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I told ya so! (1 Viewer)

Fred Taylor stays healthy for most/all year and finishes in the top 5-6 RB's.Amos Zereoue Gets over 75% of the carries in Pitt and finishes top 12 RB's.Santana Moss catches for 1200 yardsShockey sets record for most recieving yards by a TE ever.Holmes does not finish in top 20 RB's.Henry doesnt finish in top 10 RB's.Edited to add: WOW, cant believe i failed to mention "i told you so" #1, Deuce WILL finish as the #1 back!!!!!!!!!

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- Onterrio Smith will silence the critics with a strong rookie year. He will not match what Portis did, but he'll be a solid second or third RB.- Quincy Morgan will be the clear #1 WR in Cleveland this year after finally putting it all together. He will outperform his late draft position by quite a bit.- Either Deuce McAllister or Clinton Portis will be the #1 RB in FF. - Busts of the year: Hines Ward, Ahman Green, Duce Staley, Warrick Dunn, Laveranues Coles- Antonio Bryant leads all Dallas WR's in receiving yards and TD's.- Drew Bennett is a mild surprise with 850 receiving yards and 6 scores.- Ricky Williams will get off to a slow start and will fail to match last year's totals.

Okay, I'll play along.NFC Champs: NOAFC Champs: OAK (SB winner)MVP: GarnerOffensive Rookie: Q.Griffin (Hey, doesn't injury follow the Broncos?)Defensive Rookie: PolamaluSurprise Bust: MIN (6-10)Surprise Success: AZ (.500 would be considered a success)

-Price will crack the top 10, despite Vick only improving modestly in fantasy totals-Darrell Jackson will score more points than Koren Robinson-The Snake will be mediocre, and Portis wont crack the top 3-No Bears player will be worth starting but they will still win 8 games-Tampa Bay D will be the 5th defense or worse-Baltimore D will put up huge numbers-David Boston will miss some games-Houston will surprise people

Terrell Owens will be the biggest bust in FF.Holmgren will piss me off again this year as his team will not live up to the hype that got me to draft Hasslebeck. I agree with the Thomas Jones/Jake Plummer predictions: this year will be the final nail in their coffins since there is no "bad team" philosophy to use as a crutch for poor performances.

-Darrell Jackson will score more points than Koren Robinson-No Bears player will be worth starting but they will still win 8 games-Baltimore D will put up huge numbers
1) I fully agree and give this a second2) Their defense will be back this year and will be a nice starter for most teams.3) Fully agree... sick numbers... and possibly the top D in FFB.
The Steelers get outcoached and choke for the umpteenth time under Cowher, who FINALLY gets fired like he should've been years ago.

I want to play too...LT2 falls apart in week 2 -- 800 touches in two years? Bye, bye.Fiedler is quietly a top 10 QB - check his healthy stats, I am not too far off base with this one.Ramsey and Spurrier show the rest of the NFL how an offense is supposed to work.One of the top three WRs doesn't quite perform up to standards, my money is on Owens.Edge comes back - top 3.Warner makes it back, until week 10, Bulger steps in for good and screws everyone with Holt - rewarding everyone with Bruce.Faulk also makes the top 3. Top 5Vick Faulk Moss ShockeyManning Williams Harrison Heap McNabb Edge Boston GonzalesGannon Holmes Burress McMichaelCulpepper Portis Owens CrumplerI think thats about it...

Booker will be a top 10 WR while Price will miss the top 20.The Colts will be a great fantasy defense.Let's add Indianapolis over Tampa Bay in the Super Bowl.

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Maddox will be a top 10 QB.Stephen Davis will be a top 10 RBDarrell Jackson will outproduce Koren RobinsonEdge will have a repeat of last year. Lots of non-ACL tear related injuries that will leave him questionable for half the games and FBG's unsure if they should start him or not.Moulds will be a bust. He won't be able to handle the double teams thrown at him without Price on the other side.Walker will end up as the #1 fantasy WR for Green Bay this year.Santana Moss will be the #1 fantasy WR for the Jets.

Ricky Williams 2000 yards.Fred Taylor top 5 back.Steelers win Superbowl.Vikings win their division.Warren Sapp comes out of the closet.

The Steelers get outcoached and choke for the umpteenth time under Cowher, who FINALLY gets fired like he should've been years ago.
Outcoached?! How many times did the browns beat the steelers last year?
my i told ya so's last year were: duece and ricky.this year? that freak in SD who by the words of many is the most over-rated WR out there right now WILL be a top 10 receiver.boo! :boxing:

The Steelers get outcoached and choke for the umpteenth time under Cowher, who FINALLY gets fired like he should've been years ago.
BGP will lose faith in the Browns after Couch is named as the starter and after they lose the first few games he'll declare himself a Buc for life. :yes:
my i told ya so's last year were: duece and ricky.this year? that freak in SD who by the words of many is the most over-rated WR out there right now WILL be a top 10 receiver.boo! :boxing:
Isn't he rated in the top 5 in projections? So your saying that he will be a disappointment? I can agree with that. Edit: He's rated 6th by FBG's.Kerry Collins Super Bowl MVP for the Ravens? :confused:
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Because of all the INTs in the Giants/Ravens Super Bowl.It's a joke.Man, two Kerry Collins references over people's heads in one thread.

