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Is Trump in the wrong if he actually believes the election was stolen? (1 Viewer)


I’m asking you to put away your preconceived notions and play along with me here…..

if Trump actually did/does believe the election was stolen, wouldn’t he actually be in the right to do everything possible to enforce that belief?                                     

I don’t happen to believe he’s correct, but if in his mind he is, and I think he truly believes that he was robbed, then isn’t ot possible to make the assertion that Trump believes that he’s the one defending democracy? 

There are certainly other questions that would raise about Trump if he believes the election was stolen despite all the evidence to the contrary. But if he genuinely believes it, his actions are plausible in my estimation. 

I’m asking you to put away your preconceived notions and play along with me here…..

if Trump actually did/does believe the election was stolen, wouldn’t he actually be in the right to do everything possible to enforce that belief?                                     

I don’t happen to believe he’s correct, but if in his mind he is, and I think he truly believes that he was robbed, then isn’t ot possible to make the assertion that Trump believes that he’s the one defending democracy? 

There are certainly other questions that would raise about Trump if he believes the election was stolen despite all the evidence to the contrary. But if he genuinely believes it, his actions are plausible in my estimation. 

Yes. He is wrong.  Completely and totally wrong.

He was shown he was wrong…there is no logical reason for him to believe he was right.

And he took unethical and seemingly illegal means to do so.

No amount if trying to justify that will refute the facts of the election.

If he truly believed that he is right and there was massive voter fraud then he should be spending all of his time, money and effort trying to prove that. He is not doing that. He is making claims without any evidence. So yes, he is wrong.

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I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 

I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 
That's an easy question. Trying to get the vice president to overturn the election result without any proof is wrong.

I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 
He's choosing to ignore all the evidence to the contrary, because of his ego, and lead millions of people astray and doubting the very foundations on which this country is built. Doing exactly the opposite of what a leader should do. He’s serving his ego not the people.  That’s wrong no matter how you slice it.  

He's choosing to ignore all the evidence to the contrary, because of his ego, and lead millions of people astray and doubting the very foundations on which this country is built. Doing exactly the opposite of what a leader should do. He’s serving his ego not the people.  That’s wrong no matter how you slice it.  
I didn’t say wrong - I agree. I said illegal. 

I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 
He asked the state of Georgia to find 11,000 votes. It was a recorded phone call where, without evidence of any fraud, wanted them to magically produce 11,000 votes. 

Not to mention the funds he raised to Stop the Steal which he diverted to pay off some debts. 

He asked the state of Georgia to find 11,000 votes. It was a recorded phone call where, without evidence of any fraud, wanted them to magically produce 11,000 votes. 

Not to mention the funds he raised to Stop the Steal which he diverted to pay off some debts. 
The 11,000 vote thing. I’ve thought about that. You can certainly infer things from that, but it seems intentionally ambiguously enough said, that it would not be prosecutable. 

I didn’t say wrong - I agree. I said illegal. 
Well that what’s being parsed out with the J6 committee.  

My take is what he was attempting to do was more in the vain of exploring a loophole vs being straight up illegal.  But with that said what he attempted to do with his lawyers and the VP should be illegal. 

I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 
Tried to get officials to find votes?  Possibly push for illegal electors to be selected?

What did he do legally?  Because he didn’t argue fraud in any legal challenge.  Why not?

The 11,000 vote thing. I’ve thought about that. You can certainly infer things from that, but it seems intentionally ambiguously enough said, that it would not be prosecutable. 
If someone was acting in a legal manner…why would they be intentionally ambiguous?

The President can pretty much do what they like, more so now that it's protect your party at all costs. Them using this power to negate the election results is the end of what we have had going for a couple hundred years. That seems not good.

The 11,000 vote thing. I’ve thought about that. You can certainly infer things from that, but it seems intentionally ambiguously enough said, that it would not be prosecutable. 
Asking the state officials to influence an election, and change the results. If you were going to ask an official to do so, THAT is how you do it. 

It's illegal. If some lawyer could get him off, it doesn't change the fact that he asked them, with no evidence of fraud. 

