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Fantasyauctioneer.com: anyone else having problems (1 Viewer)


Having problems off and on all day today and between that and off and on connectivity issues I have seen/heard with them, getting nervous about this happening on draft day. Anyone use this this year, and what was your experience (or others you've heard)? Thx

Having problems off and on all day today and between that and off and on connectivity issues I have seen/heard with them, getting nervous about this happening on draft day. Anyone use this this year, and what was your experience (or others you've heard)? Thx
We had to reschedule our draft. SIte kept crashing on Monday...... Big disappointment
Having problems off and on all day today and between that and off and on connectivity issues I have seen/heard with them, getting nervous about this happening on draft day. Anyone use this this year, and what was your experience (or others you've heard)? Thx
We had to reschedule our draft. SIte kept crashing on Monday...... Big disappointment
Our auction worked ok last year and our auction is next week. This doesn't make me feel good... looks like the site down right now as well. Is there any other service that hosts auctions? An in person auction isn't possible for us and I really don't want to go back to snake drafts.
Having problems off and on all day today and between that and off and on connectivity issues I have seen/heard with them, getting nervous about this happening on draft day. Anyone use this this year, and what was your experience (or others you've heard)? Thx
Did one there Sunday night without any problems............
We did one on Sunday and it worked okay. Some guys mentioned that if they used "classic" mode they had less "slugginess".

Our auction worked ok last year and our auction is next week. This doesn't make me feel good... looks like the site down right now as well. Is there any other service that hosts auctions? An in person auction isn't possible for us and I really don't want to go back to snake drafts.
I am going to create an ESPN league which has a similar auction service and have ready as our backup site. Features aren't nearly as good (eg cannot pause the draft any time you want and not even sure if you can "un-do" picks if necessary for whatever reason - also cannot do "serpantine" draft order), but so far as I know it is at least reliable, and it's free. Not disregarding FA.com, but we cannot just pick another day, we HAVE to do it on schedule. Also there's always chat rooms (MFL leagues have them built in) or teleconf. Again hardly ideal but you know it'll work at least.PS site working for me now but EXTREMELY slow.
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I'm having trouble logging in tonight too. I don't like to see these kind of problems now. It's still pretty early. The next 10 days will progressively get higher and higher server usage/demand.

George if you're out there please post an update on fbg message boards as many read these boards.

George did mention to me in preseason that for 2008 they took steps to prevent some of the freezing/server load/crashing issues that FA has experienced at peak times the last 2 years.

Here's hoping that the next 10 days go smooth for FA and fantasy teams using them.

My keeper auction league strongly considered leaving after last year but I lobbied to stay with FA one more year b/c i believe in the product.

fingers crossed...

We had ours last Saturday and everything went smoothly.

Though I like having drafts/auctions as close to the start of the season as you can, I've come to believe it's better to do auctions on FA a little earlier than need be just to avoid the server crush.

last year, we had the site crash while trying to do our auction.

we quickly set up a free mock auction and had everyone in the league join before anyone else. the free mock worked just fine when the auction we paid for was completely useless an hour earlier.

now that espn does free auctions, i don't know what's going on over at FA.com, but last year, i had the sneaking suspicion that they go to greater lengths to make sure that free mocks don't encounter problems.

presumably, the free mocks have many potential customers that they'd rather not turn off.

if i were to use it again, i'd make sure to set up free mock beforehand that starts 15 min. after the paid auction does. (or just skip the paying part altogether)

pollardsvision said:
last year, we had the site crash while trying to do our auction.we quickly set up a free mock auction and had everyone in the league join before anyone else. the free mock worked just fine when the auction we paid for was completely useless an hour earlier.
:shrug:FWIW it's somewhat better today but still slow. If this is due to traffic, wtfo, trim down avail bandwidth for free mocks and provide for paying customers. If it's this bad mid-week, I shudder to think what'll happen over upcoming weekends.
How does ESPN compare in terms of the quality of the auction tool? That is my main draw to FA. Not there aren't some things they could still improve on. Though giving you the ability to type in player salaries when pre-entering instead of having to use those stupid arrow keys at least fixed my biggest complaint about last year.

How does ESPN compare in terms of the quality of the auction tool? That is my main draw to FA. Not there aren't some things they could still improve on. Though giving you the ability to type in player salaries when pre-entering instead of having to use those stupid arrow keys at least fixed my biggest complaint about last year.
Doesn't have some of the features as I mentioned above (and I could live w/o the player pics as they are nominated) but I have done a number of auctions mocks on ESPN and have yet to experience (or even hear of) a draft room hanging, crashing, gettting dropped off, etc - and frankly I'll trade features for reliability every time. In most respects they are similar though.
Anyone have any luck getting to the site last night or this morning?

It's been down for me this whole time. It's very distressing.

