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How will CV affect the NFL? (1 Viewer)

Imagine the extra security required to make sure fans aren't getting too close to other fans (who aren't members of their group).

Imagine the disclaimer over the PA before the game, stating "The NFL will not be held responsible if you catch COVID from one of our employees, vendors, or random fans..."

Imagine what happens after the first super-spreader attends a game and infects a thousand other fans.

Imagine what happens when half a team gets infected. Does the team just forfeit the next 3 weeks? Do they play with replacement players?

The NFL can act as confident as they want. COVID don't care.
Imagine fans no older than 50 attending, and each signing a waiver they won't hold the team or league responsible.  

Imagine not being held prisoner by crippling fear and actually remembering that all of life involved managing risk.

Imagine not spreading doom and gloom.  Can you?  I can.
You're right that we need to manage risk. I like the idea of banning fans over 50 and making everyone else sign a waiver.

Now let's work up a Venn diagram of "you can't make me wear a mask" people and "I'm totally willing to sign a waiver before entering a stadium" people.

And totally absurd that ghost mentioned 8 hours to get into the game.    An extra hour at most.  The results will take a minute or two.
Say 2 minutes.  Multiply that by 25% capacity so maybe 15000 people.  That is 30000 minutes.  To make this 1 hour extra there would need to be 500 people performing tests at the gates.  Think that through

They don't play NFL games in rural Idaho. Almost every stadium is located in a city that currently has a ban on large gatherings. Do you really think that all 32 cities will have those bans lifted within 3 1/2 months?
All except New York.  They are 50/50.

Teams will give away masks with their logos on them game 1.  Each game after that will feature a different player or two themes on a mask, all sponsored by one of their sponsors.

I'm very confident, very, very low cost, immediate result testing will be in place by then.    If it's $2 a test, then some company make $160k revenue, pays for all the workers to admin and makes a healthy profit every game.   These again will be picked up by a sponsor that will want to brand their name on something so positive and safe.

They'll just do what Vegas is set to do. Thermal cameras at the entrances. Those running hot will be pulled aside and tested. No need to test everyone.

Like I said before, businesses have the incentive to find solutions. And with the paranoia dying down, they'll be allowed to find them.

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And totally absurd that ghost mentioned 8 hours to get into the game.    An extra hour at most.  The results will take a minute or two.
Say 2 minutes.  Multiply that by 25% capacity so maybe 15000 people.  That is 30000 minutes.  To make this 1 hour extra there would need to be 500 people performing tests at the gates.  Think that through
Now add the extra time to take each fan's temperature and to make them sign a waiver saying they won't hold the league responsible if they get infected.

They'll just do what Vegas is set to do. Thermal cameras at the entrances. Those running hot will be pulled aside and tested. No need to test everyone.
This...........wont work.  

This would only allow for a portion of the infected to be tested.

Also, all people have to do is take some ibuprofen or tylenol.

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Say 2 minutes.  Multiply that by 25% capacity so maybe 15000 people.  That is 30000 minutes.  To make this 1 hour extra there would need to be 500 people performing tests at the gates.  Think that through
it will be all automated through apps by the same people that check you in now.    They will just add it to checking your bags and be wanded.  

Now add the extra time to take each fan's temperature and to make them sign a waiver saying they won't hold the league responsible if they get infected.
can all be done with an app before hand.    many teams in sports have already switched to digital tickets only.  This will be an added check box.

Getzlaf15 said:
it will be all automated through apps by the same people that check you in now.    They will just add it to checking your bags and be wanded.  
Please explain this process

Getzlaf15 said:
it will be all automated through apps by the same people that check you in now.    They will just add it to checking your bags and be wanded.  
Please explain this process
Also, please work up another Venn diagram, showing the convergence of "you can't make me wear a mask" people and "I'm totally willing to download an app, sign a waiver which forfeits my legal rights if I become critically ill, and also let the authorities track my movements" people.

ghostguy123 said:
This...........wont work.  

This would only allow for a portion of the infected to be tested.

