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Is the NFL too fast for the Referees? (1 Viewer)

Vike Me

In just about every game thread I enter is seems like both sides complain about bad calls, some even acknoledge bad calls "for" their team. I know it has probably alwasys been like this but we have no super clear HD and multiple super slow motion camera angles to make it painfully obvious.

But I still feel that the speed of this game is just rediculous and it is difficult to make calls sometimes watching the slow motion replay, I could only imagine what it is like to tryi to make these calls at full speed. So what do you think? And, what can really be done?

Oh and I'll go:


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The NFL is too fast for a bunch of part timers that can't be disciplined for poor performance during the season, yes.

Sadly, this is the fans fault for forgetting how bad the regular referees were during the lockout and going absolutely nuts over the slightly worse replacements.

We could have had a shot at a long-term fix, and the fans blew it.

The NFL is too fast for a bunch of part timers that can't be disciplined for poor performance during the season, yes.

Sadly, this is the fans fault for forgetting how bad the regular referees were during the lockout and going absolutely nuts over the slightly worse replacements.

We could have had a shot at a long-term fix, and the fans blew it.
I'd say it was 50/50 fans/media. The unionized media freaked out and went absolutely scorched earth against the NFL on this. Anyone on the fence or a casual fan pretty much just went along with the media narrative. The whole idea that it was a safety issue was hilarious.

seems like they are paid to keep games somewhat close. they do a pretty good job of keeping them semiclose except for Thursday nights when they would really have to go WCW referee on the situation

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seems like they are paid to keep games somewhat close. they do a pretty good job of keeping them semiclose except for Thursday nights when they would really have to go WCW referee on the situation

I've read this nonsense in three game threads already this week. Average margin of victory heading into the PM games has been 18 points. I think some of you are just wired to look for conspiracies.


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