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Gavin's hit on Huber (1 Viewer)

renesauz said:
Godsbrother said:
He will be fined because he came in high but I have a big problem calling a player defenseless when he is about to make a tackle.

This was not a case of someone 25 yards away from the play being blindsided.
ON replay, it's pretty clear that that punter was moving very tentatively, and had zero interest in actually making a tackle.

That said, I agree with your premise- hitting him wasn't bad, even a hard hit wasn't bad- it was HOW it he hit him (very high leading with the crown)
Yes and this is exactly what I am saying. He deserves whatever punishment he gets for hitting him high but I think it is a bad rule to designate anyone that is actively trying to make a tackle (even tentatively) as defenseless. If you want protection from being hit then get away from the action.

SteelerMurf said:
Do you check number before you block? I never did!
Do you really believe that Gavin wasn't aware that he was "lighting up" the punter on that play? I would go even further and say he targeted Huber early in the play when he should've been trying to block a different Bengal (who actually got his hands on Brown).

Well it is the Stoolers, so I expect something along this line: "will be considered after the final order of the 2014 draft has been determined," the league announced in a statement. The fine will be small, if they even fine him imo.

The NFL uses a different set of rules for some teams and this also parlays into how certain teams and games are officiated. The NFL is quickly becoming the National "Farce"ball League!

Lots of griping about the NFL becoming soft yet it seems we see highlight reel shots every week and injuries seem to be as numerous as ever (if not more).

Cheap shot here.

It stinks when any player gets hurt....that said

I like to see punters and kickers tackle and return guys get made fun of for that; as such, I'm not a fan of this block.

Next week, if Gavin fakes like he's going to tackle or block the punter and he jumps like a scared cat...then I like this block.

Punters tackling is purely for fans entertainment and really shouldn't impact a game.

Some old Pats K-Tony Franklin?- had a speech where he complained how many people step on his barefoot on purpose and it was pretty funny, even he laughed after the interview.

Jaw breaking is so over the top, but a little fun I totally enjoy. This looks like a commercial for an energy drink or muscle supplement and relax he's a punter comes to mind.

The NFL's notion that a guy can simultaneously be defenseless and attempting to make a tackle is pretty funny.
Yep, kinda pitiful at the same time.

What do we do when some punter comes along that is like 6'4" 275 and runs like a deer?

WIll be hilarious to see that guy running around free cause nobody can touch him.

And on that note, whoever said this was a legal hit, um, you don't get your jaw broken when you get hit somewhere else.

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He will be fined because he came in high but I have a big problem calling a player defenseless when he is about to make a tackle.

This was not a case of someone 25 yards away from the play being blindsided.
ON replay, it's pretty clear that that punter was moving very tentatively, and had zero interest in actually making a tackle.

That said, I agree with your premise- hitting him wasn't bad, even a hard hit wasn't bad- it was HOW it he hit him (very high leading with the crown)
Yes and this is exactly what I am saying. He deserves whatever punishment he gets for hitting him high but I think it is a bad rule to designate anyone that is actively trying to make a tackle (even tentatively) as defenseless. If you want protection from being hit then get away from the action.
I always hate it when they throw a flag when someone blocks a QB trying to make a tackle. A couple of weeks ago, Mendenhall fumbled near the goal line, and Palmer was attempting to make a tackle. The defensive guy extended his arms and pushed him down, and got called for a 15 yard penalty. Palmer was within a 5 yard radius, out in front of the ball carrier. The refs botched the rest of the play too, by mistakenly blowing the play dead because they thought Mendenhall was in the end zone. If everything was called right, it would've been a defensive touch down. Instead, the defensive team got the ball on their own 10.

The NFL's notion that a guy can simultaneously be defenseless and attempting to make a tackle is pretty funny.
Yep, kinda pitiful at the same time.

What do we do when some punter comes along that is like 6'4" 275 and runs like a deer?

WIll be hilarious to see that guy running around free cause nobody can touch him.

And on that note, whoever said this was a legal hit, um, you don't get your jaw broken when you get hit somewhere else.
You reminded me of this cliip:


I was watching that game on TV when it happened. They showed other clips of that punter KTFO of people. It was the guys goal to beat the coverage down the field and lay a hit on someone.

