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FFA Movie Poll - 1978 Lists due 8/26 (1 Viewer)

First year I didn't have a hard time whittling the list down to 20 ...and came in at 14.  Several really good ones, but way thinner overall as a year for me.

Citizen Kale

Raging Bulgar

Grapes of Wrath


To Kill an Artichoke

The Maltese Daikon

One Flew Over the Kohlrabi Crop

Lawrence of Rutabagas

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I've been rewatching The Deer Hunter over the past couple of nights (and still have a little bit more to go tonight).  In most three hour movies, I feel like something could have been cut here and there. The Deer Hunter is one of the exceptions.  The scene that I sometimes hear/see people complaining about is the wedding scene, but cutting/shortening that loses so much of the character development/depth.

I've been rewatching The Deer Hunter over the past couple of nights (and still have a little bit more to go tonight).  In most three hour movies, I feel like something could have been cut here and there. The Deer Hunter is one of the exceptions.  The scene that I sometimes hear/see people complaining about is the wedding scene, but cutting/shortening that loses so much of the character development/depth.

this is this

I've been rewatching The Deer Hunter over the past couple of nights (and still have a little bit more to go tonight).  In most three hour movies, I feel like something could have been cut here and there. The Deer Hunter is one of the exceptions.  The scene that I sometimes hear/see people complaining about is the wedding scene, but cutting/shortening that loses so much of the character development/depth.


this is this

Watched Deer Hunter recently for the first time in a decade and its just better, as dramatically so as films from the same era like Network & the Godfathers. The courage to know you have the story without trying to outsmart it is bold, bold art and so rare in grand-scale cinema. In times of war, we bury jackholes, smartalecs, hardasses, babyfaces, whiners, winners & losers under one banner - hero. May God eternally damn anyone who spends such lives for any but the highest purpose.

We stop the fight right now, we got to be what we feel...

Deer Hunter    30
Days of Heaven    30
Animal House    26
Blue Collar    22
The Last Waltz    19
Grease    19
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith    15
Revenge of the Pink Panther    15
Heaven Can Wait    7
Gates of Heaven    7
Superman    5
Halloween    5
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Not my favorite year. These are all pretty much nostalgia votes from my 10 year old self, but I don't think they're great movies.

The Lord Of The Rings 30

Battlestar Galactica 11

The Buddy Holly Story 5

Up In Smoke 5

Heaven Can Wait 5

The Wiz 1

Revenge Of The Pink Panther 1

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1

Corvette Summer 1
25    ---    Who'll Stop the Rain

20    ---    The Marriage of Maria Braun
20    ---    The Last Waltz
15    ---    Halloween
15    ---    The Deer Hunter
15    ---    Big Wednesday
10    ---    Pretty Baby
10    ---    Days of Heaven
10    ---    Heaven Can Wait
10    ---    The Driver
5    ---    National Lampoon's Animal House
5    ---    Blue Collar
5    ---    Piranha
5    ---    Dawn of the Dead
5    ---    Invasion of the Body Snatchers
5    ---    Convoy
5    ---    Drunken Master
5    ---    The Buddy Holly Story
5    ---    The Boys in Company C
5    ---    The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith
Not my favorite year. These are all pretty much nostalgia votes from my 10 year old self, but I don't think they're great movies.

The Lord Of The Rings 30
Oh, come on. I'll eat up most anything Tolkien-related but this was awful. Boromir was a Viking and Aragorn was Geronimo. 

Wow.  Rough year for me.  I didn't make time to watch a few that seem to be highly regarded in this thread and I will try to do so going forward.

30 - The Deer Hunter

20 - Heaven Can Wait

15 - Halloween, Watership Down, Boys From Brazil, Invasion of the Body Snatchers

10 - Coming Home, Dawn of the Dead, Piranha

5 - Eyes of Laura Mars, Pretty Baby

1 - Jaws 2, Killer Tomatoes
My list is going to be very short. As football has ramped up, I've been focusing on that and enjoying the summer. Not much movie watching recently. 

Uruk-Hai said:
Oh, come on. I'll eat up most anything Tolkien-related but this was awful. Boromir was a Viking and Aragorn was Geronimo. 
Still a zillion times better than the Peter Jackson garbage. And like I said, I saw it when I was 10, and I loved it. Hooray for rotoscoping!

Forgot about this and can't find my list. Gotta leave for work in 20 minutes so gonna cut it down.

30 - Every Which Way but Loose 
25 - Foul Play
10 - Death On The Nile
20 - Halloween
15 - Midnight Express
10 - Animal House
10 - Convoy

KarmaPolice said:
Last day reminder bump.  Not even to 10 lists yet.  
Had two FFL drafts this weekend, so this slipped my mind.  Will try to PM something in the next few minutes from my cell...

