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Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch (1 Viewer)

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither did Trayvon.Its a bit hypocritical of CH to knock on Martin for fighting when he in fact does the same thing with his supposed MMA training.
The difference is the legality
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither was treyvon martin. This is total propaganda by certain people with an agenda to slander
Yes, I'm just making up the drugs and suspensions... Pretty hard to argue against those. Defacing school property.. ok.. propaganda.. whatever.. Kid never did anything wrong in his life..
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But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither was treyvon martin. This is total propaganda by certain people with an agenda to slander
Yes, I'm just making up the drugs and suspensions... Pretty hard to argue against those. Defacing school property.. ok.. propaganda.. whatever.. Kid never did anything wrong in his life..
:lmao: First of all i was addressing the ''organized fighting'' claim you keep harping on.Next lets just keep the other stuff in perspective shall we? Treyvon was caught with a baggie with traces of pot in it, you make it seem as though he had an ounce on him. Also the alledged stolen property was never ever proven to be stolen so just give that up completely, saying it was stolen over and over doesnt make it so.Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does , he was tagging property with paint...oh god the horror !!!!!!

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But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither was treyvon martin. This is total propaganda by certain people with an agenda to slander
Yes, I'm just making up the drugs and suspensions... Pretty hard to argue against those. Defacing school property.. ok.. propaganda.. whatever.. Kid never did anything wrong in his life..
:lmao: First of all i was addressing the ''organized fighting'' claim you keep harping on.Next lets just keep the other stuff in perspective shall we? Treyvon was caught with a baggie with traces of pot in it, you make it seem as though he had an ounce on him. Also the alledged stolen property was never ever proven to be stolen so just give that up completely, saying it was stolen over and over doesnt make it so.Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does , he was tagging property with paint...oh god the horror !!!!!!
Doesn't matter how much illegal drugs he had on him, or in his system at the time of the incident, still illegal drugs...Almost every teen you know defaces public property? Nice pool you're drawing from there bud. OK, similar to how Mad Sweeney says all of this is typical right?

My son has never done any of these things and is 16, maybe he's an outlier then I guess right? The worst any of his friend have done is get reprimanded for talking back to the bus driver.. There is 7 teenagers right there that have never been suspended from school, caught with drugs on them or in their system, been in trouble for defacing property, caught with jewelry that wasn't theirs...

Try all you want, good kids don't get suspended from school 4 times in one year, get caught with illegal drugs, deface school property...

He's obviously been in trouble, and often.. The amount of trouble he's been in, in the last year would be alarming to any parent, yet you suggest this is a fair representation of "most teenagers"... I think you know you're full of dung..

Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...

Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?

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Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
You've got to remember that Busted comes from the "bad" part of town. You must be from the elitest area. Luckily my area also has atypical teens for the most part.
Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
You've got to remember that Busted comes from the "bad" part of town. You must be from the elitest area. Luckily my area also has atypical teens for the most part.
lolI've looked for suspension statistics but I can't find any.. Maybe I'll try again later.. But I have trouble believing 4 suspensions in one year is typical.. If I had to guess, I'd put the over/under for kids who get suspended once in a school year at somewhere less than 50%... 4 times? 5-10%? Far from typical..

Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.

Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.

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Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
yes, inner city school aged teens typically tag buildings -trains-sidewalks. That doesnt make them gangbangers or criminals.Let me tell you ''dad'', if you think you know what your kids are doing when they are not at home guess again.you may know 40 % if you are lucky.

I want to address another thing you said about his parents. You implied that they werent good parents because trey was getting into trouble. Well i see it differently, i see the fact that his dad took him to sanford to get him away from the Miami environment is exactly what a good parent would do.He said he wanted treyvon to get his head back in the game .Whats so bad about that?

My impression of Treyvon Martin is he was a follower , not a leader.

The whole Trayvon is a thug crew ignores the fact that Zimmerman actually was a thug, who got in fights with his girlfriend, the cops, and posted race hating comments on his Myspace page.