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Hate the Steelers, but it was a perfectly legal hit. Facemask to chest of a player who was involved in the play.
If by legal you mean illegal, and by facemask you mean crown of the helmet, and by chest you mean chin, then we agree.
Definitely illegal as the rules are written and should be fined. This pic clearly shows the bulk of the hit was on the chest and shoulder area but the helmet is making contact to the chin/neck.


It should have been flagged but tough call to make when you have to be looking at 22 guys running at each other at top speed. It is not like a passing play where you have one referee always looking at the QB.

So as per this article, the initial fine is $25,000, but it is expected to be reduced.

Terence Garvin is a rookie with the Pittsburgh Steelers. His salary is the rookie minimum of $405,000 a year, a little less than $24,000 per week over the 17-week regular season.

Steelers Depot points out that the collective-bargaining agreement allows a player to appeal if the fine is excessive compared to the player's earnings. A fine may be reduced if it is at least 25 percent of a player's weekly salary for a first offense and 50 percent for a second offense. Garvin should win that appeal and should get the fine reduced.
This puts the impact of these fines into perspective. Average US personal income is roughly $40,000. That averages out to about $770/week. Under the NFL's CBA rules, this would equate to a maximum fine of $192 for the average person...peanuts. It's no wonder fines don't teach these guys anything.

So as per this article, the initial fine is $25,000, but it is expected to be reduced.

Terence Garvin is a rookie with the Pittsburgh Steelers. His salary is the rookie minimum of $405,000 a year, a little less than $24,000 per week over the 17-week regular season.

Steelers Depot points out that the collective-bargaining agreement allows a player to appeal if the fine is excessive compared to the player's earnings. A fine may be reduced if it is at least 25 percent of a player's weekly salary for a first offense and 50 percent for a second offense. Garvin should win that appeal and should get the fine reduced.
This puts the impact of these fines into perspective. Average US personal income is roughly $40,000. That averages out to about $770/week. Under the NFL's CBA rules, this would equate to a maximum fine of $192 for the average person...peanuts. It's no wonder fines don't teach these guys anything.
You can fine him all you want but it is football and unless they eliminate kickoff and punt returns hard collisions like this will always happen. If it upsets people to watch it then they should watch something else.

On the other hand this (along with video clip) was the #2 story on ESPN.com this morning. Normally a rookie special teamer that no one has ever heard of being fined wouldn't even be reported on ESPN but you put that clip on and suddenly it is news. I suspect that while people may say they are horrified by such violence they still want to see it.

Over and over again.

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Maybe they should start a "knockout" league. Then those that want to see violence on defenseless people can have a heyday!

This hit was like a thug on the street clubbing some old lady from behind.

The NFL has already deemed it illegal based on the rules as they are written. Not sure what the argument is here from those saying it wasn't illegal.

Now, whether it was dirty? That's subjective. I'm a Bengals fan and I don't think his intent was to break his jaw and send him to IR....or even injure him. Was it a dumb, irresponsible move by a player attempting to blow up the punter? Absolutely.

It is odd, though, how the Steelers have now sent at least three Bengals to IR in the last 8 years (Palmer, Rivers, Huber). Those are off the top of my head. Not sure if there have been more.

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hey brohans this punter seems all right in my book with his twotter picture and whatnot and he thanks the vets in there to so my opinion is that he is a good guy with a good sense of humor and humility and that is the christmas spirit rght there brohans so let the steeler guys get back to telling us how ben and this guy are both inocent but i just wanted to interrupt and put that up there about the punter take that to the bank brohans

The NFL has already deemed it illegal based on the rules as they are written. Not sure what the argument is here from those saying it wasn't illegal.

Now, whether it was dirty? That's subjective. I'm a Bengals fan and I don't think his intent was to break his jaw and send him to IR....or even injure him. Was it a dumb, irresponsible move by a player attempting to blow up the punter? Absolutely.

It is odd, though, how the Steelers have now sent at least three Bengals to IR in the last 8 years (Palmer, Rivers, Huber). Those are off the top of my head. Not sure if there have been more.
Divisional games in the AFC North are always more physical and to be fair the Bengals did do a number on Heath Miller last year.