The 11,000 vote thing. I’ve thought about that. You can certainly infer things from that, but it seems intentionally ambiguously enough said, that it would not be prosecutable. 
Say the Prez had people who buy that BS in place and they say OK. That would be bad, right?

I guarantee there would be people saying this was the right thing to do if that had happened. 

I don't know how to answer this....I mean the Dems claimed Russian collusion, hanging chads, etc.......but 2020 was the most secure election in history!  Their guy just happened to win......weird

Personally, I think they're all as crooked as the day is long.......I think both Dems and repubs cheat, and encourage cheating.  They just go about it in different ways. 

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I don't know how to answer this....I mean the Dems claimed Russian collusion, hanging chads, etc.......but 2020 was the most secure election in history!  Their guy just happened to win......weird

Personally, I think they're all as crooked as the day is long.......I think both Dems and repubs cheat, and encourage cheating.  They just go about it in different ways. 
If Republicans want to try and impeach Biden for Hunter’s lap top or whatever have at it. There’s a whole process in place. We know from how these go now that Biden could have allowed Xi to pilot Airforce One to steal the constitution on the 4th of July but unless you have 66 members of your party in the Senate it doesn’t really matter.

The person who is Prez pulling levers like Trump did however is a different thing entirely. That job has way too much power. Takes a true scumbag like Don to really get in there and actually leverage that power. With better planning he could pull it off. Who knows what a competent person could do. This dude had Guilliani helping him. 

if Trump actually did/does believe the election was stolen, wouldn’t he actually be in the right to do everything possible to enforce that belief?                                     

MAIN ARTICLE: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

" .......'(their efforts against Trump)... touched every (single) aspect of the election..... (Cabal power brokers got)... states to change voting systems/laws and ... secured hundreds of millions in public/private funding..... (they fought)... off voter-suppression lawsuits.... recruited ( and trained) armies of poll workers ..... (and manipulated and)... got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time'......"

"......(the Cabal power brokers)....successfully pressured social media companies..... to (redefine) against disinformation.... and used data-driven strategies (and algorithms)...... (and) executed national public-awareness campaigns'....."

"......(Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official)...... 'The untold story of (this)election is the thousands of people .... who accomplished the triumph of (our) American democracy..... at its very foundation'........”

“....(On Trump saying within days after the election, there was an orchestrated and clear effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted and contested).....'Trump was right'......"

"....'The handshake between business and labor (organizations) was just one component of a vast (cabal)..... to protect (this) election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated (and tasked) not to (just) winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted'....."

“.....(Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy).....'But it’s (extremely) important for the country to understand that (the results of this election) didn’t happen accidentally. .....(this) system (and result) didn’t work magically.....(our) democracy is not self-executing'.......”

".......( The participants/cabal want their secret history of the 2020 election told openly)......'a well-funded cabal of (extremely) powerful people, ranging across (many high profile) industries and ideologies.... worked together behind the scenes to influence (public) perceptions... (and) change rules and laws, steer ( traditional media/social media) coverage..... and (ultimately) control the flow of information..... They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it...... And believe the general public needs to understand the (current) system’s fragility.... in order to ensure (completely) that (our) democracy in America endures'....".

"....( In 2019, Mike Podhorzer, senior adviser for the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union federation)....(started) circulating weekly number-crunching memos to a small circle of allies ( this noted cabal) and hosting (secret) strategy sessions in D.C.....he concluded ( on his own), was that America’s decentralized election system.... couldn’t be rigged in one (staged event)..... That presented a clear opportunity to shore it up'...."

"....(Pordhorzer organized and lead).....a constellation of operatives across the left who shared overlapping goals but didn’t usually work in concert..... (This secret) group had no name, no leaders and no hierarchy, but it kept the disparate (and powerful) actors in sync. ....as 2020 progressed (towards the election), it stretched to Congress, Silicon Valley and the nation’s statehouses.... It (also) drew energy (and funding) from the summer’s racial-justice protests...(where many) leaders were a key part of (this) liberal alliance....."

