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Fantasy Footbrawl - Baseball Player Tommy Pham Slaps Joc Pederson During Batting Practice Because Of Actions Stemming From An Old Fantasy Football Arg (1 Viewer)


Oh my God. The hosting sites should have known this would happen. Over an IR spot.

The story is that Tommy Pham of the Cincinnati Reds slapped Joc Pederson of the San Francisco Giants in the face over an old fantasy football dispute the other day. During batting practice, Pham appears (per this video) to attack Joc in the outfield. Benches emptied. When asked after the game what happened, Joc said that it was about fantasy football and that they'd argued about the IR rule and a .gif that Joc had sent to Pham while Pham was a member of the Padres (it was a .gif making fun of the Padres). Pham claims it was over league dues and other things. But what they both acknowledge is that it was about fantasy football. 

Pham won the league the year in question, so it's an even odder confrontation unless it really is league dues. Regardless, fantasy football hosting sites really need to clean up who is on IR and who is just out for the game. Check your league constitutions regarding the rules, folks. This can get serious. 

Story is all over Twitter and the internet. Check it out. 

Here's the video.


eta* They used ESPN to host what appears to be a serious money league.  :lmao:  I wonder if the guarantor was Chico's Bail Bonds. 

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I very nearly posted this. It’s hilarious. And the detail with which Joc described it was just awesome. And yeah, according to Joc it was about the IR. Pham accused Joc of cheating by using the IR to stash extra players. Joc’s player was out, so Joc sent him a screenshot of the league constitution, and what really ticked off Pham was Joc then posted about how in another league they’re in together Pham did they exact same thing with Niners RB Jeffery Wilson, and called him a hypocrite. 

Fun fact: he’s a local kid (Bay Area) and one of the dudes in my league (an umpire) is friends with Joc’s dad. We hated to see him on the Dodgers, but we were thrilled for his family that he made the bigs.

Anyway, while no one in my league slapped each other, we did vote out the IR because it was a PITA, and every year someone would complain about people using it as free parking. We voted in 2 more roster spots instead. As commish it’s so much easier to navigate.

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And yeah, according to Joc it was about the IR
Indeed. But then Pham, if you read between the lines, sort of accused him of not paying dues. "He's ####### with my money," said Pham. He also said Pederson was like the guy that begs his friends to go to the big strip club but won't pay the dancers (his words, my paraphrase). 

So I guess we won't know. Pederson isn't going to say he didn't pay his fees/dues, because nobody likes to admit that. 

Interesting story. It was funny as heck until I saw Pham's comments, because after hearing those it looks a bit more like gambling and darker stuff might have been going on.  

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As someone who has DeAndre Hopkins on IR right now in MFL, this Tommy Pham joker is out of line. 
Tommy Pham owns ten properties worth over $5 million. You too, can own property worth over $5 million if you order my advanced seminar about how to win at real estate. 

The league rules weren't clear about IR status but they were dead straight on interpersonal contact. No punching. Just slaps. 
The best tweet I saw said, “in my home league we do a live draft. The first 20 mins is all of us slapping the #### out of each other for last season’s transgressions.”


The best tweet I saw said, “in my home league we do a live draft. The first 20 mins is all of us slapping the #### out of each other for last season’s transgressions.”

Matthew Berry had a funny little vid about where the guy talks about all the ####ty and unethical yet legal things he did the previous season. 

"Yeah, I was up two points on Monday night and I sat my defense that was going that night. I got slapped for that." 

Seems to be the IR issue was just a starter. Joc apparently sent an unfavorable meme in group chat about the San Diego Padres and a handful of the league mates were Padre players.

I would like to see a slapping contest between Tommy Pham and Will Smith.  Pederson should have slapped him by pressing assault charges.

Just as background, Tommy Pham got cut at a script club and came away with 200 stitches.  Dude is not someone to mess with.  Having said that, Peterson reading off the text to the press was :lmao:  

Just as background, Tommy Pham got cut at a script club and came away with 200 stitches.  Dude is not someone to mess with.  Having said that, Peterson reading off the text to the press was :lmao:  
I was rolling. ROLLING with laughter - I swear I've been in leagues where something almost identical happened. Not the slap, but the airing of the grievances. 

Hot Sauce Guy said:
Anyway, while no one in my league slapped each other, we did vote out the IR because it was a PITA, and every year someone would complain about people using it as free parking. We voted in 2 more roster spots instead. As commish it’s so much easier to navigate.
I have never had any issues with navigating IR spots in a league as a commish.  It's really straight forward.  If the rules allow guys listed as out on IR then there is no issue.  If they are not allowed unless they are on IR then so be it.  Again no issue.   I don't understand the difficulty.  

Now guys that complain about the rules that are already in place for the year after the year has started are the PITA's.  Those owners are are the things that need to go away.  