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
There was a story about an honor student who missed so many days she went to jail. Guess she can expect to be on welfare and drugs the rest of her life!
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither was treyvon martin. This is total propaganda by certain people with an agenda to slander
Yes, I'm just making up the drugs and suspensions... Pretty hard to argue against those. Defacing school property.. ok.. propaganda.. whatever.. Kid never did anything wrong in his life..
You see, the way it works is... if a portion of a replied post is bolded, that's the topic of the reply. So instead of addressing you, you wander around with a bunch of nonsense, hyperbole and the same type of exagerration you slam others for.
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
And maybe Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was in fear for his life. But since he smoked pot, he obviously woulda ended up dead at the end of a smoking barrel soon enough. I mean, what could a druggie ever accomplish in life?
Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
Yes.I would be willing to bet a very large amount of money that your 16 year old does plenty of borderline stuff that you don't know about.

There is no way in hell that any of the alleged transgression of Trayvon (as a minor no less) are as nearly as nefarious as the known transgressions of George.

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
Legal question: under Florida's SYG law, did Zimmerman actually have to "fear for his life"?
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But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
Legal question: under Florida's SYG law, did Zimmerman have to actually have to "fear for his life"?
...reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another...

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
Legal question: under Florida's SYG law, did Zimmerman have to actually have to "fear for his life"?
...reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another...
Is this the legal definition of bodily harm; I was under the belief that it was even less of a threshold. I do not need a statute cited, or case law, just that it is definitive description of FL's version of SYG.
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame. Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you.. An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass.. :shrug: Have no clue where this guy is now.. We stopped hanging out just shortly after that as he stopped coming to school and lived to far away for me to trek. I heard he might work for Wallace Newman which is one of those companies that will come pick up your old junk for a fee, and that he's one of the resident pot dealers in the area we used to hang in..On another occasion, a friend of mine lifted a candy man cassette tape from a store called Gold Circle (I think that was the name, store was bought out by Target, similar store).. When we got outside, the loss prevention fella confronted my buddy. My buddy pop-ed him and we took off running.. This guy ended up bad into drugs, heavy stuff.. Needles, and glass pipes.. Been in and out of jails and rehabs up to about 2 years ago when he gave his life to god and got his first legit fill time job in a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.. I'd check in on him often after I heard he was on the straight and narrow and in recovery.. Unfortunately the previous years had taken a toll.. I last saw him at his funeral about 6 months ago, he died of a heart attack, alone, in his apartment. First place of his own ever.. He had only been there for about 2 months.I tell these stories because this discussion of old digs reminds me of old situations.. I have a million more.. Shootings, losing friends to stabbings, and gun shots.. Some provoked it, some didn't.. One of the greatest guys I knew, was cool with everyone, had his head blown off with a shot gun by an unknown, for no reason at all other than just being on the wrong side of town.. The other guy in the car said the assailant walked up out of nowhere, fired, and took off running.. No robbery.. nothing.. Another friend was calling to one pay phone at the gas station, from the pay phone at the grocery across the parking lot, pranking people.. Called a black guy the n word, and got his throat slit 30mins later..I'm lucky to have moved on when I did.. But drugs, school suspensions, skipping school, parties, alcohol, fighting.. That's the path we were on.. It's not a good path.. and certainly harbors bad attitude and trouble..
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It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..

As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..

Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:

Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..

Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.

I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you..

An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..

All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass..
And all Z had to do was identify himself,,,
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..

As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..

Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:

Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..

Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.

I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you..

An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..

All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass..
And all Z had to do was identify himself,,,
And you don't know that he didn't.. Trayvon could have also explained his self.. Did he?You don't know what happened..

Trayvon could have also explained his self..
Trayvon didnt chase down the other guy. He was walking home. There was no reason to explain himself to anyone that wasnt the law or his parent.Zimmerman though? He was the watch and the adult with a loaded gun, he should have made everything perfectly clear, he didnt.
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It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..

As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..

Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:

Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..

Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.

I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you..

An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..

All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass..
And all Z had to do was identify himself,,,
And you don't know that he didn't.. Trayvon could have also explained his self.. Did he?You don't know what happened..
But yet you know all about Trayvon and his future prospects. Got it!
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..

