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Just Win, Baby (1 Viewer)

Sammy Traveller

From Fanball:

Wilson, Walker, others want out

Sunday 11/9, 11:53 AM CT

According to Adam Schefter of the NFL Network, many Raiders want out of Oakland, even if it means giving back their bonus money. Wide receiver Javon Walker and safety Gibril Wilson are two prominent names mentioned by Schefter. It's also believed that cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha has refused to sign a long-term deal because of the uncertain situation.
this raises the question: who will be unlucky enough to be picked by the Raiders in the first round of next year's draft?
Wilson is a great player who has played really well for the Raiders this year. That being said, I can't blame him for wanting out. I could question his wanting to go there in the first place though...

I have tremendous shame and embarrassment as a long time Raiders fan. :goodposting:
Ummm Lions fan here. We are like Courtney Love, at least a two bagger....
Both teams need a QB bad. Russell is garbage. Nothing more needs said there. Stanton is horrible. That guy made David Carr look all-pro. Anyone see how hard he was breathing from running around in circles instead of trying to throw the ball. Raiders will be bad for a long, long time. Their future is tied to a bad QB. Sorry Crabtree, they are picking you in 2009.The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
I have tremendous shame and embarrassment as a long time Raiders fan. :goodposting:
Ummm Lions fan here. We are like Courtney Love, at least a two bagger....
Both teams need a QB bad. Russell is garbage. Nothing more needs said there. Stanton is horrible. That guy made David Carr look all-pro. Anyone see how hard he was breathing from running around in circles instead of trying to throw the ball. Raiders will be bad for a long, long time. Their future is tied to a bad QB. Sorry Crabtree, they are picking you in 2009.The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
Are you seriously basing your Stanton career evaluation on one half of an NFL game? A half that went 6 for 8 with 1 TD, 0 INT, and 94 yards? Seriously? I'm not saying the guy looked like Elway out there, but this was his first significant regular season NFL action, and it is WAY WAY too early to make drastic conclusions of any kind.
Walker should just be happy that an NFL team wants him at this point even though it is the Raiders.

Asomugha, on the other hand, is having his talent completely wasted on that team. What a shame.

The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
You sure ATL didn't just get LUCKY? Ryan has performed well, but he could have easily been another Tim Couch or Alex Smith in the making.
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Are you seriously basing your Stanton career evaluation on one half of an NFL game? A half that went 6 for 8 with 1 TD, 0 INT, and 94 yards? Seriously? I'm not saying the guy looked like Elway out there, but this was his first significant regular season NFL action, and it is WAY WAY too early to make drastic conclusions of any kind.
No but he was far from ready.Did you see the game? I mean wow. I have not seen a guy so ill prepared for the speed of the game since who knows when. Did you catch him sucking wind after the repeated sacks? He's supposed to throw the ball, not run around like a chicken with his head cut off. Numerous times he would take off and turn around and run right back into the teeth of the pass rush. It was brutal.One thing the coaching staff was right about was that they didn't want him to embarrass himself, so the signed rotten-pepper. He did anyway becasue they had to put him in. I would love for him to become the franchise QB, but he is as far away right now as anyone.
Walker complaining is funny. He should be counting his lucky stars that he has a job south of the CFL

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As a local Raiders fan, I am discouraged as well. But, what people need to consider is that the Raiders aren't THAT far removed from a chance at the Superbowl having been screwed by the tuck rule years back when Woodson stripped Brady.

Walker can go because he doesn't provide much. And the Raiders are in bad shape with Russell- I think they should be rolling him out and at least let him use some scrambling abilities, but they are clearly working on his development as a pocket passer- which doesn't look good at this point.

My concern with the Raiders has been that they haven't added a significant pass rusher or run stopper in the last few years, and that has been what has plagued them- Thankfully, while Al Davis should bring in some football people for the personnel area, he at least spends money on his team. My $.02.

I hope Goodell changes the rookie salary structure, especially since someone like Alex Smith is walking away with around $24 million..............

