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Donald Trump impeachment poll (1 Viewer)

Should they?

  • Yes and I'm anti-Trump

    Votes: 79 46.5%
  • Yes and I'm a Trump supporter

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Yes and I'm neutral on Trump

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • No and I'm anti-Trump

    Votes: 42 24.7%
  • No and I'm a Trump supporter

    Votes: 11 6.5%
  • No and I'm neutral on Trump

    Votes: 17 10.0%
  • I'm undecided

    Votes: 17 10.0%

  • Total voters


I'm curious where the group falls at this time.  Note that I asked the question the way I did on purpose.  I'm not asking if he deserves to be impeached.  That might yield a different answer.

Yes...I believe the Mueller report laid out the groundwork for the House to do so based on the Obstruction section.  And the more I read of the report and opinions of the report, its not just about obstructing from some "fake crime", its obstructing to keep people from being able to fully investigate the crimes that were committed whether by him or by others.  That is grounds for impeachment hearings.  

It is congress's job to provide that level of oversight.

Tobias sums it up great here.


Kind of getting the feeling that people think impeachment is just an up or down vote the House decides to have one day, and then another vote the Senate decided to have on a different day.

There would be lots and lots of hearings, all of which would be more closely watched than any previous hearings in the Trump era, even the Cohen and Comey testimony. There would be carefully crafted Articles of Impeachment that would be reprinted on the front page of every newspaper in America and analyzed to death on every TV news program. Then there would be an even more closely watched trial in the Senate where the "prosecutors" would remind the American people again and again of all the worst stuff Trump has done, most of which has long been forgotten because it is so quickly replaced with other scandals. Remember when Trump went around the usual DOJ process to pardon Sheriff Joe for being a racist felon?  You will now, and so will the rest of America. Remember when Rex Tillerson said in his media exit interviews that Trump repeatedly asked him to break the law as Secretary of State? Ever wonder what exactly Trump asked him to do? Wonder no more!  There's literally dozens of things like this.

It will be brutal, not only for Trump but for the people who have to vote against impeachment and removal after all that stuff is aired and re-aired in the most prominent and public way imaginable.

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I believe he's unfit for office but I'm concerned that impeachment will backfire. I'd rather suffer through 2 years than an extra 4 on top. Undecided.

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I think a lot of people do believe that if a President gets impeached that they are automatically removed from office.
I think a lot of people think this as well. 

I don't see a ton of upside to the Dems forcing the issue

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You can want Trump out of office all you want.  It is never going to happen.  No way the Senate convicts.

The Democrats are dumb to even consider it.  Passing articles of impeachment in the House would just be symbolic.   Dems will have their chance to get Trump out......November 2020.

The Dems should win the 2020 election.....but like 2016, they can easily blow it.  No one thought Trump could even get elected.  He can certainly get re-elected if the Dems screw it up.

You can want Trump out of office all you want.  It is never going to happen.  No way the Senate convicts.

The Democrats are dumb to even consider it.  Passing articles of impeachment in the House would just be symbolic.   Dems will have their chance to get Trump out......November 2020.

The Dems should win the 2020 election.....but like 2016, they can easily blow it.  No one thought Trump could even get elected.  He can certainly get re-elected if the Dems screw it up.
And the information publicly shown during those house hearings would be what would give them even more of a chance to vote him out in 2020.  As well as the GOP not supporting it in the senate fuels those voters to go against those in the GOP who didn't support when it comes time for their re-election.

I'm curious where the group falls at this time.  Note that I asked the question the way I did on purpose.  I'm not asking if he deserves to be impeached.  That might yield a different answer.
I think there's a likely 3rd angle - deserves, should they based on the evidence and lastly, should they based on how it will turn out.  I think they probably should but I also think it will turn out badly for the long-term health of the country.  For that reason, I'm very close to just saying ride it out and hope he doesn't get reelected.

I voted no and I'm a Trump hater. I will re-assess the situation when I hear Mueller testify to congress.
Agreed. The proper answer is “not yet.” 

However, no matter what Mueller’s testimony reveals, I doubt I would ever be for this unless at least some Republicans are willing to vote for it. 