As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..

Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:

Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..

Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.

I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you..

An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..

All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass..
And all Z had to do was identify himself,,,
And you don't know that he didn't.. Trayvon could have also explained his self.. Did he?You don't know what happened..
But yet you know all about Trayvon and his future prospects. Got it!
I never said I know.. I said he could have been on a bad path.. How is that saying I know.. These incidents surely reflect poorly on his character..You're the one who thinks he knows what happened.. All along I'm just showing you "Zimmerman is guilty of cold blooded murder" folks an alternate scenario where you could be wrong about that.. I never said he was not guilty.. But it is possible, sorry for the buzz kill.. I promise this won't be your last chance to lynch someone if so..

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It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame. Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you.. An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass.. :shrug: Have no clue where this guy is now.. We stopped hanging out just shortly after that as he stopped coming to school and lived to far away for me to trek. I heard he might work for Wallace Newman which is one of those companies that will come pick up your old junk for a fee, and that he's one of the resident pot dealers in the area we used to hang in..On another occasion, a friend of mine lifted a candy man cassette tape from a store called Gold Circle (I think that was the name, store was bought out by Target, similar store).. When we got outside, the loss prevention fella confronted my buddy. My buddy pop-ed him and we took off running.. This guy ended up bad into drugs, heavy stuff.. Needles, and glass pipes.. Been in and out of jails and rehabs up to about 2 years ago when he gave his life to god and got his first legit fill time job in a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.. I'd check in on him often after I heard he was on the straight and narrow and in recovery.. Unfortunately the previous years had taken a toll.. I last saw him at his funeral about 6 months ago, he died of a heart attack, alone, in his apartment. First place of his own ever.. He had only been there for about 2 months.I tell these stories because this discussion of old digs reminds me of old situations.. I have a million more.. Shootings, losing friends to stabbings, and gun shots.. Some provoked it, some didn't.. One of the greatest guys I knew, was cool with everyone, had his head blown off with a shot gun by an unknown, for no reason at all other than just being on the wrong side of town.. The other guy in the car said the assailant walked up out of nowhere, fired, and took off running.. No robbery.. nothing.. Another friend was calling to one pay phone at the gas station, from the pay phone at the grocery across the parking lot, pranking people.. Called a black guy the n word, and got his throat slit 30mins later..I'm lucky to have moved on when I did.. But drugs, school suspensions, skipping school, parties, alcohol, fighting.. That's the path we were on.. It's not a good path.. and certainly harbors bad attitude and trouble..
Yeah, you were lucky alright. To think you could've survived a High School experience like that (which sounds way rougher than Martin's) and be killed by an overzealous buff on your way home one night.
Trayvon could have also explained his self..
Trayvon didnt chase down the other guy. He was walking home. There was no reason to explain himself to anyone that wasnt the law or his parent.Zimmerman though? He was the watch and the adult with a loaded gun, he should have made everything perfectly clear, he didnt.
You don't know that Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman rather than go straight home.And if a concerned adult asks my son what hes doing walking through the neighborhood at night, my son better be respectful and let him know. If my son punched him instead, because "I wasn't doin nothing wrong, he had no right to hassle me" there would be hell to pay when I found out.."Trayvon hadn't done anything wrong" doesn't excuse him to attack someone..You don't know that Zimmerman didn't make everything perfectly clear, you weren't there were you?
Last edited by a moderator:
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame. Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you.. An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass.. :shrug: Have no clue where this guy is now.. We stopped hanging out just shortly after that as he stopped coming to school and lived to far away for me to trek. I heard he might work for Wallace Newman which is one of those companies that will come pick up your old junk for a fee, and that he's one of the resident pot dealers in the area we used to hang in..On another occasion, a friend of mine lifted a candy man cassette tape from a store called Gold Circle (I think that was the name, store was bought out by Target, similar store).. When we got outside, the loss prevention fella confronted my buddy. My buddy pop-ed him and we took off running.. This guy ended up bad into drugs, heavy stuff.. Needles, and glass pipes.. Been in and out of jails and rehabs up to about 2 years ago when he gave his life to god and got his first legit fill time job in a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.. I'd check in on him often after I heard he was on the straight and narrow and in recovery.. Unfortunately the previous years had taken a toll.. I last saw him at his funeral about 6 months ago, he died of a heart attack, alone, in his apartment. First place of his own ever.. He had only been there for about 2 months.I tell these stories because this discussion of old digs reminds me of old situations.. I have a million more.. Shootings, losing friends to stabbings, and gun shots.. Some provoked it, some didn't.. One of the greatest guys I knew, was cool with everyone, had his head blown off with a shot gun by an unknown, for no reason at all other than just being on the wrong side of town.. The other guy in the car said the assailant walked up out of nowhere, fired, and took off running.. No robbery.. nothing.. Another friend was calling to one pay phone at the gas station, from the pay phone at the grocery across the parking lot, pranking people.. Called a black guy the n word, and got his throat slit 30mins later..I'm lucky to have moved on when I did.. But drugs, school suspensions, skipping school, parties, alcohol, fighting.. That's the path we were on.. It's not a good path.. and certainly harbors bad attitude and trouble..
Yeah, you were lucky alright. To think you could've survived a High School experience like that (which sounds way rougher than Martin's) and be killed by an overzealous buff on your way home one night.
Well, it all has to do with the mentality of the child. If I was respectful to the adult, and explained myself, I would have soon been home and in bed.. If instead I attacked him.. At the very least I was going to be arrested if not killed..
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
Legal question: under Florida's SYG law, did Zimmerman have to actually have to "fear for his life"?
...reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another...
Is this the legal definition of bodily harm; I was under the belief that it was even less of a threshold. I do not need a statute cited, or case law, just that it is definitive description of FL's version of SYG.
Do a search for "Subjective" or "Objective" and you'll find a pages long pissing match between Christo and several others.