"......(Pordhorzer lead).... 'more than 150 organizations (whom) signed a formal letter to every member of Congress seeking $2 billion in (additional) election funding.....CARES Act contained $400 million in grants to state election administrators (to start)...then the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative added $300 million...(told) Secretaries of State....on which (cabal approved) vendors to use.... and to how to locate (absentee vote) drop boxes in 37 states and D.C.'......"

".....(Laura Quinn, a veteran progressive operative who co-founded Catalist piloted a namelessand secret project).....pressured (traditional media/social media) platforms to ..... removing (boosted) content or (policing) accounts (accused of) disinformation' ....."

"....(**** Gephardt, the Democratic former House leader and now a high-powered lobbyist using 20 million from the private sector).....(sought to influence) former elected officials, Cabinet secretaries, (noted) military leaders ... (current) secretaries of state, (also) attorneys general, (and) governors who would be in the eye of the (2020 election) storm'...."

"....(Author Time Magazine's Molly Ball).....'Democracy won in the end. The will of the people prevailed'....."

By Molly Ball February 4, 2021 5:40 AM EST




The radical left, the establishment Democrats and their corporate donor overlords literally went to Time Magazine and demanded a "victory lap" to say the election was "shored up" and ensured a "proper outcome" and that the election was not rigged, but that they ( as in a not so secret cabal of special interests) were merely "fortifying it"

Was the 2020 general cycle a "free and fair election"?  My assessment is "No"

Who cheated? Both sides, both the GOP and the Democratic Party cheated, as much as they could get away with but clearly Team Blue had more horses to put into this race - They controlled Big Social Media, Big Tech, Big Education , Big Finance, Hollywood and most of the activist complicit MSM.  The simple answer is both sides are corrupt and both sides used operatives on the ground to steal, destroy, subvert and sabotage as much as possible.

Was the level of cheating enough to steal the election away from Trump? I don't know.  My best take on this is Trump may or may not be right, but he's got a point if he's says something is clearly wrong. In the same way Jose Canseco was denounced and humiliated and black balled but he was right at times, and when he wasn't right, he often had a point. Being despised doesn't remove your ability to be right at times and to have a point at times. Do I think many of the radical leftists here, not all but far too many, operate to that mindset? No, but that's why I assess them as low information voters.

Should Trump have done what he did on J6? No, it was not what was best for America. But I also don't agree with the take of many of the radical leftists here and say Trump should have submitted and bent the knee and taken it all as if he earned that kind of punishment. Some of you just wanted him on his knees and begging without due regard for asking if what happened was actually a free fair election independent of Trump being an exhausting narcissist and grifter.

What should Trump have done? My assessment is he should have determined he could not alter the outcome with his current resource base, then not said a single word, left the White House, then done everything possible to win 2024 ( If he did that, he'd be in the drivers seat right now), then when he got back to POTUS, use the DOJ and USSOCOM to clean house and settle all family business. Obama, Biden, Harris, Rice, Clinton, Podesta, Pelosi, Newsom, Whitmer, Cuomo, AOC, The Squad, Warren, Sanders, Lightfoot, Durkan, Priztker, David Cohen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, George Soros, Bloomberg, Zucker and on and on and on. Everyone.

Beth Dutton: “Just tell me who to fight.”

John Dutton: "Everyone"

Trump believes he's a hammer and the world is a bunch of nails in front of him. You have to pick your battles and know when you can and can't succeed right at that moment. This is beyond professional politics, this is basic Sun Tzu and The Art Of War.

Here's the unintended end result of Trump's impact on professional politics. Everyone knew exactly what Trump was and was not. Right and upfront. But it was the reaction, the visceral rage and political violence and hypocrisy and the spitting on the working class, that came clear light as day from the radical left and the core of the establishment Democrats and that was also exposed. Trump never wore a mask. But many in Team Blue did. And they wanted Trump's scalp so badly, that they couldn't keep their mask on.

Trump is all about Trump. He doesn't give a single damn about the American people if there's nothing in it for himself. But he exposed so many in Team Blue who don't give a single damn about working class every day Americans whether there anything in it for them or not. The difference is this - Trump doesn't give a damn but he doesn't resent and loathe the working class over it. Most of Team Blue didn't give a damn and despised the rank and file like they were infected feral animals to be herded to the slaughter.

