Don't get me started.
Short background on our financial situation: until a couple of years ago we basically have spent our entire lives together living paycheck to paycheck. I finally make a decent living, but we're still digging out of the debt hole. She works as a private school kindergarten teacher, making less than half of what a union public school teacher makes, but she "wants to work in a private school so she can celebrate the holidays."
Her biggest vices are what I consider extravagences. A week can't go buy where I see her wearing something new. My favorite is when she says "it's not new, I bought it months ago but haven't worn it yet." Well, not only is it a stupid purchase because you haven't worn it in months, but we couldn't afford it then either.
She insists on going to a salon to get her hair colored for $100 instead of doing the home coloring deal. Yes, it looks better, but it doesn't mean we can afford it.
Lastly, and the one I can't understand the most, she insists on paying 40, 50, 60 bucks a pop to run 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons. You can run for free any day of the week I tell her but "it's not the same as running in a race with other people." Sure, for people who can afford it, not people who constantly whine at me that she doesn't have enough money.