On a side note, and I realize that not all the Trump supporters have voted yet, but it's interesting that we keep hearing variations of "the best way to get Trump re-elected would be to impeach him" yet none of the Trump supporters so far are in favor of impeachment.


On a side note, and I realize that not all the Trump supporters have voted yet, but it's interesting that we keep hearing variations of "the best way to get Trump re-elected would be to impeach him" yet none of the Trump supporters so far are in favor of impeachment.
Another side note...5 people are "neutral" on Trump?  I guess its possible you are not a supporter or not anti and chose that by default, so its more a possible flaw in the poll...but there is zero way anyone at this point is just neutral on the guy anymore, is there?

Count me as undecided though.  I do believe though, that if Congress thinks he should be impeached.....they shouldn't take into account NOT doing it because it might help him win re-election.

I absolutely think they should. If not for what has occurred, then for what, ever? The outcome is not as important as the process. Like others have already explained (thanks TF), get all on record, in one place, out to the public, instead of the slow, easily forgotten drip (always further watered down by right wing spin). Force the enablers to go on record, to defend his actions. Make them-all of them-pay the price for their criminality and grossly unethical behavior.

Another side note...5 people are "neutral" on Trump?  I guess its possible you are not a supporter or not anti and chose that by default, so its more a possible flaw in the poll...but there is zero way anyone at this point is just neutral on the guy anymore, is there?
I voted Neutral and Impeach. Neutral isn't a great description, but I look at it like this. I did not vote for him in 2016 and I will not vote for him 2020. But I also don't think he is quite as bad as the rhetoric portrays him. Which is precisely why I voted impeach. If the Democrats believe their own rhetoric then they have a moral obligation to impeach. If they don't, then they are either liars or cowards.

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I voted Neutral and Impeach. Neutral isn't a great description, but I look at it like this. I did not vote for him in 2016 and I will not vote for him 2020. But I also don't think he is quite as bad as the rhetoric portrays him. Which is precisely why I voted impeach. If the Democrats believe their own rhetoric then they have a moral obligation to impeach. If they don't, then they are either liars or cowards.
Impeachment isn't a moral question. It's a political decision. 

Not a doubt in my mind that the current President's every exhalation makes the sound "RICO", but i want America to have the president it deserves (as they always have) and, short of active, indisputable treason or subversion of the election process, for that matter to be decided at the ballot box.

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Why are dems so eager to have Mueller repeat there was no collusion 100 times? 

Granted he will make Trump look bad in other areas, but the #1 talking point will be no collusion. 

Another side note...5 people are "neutral" on Trump?  I guess its possible you are not a supporter or not anti and chose that by default, so its more a possible flaw in the poll...but there is zero way anyone at this point is just neutral on the guy anymore, is there?
Based on the fact that 5 people said they are neutral it appears that yes they can be neutral on President Trump.

Another side note...5 people are "neutral" on Trump?  I guess its possible you are not a supporter or not anti and chose that by default, so its more a possible flaw in the poll...but there is zero way anyone at this point is just neutral on the guy anymore, is there?

For at least 5 people

Why are dems so eager to have Mueller repeat there was no collusion 100 times? 

Granted he will make Trump look bad in other areas, but the #1 talking point will be no collusion. 
There was collusion at the very least between members of his campaign and Russia.  Whether that rises to the level of criminal conspiracy is not certain.

Agreed. The proper answer is “not yet.” 

However, no matter what Mueller’s testimony reveals, I doubt I would ever be for this unless at least some Republicans are willing to vote for it. 
I'm sorry this is just silly. The House has a job to do.  It doesn't matter who is going to vote for it. Its how the system is meant to work.

Now to the politics. Republicans are up in 22 states for Senate. More than a few of those are vulnerable. Then you have the Republican congressional candidates who suddenly find themselves in much more purple districts.  Not to mention all the data pointing to a historic turnout the likes of which have been unseen for 100 years in this country. Opinions change. Votes change. When it's your little bit of power getting taken.

