While appreciate that they did for our enjoyment, I can't imagine ever seeing either of those and deciding to just stand there and film instead of exiting stage left post haste.
There has to be a version of this out by now with different audio (and cut a little short) to make it seem like they're really mauling him, right?
How do you change your voicemail if you don't have a signal?
I think it's more about the battery running out when you're someplace maybe in trouble. Pretty great idea... Except by the time Id remember how to record an outgoing message, the phone will have gone flat.How do you change your voicemail if you don't have a signal?
Won't open for me so I will have to look and laugh later....
was brohan was take that to the bankSpeaking of extended car warranties, I hope he took that call.
That is a $2.5 million dollar Ferrari F40, being test driven by a mechanic.