Also, all people have to do is take some ibuprofen or tylenol.
I didn't comment on it's effectiveness. It will mostly be for show. Show is what will still be required for something we really should just chalk up as a problem for the sick and elderly. A lot of what we'll be doing going forward will be simply going through the motions. There's no going back to shutdowns. And that means we find ways at an accelerating pace to open up every aspect of society. If for sports that means a flashy, high tech thermal camera to pull a few people out of line for testing, then that's what they'll do. I'm sure the auto-response / thought for some will be that no one will feel safe enough to attend. Nonsense. Not when I see people flocking into the first casinos to reopen. I think people are going to be awfully surprised to see how quickly people brush this off and get back to consumerism.

ghostguy123 said:
Mr Anonymous said:
They'll just do what Vegas is set to do. Thermal cameras at the entrances. Those running hot will be pulled aside and tested. No need to test everyone.
This...........wont work.  

This would only allow for a portion of the infected to be tested.

Also, all people have to do is take some ibuprofen or tylenol.
Multiple studies have shown that as many as 56% of COVID patients either don't have a fever in the early stages, or have a fever that is mild enough to be reduced by tylenol.  link

[scooter] said:
You're right that we need to manage risk. I like the idea of banning fans over 50 and making everyone else sign a waiver.

Now let's work up a Venn diagram of "you can't make me wear a mask" people and "I'm totally willing to sign a waiver before entering a stadium" people.
If they wanna watch an nfl game live, they would if it was required right?  :D   They can rant and rave on fb about how unAmerican it is all they want.  We sign waivers all the time for activities.  No reason that shouldn't be part of the ticket buying process.  

I didn't comment on it's effectiveness. It will mostly be for show. Show is what will still be required for something we really should just chalk up as a problem for the sick and elderly. A lot of what we'll be doing going forward will be simply going through the motions. There's no going back to shutdowns. And that means we find ways at an accelerating pace to open up every aspect of society. If for sports that means a flashy, high tech thermal camera to pull a few people out of line for testing, then that's what they'll do. I'm sure the auto-response / thought for some will be that no one will feel safe enough to attend. Nonsense. Not when I see people flocking into the first casinos to reopen. I think people are going to be awfully surprised to see how quickly people brush this off and get back to consumerism.
and just like the TSA, they will randomly pull out every 25th person just for appearances

If they wanna watch an nfl game live, they would if it was required right?  :D   They can rant and rave on fb about how unAmerican it is all they want.  We sign waivers all the time for activities.  No reason that shouldn't be part of the ticket buying process.  
Their have been LEGAL disclaimers on the back of tickets forever.

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The first game may be 4 months away, but training usually starts in July. Most teams would have already had a rookie camp. Many if not most of these guys have not had access to a real gym since early March. They'll probably want one if not two preseason games or scrimmages against other teams before going live.  I think a delay is highly likely.

That said, the fact they released a schedule strikes me as evidence they have confidence in playing on time.  At least in a smaller market like Green Bay, the announcement of Packer home dates gets a tremendous amount of commercial activity, planning and commitments underway.  A huge percentage of businesses in the city are affected by and have to plan around the schedule. With these dates out there, lots of folks are put in a tough position with the very high risk of cancellation.  

It'll be like the same delay we experienced at airports after 9/11 when TSA started checking more stringently.   Just another added layer to the system already in place.
Bingo. It may be like what you described, what I described, or both. The bottom line is that the shift is happening to living with coronavirus, not eliminating coronavirus. Business and industry will be tasked with coming up with some show measures to give off the appearance that they're doing something. Look, we had show measures in place at grocery stores. All it told us is that there's a small percentage of the population that needs to exercise extra due diligence. Everyone else can wear masks, wash their hands, be thermally scanned, tested, verified asymptopmatic, immune etc. And even those measures are really to protect the vulnerable around us, not really as a self-protective measure for most people.

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The first game may be 4 months away, but training usually starts in July. Most teams would have already had a rookie camp. Many if not most of these guys have not had access to a real gym since early March. They'll probably want one if not two preseason games or scrimmages against other teams before going live.  I think a delay is highly likely.

That said, the fact they released a schedule strikes me as evidence they have confidence in playing on time.  At least in a smaller market like Green Bay, the announcement of Packer home dates gets a tremendous amount of commercial activity, planning and commitments underway.  A huge percentage of businesses in the city are affected by and have to plan around the schedule. With these dates out there, lots of folks are put in a tough position with the very high risk of cancellation.  
Just in case you don't know, the normal four game pre season schedule is on NFL.com.

