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Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (1 Viewer)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

  • Approve

    Votes: 76 49.0%
  • Disapprove

    Votes: 79 51.0%

  • Total voters
as a Canadian , i thought trump was a disaster for the US and the world 
I wanted Biden to win and would have voted for him is had to choose between the 2 . I thought he would bring normalcy back to the office and world diplomacy . 
In many ways he has but not to the levels i expected .   He has made mistakes and his age has caught up to him . It's a barely passing grade . 
I feel sorry and sad for the world if the 2 choices are Trump and Biden in 2024 . I would still take Biden over Trump in almost every scenario though 

Disapprove strongly.

1) Nominated a radical and far left judge to the supreme court who, if approved, would be the farthest left justice on the SC in history and not by a close margin.  Judge Brown is soft on crime and especially so on child porn users and child porn distributors.  

2) The Biden administration has now determined that "gender affirming care" (puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries) is a right of trans youth and appropriate and necessary for their health.  The DOJ will go after states that disagree. 

3) Biden may be compromised by foreign entities after his sons made business deals with Ukrainian and Chinese oligarchs.  Biden has denied any wrongdoing by his sons or involvement by himself even though there is evidence he was paid.  Interestingly, mainstream media (NY Times and Washington Post etc) have largely ignored the story although recently they have begrudgingly admitted that the laptop and its contents are real.  

He's also likely the lowest IQ person to ever be president and it's clear that his mental capacities are falling quickly.  I will also add that I voted for Biden in 2020--in part because of some of the lies proffered by Hilary and co.

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I voted "disapprove" because this administration has been mostly embarrassing so far.  But Biden handled Ukraine very well and he deserves credit for that.  I'm hoping that this might be a turnaround opportunity for Biden, where he can use this success as something to build from, having learned from the mistakes of his first year.  
Yep.   Similar vote and rationale.

It continues to bewilder me that the American people thought Biden and Trump were our best two options in 2020.

Yep.   Similar vote and rationale.

It continues to bewilder me that the American people thought Biden and Trump were our best two options in 2020.

It seemed like Democrats were largely talked into Biden. The case was made that he had the best chance against Trump. His low poll numbers before the primaries despite his name recognition were evidence that people were searching for someone else.

I voted "disapprove" because this administration has been mostly embarrassing so far.  But Biden handled Ukraine very well and he deserves credit for that.  I'm hoping that this might be a turnaround opportunity for Biden, where he can use this success as something to build from, having learned from the mistakes of his first year.  
Stunned to read this.  Figured you of all conservatives would appreciate the normalcy this administration has resumed after 4 years of Trump.  Especially at this time of so much global instability. 

1) Nominated a radical and far left judge to the supreme court who, if approved, would be the farthest left justice on the SC in history and not by a close margin.  Judge Brown is soft on crime and especially so on child porn users and child porn distributors.  
I don’t believe this has turned out to be accurate. 

Agreed but, as most have done when posting in this thread so far, it is possible to communicate your approval/disapproval without kicking the opposition in the nutsack.

Agreed. I'm not sure there's a more benign or more basic topic for a political forum than how one feels about the job the president is doing. And I think we do a pretty good job of discussing the topic. Seems interesting some people would feel this not an appropriate topic. 

This poll will be like everything else thats political

a straight partisan line no matter what 


This poll will be like everything else thats political

a straight partisan line no matter what 

Or...sift beyond an anonymous polling to how people have responded in the thread to get a true feel IMO.  Often, the words reflect differently than the overall polling on these things.

Agreed. I'm not sure there's a more benign or more basic topic for a political forum than how one feels about the job the president is doing. And I think we do a pretty good job of discussing the topic. Seems interesting some people would feel this not an appropriate topic. 
Sure, there probably isn't a more benign or basic topic than rating the job the current president is doing in a political forum. I don't think it being an appropriate topic or not is what @Jackstraw  was implying when he posted this;

For the life of me I can't figure why you bemone the political discourse on this site and start these threads. 
I really don't like to speak for other people but, I'm going to venture a guess nonetheless. When I responded to his post I was doing so on how I interpreted it. Which is, I interpreted it to mean he didn't understand why you posted it, not whether or not it was an appropriate topic.

Whether a topic is appropriate or not, literally every topic in a political forum has the potential to devolve into poor discourse, even benign or basic ones. So, my guess, and how I interpreted it, is that if you want to start thread topics (understandable, for sure,) don't bemone poor discourse. Or vice-versa, if you are going to bemone poor discourse don't start thread topics. Again, I'm guessing but, I think it has a lot to do with you being the owner of the site and by posting topics, especially polls in a political forum, you invite the very thing you bemone the most.

I view it as a "catch-22" for you. There is no easy solution. At least not one I could suggest to you.

Again, this is all a guess on my part and I could easily be way off base by completely misinterpreting his post. It's even likely I should not have ventured to formulate a guess in the first place.