If any FA.com people post here, PLEASE give updates.

Does anyone remember the support email address?

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Anyone have any luck getting to the site last night or this morning?It's been down for me this whole time. It's very distressing. If any FA.com people post here, PLEASE give updates.Does anyone remember the support email address?
we had an 8pm auction slated for last night.No one could even access FA's home page from 7pm-8:30-ish.We FINALLY all got into the auction app around 9:15pm.Then the commish hit the "Start Auction" button and IT DIDN'T WORK!So, we all left the auction and all tried starting it up again, and it still didn't work.Then, we tried to set up a free mock draft and it kept crashing the web browserwhen the commish tried to confirm the free mock.So...3 hours of wasted time and no auction results to speak of.I think we're going to try ESPN tonight but not all owners can make it tonight.FA is now dead to us in our league.
How does ESPN compare in terms of the quality of the auction tool? That is my main draw to FA. Not there aren't some things they could still improve on. Though giving you the ability to type in player salaries when pre-entering instead of having to use those stupid arrow keys at least fixed my biggest complaint about last year.
the only thing i can think of that FA offers in terms of quality that ESPN does not is the ability to customize the budget. with ESPN, you can only use a $200 budget as far as i know. with ESPN, commish's can pause the draft, undo picks, reset the draft, and adjust the bid/nomination times.you can also pre-enter player salaries (without having to use arrow keys).unless a league must have a budget that's not $200, i think ESPN is just a better, free version of FA that will likely have fewer technical difficulties.that said, i've only used ESPN for random leagues for practice so far. FA has always worked perfectly for similar free mocks and the problems only came when using a paid-for auction. i've got 3 custom auctions coming up with ESPN (during high traffic times). i'll report back if there are any problems.
How does ESPN compare in terms of the quality of the auction tool? That is my main draw to FA. Not there aren't some things they could still improve on. Though giving you the ability to type in player salaries when pre-entering instead of having to use those stupid arrow keys at least fixed my biggest complaint about last year.
the only thing i can think of that FA offers in terms of quality that ESPN does not is the ability to customize the budget. with ESPN, you can only use a $200 budget as far as i know. with ESPN, commish's can pause the draft, undo picks, reset the draft, and adjust the bid/nomination times.you can also pre-enter player salaries (without having to use arrow keys).unless a league must have a budget that's not $200, i think ESPN is just a better, free version of FA that will likely have fewer technical difficulties.that said, i've only used ESPN for random leagues for practice so far. FA has always worked perfectly for similar free mocks and the problems only came when using a paid-for auction. i've got 3 custom auctions coming up with ESPN (during high traffic times). i'll report back if there are any problems.
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully they change the auction amount, as my league is $500 and it wouldn't really be feasible to do it with a $200 cap.Also, what all positions do they support? In particular, do they have the ability to have CB, S, DE, and DT separate or do they force you to lump them together as DL and DB? Also, do they have any kind of team offense or head coach category? Or punters? (FA does have the different IDP positions, doesn't have punters, but does have head coaches buried in the kicker list).
First FA.com problem is fixed FYI, at least it's working fine for me. Got an email from them saying they had some kids figure out a way to clog the servers with spam email. Isn't that cute - tee hee, giggle :hifive:

Re ESPN, can you pause it any time, is there max on how long etc? Also I don't think you can have it nominate in reverse order which matters to us (I wouldn't know since nobody answered my email asking about it - big surprise, cust support is non-existant).

We tried drafting last night and it was a major failure. Never, ever, using that site again. Two days in a row its hosed us.

