So long story short....
My mom was woken by a random naked girl and found my brother asleep on the bathroom floor with a needle in his arm, complete with a spoonful of herion.
I know other here have said you can't kick him out but I'm putting my foot down. He's going to rehab or I'm kicking him out of my mothers place.
Kid is toast. :(
A couple things:
Rehab ain't what it used to be. People are pushed by health insurers into lesser steps of drug treatment than they likely need, and are required to fail those lesser levels before moving up to a higher level of treatment. Be prepared for a lot of frustration in this area, multiple times. Or be prepared for your brother or your mom or you or someone to shell out big money for what insurance won't cover.
Second, don't become the "overbearing angry guy" in the eyes of the family. He needs significant help, you see that, and you're right. But you don't want to lose support of mom or other family members by being too loud or aggressive about getting him out of the house. The last thing you need is your good intentions actually building sympathy for him among other family members because "He's trying, and steadymobbin is too hard on him". Addicts thrive on sympathy, and are the best in the world at getting it and manipulating it. So they can keep using drugs.
Third, you'll probably have to walk your mom through an understanding of how bad off he is, how he's screwed himself and the family, and she probably won't want to believe any of it at first. He'll fail at rehab a couple times, your mom's understanding of his problem will lag behind how bad the problem is. Be there for her. It's going to be really hard for her.
Last, if he's not stealing from the family yet he soon will be. See what you can do to help protect your mom's money, her possessions, without putting additional burdens on her.
This can be a minefield. And it can end in failure. Do everything you can do to keep the rest of the family together.