Legally, yes, he should be impeached because there's plenty there in the Mueller report to start proceedings. Politically and realistically no because Senate Republicans are spineless and would never vote to remove him from office. Congress would be distracted from other important duties and Trump would run on "being exonerated" in 2020 and he would milk that for everything he could.

CNN had on a Republican for impeachment and a Democrat against impeachment earlier today which does a great job expressing both of the above points.


Fast forward to about the 15 minute mark.

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Yes complain about Trump destroying our democracy and then abdicate the Congresses constitutional duty in reining him in because today Republicans won't vote for it.

I lived through Watergate.  Nixon had solid support right up until he didn't. 

Murph said:
I voted Neutral and Impeach. Neutral isn't a great description, but I look at it like this. I did not vote for him in 2016 and I will not vote for him 2020. But I also don't think he is quite as bad as the rhetoric portrays him. Which is precisely why I voted impeach. If the Democrats believe their own rhetoric then they have a moral obligation to impeach. If they don't, then they are either liars or cowards.

supermike80 said:
Based on the fact that 5 people said they are neutral it appears that yes they can be neutral on President Trump.

Cowboysfan8 said:

For at least 5 people
It appears I had a point which had already been discussed before you two decided to try and play gotcha.  Sorry.

fightingillini said:
You can want Trump out of office all you want.  It is never going to happen.  No way the Senate convicts.

The Democrats are dumb to even consider it.  Passing articles of impeachment in the House would just be symbolic.   Dems will have their chance to get Trump out......November 2020.

The Dems should win the 2020 election.....but like 2016, they can easily blow it.  No one thought Trump could even get elected.  He can certainly get re-elected if the Dems screw it up.
Best post in this thread 

wikkidpissah said:
Not a doubt in my mind that the current President's every exhalation makes the sound "RICO", but i want America to have the president it deserves (as they always have) and, short of active, indisputable treason or subversion of the election process, for that matter to be decided at the ballot box.
Just out of curiosity, what do we think of a president who, when confronted with a foreign adversary trying to subvert our election process, welcomed it, celebrated it, asked for more of it, then denied it happened and tried to suppress a counterintelligence investigation exposing it?

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Just out of curiosity, what do we think of a president who, when confronted with a foreign adversary trying to subvert our election process, welcomed it, celebrated it, asked for more of it, then denied it happened and tried to suppress a counterintelligence investigation exposing it?
as a pawn, a puppet, not a player. i see a conspiracy for Donald Trump, not a conspiracy against America. indeed you're right -, totally actionable, but the action i prefer is defeat, not ouster

I know this idea is really far-fetched but have the Democrats ever thought about presenting a platform other than "it's my turn", "I'm a minority", or "I hate Trump" in order to persuade the voters to put him out of office?  You know...a plan that will better all of America...not a plan to simply fool enough voters in order to win the election and then fail to deliver...again.

Maybe a plan that will improve the economy or a plan that protects American citizens by enhancing our borders, or maybe getting rid of deals with other countries that suck money from our economy and replacing them with deals that work for us.  Maybe a platform that lowers the unemployment rate, raises incomes...you know..."a chicken in every pot"....and not a chicken that was handed to you but a chicken that you could afford to buy and a pot to put it in.

Why is it that every plan presented by Democratic candidates include some sort of "gift" for certain citizens at the expense of other voters?  Reparations, loan forgiveness, money in your bank account...just because.  Doctors who won't take your money (but the tax collector surely will).  

Why can't the Democrats just come up with a plan that doesn't include the "purchasing" of votes from certain voting blocks? 

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NCCommish said:
I'm sorry this is just silly. The House has a job to do.  It doesn't matter who is going to vote for it. Its how the system is meant to work.

Now to the politics. Republicans are up in 22 states for Senate. More than a few of those are vulnerable. Then you have the Republican congressional candidates who suddenly find themselves in much more purple districts.  Not to mention all the data pointing to a historic turnout the likes of which have been unseen for 100 years in this country. Opinions change. Votes change. When it's your little bit of power getting taken.
This may be the only issue I can think of where Bernie Sanders and I are on the same side and you are on the other side. 