Trayvon could have also explained his self..
Trayvon didnt chase down the other guy. He was walking home. There was no reason to explain himself to anyone that wasnt the law or his parent.

Zimmerman though? He was the watch and the adult with a loaded gun, he should have made everything perfectly clear, he didnt.
You don't know that Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman rather than go straight home.And if a concerned adult asks my son what hes doing walking through the neighborhood at night, my son better be respectful and let him know.

If my son punched him instead, because "I wasn't doin nothing wrong, he had no right to hassle me" there would be hell to pay when I found out..

"Trayvon hadn't done anything wrong" doesn't excuse him to attack someone..

You don't know that Zimmerman didn't make everything perfectly clear, you weren't there were you?
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
Legal question: under Florida's SYG law, did Zimmerman have to actually have to "fear for his life"?
...reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another...
You don't know that Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman rather than go straight home.And if a concerned adult asks my son what hes doing walking through the neighborhood at night, my son better be respectful and let him know. If my son punched him instead, because "I wasn't doin nothing wrong, he had no right to hassle me" there would be hell to pay when I found out.."Trayvon hadn't done anything wrong" doesn't excuse him to attack someone..You don't know that Zimmerman didn't make everything perfectly clear, you weren't there were you?
What if your son was afraid because some dude he didn't know was watching him while talking on a cell phone, then tried to follow him home and so he felt like he had to defend himself?
There is no way in hell that any of the alleged transgression of Trayvon (as a minor no less) are as nearly as nefarious as the known transgressions of George.
lol.. ok buddy..Trayvon being a minor has no bearing on it.. If Trayvon did attack zimmerman, that was ok because he was a minor? Are you on crack?
Hustler, are you under the impression that because something doesn't happen to you (or your son) it is actually proof of something?

If so please break this down for us...
Are you under the impression that the Busted Knuckles statement "Yes he was doing what almost every teen i know does" is proof of anything? That's the statement I was responding to..What I'm saying is that this behavior isn't "typical" for all teenagers, and isn't a fair representation of "most teenagers"..

