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Injury Report not up yet (1 Viewer)

FF Dude

Week 1 content says that the injury report is coming Wednesday night but it's not there. This seemed to happen a lot last year and I hate to see it happening already this year where content wasn't posted timely. This site used to be my one stop shop when the shark pool was actually helpful and not filled with personal feuds, and I could depend on solid information in a timely manner. I'm looking for an update on K Bullock who on the last injury report did not practice but under his personal page it says he wasn't on the injury report. Seems like most of the inside info on individual players pages called "insight" is pre-pre-season and no longer relevant. This post may be removed, but I just want to express my frustrations.

Week 1 content says that the injury report is coming Wednesday night but it's not there. This seemed to happen a lot last year and I hate to see it happening already this year where content wasn't posted timely. This site used to be my one stop shop when the shark pool was actually helpful and not filled with personal feuds, and I could depend on solid information in a timely manner. I'm looking for an update on K Bullock who on the last injury report did not practice but under his personal page it says he wasn't on the injury report. Seems like most of the inside info on individual players pages called "insight" is pre-pre-season and no longer relevant. This post may be removed, but I just want to express my frustrations.
Try back in an hour and half when it's tomorrow on the left coast. :shrug:


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