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*** KC @ NYG Game Thread *** (1 Viewer)

What a great Saturday game. Two teams ramming down eachother's throat, awesome blocking by the lines and the and downfield by the WR's too. I love games like this  :thumbup:
lots of dropped passes thou
and lots of horrendous passing by manning.
pissed off plaxico owner here
#@$!! that penalty but I guess he had to save the TD. Now here comes friggin Johnson.

GDAMMIT! I HATE Larry Johnson. Someone at the stadium please pull out a gun and blow his head off.
I see that you're in the holiday mood.
WOW - another ticky tack foul called against KC. That is really a bush league call.

These officials are crap. That personal foul where Tiki flopped was the worst I've ever seen. I don't think the officials have made a good call yet. Well, that Parker fumble was a good call, nothing else though.

The Giants and their reffing staff are really pretty good.
Great challenge.Better get it right - he was down.

And guess what - tackling goes down when you make bad personal foul calls. They second guess on D.

Horrible officiating this game. KC has gotten jobbed about 4 times now.And I'm a Giants fan!!

Interesting. Nfl.com has the answer already even though the refs haven't ruled.

2-7-KC 31 (13:04) E.Manning pass to A.Toomer for 31 yards, TOUCHDOWN. Play Challenged by KC and Upheld. (Timeout #1 by KC at 12:52.)

The NFL will apologize to the Chiefs this week for getting that call wrong. If any part of your body other than your hand or your foot touches the ground -- you are down.Clearly, the top part of his foot/ankle/shin area touched the ground.


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