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Footballguys March Madness Bracket (1 Viewer)

Joe Bryant

Staff member
Check it out here. Winner gets a lifetime Footballguys Premium subscription. If you sign up for a bracket and use "FBG Forums plus your Forum Screen Name to register and I'll give a free 2021 All Pro subscription to whoever finishes highest post a link to your bracket by this Thursday before the games start. But you have to have FBG Forum in the name. Good luck!

Also. I've no doubt I'll lose track of this. When this is over, please tag me here and let me know the FBG forum winner. 

Also. I've no doubt I'll lose track of this. When this is over, please tag me here and let me know the FBG forum winner. 
I was hesitant to post my link yesterday because so many people weren't following directions, I should have waited until the last minute :)


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