This behavior would be typical of teenagers that are on the wrong path. And should/would be alarming to any parent..

You disagree?
Yes.I would be willing to bet a very large amount of money that your 16 year old does plenty of borderline stuff that you don't know about.
I pretty much know what he's doing.. He and I have a good relationship.. I've told him if he wants to drink, I want to talk to him about it first. He doesn't smoke or do drugs, has never even tried.. He won't tell me if he's had sex, but I bought him a box of condoms and told him if he is, he better use them.. Worst thing he's done is talk dirty to some girls over text message, but we straightened that out.. Had to explain to him that once he sends a message like that, anyone could read it, the girls parents, etc.. Not to be stupid and get himself in trouble..Don't worry about us, we have it under control..

But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
So he deserved to get shot?
I don't know if he did or not.. I wasn't there..What I'm demonstrating above for you is that he's not an innocent child. These incidents reflect on his character. Maybe he did attack Zimmerman.. If he did, and Zimmerman was in fear for his life or in fear of serious bodily injury, Zimmerman discharged his weapon legally.
And maybe Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was in fear for his life. But since he smoked pot, he obviously woulda ended up dead at the end of a smoking barrel soon enough. I mean, what could a druggie ever accomplish in life?
:rolleyes: If that's the only way you can have a decent conversation.. Misrepresent what someone says so you can contest it.. I said IF he was on a bad path this MAY have been inevitable..

But hey.. 4 suspensions in one year and illegal drugs at school is typical right? Right of passage for a teenager.. Right?

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But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
Neither was treyvon martin. This is total propaganda by certain people with an agenda to slander
Yes, I'm just making up the drugs and suspensions... Pretty hard to argue against those. Defacing school property.. ok.. propaganda.. whatever.. Kid never did anything wrong in his life..
You see, the way it works is... if a portion of a replied post is bolded, that's the topic of the reply. So instead of addressing you, you wander around with a bunch of nonsense, hyperbole and the same type of exagerration you slam others for.
Yea, we haven't proven it in court so it never happened.. And lets just pretend Trayvon never had illegal drugs at school, or got suspended 4 times.. Why? Because you bolded a few words.. Got it..
But getting shot may have been an inevitable conclusion for Trayvon if he was on the bad path that it appears he was on..
I'm curious why you make this conclusion.
Using illegal drugs and having drugs at school, Getting suspended from school on numerous occasions in one school year, caught with what appears to be stolen property, involved in organized fighting, defacing school property.. Doesn't seem to be the right path to me. How about you?
I actually got caught for most of those things, and didn't caught for the organized fighting.
You were suspended 4 times in one year? Caught with drugs at school, defacing school property? Stolen property? Would you say you were on the right path?
There was a story about an honor student who missed so many days she went to jail. Guess she can expect to be on welfare and drugs the rest of her life!
That settles it, Trayvon was an honor student and never did a thing wrong.. Zimmerman hunted him down in cold blood and shot him dead for no reason.. Zimmerman is guilty.. The electric chair warmed up yet? O wait.. you guys were using hemp, tourches and pitch forks..
The whole Trayvon is a thug crew ignores the fact that Zimmerman actually was a thug, who got in fights with his girlfriend, the cops, and posted race hating comments on his Myspace page.