They took multiple cheap shots at his knee in their second meeting last year until they succeeded in ending his season. He was unable to practice during preseason and kept him out of the first 4 games of the 2013 season. The Steelers offense was pitiful the first 4 weeks and the fact that it dramatically improved when Miller returned was not a coincidence. It was a huge factor in the Steelers 0-4 start.

The NFL has already deemed it illegal based on the rules as they are written. Not sure what the argument is here from those saying it wasn't illegal.

Now, whether it was dirty? That's subjective. I'm a Bengals fan and I don't think his intent was to break his jaw and send him to IR....or even injure him. Was it a dumb, irresponsible move by a player attempting to blow up the punter? Absolutely.
I agree 100% here. I don't think (or maybe I HOPE) no player ever hits another with the intent to send someone to the ER/IR. They hit guys to make the highlight reel. Unfortunately the two are related. If he wanted to make a game-impacting play, there are probably more pressing targets to hit.

hey brohans this punter seems all right in my book with his twotter picture and whatnot and he thanks the vets in there to so my opinion is that he is a good guy with a good sense of humor and humility and that is the christmas spirit rght there brohans so let the steeler guys get back to telling us how ben and this guy are both inocent but i just wanted to interrupt and put that up there about the punter take that to the bank brohans
As politely as I possibly can, I'm asking people to please stop this trend. If you need a new trend, try using punctuation and capitalization. I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but I don't understand the "brohan," thing. I'm willing to overlook every misspelling, lack of punctuation, and missing capitalization if you can just drop the "brohan" thing.

Maybe they should start a "knockout" league. Then those that want to see violence on defenseless people can have a heyday!

This hit was like a thug on the street clubbing some old lady from behind.
Pretty low opinion of Huber here no? Is the guy really so inept as to be compared to a little old lady?

If punters want to run down the field and try to make a play they should be treated just like every other player on the field. I don't get why a punters health is somehow more important than a backup DB/WR/LB. Either protect everyone from these types of hits or no one.

If the league wants punters to be considered constantly defenseless they should be required to kick and run to the sideline so their safety isn't jeopardized in any way.

In my book, these guys are athletes and football players and should be given the same respect/treatment as every other player out there. The whole kickers/punters are too weak to hang theory is really insulting to the kickers/punters.

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NFL football is a violent game played at a fast speed. Players react on their instincts and training. I am sure that Gavin given time to think about the block would have just shoved him down. Had the punter had time to think about the play he would have given himself up. Players are not afforded the luxury of breaking it down frame by frame in slo-motion on the field. They are trained every second of every practice to react fast and to be aggressive.

The result is that these things happen.

Well the head of officiating says "the punter is a defenseless player the entire play."
Well if that's he case, if I'm a head coach, I'd be telling my punter to take the next snap and run it 80 yards for the TD since no one can touch him.ETA: Heck, I'd go three and out every series!

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Maybe they should start a "knockout" league. Then those that want to see violence on defenseless people can have a heyday!

This hit was like a thug on the street clubbing some old lady from behind.
Such a stupid comment, i guess you're not much of a football fan or played any sports in your day.
Maybe they should start a "knockout" league. Then those that want to see violence on defenseless people can have a heyday!

This hit was like a thug on the street clubbing some old lady from behind.
"This F'n game is OVER!" So glad we don't see hits like this anymore. Who would ever watch a league like this.
Great video. Bednarik: "This f'n game is over!!!" Classic. Against Seattle the Seahawks got a 15 yard roughing penalty because a defender's hand barely brushed Brees's helmet.

The shot on Peyton's and Eli's dad Archie with the Saints at 0:26 - >brutal<. For one thing, that's one big reason why Archie's career was such a dud, constant, totally unprotected killer hits like that.

Take a look at Roman Gabriel at 2:12 here:


The NFLN had a show called the greatest 10 passing seasons of all time - there are shots of Bradshaw and Tittle getting literally punched in the mouth. Bradshaw lost a bunch of front teeth, I know that much.

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