The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
You sure ATL didn't just get LUCKY? Ryan has performed well, but he could have easily been another Tim Couch or Alex Smith in the making.
Yes they got lucky.
Luck is a factor to be sure, but Atlanta did their homework on Ryan. They did more than just get lucky.
As if every other team didn't do their homework. :goodposting:
The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
You sure ATL didn't just get LUCKY? Ryan has performed well, but he could have easily been another Tim Couch or Alex Smith in the making.
Yes they got lucky.
Luck is a factor to be sure, but Atlanta did their homework on Ryan. They did more than just get lucky.
And by more do you mean the signing of Michael Turner? I think an established running game has helped Matt Ryan more than anything else.
As a local Raiders fan, I am discouraged as well. But, what people need to consider is that the Raiders aren't THAT far removed from a chance at the Superbowl having been screwed by the tuck rule years back when Woodson stripped Brady.Walker can go because he doesn't provide much. And the Raiders are in bad shape with Russell- I think they should be rolling him out and at least let him use some scrambling abilities, but they are clearly working on his development as a pocket passer- which doesn't look good at this point.My concern with the Raiders has been that they haven't added a significant pass rusher or run stopper in the last few years, and that has been what has plagued them- Thankfully, while Al Davis should bring in some football people for the personnel area, he at least spends money on his team. My $.02.I hope Goodell changes the rookie salary structure, especially since someone like Alex Smith is walking away with around $24 million..............
Also local Raider fan here. The superbowl run with Gannon was long ago in NFL terms. Change has to come from the philosophy used within the organization, until then all the decisions will do is prolong the misery.Box of Oreos>Smith>Russel :goodposting:
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The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
You sure ATL didn't just get LUCKY? Ryan has performed well, but he could have easily been another Tim Couch or Alex Smith in the making.
Yes they got lucky.
Luck is a factor to be sure, but Atlanta did their homework on Ryan. They did more than just get lucky.
As if every other team didn't do their homework. :unsure:
Apparently not on Couch or Smith. And this entire thread is BASED on a team not doing its homework. All I'm saying is the Atlanta had their choice of QBs in this draft and they picked correctly and it wasn't just dumb luck.
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How's Asomugha going to feel when they franchise him?

:thumbup: at Gibril Wilson wanting out - what did he think was going to happen when he signed there this year? Seriously.

Are you seriously basing your Stanton career evaluation on one half of an NFL game? A half that went 6 for 8 with 1 TD, 0 INT, and 94 yards? Seriously? I'm not saying the guy looked like Elway out there, but this was his first significant regular season NFL action, and it is WAY WAY too early to make drastic conclusions of any kind.
No but he was far from ready.Did you see the game? I mean wow. I have not seen a guy so ill prepared for the speed of the game since who knows when. Did you catch him sucking wind after the repeated sacks? He's supposed to throw the ball, not run around like a chicken with his head cut off. Numerous times he would take off and turn around and run right back into the teeth of the pass rush. It was brutal.One thing the coaching staff was right about was that they didn't want him to embarrass himself, so the signed rotten-pepper. He did anyway becasue they had to put him in. I would love for him to become the franchise QB, but he is as far away right now as anyone.
I suspect that the Stanton situaion in Detroit, is that the OC doesn't want him to succeed, as Stanton was Martz's guy. When you sign a street FA and give him all the reps he can handle, instead of the young guy who is in the system already and you bring in the young guy for Red Zone possessions anyway since the street FA isn't ready to handle that responsibility - it tells me what I need to know about Lion management.As bad as Oakland is, fans can always at least say: Al is old & delusional, but it used to be good - lion fans have nobody in charge with enough of a track record to earn credit.
dlptown said:
Thankfully, while Al Davis should bring in some football people for the personnel area, he at least spends money on his team.
Yeah, he spends all the money he saves by screwing his head coaches out of their contracts.
shredhead said:
The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
You sure ATL didn't just get LUCKY? Ryan has performed well, but he could have easily been another Tim Couch or Alex Smith in the making.
Yes they got lucky.
Luck is a factor to be sure, but Atlanta did their homework on Ryan. They did more than just get lucky.
And by more do you mean the signing of Michael Turner? I think an established running game has helped Matt Ryan more than anything else.
A lot of, if not most of, the top QB's benefit from a solid running game. And while Atlanta's running game is probably better than most, I think many are making the wrong assumption here in thinking that they are running every game to set up the pass. The past few games, they have jumped out to early leads on the strength of Ryan's arm, and then slowed the game down by pounding the ball. This is why he has had so few passing attempts. They simply aren't throwing as much after their first few drives. So, yes, he has benefited from the ground attack, but it is not even close to the sole reason for his successes thus far.
Certainly makes you feel a lot better about DeAngelo Hall's chance to return to All-Pro form. Not great, but better. Clearly he wasn't the only one struggling with management.