Never been in an argument with your girlfriend bud? Wait, have you ever had a girlfriend?Yea, getting into one altercation with an undercover cop in a bar is akin to a whole years worth of trouble at school.. Gotcha.. The judge blew that off on accident, he meant to throw the book at him..
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame. Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you.. An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass.. :shrug: Have no clue where this guy is now.. We stopped hanging out just shortly after that as he stopped coming to school and lived to far away for me to trek. I heard he might work for Wallace Newman which is one of those companies that will come pick up your old junk for a fee, and that he's one of the resident pot dealers in the area we used to hang in..On another occasion, a friend of mine lifted a candy man cassette tape from a store called Gold Circle (I think that was the name, store was bought out by Target, similar store).. When we got outside, the loss prevention fella confronted my buddy. My buddy pop-ed him and we took off running.. This guy ended up bad into drugs, heavy stuff.. Needles, and glass pipes.. Been in and out of jails and rehabs up to about 2 years ago when he gave his life to god and got his first legit fill time job in a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.. I'd check in on him often after I heard he was on the straight and narrow and in recovery.. Unfortunately the previous years had taken a toll.. I last saw him at his funeral about 6 months ago, he died of a heart attack, alone, in his apartment. First place of his own ever.. He had only been there for about 2 months.I tell these stories because this discussion of old digs reminds me of old situations.. I have a million more.. Shootings, losing friends to stabbings, and gun shots.. Some provoked it, some didn't.. One of the greatest guys I knew, was cool with everyone, had his head blown off with a shot gun by an unknown, for no reason at all other than just being on the wrong side of town.. The other guy in the car said the assailant walked up out of nowhere, fired, and took off running.. No robbery.. nothing.. Another friend was calling to one pay phone at the gas station, from the pay phone at the grocery across the parking lot, pranking people.. Called a black guy the n word, and got his throat slit 30mins later..I'm lucky to have moved on when I did.. But drugs, school suspensions, skipping school, parties, alcohol, fighting.. That's the path we were on.. It's not a good path.. and certainly harbors bad attitude and trouble..
Yeah, you were lucky alright. To think you could've survived a High School experience like that (which sounds way rougher than Martin's) and be killed by an overzealous buff on your way home one night.
Well, it all has to do with the mentality of the child. If I was respectful to the adult, and explained myself, I would have soon been home and in bed.. If instead I attacked him.. At the very least I was going to be arrested if not killed..
So a child has to explain himself to a stranger who pursues him just to make it home now? Or is this just in SYG states?
yes, inner city school aged teens typically tag buildings -trains-sidewalks. That doesnt make them gangbangers or criminals.
The fact that you see a lot of graffitti, and you see teenagers doing it, doesn't prove that most of them do it.. Sorry.. And graffiti on a box car isn't what trayvon did anyways.. He was defacing school property.. And I never said graffitti alone meant anything. That wasn't his only transgression.. And with all told, I didn't say he was a criminal or a gangbanger.. I said he COULD have been on a bad path..
Let me tell you ''dad'', if you think you know what your kids are doing when they are not at home guess again.you may know 40 % if you are lucky.
Good thing for me, I know more than you think.. But thanks for the vote of confidence..Have no idea what this is about..-->''dad''

