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Eagles vs Giants - Week 6 TNF (1 Viewer)

I actually don't mind that play call on 3rd and long.  Eli looks horrible so just play for field position at this point.  A pass to Barkley and who knows he may actually get the first down.

I actually don't mind that play call on 3rd and long.  Eli looks horrible so just play for field position at this point.  A pass to Barkley and who knows he may actually get the first down.
with the way the secondary has tackled the first 5 games i don't blame them either. looks like they are getting some confidence thankfully

I feel bad for the Giants defense. They are playing against two offenses every damn week.

I get the feeling there is going to be some big time locker room issues between the offense and defense

The offense is pathetic

Theoretically, Giants were in good position to open up the field, but that Sheperd penalty killed them. You can't take a chance with 1st and 20, so the short WR screen was a good play,Latimer just got swarmed on the block.

Eli suckered me in with last week’s game. Way to destroy everyone’s value Goober.  
I've owned him a couple years in the past when he wasn't so bad and I feel like this his been his fantasy MO.  He has a great week to reel you in and then throws up a clunker the next week.

Wow.  Clement and Smallwood were both in on the punt coverage team.  Pretty risky when you're already thin at the position.


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