I honestly want to click the laughing emoji and the sad emoji both right nowkid went looking for some ingredients so she can make an appetizer. we don't have them. she calls grandma to check if she has the ingredients in stock.
MIL: "i don't have dat stuff!"
Daughter: "ok. thanks!"
M: "wait, i have (something completely unrelated that is of no use here)"
D: "that's not what i need but thanks!"
M: "well, what da heck. den what da heck do ya need?"
D: "i told you.. i need vinegar"
M: "your uncle called. he ain't gunna be here on time. his lazy daughter won't get ready. i told him, put her on da phone! lemme talk to her! he won't. so dere gonna be late. i tol'em, tell your lazy kid to get ready faster. he's been yellin at her all day and she don't listen! she's just a bad kid, she don't listen to nuthin."
D: "ok, thanks! we'll see you in a little bit"
M: "dey ain't gunna be here. i tol'em dinner was at 2."
D: "grandma, it's 1:30 and none of the food is ready. we won't even be there until 3, at least"
M: "yah, so anyways. dey should put her in a school.. ya know.. for dose kids dat don't listen to dere parents. i tol'em, let me yell at her! she won't listen to youse. let me yell at her some!"
me: hang up the phone. she's not going to stop
M: "so anyways.. dere gonna ruin christmas like dey do every year. guess we just won't have no dinner den. youse can come by but food won't be ready for a few hours."
D: (hangs up)
can't wait to see the in-laws in a couple hours! it's going to be amazing!