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Graphic Support Needed (1 Viewer)

Tuesday Status:Joe and I are deadlocked with two different designs a piece...what a surprise. We have decided to have some of our staff weigh in and we will take the consensus from those results. Unfortunately that means the results won't be posted until Tuesday night.
Does this mean no results until next Tuesday?
My top 3 in order are design #1 (the best), #5 (2nd best), and 4 (tied for 2nd best)Now I know what LT2 felt like last year :wall: :snubbed: j/k....great designs. Good luck to the finalists. When you gonna have another contest, FBG??? ANY contest. Contests are fun. :thumbup:

Take off the non-NFL white stripe and tweak the "Stats" font and you have a champion cover in Entry 4. Everyone did a great job but that is the cover that stands out to me. Also sparked an idea that may be useful, brand the logo on the football instead of say Wilson or Rawlings. And a Kramerica idea hit me to, shape the book like a football, it's probably not feasible but I liked the notion.

Take off the non-NFL white stripe and tweak the "Stats" font and you have a champion cover in Entry 4. Everyone did a great job but that is the cover that stands out to me. Also sparked an idea that may be useful, brand the logo on the football instead of say Wilson or Rawlings. And a Kramerica idea hit me to, shape the book like a football, it's probably not feasible but I liked the notion.
Seems to me that #1 has what you are wanting from #4 without any tweaking. Agreed with the "most professional" comments earlier.
I like of the ones chosen #4 in a landslide.Mine was not chosen as well, and I see now that I went for something not really like the ones that were chosen. I went more for like a book cover, and these to me look like magazine covers, with snippets and advertisements and such. I pwas basically thinking that it wasn't selling itself (as it's online and details of the book can be listed out separately).That isn't to say that I don't like these ones, cause they are certainly very cool looking.I love the Drinen picture as well.

who is this glock jerk? he'd better quit kicking the ######.-the master
masteranus- It was a play on words...lighten up...Welcome to FBG's!...and who were you in a "previous life?" :ph34r:
this glock guy just doesn't know when to quit. now it's all out war.-the master
Pretty impressive picking a fight on your first day. This seems like the actions of a Cool guy who has never won his league. :ph34r:
I think 1 is the best. It just really looks like a magazine cover to me. It's got a nice feel.
But the thing is, this isn't a magazine. It's a Stats book. You don't need advertisements etc.. It won't be sitting on shelves trying to get your attention. Some of these covers are real nice but they seem to have a magazine look to them. Not what I thought that they were going for. It's all good though as I cast my vote already. Anyone have a tally? :popcorn:
ARE YOU GUYS ALL ON CRACK??? Time for some lasik surgery you fat bastards, this is how we do:1: Just bc its the only file in pdf format doesn't mean it looks "proffesional". Its a bore and non creative.2: Makes me gizz, quite frankly. MONSTER STATS...MAD SCIENTIST...brilliant creative. I would like to see it called STAT MONSTER instead though. I think this one should win, with one or two more lines of copy to make it look "more proffessional". Maybe put it in pdf format. ###s...3: Did you make this in the dark with a 1969 Apple?4. Pretty good, considering how it features the image of A COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Apparently someone didn't take there aderol...5. Blows. Good image, but looks like you put it together on Powerpoint. Try a more sophisticated graphics program like PAINT...6. This cover would have won in the 80's. From the makers of Hypercolors brand tshirts...NUMBER TWO BY FAR.

I like all of them except for #2 & #6. (seem a bit amateurish)#1 gets my vote. Very professional. It is extremely marketable look.#4....i love the use of the techmo bowl guy from the cover. (that is also why i can't vote for it.....its been done.)Nice work....all of you.