Got the last 2 - thanks.  Looks like we will be at our usual for the older years - I think we are at 17 now with the last two entries.  

As it stands, it's looking to be a shorter countdown.  Using the 50pt rule, we are at 18 movies.   My disappointment in one movie's performance is made up for by the performance of another - which I think it a bit of a surprise toward the top.  Pretty clear cut #1 yet again.  

I have a directed and genuine affection for Countdown Mondays but, at this juncture, your 1978 has me feeling we might both be better off if we agreed to see other years....

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I have a directed and genuine affection for Countdown Mondays but, at this juncture, your 1978 has me feeling we might both be better off if we agreed to see other years....
I get the feeling that most in here share this sentiment, so let's pull off the band-aid and get this over with, so we can quality films like Independence Day and Twister.

Reminder as you see the votes - we ended up getting 18 lists.  Almost a clean sweep for a movie - can't remember who left it off.  

#18  55pts

4 votes

Pretending not to be gay in St. Tropez...

French-Italian co-production based on Jean Poiret's play about a drag queen and his lover hoping to pass as straights for the sake of the lover's son, who has announced he's getting married. In its time, a rather obvious sex farce, made even more so today in the wake of two sequels and the 1996 American remake "The Birdcage". Mixture of #####y bickering, door-slamming slapstick, and semi-serious overtures regarding the kowtowing of gays to straights creates a bumpy cinematic rhythm. Worse, the overall results--though popular at the box-office--are undermined by a dreariness that never goes away. May prove fascinating for "Birdcage" enthusiasts eager to compare the two, but this version offers even fewer laughs, with dramatic outbursts awkwardly and embarrassingly staged. ** from ****


#17  58

4 votes

Watch at your own risk

I watched about 1/2 of this movie and it horrified me for about four months. I just was scared for life watching this awful movie. Although yes the movie has a great concept to it, but you can get your opinion across without seeing a field turn to blood or watching as a dog horrifically rips a rabbits throat open or watch as a rabbit gets choked to death and has blood spilling from his neck and mouth. If you have young children I do not recommend watching it. As a child I scared me. So if you don't want your child worrying about being buried alive. Do not get fooled buy the rating "G" I would probably rate it "PG-13". Beware.


#16  61pts

6 votes

Only for "Panther" completists; offensive, stupid and almost completely without laughs

Fifth in the "Pink Panther" series (sixth if you count 1968's "Inspector Clouseau", which starred Alan Arkin) opens with a promising set-up--Clouseau, who is marked for assassination by the millionaire businessman who heads up the French mafia, is mistaken for dead--but fails to come up with anything remotely funny following the introductions. Director/producer/co-screenwriter Blake Edwards (who also gets a story credit!) does some uncharacteristically lazy work here. Peter Sellers can't even get laughs dressed in transvestite's clothes or disguised as a mafia godfather. Edwards must have been relieved to close the chapter on Clouseau after this abysmal installment, though he was persuaded to piece together another film (1982's "Trail of the Pink Panther") from series outtakes after Sellers' demise. * from ****


#15  62pts

5 votes

More trash from Morris.

I don't know how Errol Morris ever became so respected when he produced garbage like this.This movie jumps from person to person, never making much sense.It's basically just a record of stupid people saying stupid things.The first idiot was a pear shaped loser with the IQ of a pear.The man is 48 years old and doesn't look a day under 100.He said things like "worsh" and "they don't waste nothing" multiple times.His only purpose in the movie is to try to make the guy from the rendering plant(the only guy in the movie with a functioning brain)look evil and he fails consistently.So he mentions being charged with a crime and then they just move on and we never find out what happened to him.The focus then moves on to another mental midget.This guy blames the "pet explosion" on human birth control.He says birth control makes women get jobs and if they don't have a baby they need to get something to "fondle".He goes on to say then the woman's parents need to get pets because the lack of grandchildren leaves them nothing to "fondle" and "rear".With thoughts like that rattling around in his empty head, you know his offspring are going to be real winners.Those fools are the next to grace your screen.They are both college graduates who couldn't function at real jobs.The older one was too stressed out to sell insurance and the other one got dumped by his girlfriend so they both had to move home and let daddy support them.The older son goes on to explain how a graph chart works and how hard it is to drive to vet offices, no wonder insurance was kicking his ###.The other one babbles about music and we are treated to way too much of his terrible guitar playing.At one point he plays a recording of his noise while we are treated to a view of his pot plants.And I didn't even mention all the idiot pet owners.One old lady cries about how she raised her grandson and he doesn't do anything for her.She claims to have bought him a "real nice" car but later admits she only gave him $400.But what would you expect from a person who doesn't even realize they had to raise their grandson because they failed at being a parent the first time?The rest of the pets owners can't shut up about how they will see their pets in heaven and it's just so sad that people can be that stupid.The only reason to watch this is the guy at the rendering plant.