Was Trump right? He was both right and wrong, but he had a point and he chose the wrong tactics. He should have just let Kellyanne Conway run the country. He would have won reelection and America could have avoided the Biden disaster zone.

"Do nothing.... If you have no move Mr. Thompson, you do nothing....All the more reason for patience. I’ve made my living Mr. Thompson, in large part as a gambler. Some days I make twenty bets, some days I make none. There are weeks, sometimes months in fact when I don’t make a bet at all, because there simply is no play. So I wait, plan, marshal my resources. And when I finally see an opportunity, and there is a bet to make. I bet it all."

- Arnold Rothstein, Boardwalk Empire

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It's important to understand that he believed it happened. 
You can pull up moments of his speeches, where he's going off script, and you can actually see something pop into his head, something that  sounds right to him, and he believes it as truth by the end of his speech. 

I would t be surprised if there were some irregularities or improper rule changes that impacted the election.  Frankly I don’t trust one damn thing put out by the media.  Do I think it changed the ultimate result?  Doubtful.  But I don’t know for sure.  And that sucks.

I would t be surprised if there were some irregularities or improper rule changes that impacted the election.  Frankly I don’t trust one damn thing put out by the media.  Do I think it changed the ultimate result?  Doubtful.  But I don’t know for sure.  And that sucks.
it sucks that anyone believes this without a shred of evidence to support it.

Even worse when the doubt and lies come from the Oval Office.

it sucks that anyone believes this without a shred of evidence to support it.

Even worse when the doubt and lies come from the Oval Office.
Well there were some rule changes in certain states, correct?  What about PA?  I’m not saying the election was stolen, don’t get me wrong.

Unfortunately Trump surrounds himself with Yes People who tell him what he wants to believe.  If he doesn’t like the message, he replaces the messenger.  

Asking the state officials to influence an election, and change the results. If you were going to ask an official to do so, THAT is how you do it. 

It's illegal. If some lawyer could get him off, it doesn't change the fact that he asked them, with no evidence of fraud. 
Is it illegal to ask someone to commit a crime? I really don't know. Not pay someone or force someone or blackmail someone, but just ask. Like, if I asked Steph Curry to throw a game, did I commit a crime? What if Steph didn't do it? Did I still commit a crime just by asking?

Is it illegal to ask someone to commit a crime? I really don't know. Not pay someone or force someone or blackmail someone, but just ask. Like, if I asked Steph Curry to throw a game, did I commit a crime? What if Steph didn't do it? Did I still commit a crime just by asking?
What if you were the team owner for Steph?  How about someone in a position of authority over the person your asking?

What if you were the team owner for Steph?  How about someone in a position of authority over the person your asking?
Those sound problematic, but I don't know if it's illegal, that's why I'm asking. And if it is, how does that relate to what Trump did? Did he have authority over the people he asked to commit crimes? Or is there some other law that applies?

Yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8609310/

"Using Lott’s own data, we show in SI Appendix, section G that the specification he uses to analyze absentee voting patterns produces different conclusions depending on the entirely arbitrary order in which counties are entered in the dataset. Briefly, Lott posits that, if absentee ballots were correctly handled, the difference in Trump support across a boundary that separates a Democratic county from a Republican county should be similar to the difference in Trump support across a boundary that separates one Republican county from another. But Lott’s conclusion depends entirely on the order in which the differences are computed for the Republican–Republican pairs. The conclusion is reversed when an alternative and equally justified order is used."

And if you read the original study, the first sentence states "This study reports three tests measuring vote fraud in the 2020 US presidential election, although they provide inconsistent evidence.". Then it proceeds to focus on the data that supports the authors conclusion. And the article (written by the same author) ignores any of the inconsistent evidence. 

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Yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8609310/

"Using Lott’s own data, we show in SI Appendix, section G that the specification he uses to analyze absentee voting patterns produces different conclusions depending on the entirely arbitrary order in which counties are entered in the dataset. Briefly, Lott posits that, if absentee ballots were correctly handled, the difference in Trump support across a boundary that separates a Democratic county from a Republican county should be similar to the difference in Trump support across a boundary that separates one Republican county from another. But Lott’s conclusion depends entirely on the order in which the differences are computed for the Republican–Republican pairs. The conclusion is reversed when an alternative and equally justified order is used."

