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Episodes - Showtime (1 Viewer)


Thought there was a thread but can't seem to find it.

Anyone watching. I thought it was cancelled after 1 season but i'm really enjoying season 2 :thumbup:

I've been watching since the pilot. I think it's a good show. The second season has definitely picked up more than the first.

I've been watching since the pilot. I think it's a good show. The second season has definitely picked up more than the first.
Agreed. I just watched season 2, i watched season 1 from the start but thought it was done.
I just started watching it. I think it's hysterical. Really witty, and a lot of subtle humor compared to other shows. I had never heard of this show, but someone turned me on to it. Surprised it's not more popular (or maybe it is and I just don't know).

Bev and Carol are great together. The introduction of the lesbian angle has helped keep things from becoming stale there. Still a really fun show to watch.

Got caught up with this over the last few days (I cancelled premium channels before season 3 started). It's still a great show.


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