I have never had any issues with navigating IR spots in a league as a commish.  It's really straight forward.  If the rules allow guys listed as out on IR then there is no issue.  If they are not allowed unless they are on IR then so be it.  Again no issue.   I don't understand the difficulty.  

Now guys that complain about the rules that are already in place for the year after the year has started are the PITA's.  Those owners are are the things that need to go away.  
I think we sometimes take for granted the gilded age of FF in which we live. 

In the past, host sites like CBS and ESPN didn't always have guard rails for who could be placed on IR, or ways to enforce league rules for conditional placement. For example, CBS used to have the red cross, and a player would be listed as "doubtful" or "out". Our league rules specified that unless a player was "out" they couldn't be placed on the IR. There was no way to enforce it. 

Another circumstance, and the  more problematic of the two, was when a player would come off of IR. In the past, CBS allowed that player to remain on the IR spot. Now the site will pop a message and prevent that team from making lineup adjustments with the illegal lineup. 

So yeah - by today's standards, I agree. But in the past, as commish, I'd get messages left and right about so-and-so abusing the IR, stockpiling players, blah blah blah. And it was a PITA to deal with. 

Ironically due to COVID, I've added 2 IR spots specifically for players placed on the COVID IR. But the  league has been very good about it, so likely we just had team owners who sucked in the past. ;)  

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I think we sometimes take for granted the gilded age of FF in which we live. 

In the past, host sites like CBS and ESPN didn't always have guard rails for who could be placed on IR, or ways to enforce league rules for conditional placement. For example, CBS used to have the red cross, and a player would be listed as "doubtful" or "out". Our league rules specified that unless a player was "out" they couldn't be placed on the IR. There was no way to enforce it. 

Another circumstance, and the  more problematic of the two, was when a player would come off of IR. In the past, CBS allowed that player to remain on the IR spot. Now the site will pop a message and prevent that team from making lineup adjustments with the illegal lineup. 

So yeah - by today's standards, I agree. But in the past, as commish, I'd get messages left and right about so-and-so abusing the IR, stockpiling players, blah blah blah. And it was a PITA to deal with. 

Ironically due to COVID, I've added 2 IR spots specifically for players placed on the COVID IR. But the  league has been very good about it, so likely we just had team owners who sucked in the past. ;)  
I can see where it can be a PITA if you don't have clear rules.  But with clear rules it's not that hard.  Nobody is abusing the rules if the rules are clear.  You either can place a guy or not.  You either have to take a guy off or not.  How does it get abused?  I have been commissioning for almost 40 years so I know the iterations.  These kind of things have never been hard if the rules are clear.  Someone violates the rules they get corrected.  It's part of being a commish.  I just don't see it as being a PITA.  On the other hand if an owner continuously knowingly broke the rules that owner wouldn't be around long.  I guess that is how you fix the PITA aspect.  

Who slaps someone? Punch him if you are going to hit him.
It's to show more disrespect.

Also as a longtime commish I applaud Pham, I've wanted to slap the #### out of a few of my league mates who routinely have tried to 'bend' rules for years.

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In all seriousness these guys are playing big money gambling on professional sports and it's ok because they have no control over the outcome.  

Calvin Ridley claims he bet like 4 dollars and a slightly chewed piece of fruit stripe gum and he's out for a year while the league is sponsoring nfl team themed slot machines and opening a team in Vegas.  Did he have more control over the outcomes than the baseball players?   How so? Cincinnati and San Francisco baseball players don't know the Bengals or 49ers?  

But Goodell has all the power he wants over wins and losses.  He once suspended a guy for playing football outside on a cold day.  And he's making money off gambling every day.  

Never would have happened under Pete Rozelle

In all seriousness these guys are playing big money gambling on professional sports and it's ok because they have no control over the outcome. 
You could have ended what you were going to say with this and it still would have been evidence for why you should suspend Ridley and not these guys. Ridley had potential to control what went on by improper influence because he was too close to the bet. 

That's what got him suspended. Not whether he did or not, but the appearance of or even faint whiff of gambling on his own games. 

You could have ended what you were going to say with this and it still would have been evidence for why you should suspend Ridley and not these guys. Ridley had potential to control what went on by improper influence because he was too close to the bet. 

That's what got him suspended. Not whether he did or not, but the appearance of or even faint whiff of gambling on his own games. 
His entire post was all just a set up to once again defend Tom Brady.

Dr. Octopus said:
His entire post was all just a set up to once again defend Tom Brady.

Ohhh, and not talk about how Goodell destroyed the videotapes of Sypgate for reasons nobody with a pulse can understand? In the offices of New York. 

"Destroy those tapes!"

"Why? I'm in a suit. Can't we just send them somewhere"

"No. There's nothing incriminating on them. But destroy them anyway. I feel like Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols! Destroy!" 


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