I told you that:The Bus would keep his starting job all season.The Texans would have a better record than the Titans. I will win my league championship this year :thumbup:

I'm man enough to give my goods and bads from last year. :boxing:

those that came true:

Donald Driver would prove to be Farve's go to guy.

Peerless Price was well worth a late round pick.

Deuce McAllister would make everyone in NO forget about Ricky Williams

Ricky Williams would find his niche in Miami and stay healthy

Stay away from Edge

the worst of the bad calls:

That Johnny Morton would be a good #2 WR....ugh

and the biggest no call of last year:

Priest Holmes

This year?

Johnnie Morton will finally become accustomed to the KC system...well enough to barely be a decent #3 fantasy receiever. (I know, thats a lame one)

Trung Canidate will revitalize the Redskin's offense and put up decent numbers. Redman will be the QB all year barring injury. Gardner and Coles will both fall off last years numbers. The Redskins will still lose games.

Last year my "I told you so's" were Vick would be a fantasy superstar, stay away from Boston and the Fun-N-Gun would be a disaster. My Boston prediction led me to predicting a MarTay Jenkins breakout (didn't happen). I also thought the Jets defense would be huge, fantasy-wise. :wall: As for this year, my big one is going to be, again, "I told you David Boston wasn't worth a (insert any round in which you draft him) pick."One more -- "I told you Gannon's run was over."
On the contary, Gannon's age will not catch up with him yet and he will have an even better year this season.
Top offenses this year:SEAKCCLENYGPlayers who will significantly outperform their draft spot:Laverneous ColesAshley LelieAmos ZereoueTrent GreenDerrick MasonSantana MossPlayers who will disappoint in a big way:David BostonAmani ToomerAnd lastly, Randy Moss will be the best 2nd round pick this year in anyone's draft.....he will outperform every other 2nd round drafted player.

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I told ya that Tim Couch will keep his starting job all year and lead the Browns to the playoffs where they will get whacked. The number one fantasy Quarterback = CulpepperClinton Portis will not be a top 5 back.William Green will be a top 5 back.The Falcons will not make the playoffs.The Chargers will not mae the playoffs.The Vikings will win their division.

Draft Todd Pinkston,you will be glad you didAvoid Saints players like the plague:Horn ,McCallister,Stallworth,and ESPECIALLY BrooksKevin Johnson ,Antowain Smith,and Edge move back up in fantasy productionEric Moulds,Tommy Maddox,and Charlie Garner fall down in productionsuperbowl:Colts over Philly

As for this year, my big one is going to be, again, "I told you David Boston wasn't worth a (insert any round in which you draft him) pick."
From the Blogger:Aug 3, 2003, 22:44

Chargers - Sore Oblique Muscle Sidelines WR Boston Again

Associated Press - [Full Article]

The Chargers' biggest receiving threat stayed on the sidelines again Sunday. WR David Boston missed his second straight training camp practice, resting a sore oblique muscle. He had been briefly sidelined with a hip pointer earlier in the camp.

Too early to start pulling these back up?

QB Jake Plummer will finish as a top twelve fantasy quarterback.RB Trung Canidate will split carries and end up with under 600 rushing yards.RB Fred Taylor will stay healthy enough in regular season to finish top five.WR Plaxico Burress will finish in the top fiveWR Todd Pinkston will finish in the top twentyWR Keyshawn Johnson will finish in the top eightWR Marty Booker won't crack the top twentyWR Curtis Conway won't crack the top thirtyWR Randy Moss will be the best fantasy receiver in 2003 and will catch at least 16 touchdowns.TE Alge Crumpler will finish in the top fourMost importantly...The Dolphins will make the playoffs behind Ricky Williams 2000 yard rushing campaign.

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I'm picturing the Sunday NFL Countdown feature right now about what happened to the Bay area teams. Da Raidas and Niners offenses both struggle and the teams have losing records in the third week.Meanwhile, in the heartland, Cincinnati's fantasy stud trio of Dillon, Kitna, and Chad Johnson continue to amaze. Dillon a top-5 back and the other two are top-10 at their positions.

Michael Vick will finish with 4200+ total yards, 30+ total TDs, and finish as the #1 QB by a WIDE margin.

Forgot one...The Dolphins will beat the Saints 27 to 20 thanks to a late touchdown strike from Fiedler to Thompson.