Apologies to all for the slight hijack. 

This poll will be like everything else thats political

a straight partisan line no matter what 

By and large, yes, but I feel more options would have been better.  To me, it's not as simple as "approve" or "disapprove," as there are too many nuances to where I myself cannot simply say I approve of the job Joe Biden is doing, but I also I cannot say I disapprove either.  The truth, as is often does, lies in the middle, but the poll doesn't offer that option, so, yes, it is likely that most conservatives/Republicans will vote disapprove and most liberals/Democrats will vote approve and those who do not identify with either party, like me, will simply not vote in the poll. 

It seemed like Democrats were largely talked into Biden. The case was made that he had the best chance against Trump. His low poll numbers before the primaries despite his name recognition were evidence that people were searching for someone else.

Not a huge fan of this narrative. Biden was essentially picked by older and/or black Dem primary voters, the core of the party. He wasn't my first or second or third choice, but this is now two elections in a row where people have tried to erase those Dem primary voters.

The narrative has been that the elites have foisted a candidate on the masses, but if anything the opposite has happened- older and/or black and/or blue collar voters have chosen the last two Dem nominees over the objections of privileged white urban voters like myself.

Sure, there probably isn't a more benign or basic topic than rating the job the current president is doing in a political forum. I don't think it being an appropriate topic or not is what @Jackstraw  was implying when he posted this;

I really don't like to speak for other people but, I'm going to venture a guess nonetheless. When I responded to his post I was doing so on how I interpreted it. Which is, I interpreted it to mean he didn't understand why you posted it, not whether or not it was an appropriate topic.

Whether a topic is appropriate or not, literally every topic in a political forum has the potential to devolve into poor discourse, even benign or basic ones. So, my guess, and how I interpreted it, is that if you want to start thread topics (understandable, for sure,) don't bemone poor discourse. Or vice-versa, if you are going to bemone poor discourse don't start thread topics. Again, I'm guessing but, I think it has a lot to do with you being the owner of the site and by posting topics, especially polls in a political forum, you invite the very thing you bemone the most.

I view it as a "catch-22" for you. There is no easy solution. At least not one I could suggest to you.

Again, this is all a guess on my part and I could easily be way off base by completely misinterpreting his post. It's even likely I should not have ventured to formulate a guess in the first place.

Apologies to all for the slight hijack. 


I'll always offer my thoughts on hoping to improve discourse. I've done that pretty consistently for a long while.

I'll also try to encourage good discussion by starting threads that have potential for good discussion. I'll try to do them in a non-inflammatory way just like I did this one. 

If the poster is suggesting I shouldn't start threads on my forum or I'm not able to have an opinion on hoping to raise the level of discourse, we'll just have to disagree there. 

As you pointed out earlier, I think this thread is another good indication we can have good discussion on topics like this. 

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I think some would just call it a "different subset of the population".

I think politically involved people, such as us who frequent this place, will have different takes then the general populace on a lot of things. 
Add in a binary poll vs having neutral options…a margin of error for any reasons…and a low sample size.  
Its why I put more faith in the responses than the poll results.

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I haven't been able to find a national poll with the only options of approve/disapprove....what poll are we comparing the PSF to here?

So debunk it with fact instead of conjecture.  You need to be better than that, Tim.
Do I really have to? There are all sorts of links, available for anyone who wants to look at them, that explain the facts of this matter, and expose the notion that Judge Jackson is “soft on crime” or “pro-pedophile” to be false claims. Amy Klobuchar devoted her whole speech to debunking this yesterday. Personally I find it distasteful that I should have to prove to you that Jackson is not “pro-pedophile.” 

Do I really have to? There are all sorts of links, available for anyone who wants to look at them, that explain the facts of this matter, and expose the notion that Judge Jackson is “soft on crime” or “pro-pedophile” to be false claims. Amy Klobuchar devoted her whole speech to debunking this yesterday. Personally I find it distasteful that I should have to prove to you that Jackson is not “pro-pedophile.” 

Be better than using straw man arguments, Tim.  You know I never said she was pro pedophile--I said she was soft in sentencing people guilty of it.

Here are the facts:

From 2015-2019, as a federal judge, her average sentence for all criminal cases was 29.9 months.  All other federal judges: 45.1 months.

For child porn possession, her average sentence was 29.2 months.  National average: 68 months.

For child porn distribution 71.9 months (minimum is 60 months).   National average: 135 months.

The facts don't care about your feelings, Tim.  These data show she is soft on crime--especially child porn crimes.

Up to 52% now :lmao:

If this isn't a sign that this board has passed me by, nothing is

I've asked on threads what would it take to rank Biden low? 