ARE YOU GUYS ALL ON CRACK??? Time for some lasik surgery you fat bastards, this is how we do:1: Just bc its the only file in pdf format doesn't mean it looks "proffesional". Its a bore and non creative.2: Makes me gizz, quite frankly. MONSTER STATS...MAD SCIENTIST...brilliant creative. I would like to see it called STAT MONSTER instead though. I think this one should win, with one or two more lines of copy to make it look "more proffessional". Maybe put it in pdf format. ###s...3: Did you make this in the dark with a 1969 Apple?4. Pretty good, considering how it features the image of A COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Apparently someone didn't take there aderol...5. Blows. Good image, but looks like you put it together on Powerpoint. Try a more sophisticated graphics program like PAINT...6. This cover would have won in the 80's. From the makers of Hypercolors brand tshirts...NUMBER TWO BY FAR.
#2 gonna give ya a reach around for that one?Don't player hate. Your overly zealous criticsim is a blatent attempt to boost your semi talented friends' design. :thumbdown:
As someone who can barely find files on his own PC, allow me to give a big :thumbup: to everyone who submitted entries. I am very envious of your talents.BTW, I think #2 is very sharp.

BTW Design #3 is lame and not even close to most of my attempts !!
guess what madviking10, this is my cover, so thanks for you support! Not close enough to yours, but yours didn't make it! :shock: :excited:
Congratulations for making it to the big six !!Just my view of the comp BTW. (Like I said I didn't get to vote.)Dont spend the $200 because you'll be joining many of us very soon in the LOSER category. :GenM:
Why do I think Dave and Joe are considerring creating FootballGuysGraphics.com and hiring all you folks? Even the non-six displayed excellent work.Kudos to the 6, well deserved praise for you.Some of you that didn't make it, you seriously have got some talent. I'm not the only one to say that, just look at the # of folks that said something similar. It's nice to hear compliments and impress folks. Some of ya need to enjoy that and quit acting dopey. Most, have handled it with class, my hats off to ya. Whether it be another contest here or me just cruising along the web and seeing graphics on a site, I hope to see all your work in the near future. Some very talented fellows here....very talented.

remember the poem threads here? Haiku or some such? thought my mini-one would gimme an edge...lol oh wellone thing I thought was cool was the ability of folks to make catchy/clever phrases or titles. Wish we could get a list of those, they're kinda witty

Just for fun, would it be possible to post thumbnails of all the entries? How many were there? It would be fun to see all those that didnt make the final six.

Our staff has voted and we have a winner:FBG Stats Cover 2004
I would imagine that you would have to "lose" the Peyton Manning/Colts stats "thingee" in the background -NFL reference and all- a large part of that designs appeal...as with #6...Both good looking designs. :thumbup:
Our staff has voted and we have a winner:FBG Stats Cover 2004
I would imagine that you would have to "lose" the Peyton Manning/Colts stats "thingee" in the background -NFL reference and all- a large part of that designs appeal...as with #6...Both good looking designs. :thumbup:
Why would I have to lose the Manning/Colts stats "thingee"??? There is no photograph of Manning or logo of the NFL or the Colts used on the cover. If the sample stat sheet could not appear on the cover then it would not be allowed to be used on the inside either, right?
Just for fun, would it be possible to post thumbnails of all the entries? How many were there? It would be fun to see all those that didnt make the final six.
I should have asked for everything in low res and then I could have done this easily. With over 100 entries though, this would be tough to go back and do. Plus we have way too much to do right now getting the book and CD out as well as finishing up all of our inputs to the various fantasy magazines out there.The next contest we will solicit low resoluton graphics so we can do that. Lesson learned.The next graphic contest will be for a T-shirt design. Announcement will be in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned...David
Just for fun, would it be possible to post thumbnails of all the entries? How many were there? It would be fun to see all those that didnt make the final six.
I should have asked for everything in low res and then I could have done this easily. With over 100 entries though, this would be tough to go back and do. Plus we have way too much to do right now getting the book and CD out as well as finishing up all of our inputs to the various fantasy magazines out there.The next contest we will solicit low resoluton graphics so we can do that. Lesson learned.The next graphic contest will be for a T-shirt design. Announcement will be in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned...David
Sa-weet! Does the fun never end?
Our staff has voted and we have a winner:FBG Stats Cover 2004
I would imagine that you would have to "lose" the Peyton Manning/Colts stats "thingee" in the background -NFL reference and all- a large part of that designs appeal...as with #6...Both good looking designs. :thumbup:
Why would I have to lose the Manning/Colts stats "thingee"??? There is no photograph of Manning or logo of the NFL or the Colts used on the cover. If the sample stat sheet could not appear on the cover then it would not be allowed to be used on the inside either, right?
If someone was a real jerk, they could maybe sue.There is a definite argument that you are using the name "Peyton Manning" to sell more books.That seems highly unlikely to me though. What are the chances any member of the Manning family gives a poop about this book? It's not like his copyrighted picture is on there.
The next graphic contest will be for a T-shirt design. Announcement will be in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned...
awesome. you know this semi-talented amateur is down... :P
For the record here,5 of the 6 final designs all had a first place vote from 10 of our staff that weighed in. Plus a lot of the other designs that did not make the final 6 were extremely creative (especially some of the humor ones) just did not fit the look we were looking for.Because the humor angle will definitely play well for a shirt design, we expect a good 'ol fashion brawl here.We also learned a bit more about how to run these and will make sure the top 50 or so entries all get seen by everyone (I would say all entries, but I don't want people sending in shocking stuff just to be the William Hung of the competition...LOL).Start thinking about shirt designs. We will likely award the top 3 designs when we run this contest in a few weeks.
congrats lex_dawg, great cover.... out of curiosity though, did you actually take that photo of the football? or is it a stock photo that you bought? etc... HECKUVA shot if you snapped it. good stuff.

