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Game Thread W11 - Chicago V Green Bay (1 Viewer)

I am looking for Jennings to bounce back with a big game. 120yds and a TD today.

Packers rush D has to make it tough Forte early and force the Bears to pass. Packers get a lead and the Bears will not be allowed to comeback on the Packer secondary.

I think starting Orton is a mistake. The trainers are concerned how his ankle will hold up if he has to make any quick moves. :goodposting:

Rex is 3-0 against the Pack. Orton needs to heal up for the playoffs.

As long as Orton stays healthy, The Bears have a good chance of downing the Packers today.

Go Bears!!

Anyone catch Rodgers there in the pregame huddle? Something along the lines of "these guys don't even belong on the same field as us". I'm still not sure whether that comment scares or excites me.

I am looking for Jennings to bounce back with a big game. 120yds and a TD today.

Packers rush D has to make it tough Forte early and force the Bears to pass. Packers get a lead and the Bears will not be allowed to comeback on the Packer secondary.
My wife (da Bears) is at her sister's (Packerbacker) this weekend for an early Thanksgiving, sister's birthday, da Bears-Packers throwdown. :unsure:

Probably lots of drinking, cussing, and smack going on there. A shame I had to miss it. lol

Note to Mike McCarthy.....please open the offense up, use play action now that you are running the ball. Throw the ball downfield like you did in the second drive.

Note to Mike McCarthy.....please open the offense up, use play action now that you are running the ball. Throw the ball downfield like you did in the second drive.
Maybe...though, keep running it down their throats...keep the D off the field. Keep their D on the field.But I agree, they have to take some shots to keep them honest too.
Note to Mike McCarthy.....please open the offense up, use play action now that you are running the ball. Throw the ball downfield like you did in the second drive.
Maybe...though, keep running it down their throats...keep the D off the field. Keep their D on the field.But I agree, they have to take some shots to keep them honest too.
Not maybe.....they can run the ball and keep the D off the field but they need to get the ball downfield more just like they did on the second drive.
Wow; can't believe the numbers I'm seeing Grant put up so far. What's the story? O-Line? Bears D looking like hell?


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