NCCommish said:

I lived through Watergate. Nixon had solid support right up until he didn't.

With Watergate, Congress held televised hearings for 9 months before there was serious talk of impeachment. Each revelation was another ***** in Nixon's armor. The Saturday Night Massacre was a huge blow. And the final blow was the revelation of the "smoking gun" tape in August 1974.

Anyway, my point is that without a similar set of revelations, I don't think Trump's "solid support" will ever erode.
I know this idea is really far-fetched but have the Democrats ever thought about presenting a platform other than "it's my turn", "I'm a minority", or "I hate Trump" in order to persuade the voters to put him out of office?  You know...a plan that will better all of America...not a plan to simply fool enough voters in order to win the election and then fail to deliver...again.

Maybe a plan that will improve the economy or a plan that protects American citizens by enhancing our borders, or maybe getting rid of deals with other countries that suck money from our economy and replacing them with deals that work for us.  Maybe a platform that lowers the unemployment rate, raises incomes...you know..."a chicken in every pot"....and not a chicken that was handed to you but a chicken that you could afford to buy and a pot to put it in.

Why is it that every plan presented by Democratic candidates include some sort of "gift" for certain citizens at the expense of other voters?  Reparations, loan forgiveness, money in your bank account...just because.  Doctors who won't take your money (but the tax collector surely will).  

Why can't the Democrats just come up with a plan that doesn't include the "purchasing" of votes from certain voting blocks? 
I think it's because they lost the election in 2016 and have yet to accept it.   They are President Trump obsessed and can't get past it.    This impeachment nonsense is just another example.

Depends on how you define "Impeachment Proceedings"

Dems should continue to conduct oversight - including examining key witnesses disclosed by the Mueller Report.  If, as a result of that oversight, they determine that the president has committed an impeachable offense(s) - then the House should begin impeachment hearings with the goal of drafting Articles of Impeachment.

I finally voted and said No (but anti-Trump). I’m a risk adverse kind of person and the possible outcomes from impeachment seem to lean towards negative outcomes.  I’m completely in favor of the investigations continuing and depending on what they uncover I’d be willing to change my vote but for now based on what we know I’d say keep focusing on 2020 and use what you find to convince people to vote against him.  

Murph said:
I voted Neutral and Impeach. Neutral isn't a great description, but I look at it like this. I did not vote for him in 2016 and I will not vote for him 2020. But I also don't think he is quite as bad as the rhetoric portrays him. Which is precisely why I voted impeach. If the Democrats believe their own rhetoric then they have a moral obligation to impeach. If they don't, then they are either liars or cowards.
This is where I am.  Didn't vote for him in '16, won't vote for him next year.  And while he is certainly a bad dude, I think some of his ideas aren't bad at all, but they sometimes get lost in the way he presents or oversells them.  Nothing regarding the Russia thing surprises me, because I believe most politicians, regardless of where they have an R, D, I or whatever next to their name, will do just about anything to win/steal/rig an election, whether it be on the state or federal level.  But if you get caught and it can be proven, you should suffer the consequences.  I am still not sure that going hard after impeachment is in the best interests of the Democratic party, but I'd be the last person to accuse either major party of going about things the right way. 

 based on what we know I’d say keep focusing on 2020 
You know this really is an important point that perhaps we’re not emphasiIng enough. People keep talking about a duty to the Constitution, but the Constitution does provide elections for President every 4 years, and there is a very good argument to be made that whether or not Trump deserves to be in office is an issue that should be left to the voters. If the Mueller report had come out in October of 2020, is there anyone here who would argue that impeachment proceedings should begin then, a month away from the vote? I seriously doubt it. The only reason we’re discussing this now is that we have a year and a half before the election- and yet, due to a variety of factors the election is already upon us in practical terms; the first Presidential debate is little over a month away. 

Just out of curiosity, what do we think of a president who, when confronted with a foreign adversary trying to subvert our election process, welcomed it, celebrated it, asked for more of it, then denied it happened and tried to suppress a counterintelligence investigation exposing it?
For me personally, because I cannot and will not answer for "we," I think DJT is unamerican. A traitor. 


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