There is no way in hell they would have announced the schedule if they were not almost 100% certain they could pull it all off. They factored in everything, including what you added.

They are leaving in place IMO the possibility of a second wave where they would have to make adjustments.  

Oregon governor has already announced that "normal" isn't happening until there's a vaccine or acceptable treatment. There will be no Blazers games in front of fans in Portland for a long time. 

Just in case you don't know, the normal four game pre season schedule is on NFL.com.

There is no way in hell they would have announced the schedule if they were not almost 100% certain they could pull it all off. They factored in everything, including what you added.

They are leaving in place IMO the possibility of a second wave where they would have to make adjustments.  
Yeah and a week ago 4th of July festivities, concerts and plays were still on in Oregon. They are until they aren't. 

The NFL has to assume business as usual at this point because what other option do they have?

facook said:
Imagine fans no older than 50 attending, and each signing a waiver they won't hold the team or league responsible.  

Imagine not being held prisoner by crippling fear and actually remembering that all of life involved managing risk.

Imagine not spreading doom and gloom.  Can you?  I can.
Fans will not be at nfl games this year. I’d bet my house on it.

Lol good luck to governors trying to get this cat back in the bag. People now know what this is and businesses now have the green light to come up with measures to operate in a way that  gives off the perception of safety. No governor is going to be able to survive restricting people from participating in life that is going on everywhere else. They'll cave to half-### reopen measures that perpetuate the show that we're taking this "seriously".

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Oregon governor has already announced that "normal" isn't happening until there's a vaccine or acceptable treatment. There will be no Blazers games in front of fans in Portland for a long time. 
Glad I live in a state with a reasonable governor that shut down things before most and has a 4-level plan to reopen.

I didn't comment on it's effectiveness. It will mostly be for show. Show is what will still be required for something we really should just chalk up as a problem for the sick and elderly. A lot of what we'll be doing going forward will be simply going through the motions. There's no going back to shutdowns. And that means we find ways at an accelerating pace to open up every aspect of society. If for sports that means a flashy, high tech thermal camera to pull a few people out of line for testing, then that's what they'll do. I'm sure the auto-response / thought for some will be that no one will feel safe enough to attend. Nonsense. Not when I see people flocking into the first casinos to reopen. I think people are going to be awfully surprised to see how quickly people brush this off and get back to consumerism.
It's about what will be legal mostly.

Of course people will flock to anything and everything when they are allowed

Glad I live in a state with a reasonable governor that shut down things before most and has a 4-level plan to reopen.
And I'm glad I live in a state with one of the latest rates of infection because my governor listens to the experts. 

So if I am negative today I am negative in september also??  
don't know.   Why not get tested a week before the first game?   We've had 3-day results since the day they opened up drive-thru testing.  I'm sure by that time, it'll just take a minute or two for results.

I mean, I just googled "quickest coronavirus testing" and this is the first thing.   Five minutes right now if no, 13 minutes if yes.  FDA approved. Abbott Labs.  This will be down to 1-2 minutes in 3.5 months.  Why do you have such little faith in the way America responds to a crisis?


don't know.   Why not get tested a week before the first game?   We've had 3-day results since the day they opened up drive-thru testing.  I'm sure by that time, it'll just take a minute or two for results.

I mean, I just googled "quickest coronavirus testing" and this is the first thing.   Five minutes right now if no, 13 minutes if yes.  FDA approved. Abbott Labs.  This will be down to 1-2 minutes in 3.5 months. 

Why do you have such little faith in the way America responds to a crisis?

I don't.  Which is why they arent going to slam 20000 people together with a bunch of half assed measures.

Again, let's assume 1 minute test.  That is 250 trained testers outside the gates to be able to test 25% capacity in your mythical 1 hour scenario. 

Testing a week before is pointless.  

Yeah why bother testing at all. Just open it all up since it's going to go away like a miracle some day. 
Personally, I would not fault our government if they just came out and said F it, everything is open.  

They wont, just sayin.