I have tremendous shame and embarrassment as a long time Raiders fan. :goodposting:
Ummm Lions fan here. We are like Courtney Love, at least a two bagger....
Both teams need a QB bad. Russell is garbage. Nothing more needs said there. Stanton is horrible. That guy made David Carr look all-pro. Anyone see how hard he was breathing from running around in circles instead of trying to throw the ball. Raiders will be bad for a long, long time. Their future is tied to a bad QB. Sorry Crabtree, they are picking you in 2009.The Lions can start fixing their problems with a franchise QB. Choose wisely. ATL did.
The Lions would be much better off addressing their o-line problems ahead of their QB problems, ala Cleveland and Miami. Just about any culcrapper off the street could throw to Calvin if you give him enough time.
Certainly makes you feel a lot better about DeAngelo Hall's chance to return to All-Pro form. Not great, but better. Clearly he wasn't the only one struggling with management.
No, Hall was just brutal ( the following from Peter King's MMQB column today):I think there are a few quarterbacks in the NFC East -- starting with Tony Romo next Sunday -- who will be trying to rake DeAngelo Hall over the coals in the last seven weeks of the season. Hall signed with Washington on Friday, after his bizarre release from the Raiders, who paid Hall $8 million to play all of eight games.

Stats Inc. came up with this illuminating stat about Hall's horrid play so far: He surrendered 40 receptions for 556 yards this year, more receiving yards than any other cornerback allowed through nine weeks. Part of that is because his counterpart, Nnamdi Asomugha, is so good and quarterbacks don't want to throw at his side. But Hall cost the Raiders second- and fifth-round picks last April, and then this big cap hit for eight lousy games. For a guy who made Oakland give up so much, Hall, you'd think, would at least be competent.

Hall has always talked a great game, but this year he proved he can't play one. He should be no more than a third corner behind Shawn Springs and Carlos Rogers when Springs returns from his calf injury. Still, when Hall was on Sirius NFL Radio Friday, he still talked with Deion-like bravado, telling a host who said he'd given up some big plays: "You just made that statement, 'give up big plays.' I don't think I gave up a play over 20 yards this season. I gave up one to Michael Jenkins, a 27-yard touchdown. That's part of the business, the nature of the beast. When you're getting a lot of money, you're expected to make a lot of plays. And there are a lot of plays out there I didn't make and I take responsibility for those."

Apparently not on Couch or Smith. And this entire thread is BASED on a team not doing its homework. All I'm saying is the Atlanta had their choice of QBs in this draft and they picked correctly and it wasn't just dumb luck.
I agree. Many teams put too much weight on numbers rather than intangibles like temperament, maturity, attitude, willingness to learn, motivation/drive, and leadership. Of course, the latter aren't easy to quantify and this is probably why teams prefer to take the "safe" pick with the numbers rather than the less flashy prospect, if only to save face with the media in case things blow up on them. But that doesn't mean some teams do not make a better, more accurate assessment of these intangibles than others. In fact, given the nature of these things, it would be amazing if teams did not.
Are you seriously basing your Stanton career evaluation on one half of an NFL game? A half that went 6 for 8 with 1 TD, 0 INT, and 94 yards? Seriously? I'm not saying the guy looked like Elway out there, but this was his first significant regular season NFL action, and it is WAY WAY too early to make drastic conclusions of any kind.
No but he was far from ready.Did you see the game? I mean wow. I have not seen a guy so ill prepared for the speed of the game since who knows when. Did you catch him sucking wind after the repeated sacks? He's supposed to throw the ball, not run around like a chicken with his head cut off. Numerous times he would take off and turn around and run right back into the teeth of the pass rush. It was brutal.One thing the coaching staff was right about was that they didn't want him to embarrass himself, so the signed rotten-pepper. He did anyway becasue they had to put him in. I would love for him to become the franchise QB, but he is as far away right now as anyone.
Plus didn't he give up like 5 sacks too?
Certainly makes you feel a lot better about DeAngelo Hall's chance to return to All-Pro form. Not great, but better. Clearly he wasn't the only one struggling with management.
Chance? Yikes. Was Al in the stands with a laser messing up Dhalls vision? You're really blaming his performance on management?He sucked. Does suck. Will continue to suck.When a rebuilding team dumps a 25 year old CB who's made the probowl, the guy clearly has issues. When TWO teams rebuilding dump a 25 year old probowl CB, the guy is a train wreck. Hall needs to worry about being a starter in the NFL, let alone probowls.
The Raider fans long nightmare will only end when Davis is dead and buried.

Maverick #######s are tolerated only when successful. When they go crazy and start believing their own myths they are done. He has been done for a long time. The only success they have had in two decades has been in spite of Davis and he punished that success.


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