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Game Thread W6 - Detroit V Minnesota (1 Viewer)

Charrisa Thompson... wow. She's hot! Best and only thing that is going to look good if u are a Lions fan

i'm getting sick of watching peterson every week hoping for something and seeing nothing...

Adrian was hit in the arm with a helmet that caused the fumble, possibly bruised.

Safety Vikings on the next drive.

This game is going to be ugly. Great week if u have the Vikings defense

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I'll definitely give you that the O line wasn't giving Adrian room early, and giving up 3 sacks to the lions? Wha?

Peterson has lost that hold-your-breath-on-every-play-he-gets-the-ball effect.
He hasn't had much of a chance to make anything special happen. By the time he adjusts to the OL collapsing on one side, the other side gives way and he's finished.There's a whole lot of money tied up in line guys who aren't doing much this season. And that's true of both sides of the ball.
Peterson has lost that hold-your-breath-on-every-play-he-gets-the-ball effect.
He hasn't had much of a chance to make anything special happen. By the time he adjusts to the OL collapsing on one side, the other side gives way and he's finished.There's a whole lot of money tied up in line guys who aren't doing much this season. And that's true of both sides of the ball.
I absolutely agree. Peterson will not finish as a top 15 RB if the Vikings continue this type of blocking/play calling. It is depressing to watch. He was the reason so many Vikings fans became excited about the team. Childress effectively burst that balloon.
i wouldn't have just benched Orlovsky after that ####### safety, i'd have cut him right there. he didn't just step on the line, he was running a good yard out of bounds totally oblivious to the fact. It's time to put Stanton in and see what he can do. Orlovsky is terrible.


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