And I'm glad I live in a state with one of the latest rates of infection because my governor listens to the experts. 
your state has 50% more cases  and 133% more deaths than mine.     Still very low though, so kudos for that.  Our rates per mil are about the same.  Likely due to being more rural than most.     Gov Little here waited with extra caution an extra two weeks IMO. Been very cautious.   30% of our counties have had 0 cases.  60% have had 5 or less.  4 of the 66 counties account for 71% of all cases.   No need to shut the world down for all.  We've been at 20 or under cases per day for 6 weeks now. It's not spreading like wild fire here.


Lol good luck to governors trying to get this cat back in the bag. People now know what this is and businesses now have the green light to come up with measures to operate in a way that  gives off the perception of safety. No governor is going to be able to survive restricting people from participating in life that is going on everywhere else. They'll cave to half-### reopen measures that perpetuate the show that we're taking this "seriously".
Governors should not be encouraged to make life-and-death decisions based on politics. Those who open up out of fear of losing their job, are just as bad as those who are politically motivated to close down.

Also, the whole "Peer pressure over morals" tactic is a delicate balancing act. When you encourage society to adjust their moral priorities, it can backfire when things go sideways.

Governors should not be encouraged to make life-and-death decisions based on politics.
Government does this on a daily basis and has for quite some time.
Government is in the business of mitigating risk and finding a threshold of acceptability.

To put it another way:

Lockdowns are the equivalent of forcing everyone to drive 25 mph on the freeways.

Packed NFL stadiums (with no testing, no masks, no social distancing) are the equivalent of having no speed limit at all.

We settled on 65 mph for a variety of reasons, "politics" being just one of them.

We need to find a balance that reduces the COVID risk level to the equivalent of driving 65. And governors should not make that determination based solely on who will vote for them.

UFC totally ignored one of their guys having the rona and openly being around others. You can damn sure bet the nfl will do the same. 

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your state has 50% more cases  and 133% more deaths than mine.     Still very low though, so kudos for that.  Our rates per mil are about the same.  Likely due to being more rural than most.     Gov Little here waited with extra caution an extra two weeks IMO. Been very cautious.   30% of our counties have had 0 cases.  60% have had 5 or less.  4 of the 66 counties account for 71% of all cases.   No need to shut the world down for all.  We've been at 20 or under cases per day for 6 weeks now. It's not spreading like wild fire here.

It's not here in Oregon either.  We've had 6 deaths under the age of 60.  ****SIX****  We've had 3 days in the last 7 with zero new cases.

This thread is going to devolve into the main Covid thread.  There's a reason most gave up on that one.  

It's not here in Oregon either.  We've had 6 deaths under the age of 60.  ****SIX****  We've had 3 days in the last 7 with zero new cases.

This thread is going to devolve into the main Covid thread.  There's a reason most gave up on that one.  
my post is compared to Oregon.  CR69 mentioned he was from there also.

Three is last 7 is better than here, we are at 20.

It's not here in Oregon either.  We've had 6 deaths under the age of 60.  ****SIX****  We've had 3 days in the last 7 with zero new cases.

This thread is going to devolve into the main Covid thread.  There's a reason most gave up on that one.  
Right, its spreading far less because.........wait for it.........shelter in place and no larger gatherings.  

Shelter in place needs to stop and most things need to open.

Mass gatherings are done and will be done for a while.  Till at least 2021??  Probably.

And I'm glad I live in a state with one of the latest rates of infection because my governor listens to the experts. 
If you talk about how great she is I have to point out how awful she is.  This isn't the place for that, so let's not.

Right, its spreading far less because.........wait for it.........shelter in place and no larger gatherings.  

Shelter in place needs to stop and most things need to open.

Mass gatherings are done and will be done for a while.  Till at least 2021??  Probably.
Meh...maybe.  I agree it has to stop, and I actually agree MOST mass gatherings are probably done as well for a while.  My only bone of contention is I think the NFL can do a modified version.  I admit I could be wrong, but that's my opinion.

Meh...maybe.  I agree it has to stop, and I actually agree MOST mass gatherings are probably done as well for a while.  My only bone of contention is I think the NFL can do a modified version.  I admit I could be wrong, but that's my opinion.
It goes beyond where people are inside the stadium with seating, concessions, bathrooms.......but also the crowds coming into and leaving the stadium at the same time.  


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