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Ivory Trade Value (1 Viewer)


I'm an Ivory owner and I'm trying to get an idea on what one could expect to get back in return for him. I'm looking specifically at trading him for a WR, future picks (2014) or a combination of the two.

What kind of trades have you guys seen in your leagues that involve Ivory?

3 days before he was traded to the Jets I traded the #8 rookie pick for him and a 2015 1st round pick.

After the move to the Jets, I tried to trade him for any 1st round rookie pick this year with no luck. No luck even after all the bad news for Goodson. I'm kinda "stuck" with him on the tail end of my RB corps, but I'd rather have him than some 2014 2nd round pick (the best offer I got).

Offered mid 1st and 3rd pick for him this year and got shot down...

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I am in a contract dynasty league. I had Ivory with a 1 year contract and traded him for pick 15 and a 2014 2nd rounder.

With a 2+ year contract I would expect a 1st rounder; probably not a high one, though.

I'm not eager to give so much for him. Was 4th or 5th string in NO, Couldn't stay healthy. Didn't demonstrate that he was an asset in the passing game, He's 25, running style suggests short shelf life, has to still beat out Goodson with it looking like Goodson will be at least the third down back with possible time share for 1st and second down on what looks to be a low scoring offense.

There's potential and if your an optimist you might offer a late first but right now based on these trades Ivory looks overvalued to me.

I'm not eager to give so much for him. Was 4th or 5th string in NO, Couldn't stay healthy. Didn't demonstrate that he was an asset in the passing game, He's 25, running style suggests short shelf life, has to still beat out Goodson with it looking like Goodson will be at least the third down back with possible time share for 1st and second down on what looks to be a low scoring offense.

There's potential and if your an optimist you might offer a late first but right now based on these trades Ivory looks overvalued to me.
while everything you said is pretty much true.......................it's hard to not see that he at least has late 1st round value. Maybe not to EVERYONE isnce people always like diferent guys, but in the general public Ivory is worth about a late 1st this year, or projected later 2014 1st


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