And if you read the original study, the first sentence states "This study reports three tests measuring vote fraud in the 2020 US presidential election, although they provide inconsistent evidence.". Then it proceeds to focus on the data that supports the authors conclusion. And the article (written by the same author) ignores any of the inconsistent evidence. 
Well of course someone disagrees with it.  Look, I don’t profess to understand any of this.  But it is a peer reviewed study and is set to appear in a reputable journal.  The only thing I’m saying is this - I’m not prepared to trust the media when they say there was no voter fraud.  Why?  Because I know they aren’t investigating it, because they don’t want to find it.  This is the same media that pimped the Russian collusion crap and said the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.  That’s where we are at.  People no longer trust our institutions, and people believe what they want to believe.  The truth dies in darkness, and we are in dark times.

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Is it illegal to ask someone to commit a crime? I really don't know. Not pay someone or force someone or blackmail someone, but just ask. Like, if I asked Steph Curry to throw a game, did I commit a crime? What if Steph didn't do it? Did I still commit a crime just by asking?
Conspiracy is a crime.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/conspiracy#:~:text=Conspiracy is an agreement between,requirement%2C not a constitutional one.

Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal.  Most U.S. jurisdictions also require an overt act toward furthering the agreement.  An overt act is a statutory requirement, not a constitutional one. See Whitfield v. United States, 453 U.S. 209 (2005). The illegal act is the conspiracy's "target offense.”

Conspiracy generally carries a penalty on its own.  In addition, conspiracies allow for derivative liability where conspirators can also be punished for the illegal acts carried out by other members, even if they were not directly involved.  Thus, where one or more members of the conspiracy committed illegal acts to further the conspiracy's goals, all members of the conspiracy may be held accountable for those acts.  

Where no one has actually committed a criminal act, the punishment varies.  Some conspiracy statutes assign the same punishment for conspiracy as for the target offense.  Others impose lesser penalties.

Conspiracy applies to both civil and criminal offenses. For example, you may conspire to commit murder, or conspire to commit fraud.

Those sound problematic, but I don't know if it's illegal, that's why I'm asking. And if it is, how does that relate to what Trump did? Did he have authority over the people he asked to commit crimes? Or is there some other law that applies?
Coercion is a crime.


Coercion generally means to impose one's will on another by means of force or threats. Coercion may be accomplished through physical or psychological means. It may occur in a variety of contexts, such as unfair trade practices, which prohibits coercion to sell insurance in most states.

Definitions vary by state and federal laws. For example, one state defines coercion as a crime when a person compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from engaging in, or to abstain from engaging in conduct in which he has a legal right to engage, by means of instilling in him a fear that, if the demand is not complied with, the actor or another will cause physical injury to a person or cause damage to property.

Edit- some of the insurrectionists have argued in federal court that they were coerced by trump. 

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I dunno. I think Trump is an ##### and did indeed lose the election, but what exactly did he do that was in the wrong? What exactly did he do that was illegal if he thought that the election was stolen? 
NO. He turned on his VP asking him to do something he could not do and when Pence didn't it so enraged the Proud Boys they thought that killing the VP was their patriotic duty. Would the Proud Boys had done thus if they knew the vast majority of Trump's orbit were telling him he didn't win? I think not. You don't get a pass because your massive ego will not allow you to believe you lost.

The study says they have evidence but then fails to give hardcore evidence with actual numbers. Comparing 2016 with 2020 fails the recognize many thought Clinton would win in 16' and they simply didn't vote. And there very likely were better coordinated efforts to get out the vote in certain precincts. The study tries to look cute and professional but falls short with facts. BTW I do like polls conducted by many respected pollsters. Rassmassun is not one of them

Nothing in the article is voter fraud - he speculated voter fraud happened because of larger turnout numbers and comparing absentee ballot rate from adjacent counties with similar demographics.  Those are both meaningless on their own.  Now if you took that analysis and then checked the absentee ballots for fraud maybe you could find something but my understanding is states already have their own process for that so it seems highly unlikely to me that what his analysis found would result in the numbers he suggests.