Air quotes on the word dad? lol

I want to address another thing you said about his parents. You implied that they werent good parents because trey was getting into trouble. Well i see it differently, i see the fact that his dad took him to sanford to get him away from the Miami environment is exactly what a good parent would do.He said he wanted treyvon to get his head back in the game .Whats so bad about that?
I didn't imply they were bad parents, someone else implied that they were good parents, I responded with "we don't know that"..
My impression of Treyvon Martin is he was a follower , not a leader.
I thought you said Zimmerman was following him.. :confused: :popcorn:

It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame. Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you.. An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass.. :shrug: Have no clue where this guy is now.. We stopped hanging out just shortly after that as he stopped coming to school and lived to far away for me to trek. I heard he might work for Wallace Newman which is one of those companies that will come pick up your old junk for a fee, and that he's one of the resident pot dealers in the area we used to hang in..On another occasion, a friend of mine lifted a candy man cassette tape from a store called Gold Circle (I think that was the name, store was bought out by Target, similar store).. When we got outside, the loss prevention fella confronted my buddy. My buddy pop-ed him and we took off running.. This guy ended up bad into drugs, heavy stuff.. Needles, and glass pipes.. Been in and out of jails and rehabs up to about 2 years ago when he gave his life to god and got his first legit fill time job in a warehouse loading and unloading trucks.. I'd check in on him often after I heard he was on the straight and narrow and in recovery.. Unfortunately the previous years had taken a toll.. I last saw him at his funeral about 6 months ago, he died of a heart attack, alone, in his apartment. First place of his own ever.. He had only been there for about 2 months.I tell these stories because this discussion of old digs reminds me of old situations.. I have a million more.. Shootings, losing friends to stabbings, and gun shots.. Some provoked it, some didn't.. One of the greatest guys I knew, was cool with everyone, had his head blown off with a shot gun by an unknown, for no reason at all other than just being on the wrong side of town.. The other guy in the car said the assailant walked up out of nowhere, fired, and took off running.. No robbery.. nothing.. Another friend was calling to one pay phone at the gas station, from the pay phone at the grocery across the parking lot, pranking people.. Called a black guy the n word, and got his throat slit 30mins later..I'm lucky to have moved on when I did.. But drugs, school suspensions, skipping school, parties, alcohol, fighting.. That's the path we were on.. It's not a good path.. and certainly harbors bad attitude and trouble..
Yeah, you were lucky alright. To think you could've survived a High School experience like that (which sounds way rougher than Martin's) and be killed by an overzealous buff on your way home one night.
Well, it all has to do with the mentality of the child. If I was respectful to the adult, and explained myself, I would have soon been home and in bed.. If instead I attacked him.. At the very least I was going to be arrested if not killed..
So a child has to explain himself to a stranger who pursues him just to make it home now? Or is this just in SYG states?
If my son is approached by a concerned neighbor, my son better be respectful.. If he's afraid, he better run home instead.. Attacking an adult is not an option..
You don't know that Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman rather than go straight home.And if a concerned adult asks my son what hes doing walking through the neighborhood at night, my son better be respectful and let him know. If my son punched him instead, because "I wasn't doin nothing wrong, he had no right to hassle me" there would be hell to pay when I found out.."Trayvon hadn't done anything wrong" doesn't excuse him to attack someone..You don't know that Zimmerman didn't make everything perfectly clear, you weren't there were you?
What if your son was afraid because some dude he didn't know was watching him while talking on a cell phone, then tried to follow him home and so he felt like he had to defend himself?
My son is the starting Varsity RB/MLB, if he told me he couldn't outrun the guy, he'd then be in trouble for lieing to me as well..
There is no way in hell that any of the alleged transgression of Trayvon (as a minor no less) are as nearly as nefarious as the known transgressions of George.
lol.. ok buddy..Trayvon being a minor has no bearing on it.. If Trayvon did attack zimmerman, that was ok because he was a minor? Are you on crack?
lol? Thats not lol.Zimm gunned down a minor and lied to the judge.
'Carolina Hustler said:
'mad sweeney said:
'Carolina Hustler said:
'mad sweeney said:
'Carolina Hustler said:
'Neofight said:
It's just interesting to me that you casually dismiss anything and everything from medical studies to anecdotes of what others have actually experienced, and put forth as an argument that something hasn't happened to you personally (or your son doesn't do that...) so it must not be likely. Strange. Based on your previous boasts of running with the wrong crowd and getting in brawls I would've guessed if you had a son he may be a handful. Like father like son may not always be the case, so kudos to you for raising him well.
Actually Busted started with the anecdotes, I just match him as a counter argument.. He said that most of the teenagers he knows act this way.. I find that very hard to believe, but an anecdote non the less..Thank you for the kudos.. He is a good kid..

'Neofight said:
As for what is typical, who knows. Where and when are you talking about? I grew up in the Southwest in the 80's. Back then it was not uncommon at all for people to bring weed to school. I had friends who would go to school dosing. I hung out with a dude who was the age of a college sophomore (though still trying to graduate) and dealt drugs for my girlfriend's dad. He was transferred from another High School to mine when he was caught with an automatic weapon in his locker. Two years after I graduated the place put up steel fences and brought in metal detectors.
So would you say this kids represent the majority of teenagers? I think not..Would you say they were on the right path? Surly you wouldn't..

Would you say their actions should have been cause for concern? :yes:

Telling us the kid was caught with automatic weapons isn't helping your argument..

'Neofight said:
Is this typical? Probably not. But tagging, or in my case just writing all over ####, is pretty much a right of passage. Weed? I'd guess over 50% of High School age indulge, or at least give it a try. For someone who's obviously had some interesting life experience I'd have thought youd have found that stuff pretty tame.

