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Do You Tip Your Commissioner (1 Viewer)

How much do you tip your Commissioner?

  • I do not tip my commissioner.

    Votes: 77 93.9%
  • 5% - 10%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11% - 20%

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • 21% - 30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • > 30%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends on how much I win.

    Votes: 3 3.7%

  • Total voters


We all know what a thankless job it is to manage a FF league. If you're lucky enough to win some $$, do you tell your commissioner to keep some of your winnings?
I pay their league dues every year or someone who is down on their luck out of the 10-12 players, we have a couple leagues 25 years and still going
Whatever keeps it together
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Never heard of tipping a commissioner. I was commissioner for several leagues years ago and never had anyone tip me. When someone else took over those leagues, I did buy him a beer at the draft.
Tip? Heck no... But I do express my appreciation for their efforts and time to run things.
But no financial compensation is provided.
Offer to be commissioner for them the following season. If they say no, don't tip them. IME most enjoy the control/power factor. That's not to say it isn't also work, but if they want it badly enough to not rotate the position through league members over the years, they don't need a tip.

IMO leagues should rotate through commissioners every year to share the responsibility and grow a little more appreciation for what goes into, not to mention stave off burn out.
One of my leagues, our commish pays only 1/2 the league fee so I guess in that sense he gets tipped $150. I don't really agree with this but to his credit it's a well run league, has been around a long time and apparently always been this way (i joined fairly recently). My other league doesn't have this, and I didn't tip when I won (which was a while ago...)
I was co-commish for a 32 team league for a few years. One person paid our dues one year which was appreciated but haven’t been tipped otherwise. I’m the treasurer now, so I guess I get the 4% interest now which is just slightly more than the annual payment. We started before league safe was a thing, and I don’t charge a fee or make winners get gift cards.

I’ve mentioned being willing to give up the duties but I’ll keep doing it unless someone else wants to manage.
Offer to be commissioner for them the following season. If they say no, don't tip them. IME most enjoy the control/power factor. That's not to say it isn't also work, but if they want it badly enough to not rotate the position through league members over the years, they don't need a tip.

IMO leagues should rotate through commissioners every year to share the responsibility and grow a little more appreciation for what goes into, not to mention stave off burn out.
Sounds like a good idea, but I think this would cause many to just drop out of a league like that. Using sites like MFL, it is rather difficult to keep up with all the rules and abilities. I learned the hard way two years ago. Our commissioner suddenly died and his assistant took over. I agreed to become assistant, but since neither of us had ever run a league on MFL, it almost caused the league to fold.
I guess I'm very much in the minority. If I win a little money, I don't tip. But if I have a good year in a particular league, I'll definitely offer to pay part of the commissioner's next year's entry fee.
Offer to be commissioner for them the following season. If they say no, don't tip them. IME most enjoy the control/power factor. That's not to say it isn't also work, but if they want it badly enough to not rotate the position through league members over the years, they don't need a tip.

IMO leagues should rotate through commissioners every year to share the responsibility and grow a little more appreciation for what goes into, not to mention stave off burn out.
Sounds like a good idea, but I think this would cause many to just drop out of a league like that. Using sites like MFL, it is rather difficult to keep up with all the rules and abilities. I learned the hard way two years ago. Our commissioner suddenly died and his assistant took over. I agreed to become assistant, but since neither of us had ever run a league on MFL, it almost caused the league to fold.
Ugh sorry man that's a hell of a scenario. Hopefully the league took it easy on you considering the circumstances.

Yeah the suggestion def. is tied into the complexity of the league and it's settings. I have one league where we just rotate it through three guys, which realistically turns into us all working together on it. It's more or less just that one person is the "contact" person when issues come up.
Offer to be commissioner for them the following season. If they say no, don't tip them. IME most enjoy the control/power factor. That's not to say it isn't also work, but if they want it badly enough to not rotate the position through league members over the years, they don't need a tip.