Just going by the thread title, Trump’s belief system is flawed.  His crooked business dealings spilled over into his political beliefs.  When you run out of outs, you get 1/6.   Winning in ‘24 is a two-foot putt the sooner they move away from Donald.  

Conspiracy is a crime.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/conspiracy#:~:text=Conspiracy is an agreement between,requirement%2C not a constitutional one.

Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal.  Most U.S. jurisdictions also require an overt act toward furthering the agreement.  An overt act is a statutory requirement, not a constitutional one. See Whitfield v. United States, 453 U.S. 209 (2005). The illegal act is the conspiracy's "target offense.”

Coercion is a crime.


Coercion generally means to impose one's will on another by means of force or threats. Coercion may be accomplished through physical or psychological means. It may occur in a variety of contexts, such as unfair trade practices, which prohibits coercion to sell insurance in most states.

Direct Headline: The Electoral College should be eliminated

Twelve Democratic presidential candidates have explicitly called for the abolition of the Electoral College, while five others have said they are open to the idea...Some, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, said they would back a constitutional amendment....Still others, like South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, called the Electoral College “undemocratic,” but hasn’t been clear on how he would repeal the system...Four Democrats said they are open to abolishing the system but didn’t explicitly back doing so. Sen. Kamala Harris said she’s "open to the discussion," while Sen. Bernie Sanders said it’s “hard to defend the current system”


No. 19–465. Argued May 13, 2020—Decided July 6, 2020

A State may enforce an elector’s pledge to support his party’s nominee—and the state voters’ choice—for President. … Electors are not free agents; they are to vote for the candidate whom the State’s voters have chosen.”


1948 Democratic Convention

Nearly two weeks after the convention, the president issued executive orders mandating equal opportunity in the armed forces and in the federal civil service. Outraged segregationists moved ahead with the formation of a States' Rights ("Dixiecrat") Party with Gov. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina as its presidential candidate...In the meantime, Thurmond, winning four states and 39 electoral votes, had fired a telling shot across the Democrats' bow.

Alonzo L. Hamby August 2008


U.S. Supreme Court Ray v. Blair, 343 U.S. 214 (1952)

No. 649 Argued March 31, 1952 Decided April 3, 1952


Direct Headline: Five Quotes From Joe Biden’s Eulogy of Famed Republican Racist Strom Thurmond

"Strom Thurmond was also a brave man, who in the end made his choice and moved to the good side. I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends."...1973 Joe Biden would be stunned to hear that he “disagreed deeply” with Strom on the issue of civil rights given that 1973 and 1974 Biden consistently voted against bills that would have integrated schools. He even used the same “forced busing” phrase that Thurmond used to voice his opposition to the bills he joined Biden in opposing.

By Jacob Weindling    April 5, 2019    9:41am



Pennsylvania - No faithless elector laws

Georgia - No faithless elector laws

Michigan - Failure to vote as pledged cancels the vote and replaces the elector (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.47 )

Arizona - Failure to vote as pledged cancels the vote and replaces the elector (Ariz. Rev. Stat § 16-212 )

Wisconsin - Vote counted as cast (Wis. Stat. § 7.75(2) )

Nevada - Failure to vote as pledged cancels the vote and replaces the elector (Nev. Rev. Stat. § 298.075(2) )

New Mexico - Vote counted as cast (N.M. Stat. Ann. § 1-15-9 )

- New Mexico is the only state that has some form of legal penalty on this list for electors whom refuse to vote as pledged.


The states in dispute are Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico.

The United States Constitution does not cover the "Electoral College" in depth and never specifically does so by name. Article II and the 23rd Amendment are about logistics. The 12th Amendment defers specific breakdown of electors to state legislatures. ( SCOTUS reaffirms this in Chiafalo, but the distinction still remains that this is a matter for state legislatures to hash out for themselves in the details and previous precedents have only resulted in "fines" i.e. Colin Powell/Hillary Clinton) 

Two of the states mentioned have no laws regarding faithless electors. Three of the states mentioned allow some mechanism to replace electors in the case of faithless electors. Again, discretion is given to each respective state. The two states that could drive serious problems here are Wisconsin and New Mexico, but again, there would a require a deeper dive into their legislatures and election laws.