Record gas, record illegals, record inflation, Russia in Ukraine, Hunter's laptop, constantly bumbling/fumbling words/speeches and showing signs of senility by walking wrong directions, asking what's next, cards and queue's, calling Kamala President .......... do we need nuclear war and a complete depression before people finally say" this was a bad, bad, bad idea" ???  I mean as it sits, this is far far worse than any Biden voter imagined and somehow, he's doing a good job ? just wow 

Majority of those do have various “unsure, don’t’ know” options which allow for some ambiguity.

There is some ambiguity. But not much. With 53.1% disapprove and 41.2% Approve, I'm not sure where the 5.7% is. I'm sure if there were a third option of "not sure" offered as a choice, it would get tons more than 5.7%. 

I'm not sure how exactly 538 parses that out.

I'd guess 538 has details on exactly how they get these. 

I think some would just call it a "different subset of the population".

I think politically involved people, such as us who frequent this place, will have different takes then the general populace on a lot of things. 
This sounds like a thinly veiled shot at the general populace.

I would say this place demographically, is more like a left leaning, east, or west coast city.

538 and how they aggregate seems to be the standard I see and trust most. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
Yep....that's what I use too.  If we look at the polls that aggregation is based on, they are SIGNIFICANTLY different in questions than simply "do you approve or disapprove" and 538 hashes out their methodology on their page.  None of them are that simplistic so any comparison is basically pointless in discussing the PSF.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some other poll.

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There is some ambiguity. But not much. With 53.1% disapprove and 41.2% Approve, I'm not sure where the 5.7% is. I'm sure if there were a third option of "not sure" offered as a choice, it would get tons more than 5.7%. 

I'm not sure how exactly 538 parses that out.

I'd guess 538 has details on exactly how they get these. 
I believe they do all their numbers by using an aggregate of all polls. The polls they include are weighted based on accuracy and the perceived bias of the pollsters history.

The FBG’s poll would be slightly lowered in weight as this place tends to vote slightly more liberal on these based on the board participants, small sample size, and voter error.

As an example....I'd be in the alternate category here at FBG if it were an option....I just null voted on this one.

Yep....that's what I use too.  If we look at the polls that aggregation is based on, they are SIGNIFICANTLY different in questions than simply "do you approve or disapprove" and 538 hashes out their methodology on their page.  None of them are that simplistic so any comparison is basically pointless in discussing the PSF.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some other poll.
It's pointless because you think it's not simplistic?

Every aggregation 538 does is to improve accuracy.  If you disagree with it then you're free to change it as it's all math.  If you agree with it then it makes perfect sense to compare to Joe's poll.  The only difference is they included a "don't know" percentage, but that's just math too if you want to get rid of it.  

It's pointless because you think it's not simplistic?

Every aggregation 538 does is to improve accuracy.  If you disagree with it then you're free to change it as it's all math.  If you agree with it then it makes perfect sense to compare to Joe's poll.  The only difference is they included a "don't know" percentage, but that's just math too if you want to get rid of it.  
Of course not...I stated my thoughts.  And yes, we could go back and rework all the math on their sites for all the different factors they account for.  Having to do that just points to them not being similar enough for comparison in the first place :shrug:  

This sounds like a thinly veiled shot at the general populace.

I would say this place demographically, is more like a left leaning, east, or west coast city.
It isn't a shot, it is the truth. This is a political forum. Of course people in here are going to be more politically interested than people not in here.

Of course not...I stated my thoughts.  And yes, we could go back and rework all the math on their sites for all the different factors they account for.  Having to do that just points to them not being similar enough for comparison in the first place :shrug:  

Yep....that's what I use too.  If we look at the polls that aggregation is based on, they are SIGNIFICANTLY different in questions than simply "do you approve or disapprove" and 538 hashes out their methodology on their page.  None of them are that simplistic so any comparison is basically pointless in discussing the PSF.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some other poll.

nope....way more to it than that.  You should read their methodology around weighting and the various questions etc.
I'm perfectly fine comparing them as-is thanks.  

You are correct, it is telling.  It destroys the 90% liberal echo chamber argument.  
The myth that just won't die :lol:

No way to know for sure, but just going by the comments here, if there was an "unsure" or "other" I'm willing to bet it would take 20-30% of the vote.  

Go for it....I'm sure there's value to someone out there in comparing an apple and a turnip too...whatever floats you boat.  :thumbup:  
Both edible and tasty.  Quite the price difference by pound however.  You're right, there is value there.

538's aggregated data is arguably the best data point (as long as you buy into their methodology) for comparing a random internet forum poll that there is.  Hands down.  I'm willing to bet if you started your own poll on that, you find yourself in a teeny tiny minority.

Both edible and tasty.  Quite the price difference by pound however.  You're right, there is value there.

538's aggregated data is arguably the best data point (as long as you buy into their methodology) for comparing a random internet forum poll that there is.  Hands down.  I'm willing to bet if you started your own poll on that, you find yourself in a teeny tiny minority.
538 is wonderful


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