IMO leagues should rotate through commissioners every year to share the responsibility and grow a little more appreciation for what goes into, not to mention stave off burn out.
Sounds like a good idea, but I think this would cause many to just drop out of a league like that. Using sites like MFL, it is rather difficult to keep up with all the rules and abilities. I learned the hard way two years ago. Our commissioner suddenly died and his assistant took over. I agreed to become assistant, but since neither of us had ever run a league on MFL, it almost caused the league to fold.
I’m sorry to hear your commissioner died a few years ago. Very sad. My leagues won’t have that problem because I’m immortal.
I've taken some of my winnings and told them to keep some and buy the booze of their choice.
Nice. I have a league mate that brings a nice bottle of tequila to the draft every year as a commish hosting gift. The only one that has figured out that the BBQ I put on every year isn’t cheap. Anyway, never expected but always appreciated
I manage a big league of 28 teams (2 divisions of 14). Big prizes and $250 buy in. No one has ever peeled off some of the winnings for the commish. I don't expect it but would like my entry covered for the hours it takes to run things. Never have gotten a piece when I didn't win...4 time champ so I've made over $9,000 to date so whatever.
I can’t picture anyone being a Commish if they don’t enjoy it…I do it and I wouldn’t accept a tip if it was even offered.

I ran a 14 team league for 10 years because I enjoyed the action. It was a 500.00 entry per team and winning team got a nice payday. Had a few guys try to tip me at the season end party but I did not accept it. Just said buy me a beer..and that is good.
I have been the commissioner for a Dynasty league for 22 years, and before that I was the commissioner for a redraft league for a couple of years. I have had a few people over the years offer to tip me but I turned them down. If something happened where I had to rule on something that involved an owner that had tipped me, I did not want the other owners that to think that I ruled in their favor because they had "paid" me. Having said that, 2 owners have volunteered to take over the commissioner for the league going forward, and I very happily accepted. Looking forward to a year(s) without dealing with the commissioner duties to include money.
Never tipped winnings. I don't think I've ever seen that happen IRL. I have bought a particularly great commissioner lunch though as he will usually meet with the league winner for lunch and hand them the trophy. He's the type of commissioner who does it because he genuinely enjoys it. I would do that for other commissioners or buy them a drink or something if there was an in-person meeting specifically for the league.
Have been commish for many years and don’t expect a tip, nor would I probably accept one.

I would rather members just say "thank you" and go on their way. Otherwise, I suggest they pick up the role and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a damn what they think they’re entitled to.
Have been commish for many years and don’t expect a tip, nor would I probably accept one.

I would rather members just say "thank you" and go on their way. Otherwise, I suggest they pick up the role and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a damn what they think they’re entitled to.
Did you order the Code Red?
I’ve been the commish for my league since its inception in 1996. I’ve never been tipped and never expected or wanted it.

This season at the draft the other owners paid my entrance fee. It was a very nice gesture but I asked them to please not do it again.

They said they were going to do it every 28 years so I guess I can live with that.
So funny this is posted. I was commish for many years, never got anything. I still collect the money, but another guy is commish. When I asked for winnings & Paypal addresses from him this year, he said "so and so gets this, minus $25 for a tip for me." I was like, wtf? The winner was in the same leagues when I was commish and I never got anything! Sheesh!
I always did til a few years ago.
A buddy asked me why are we tipping this guy, he did next to nothing. I replied because it couldn't have been a smoother league. Agreed etc.

Another league- there's someone crying every week and commish needing to get involved every week.
I'm complimentary of how he handled most things.
Friend says he isn't tipping because his league sent him 100 emails per week. People took the conversation from an app to email and he hated that.
We debated how the commish clearly does a lot of work versus quality of the league.
We both tipped in our leagues.

Years go by- been playing FF 35 years- and I don't tip the latter anymore but I will (not say it but) give too much if year two is far improved.
I tipped regardless for like thirty years and now I've got some email limit drama limit in my head.
I think it's important for the hobby that you tip all the time. If you feel you reached my old man stage and can think of exceptions then fine but please tip everyone for a real long time before going this route.
Never got one. Never gave one. Whenever I hosted a league event I used a good portion of my winnings to treat the whole league to food and drinks. Always enjoyed treating ALL the guys to a good time after I took their money.
I do every year, regardless if I win or not. I understand firsthand how much work goes in to being commissioner. Did I mention i am the commissioner?
I do every year, regardless if I win or not. I understand firsthand how much work goes in to being commissioner. Did I mention i am the commissioner?
I wouldn’t accept a tip. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I favored someone in a dispute because I accepted a tip in the past. It’s bad form for a commissioner in my opinion.
If it's just a regular person and not a commercial site where the commish is an employee getting paid, then I always tell them to keep some amount as a tip. Honestly I feel better about tipping for this than 99% of the stuff society expects us to tip for these days.

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