#14  67pts

6 votes

Vee haff vays off making you laugh (unintentionally!)

I saw this film on TV a few nights ago for the first time and was quite literally stunned at how bad it really is. For such a high profile and well respected group of actors (in the main) the performances are exceptionally bad. Laurence Olivier and Gregory Peck try to outdo each other in the worst ever accent stakes to such an extent that one has to question whether or not this was actually made as a tongue in cheek comedy! Steve Guttenberg in a very early performance gives us a taste of the lack of talent and mediocrity that we shall come to expect from him over the coming years, as a group of pantomime Nazis try to stop him from revealing their secret. If nothing else, I got a good laugh from this piece of 70s camp, which truly has to be seen to be believed!


#13  72 pts

5 votes

A boring disappointment

I was disappointed by this movie by Paul Shrader, who has certainly turned in much better efforts.

Yaphet Kotto, Richard Pryor, and Harvey Keitel did a good job of representing blue collar workers. But their acting and the music were about the only things to recommend this movie.

The plot of three factory workers trying to burglarize their own corrupt union was dumb and undeveloped. It's difficult to root for the success of three guys with obviously devoted wives who: sneak out at night to snort cocaine and screw their brains out; cheat on their income taxes; and complain they have no money while evidently spending most of their money and time drinking at the local tavern. Evidently there are one or more homicides in their past, too.

But, this movie urges, let's concentrate on the important things: the union has failed to get Richard Pryor's locker fixed at work.

The oppression of their factory bosses and their union seems like a deserved punishment. Even so, we might hope for the come-uppance of the hopelessly evil union if the acting of the person playing the FBI agent investigating it were not much more horrid than the union.


#12  91pts

6 votes

I had a hard time staying awake.

And I'm not sure I succeeded. I may have dozed off for a bit.

The opening words on the screen at least summarise what it is I don't get about this kind of rock music: "This film should be played loud." Why? What's the idea? If it's ALL loud (and believe me, it is), how does one appreciate the loudness of any particular bit, apart from developing a headache? Music that asks us to revel in its sheer volume has something to hide. Scorsese might more aptly have said: "This film must be played loud in order to register at all."

The strange thing is that most of the songs (there's enough musical variety for there to be exceptions) fall flat; their musical content falls just short of enough and they need ENERGY, not mere loudness, to come off. Most of the musicians seemed skilled but exhausted.

The concert footage is at least filmed properly. Scorsese does nothing but train cameras on the performers so as to enable us to see what they're doing; he doesn't try to mold the concert, which is its own work of art, into HIS work of art. But the behind-the-scenes interviews are a boring waste of time. No doubt they satisfy the wish I expressed earlier, and diminish the loudness while they last, but any other footage that served the same purpose would have worked just as well.


#11  94pts

11 votes

Mediocre effort.

Capsule synopsis: Two dope-heads attempt to smuggle a van constructed entirely of marijuana across the US/Mexico border, with an obsessed narc in hot pursuit.

This cinematic debut from Cheech and Chong is considered by many to be the definitive stoner film. It is not exactly an enjoyable film, as many of the jokes center on drug taking. The pacing is very slow and the jokes are badly timed. Stacy Keach gives what is by far the best performance in the film. Lou Adler does not appear to know much about directing, no wonder that he was replaced by Thomas Chong for the next few films.

The Verdict: Only for Cheech and Chong fans and dope-heads.


#10  118pts

11 votes

As Co-Writer/Director/Producer - Actor, Warren Beatty Was Responsible For This Picture's Ruin

Well-Well-Well - When it comes down to totally brain-dead Rom/Coms - I'd definitely say that 1978's "Heaven Can Wait" makes 1972's "What;s Up, Doc?" look worthy of an Oscar by comparison. It really does.

And, yes - I do fully realize that this humourless, dumber-than-dumb Fantasy/Comedy/Romance was, indeed, a total product of its time.... But, with that aside....

When it came to the likes of "bungling" angels (Spare me!) and cooking up yet another preposterous scheme for Joe and Betty to meet up again, and again, and again (ho-hum!) - I was nearly at my patience end with this picture's total incompetence at being unable to deliver a story that came anywhere near to being a really amusing and truly satisfying "Screwball" comedy.

Oh, yeah - By the way - Speaking about actor, Warren Beatty - Since he was this film's co-director/producer/writer - I put full blame on him for this one's total crap-factor. I really do.


On a side note, I am already tired of sites like imdb using the borders of the screen for ads.  Real ####in' annoying only getting about 1/2 of the area on your screen for what you are there for.  


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