Its not like he had a record.
I do understand that these things happen. I was in this crowd, and I know where it leads. I made it through, but many of my friends didn't.. I got a girl pregnant at a very young age and it changed my life.. Plenty of my old friends went on to do time..We were all on the wrong path.. See, the experiences I have don't help your argument, because I know what goes through the minds of kids on this path.. Punching an adult for little to no reason wasn't beyond the pail for many of the folks I hung out with.

I apologize in advance here, but a couple more anecdotes for you..

An old friend of mine was being followed around the halls at school by one of the school administrators just before lunch. The shop teacher would monitor the halls. My friend had a hall pass but had been know to skip class. The teacher tried to stop him and he continued walking. When he got to the stairs, the teacher attempted to detain him by grabbing his pant leg as he was several stairs higher than the teacher. He turned around and punched the teacher in the nose. The teacher proceeded to drag him back down the stairs by his legs..

All he had to do is show the teacher his hall pass..
And all Z had to do was identify himself,,,
And you don't know that he didn't.. Trayvon could have also explained his self.. Did he?You don't know what happened..
But yet you know all about Trayvon and his future prospects. Got it!
I never said I know.. I said he could have been on a bad path.. How is that saying I know.. These incidents surely reflect poorly on his character..You're the one who thinks he knows what happened.. All along I'm just showing you "Zimmerman is guilty of cold blooded murder" folks an alternate scenario where you could be wrong about that.. I never said he was not guilty.. But it is possible, sorry for the buzz kill.. I promise this won't be your last chance to lynch someone if so..
Youre pretty adamant about your position. Nothing in your presentation suggests devils advocate. I've never presented my version as inviolable truth, just that Z precipitated it by being an armed overachiever who escalated a situation that neither should've been in, but only one voluntarily entered into. But hey, we get your shtick. Your guy with far more violence in his past is back in jail for lying to the court. Guess you have little left to grasp at.
'Carolina Hustler said:
'Chairshot said:
'Carolina Hustler said:
You don't know that Trayvon didn't approach Zimmerman rather than go straight home.And if a concerned adult asks my son what hes doing walking through the neighborhood at night, my son better be respectful and let him know. If my son punched him instead, because "I wasn't doin nothing wrong, he had no right to hassle me" there would be hell to pay when I found out.."Trayvon hadn't done anything wrong" doesn't excuse him to attack someone..You don't know that Zimmerman didn't make everything perfectly clear, you weren't there were you?
What if your son was afraid because some dude he didn't know was watching him while talking on a cell phone, then tried to follow him home and so he felt like he had to defend himself?
My son is the starting Varsity RB/MLB, if he told me he couldn't outrun the guy, he'd then be in trouble for lieing to me as well..
That's not really answering the question, but I guess you can respond how you want.I'm sure you can imagine a situation where your son might feel cornered. Given the fact that you seem to trust your son, I doubt you would assume he was in the wrong if he told you he felt scared/intimidated and needed to fight to defend himself.I don't know what happened any more than anyone else does, but it does seem entirely plausible to me that Martin sees a suspicious man talking on the phone while staring him down. Martin has no idea who this guy is talking to or who he is or why he would be interested in him. Then he sees the guy following him and maybe he freaks out a bit. He's 17 years old and in a part of town he's not used to.The part of this situation that bothers me more than anything else is that Zimmerman had a gun with him. To me, that puts an extra responsibility on Zimmerman to act above board. Zimmerman has a freedom in that he knows he can hassle others a little bit because if the situation gets out of hand he can simply pop off a couple shots and claim self defense. Maybe Martin did start the fight, I don't know. But Zimmerman walked into the situation with a gun, knowing full well how to use it. The guy with the gun should be above reproach in his actions and I don't think, no matter how you cut it, we can say that about Zimmerman. He definitely made some mistakes in the way he handled this situation. Whether those mistakes equal a crime remains to be seen, I suppose.
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