How does ESPN compare in terms of the quality of the auction tool? That is my main draw to FA. Not there aren't some things they could still improve on. Though giving you the ability to type in player salaries when pre-entering instead of having to use those stupid arrow keys at least fixed my biggest complaint about last year.
the only thing i can think of that FA offers in terms of quality that ESPN does not is the ability to customize the budget. with ESPN, you can only use a $200 budget as far as i know. with ESPN, commish's can pause the draft, undo picks, reset the draft, and adjust the bid/nomination times.you can also pre-enter player salaries (without having to use arrow keys).unless a league must have a budget that's not $200, i think ESPN is just a better, free version of FA that will likely have fewer technical difficulties.that said, i've only used ESPN for random leagues for practice so far. FA has always worked perfectly for similar free mocks and the problems only came when using a paid-for auction. i've got 3 custom auctions coming up with ESPN (during high traffic times). i'll report back if there are any problems.
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully they change the auction amount, as my league is $500 and it wouldn't really be feasible to do it with a $200 cap.Also, what all positions do they support? In particular, do they have the ability to have CB, S, DE, and DT separate or do they force you to lump them together as DL and DB? Also, do they have any kind of team offense or head coach category? Or punters? (FA does have the different IDP positions, doesn't have punters, but does have head coaches buried in the kicker list).
had my 1st custom auction on ESPN yesterday. for the most part, everything went well. some of the players were a bit hard to find (a couple QBs in the "IR-eligible" list instead of the QB list), but not a big deal. (if it helps anyone, owen daniels is absolutely buried on the espn TE list. almost impossible to find)most importantly, it didn't crash.i'm pretty sure you can do head coaches and specific IDP positions (CB,S, DE,DT, ILB,OLB). don't think so on the punters and team offenses.RE: someone asking about pausing length. you can pause it for as long as you want.
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First FA.com problem is fixed FYI, at least it's working fine for me. Got an email from them saying they had some kids figure out a way to clog the servers with spam email. Isn't that cute - tee hee, giggle :goodposting:Re ESPN, can you pause it any time, is there max on how long etc? Also I don't think you can have it nominate in reverse order which matters to us (I wouldn't know since nobody answered my email asking about it - big surprise, cust support is non-existant).
hope that fixes it for them. hope thoss kids get the book thrown at them.you can pause for as long as you want on espn.i don't think you can reverse the nomination order, but i haven't really investigated either.
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My league is having a draft there Sunday, the 31st. This will be the 3rd yr in a row for the league... both years there were issues; both nothing that the commish couldn't fix by rolling back.

I hope they have thier stuff together by then.

You actually can't set up an auction right now that will run today on ESPN. ANyone know of a site where you are good to go right away?

jezz.. can anyone log in right now?
Nope. Here's what they said yesterday:Please accept our sincerest apologies for the technical difficulties we are having. We are doing our best to resolve the situation, but it would be best if you can try to find another day to reconvene. I realize that is much more easily said than done, but I have to be realistic as to the chances of us fixing this problem today.We will obviously refund your fee. If you can find another time to do this, please email support to get a free promo code. If you are willing to give us another chance, we will be happy to give you free auctions then as well.Again, we are very, very sorry for these technical problems. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible, but it will likely take longer than usual for obvious reasons. Thank you.
jezz.. can anyone log in right now?
Nope. Here's what they said yesterday:Please accept our sincerest apologies for the technical difficulties we are having. We are doing our best to resolve the situation, but it would be best if you can try to find another day to reconvene. I realize that is much more easily said than done, but I have to be realistic as to the chances of us fixing this problem today.We will obviously refund your fee. If you can find another time to do this, please email support to get a free promo code. If you are willing to give us another chance, we will be happy to give you free auctions then as well.Again, we are very, very sorry for these technical problems. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible, but it will likely take longer than usual for obvious reasons. Thank you.
I got a similar email this morning.I think I'll have my league try for tonight on Fantasyauctioneer.com and if that doesn't work use a Chat Room.If anyone has a better idea, i'd open for suggestions. ESPN won't let me create a league for tonight and owners are all over the place schedule wise...I hope things work out tonight.I can only imagine how long the auction will take in a chat room.
I got no such email from FA.com and it ranged from kinda slow to so slow it never came up at all (let it spin as long as 20+ mins) yesterday. More than little concerned that this is going to be a mess this upcoming weekend.

I got no such email from FA.com and it ranged from kinda slow to so slow it never came up at all (let it spin as long as 20+ mins) yesterday. More than little concerned that this is going to be a mess this upcoming weekend.
I didn't get an email either. What I posted was on the front page yesterday. My draft is on the 30th, and have suggested to the commish to have a back up plan on ESPN. I have a feeling this could get ugly.
Got it thx. Yeah I am trying to plan for ESPN as backup too. 2 biggest drawbacks I see are no reverse order nominations and only can have $200 salary, but still beats the hell out of a chat room (I think). Thx all for info.

