/10 targets and 5/5/7 rec. so far in the first three weeks. not bad for PPR. he has yet to score a TD, but this week?

are you in the same boat? who are your desperation candidates?

Stay with Snelling, or p/u J.Rodgers, and start them both. My desperation move is starting Robert Woods @ WR, due to Jordy Nelon and Steve Smith on bye weeks, and Malcolm Floyd hurt once again, 16 team team league, the pickin's are thin.

In your scenario Brown or Bess is a coin flip.

Stay with Snelling, or p/u J.Rodgers, and start them both. My desperation move is starting Robert Woods @ WR, due to Jordy Nelon and Steve Smith on bye weeks, and Malcolm Floyd hurt once again, 16 team team league, the pickin's are thin.

In your scenario Brown or Bess is a coin flip.
I do like Woods as well, but he was dropped this week and not available to p/u until he goes through waivers next week.

playing Brown, but the Browns' next three games are CIN, BUFF and DET... just saying.

Anyone on the titans.

Watching this charger titans game right now.

These guys are a total disaster.

Tavon Austin

I actually did start Tavon. FML

Gonna dig an even deeper hole: starting Ridley (yes, he's fallen so far, he's a desperation play) and Pierre Thomas

I have Lacy on BYE (might still be hurt anyway) & Ray Rice looking iffier by the hour. FML x2

How about Avant, or Riley Cooper?
Both are for sure but Avant will make for a sneaky PPR play vs. DEN this week. His snap percentage, targets and subsequent production have seen a bump weekly as PHI looks for their second option in the passing game. Cooper has essentially be non-factor.

Anyone on the titans.

Watching this charger titans game right now.

These guys are a total disaster.
huh? I dont understand
I think they are all desperation plays only.This offense is horrendous.
what about kendall wright
Likely a "desperation play" if you're treating him as anything more than a flex in PPR. Like Avant above however he's seen a bump in snap percentage since week 1 (while Britt has been imploding) so at the very least he should see the field a decent amount.

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I have found over the years to just look at the very weakest matchups and play players in those games from the strong team.

For example, this week both Dixon and Hunter scored a rushing Td against the Rams, one of the worst defenses.

Those were both desperation players and guys you'd never normally play. Now an owner will pick up Hunter next week with hopes he's on to something and he's not. It was a one time deal vs a weak team, you missed it.

So look for players who are facing Minnesota, Jax, Philly, Giants, Washington, SD and play some guys you normally wouldn't but will try because of the extreme matchup. It doesn't always work but you see it quite often and then the chasers come out.

I like Heath Miller THIS week at TE. I looked on my wire and found him there. They are playing Minnesota who just gave up 3 Tds to Cameron in Cleveland so it is possible that Miller has some potential this week. Enough potential to put Celek to the waivers with Olsen on bye.

Think outside the box and look very deep at teams playing the very worst teams in the league. Another could be Rb Donald Brown from the Colts. You have Bradshaw out at RB, Richardson only in his 2nd game vs Jax, maybe the worst team in the league. It would not shock me to see Brown have an OK day in this situation.

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How about Avant, or Riley Cooper?
Maybe take a shot on Avant, only becuase it should be a crazy shootout in Denver. As stated above Cooper blows and shouldn't be an option. He has 6 catches in three games, but coach says he's a good blocker. :shrug:

My RBs are banged up (Jackson, Lacy, Vereen) or on bye (Deangelo, Lacy) so I picked up Jacquizz for a spot start. (also put in for Snelling, Bolden and Woodhead) Non ppr.

Third WR is in trouble with Smith on bye so I picked up Broyles for a spot start. :mellow: Thank god I have Shady, Peyton and Cameron.

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Have Reggie and Rice and DWill on bye. Picked up Marcel Reece to start with Joquie Bell just in case both Bush and Rice don't play. Donald Brown would have been my second option with Bradshaw out. I agree with Iwannabeacowboybaby! to look for matchups against week Ds and hope for the best.

Vereen, Lacy, starks, Sjax, miles, Steve Smith and VJax owner. Starting Ball, snelling, s. Rice and S. Moss. When Mike Vick is the healthiest guy on your team, your entire lineup is comprised of desperation plays.

I hate my team.

MAC_32 said:
NREC34 said:
Could you please tell the name of your fav team?? Or does anyone else know?
because it matters?
Yes. You are ragging on the Titans, a 2-1 team who could easily be undefeated. I'd like to know your team so maybe I can compare since you like to run your mouth. I watched the game also and I thought they looked pretty good. If they can finally get the deadwood, non-trying Britt out of the lineup they will be even better.

Now which team do you root for please?

Kool-Aid Larry said:
cubbie5150 said:
cubbie5150 said:
Tavon Austin

I actually did start Tavon. FML

Gonna dig an even deeper hole: starting Ridley (yes, he's fallen so far, he's a desperation play) and Pierre Thomas

I have Lacy on BYE (might still be hurt anyway) & Ray Rice looking iffier by the hour. FML x2
dude, ridley will be top 5 this week
please share whatever you are smoking to think Ridley will be top five...
Well thank you for sharing.

And yes, you have little room to talk about offenses that are a "total disaster".

MAC_32 said:
NREC34 said:
Could you please tell the name of your fav team?? Or does anyone else know?
because it matters?
Yes. You are ragging on the Titans, a 2-1 team who could easily be undefeated. I'd like to know your team so maybe I can compare since you like to run your mouth. I watched the game also and I thought they looked pretty good. If they can finally get the deadwood, non-trying Britt out of the lineup they will be even better.

Now which team do you root for please?
You're in a fantasy football forum, no one cares about your favorite team's record. In my league the Titans QB is QB25, starting RB is RB30, starting WRs are WR32 and WR45, their starting TE is TE23. How they play as a TEAM is irrelevant to fantasy football. As individual pieces that fill out a fantasy roster, they have been, overall, poor.

Thanks guys! Picked up and am starting Brown. Not real happy about it, but desperation is what it is.

Stephen Hill.

I don't think the Titans defense is as good as it has looked so far and Hill is a threat for a long TD every game.


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