From an optics standpoint, dragging out the "rebellious electors" narrative and the "strong arming electors" narrative and "fake electors" narrative will push the conversation back to Strom Thurmond and how SCOTUS got to the point to rule on elector vote adherence (i.e. Ray). Then it pushes back to Joe Biden's relationship with Thurmond and their role together on Civil Rights issues. Biden pushes identity politics when his entire political career, outside of the protection of the activist complicit MSM, shows him as a racist. This is not the kind of backdoor media narrative that the Biden Administration is going to want in the Mid Terms and 2024.

This issue also drags out that POTUS contenders Warren, Sanders, Klobuchar and Buttigieg all wanted, on record, the electoral college to get wiped out. Kamala Harris maintains a fence sitter position here. None of this helps any of them if Trump and Eastman push the failures of the electoral college in the national daily media cycle. This particularly can hurt Buttigieg, and with the Afghanistan disaster, the Party apparatus needs a military man in tow for 2024 in some capacity.

In short, there needs to be a state by state breakdown, considering their respective laws, of what is being considered "fake electors"

I actually don't agree with what Trump did and said on J6. It was not in the best interests of functional governance and it was not what was best overall, by intent, for all Americans. That being said, these issues with the electors, on a broad scale, are still functionally MATTERS OF LAW and need to be examined by each state in question and by each accusation levied against what each respective state legislature has ruled and put in place.

What are these "fake documents to change electors" if you have states that have mechanisms to actually replace electors?

What exists as an "alternate/fake elector scheme" if you have states that have mechanisms to actually replace electors?

So you'll ask, did Trump and Eastman commit conspiracy?  Eastman presented a legal theory to Trump. They both approached Pence with it. Pence said I'll look into this and do my due diligence. Now Pence might have privately thought they were both insane and idiots and could see the dangerous pathway where this could all spiral out of control concerning rioting and violence in the streets. But it's Pence's job to do due diligence. He discussed it with his staff and legal experts around him and he told Trump and Eastman he could not support their claim.

The faithless elector issue, which is a real complex legal discussion BEFORE TRUMP EVER ENTERED PROFESSIONAL POLITICS, is enough of a hedge that Trump can believe, in his own state of mind, that he won the election.

I've seen someone mention "treason" in this thread. OK, treason is off the table ( Trump is an idiot, he's not in league with the CCP and Xi to start World War III against the US). Sedition is off the table ( i.e the force test) . With the faithless elector issue, I'm going to have a hard time seeing conspiracy fly here and it provides some cover against obstruction. If even one single of the radical lefty lawyers here comes out to say Trump staying silent for hours as the riots and breaching kept going proves specific intent, go ahead and set your law degree on fire right now. 

I'll say it again, many of the states in question have mechanisms by state law to actually replace electors. A few have no laws at all regarding faithless electors. How easily can you unpack "illegal" here?

If some of you don't like the current law, then use the formal established method via our Constitution to change the law. How do you do that? You win a crapload of elections and you get the majorities you need, and you get SCOTUS reloaded with your Party's loyalists and you get to infuse the Judicial system with  your judges to uphold your public policy. Just keep winning elections and lots of them.

Do you know how you win lots of elections? YOU DELIVER WINS FOR EVERYDAY WORKING CLASS AMERICAN CITIZENS. Because there are more of them in masses than college aged/college educated liberal zealots trained as woke shock troopers, Limousine Liberals (plenty of those here in the PSF) and LGBTs. Has the Democratic Party been doing a good job of delivering wins for the average American at the ground level who is a paycheck and a half away from being homeless? No, not by a long shot.

If some of you want Trump in prison, look at the pardons of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. There's way more fire there than smoke. It's not Trump's fault that Team Blue and most of you are looking in the wrong place if you want him put in chains.

He was doing this same rigged election shtick before the 2016 election, except suddenly nobody (including him anymore) cared because he won.  But that also means he has no credibility in this area because he’ll just say it’s rigged no matter what.


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