Got it thx. Yeah I am trying to plan for ESPN as backup too. 2 biggest drawbacks I see are no reverse order nominations and only can have $200 salary, but still beats the hell out of a chat room (I think). Thx all for info.
Any interested in trying to mobilize a bunch of us to request more functionality in those regards, so next year hopefully ESPN will be as fully featured an option as FA? How do you give feedback there, is there an email address, or message board, or what?
Got it thx. Yeah I am trying to plan for ESPN as backup too. 2 biggest drawbacks I see are no reverse order nominations and only can have $200 salary, but still beats the hell out of a chat room (I think). Thx all for info.
Any interested in trying to mobilize a bunch of us to request more functionality in those regards, so next year hopefully ESPN will be as fully featured an option as FA? How do you give feedback there, is there an email address, or message board, or what?
Maybe money. They're free, so I'm not sure what incentive there is for them to change things. Hopefully auction drafting gets more popular and someone else pops up with a decent service. It's unreal that FA is the only ballgame in town.
Got it thx. Yeah I am trying to plan for ESPN as backup too. 2 biggest drawbacks I see are no reverse order nominations and only can have $200 salary, but still beats the hell out of a chat room (I think). Thx all for info.
Any interested in trying to mobilize a bunch of us to request more functionality in those regards, so next year hopefully ESPN will be as fully featured an option as FA? How do you give feedback there, is there an email address, or message board, or what?
you can email or call. i'm sure it will be an option next year.i assume they are trying to keep it simple in their 1st season doing auctions. espn's general fantasy consumer base, i assume, is fairly new to auctions and probably wasn't looking for much customization. if they were trying to just steal FA's business, they probably just wanted to get something free going that won't have technical difficulties.
did anyone get to auction this weekend?
Well my auction just timed out for everyone in the middle of it, about 8 rounds in. We try to get back in and it just logs you out automatically.This is absolutely ridiculous.Any recommendations on how to finish an auction like this halfway through? Thank god I was tracking the draft in excel at the same time.
did anyone get to auction this weekend?
Well my auction just timed out for everyone in the middle of it, about 8 rounds in. We try to get back in and it just logs you out automatically.This is absolutely ridiculous.

Any recommendations on how to finish an auction like this halfway through? Thank god I was tracking the draft in excel at the same time.
what u mean it timed out... how long did it take?
did anyone get to auction this weekend?
Well my auction just timed out for everyone in the middle of it, about 8 rounds in. We try to get back in and it just logs you out automatically.This is absolutely ridiculous.

Any recommendations on how to finish an auction like this halfway through? Thank god I was tracking the draft in excel at the same time.
what u mean it timed out... how long did it take?
The auction software just stopped responding for everyone. We closed the browser, and re-logged in, but everytime we clicked Join, it said our connection timed and would not re-open the auction window.Here's the kicker. It autodrafted the remainder of the auction for everyone, and we're now showing up in the Completed Auctions listing. I dont know how this is fixable.


Confirmed - I log in and try to create an auction and it acts like I'm not logged in. :yes:

I strongly suspect we'll end up using ESPN this weekend. Which blows, but at least it's reliable (knock on wood)

I went with ESPN today instead of FA. Only have 2 complaints, but otherwise pretty solid:

Needs to be snake order nominations

When fixing or undoing a player, it forces you to redo all players done since that player. This is a minor annoyance only.

Otherwise, commish can pause, undo picks, adjust prices, and change the nomination and bid times.

Just a few thoughts.

Can someone that works at football guys use their connections (football guys and fantasy auctioneer are both part of the fantasy players dot com network) to put some pressure on these guys to fix the site and/or have football guys develop their own auction tool for next year (it would be a great hook to add additional subscribers or to keep subscribers).

did anyone get to auction this weekend?
Well my auction just timed out for everyone in the middle of it, about 8 rounds in. We try to get back in and it just logs you out automatically.This is absolutely ridiculous.

Any recommendations on how to finish an auction like this halfway through? Thank god I was tracking the draft in excel at the same time.
what u mean it timed out... how long did it take?
The auction software just stopped responding for everyone. We closed the browser, and re-logged in, but everytime we clicked Join, it said our connection timed and would not re-open the auction window.Here's the kicker. It autodrafted the remainder of the auction for everyone, and we're now showing up in the Completed Auctions listing. I dont know how this is fixable.

This is complete BS. They know they are having problems, yet let leagues attempt to draft, therefore screwing them up even more. They should just close shop until everything is fixed, and give refunds where appropriate.
:lmao: Last year our auction froze up at very first click, we had to go back to snake draft at MFL. George gave us a free pass for this year but now I dunno... Hope George can weigh in or we can get some success stories in the next few hours. Meantime I guess I'll set up the backup league on ESPN.
:confused: Last year our auction froze up at very first click, we had to go back to snake draft at MFL. George gave us a free pass for this year but now I dunno... Hope George can weigh in or we can get some success stories in the next few hours. Meantime I guess I'll set up the backup league on ESPN.
Here's my updateNo one in my league could get in to the auction at 840 pm est. Basically kept timing out. So, our backup (could not rechedule) was to use a chat room. We used Chatzy.com, just invited everybody in. As commish I was the auctioneer, we had a nomination order, i gave it approx 15 secs after last bid ..typed going 1, going 2, going 3, done. And if I typed done before a new bid, it was final.Finally started at 9pm, ended at 1:30 am. 4.5 Hrs. And, since I was keeping track of a lot of the stuff, I really could not focus on the auction myself.I sent fantasyauctioneer.com a request for refund, and we're going to talk over using espn next season. I will have to normalize keepers to get to a $200 league, and overlook some minor things, but at least I won't have to deal with this again.
The other option is have a "conference" on the phone. Can keep track on your PC that way of rosters/etc and not have to mess with typing in bids.

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