QB:Michael Vick will be the #1 QB by a substantial amountJake Plummer will not be a top 20 QB, and will be benched for Steve Beuerlein at some point during the yearRB:Eddie George will not rush for 1000 yardsJames Stewart will finish in the top 15WR:Charles Rogers will have 1000 yardsAshley Lelie will not finish in the top 50TE:Freddie Jones will finish in the top 5

Hmm.. I was too busy to read all the posts, but I saw one negative post about Edge. I am going to go out and say something to the contrary. I think Edge will run for 1300 yards and have 1750 total yards. I think he is a gamer and I am hearing good things about him in camp. Unfortuantely I do not have him on my team, so it will not kill me if he stinks it up like last year. I will go on a limb and say Edge will rank right up there with Faulk, Holmes, Ricky, LT2 and Portis at season's end. I am hoping Portis is also in that group, but Portis might be a little over-hyped. I have Portis and I think he is a great keeper, but I think he might be a year away from joining the elites. I have bad kharma, so I am trying to protect my vested interest in Portis. ;)

I will need caps to make my prediction official IF HE PLAY ALL 16 GAMES THIS SEASON, CLINTON PORTIS WILL RUSH FOR2000 YARDSYou can quote me on this im willing to bet the house he's doing it if he stay healthy

Here it goesReggie WayneSantana Moss andJerry Porter will all have good years and be this years Coles and Driver.Thomas Jones will have a very productive year in TB and surprise everyone.The Seahawks will make the playoffs as the Wildcard teamThe Rams are back with a vengance and play the Bucs in the Superbowl.My main man Emmitt will retire after this season because the Cards suck

Loan, I hope you're right about W Green. I really think he's going to be huge this season which is why I have him on both of my teams :yes:

I will add mine I guess..Clinton Portis does not finish in the top 10 for RB.Plaxico Burress is a top 5 WR.Stephen Davis is a top 10 RB. Shaun Alexander gets replaced by mid-season for Morris and finishes strong.TJ Duckett takes over starting spot over Dunn who moves to 3rd down duties.Once again the Phins choke in December. :thumbup:

Quincy Morgan will outperform his draft position and finish in the Top 15.Edge will finish with a combined 1700 yds and 14 TDs.Warner will be replaced by Bulger by mid season.Shockey will finish with over 1000 yds and 6 TDs.Kordell Stewart will be a top 15 QB due to rushing yds and goal line TDs.NFC Champs - PackersAFC Champs - Kansas CitySuperbowl Champs - Packers (And No, I'm not a cheesehead)

I told you:Pittsburgh's Offense won't duplicate. Hines falls to about 20 and Plaxico to about 15.Seattle will lead the league in offense.Jamal Lewis will lead the league in rushing.Koren Robinson and Darrell Jackson with be this season's Plaxico and Hines.Ashley Lelie becomes WR1 on Denver and jumps into Top 5 in FF.

I'll take a crack at it-1. Matt Hasselbeck will be a top 5 QB and Seattle will finish in top 5 in total offense.2. Hearst and Barlow both stay healthy and neither one is a factor FF wise.3. Moss #1 WR, Deuce #1 RB 4. St Louis beats Pit in Super Bowl5. Priest signs new contract but is rather average afterwards.6. Duce Staley doesn't play in an Eagle uniform this year.

I need to say this now, because halfway through the season everyone will be on this bandwagon.I have heard a couple people predict Santana Moss and Cherbet outperforming Conway. Someone else said Conway won't crack the top 30 :wacko: I predict Curtis Conway is a top 10 WR this year and greatly outperforms his draft position. Write it down and remember it on draft day. You can get this guy as your #2 easily, and he will put up WR 1 numbers.You can thank me later.

Seahawks combo of Hasselback/Alexander/KRob/DJax will be this year's offensive dynamo ala the 1999 Rams combo of Warner/Faulk/Holt/Bruce.Larry Johnson will be a massive bust.TJ Duckett will emerge as Atlanta's workhorse.Emmitt manages less than 700 yards rushing but scores 10+ TDs.Deshaun Foster replaces an injured Stephen Davis by mid-season and never looks back.

Just a couple from me,1: Emmitt returns to 1000 yard season and will play another year.2: Oakland will not defend it's division crown. No fourpeat. :( 3: Denver will be the only sub .500 team in the AFC West4: Joey Harrington/Charlie Rodgers combo out produces the David Carr/Andre Johnson combo by 1000 yards and 3 td's. (Add total yardage and total touchdown numbers).5: Last, I told you now and you will believe me later...Arizona will not have the worst record at the end of the season.

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5: Last, I told you know and you will believe me later...Arizona will not have the worst record at the end of the season.
Now there's someone really making a crazy prediction!

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