Our staff has voted and we have a winner:

FBG Stats Cover 2004
I would imagine that you would have to "lose" the Peyton Manning/Colts stats "thingee" in the background -NFL reference and all- a large part of that designs appeal...as with #6...Both good looking designs. :thumbup:
Why would I have to lose the Manning/Colts stats "thingee"??? There is no photograph of Manning or logo of the NFL or the Colts used on the cover. If the sample stat sheet could not appear on the cover then it would not be allowed to be used on the inside either, right?
Here is an excerpt from the Copyright act of 1976:Right to Publicity -

Famous people create a value in their name and appearance that is part of what they leave behind when they die. They have a right to control this value during their life -- that is why people pay celebrities so much for their "endorsements." State courts have generally ruled that the estates of famous people also have the right to control publicity about them after they die.

Make what you want of that.

I also would really look into the rights to the photo(s) on the cover. If you got it from a stock photography company, sometimes you get vastly different rights. There is a very good chance, you are not allowed to sell the image. I can't be 100% certain about this. I have a book of copyright laws at home, I will try to remember to look into it.

When I was in art school, we used to rip images off the internet, old stock catalogues, etc, bu I know when you are in school, and not selling the work, you are subject to a different set of laws.

If you have the images on a CD or in a book, there should be a terms of agreement somewhere that you may want to check.

Here is a quote from a major stock photography company (SuperStock):

Images or image files cannot be distributed or re-sold independent from a product and may not be used in a manner allowing permanent storage or re-use by third parties. No licenses may be sublicensed, transferred or assigned. You agree not to make, authorize, or permit any use of any image except as specifically set forth here and on the invoice you will receive.
Images that are royalty free (don't have to pay the actual artist), but you can not profit from the images. Also, if you reproduce for non-profit, I think you have to either credit the artist or the company you bought the image(s) from. Not sure which though.Just pointing these things out. There can be serious legal trouble for copyright infringement that we don't want to deal with.
Here is an excerpt from the Copyright act of 1976:

Right to Publicity -

Famous people create a value in their name and appearance that is part of what they leave behind when they die. They have a right to control this value during their life -- that is why people pay celebrities so much for their "endorsements." State courts have generally ruled that the estates of famous people also have the right to control publicity about them after they die.

Make what you want of that.

I also would really look into the rights to the photo(s) on the cover. If you got it from a stock photography company, sometimes you get vastly different rights. There is a very good chance, you are not allowed to sell the image. I can't be 100% certain about this. I have a book of copyright laws at home, I will try to remember to look into it.

When I was in art school, we used to rip images off the internet, old stock catalogues, etc, bu I know when you are in school, and not selling the work, you are subject to a different set of laws.

If you have the images on a CD or in a book, there should be a terms of agreement somewhere that you may want to check.
Britney Spears, I am an art director for a publishing company, as long as the image is royalty-free you can do whatever you want with it. :thumbup:

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