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Manti Te'o's girlfriend who died... (1 Viewer)

I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this being a deliberate manipulation on his part. Is this death, in its original incarnation, really his fabrication to create positive buzz about his character? I guess it's just easier for me to believe he's more dumb/naive as opposed to the alternative.
Scroll back a couple of pages to the part about him being an attention whore.The fact that he did something to become a sympathetic figure or to gain attention is not surprising. Manifesting the desire for attention in the form of a non-existent dead girlfriend is the mildly surprising part.
thator he is just gay
I forgot who posted it, but if it is because he's covering up being gay then why kill off the beard in Sept? Is the double whammy beard/Heisman sympathy gambit?
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I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this being a deliberate manipulation on his part. Is this death, in its original incarnation, really his fabrication to create positive buzz about his character? I guess it's just easier for me to believe he's more dumb/naive as opposed to the alternative.
Scroll back a couple of pages to the part about him being an attention whore.The fact that he did something to become a sympathetic figure or to gain attention is not surprising. Manifesting the desire for attention in the form of a non-existent dead girlfriend is the mildly surprising part.
thator he is just gay
I forgot who posted it, but if it is because he's covering up being gay then why kill off the beard in Sept? Is the double whammy beard/Heisman sympathy gambit?
emotional trauma for not having another gf and the beard he had was online and long distance. Makes too much sense actually
So he played the best game of his life when he found out she was dead, and the worst game of his life when he found he she wasn't dead?

Going with gay and someone found out so he "killed" her off. Although in this day and age he shouldn't have to go through that much trouble if he's gay. Maybe he was just hoping it would last until he got drafted?

So I ask again who did Regan Mauia meet in Samoa?
Reagan Mauia, an Arizona Cardinals fullback, said he believes Kekua existed because he met her in person when he and other Polynesian teammates andPittsburgh Steelers starTroy Polamalu went to do charity work in American Samoa in June 2011. "This was before her and Manti," Mauia said Wednesday evening. "I don't think Manti was even in the picture, but she and I became good friends. We would talk off and on, just checking up on each other kind of thing. I am close to her family. When she was going through the loss of her father, I was -- I offered a comforting shoulder and just someone to bounce her emotions off. That was just from meeting her in Samoa." Mauia said Tuiasosopo -- whom Mauia believes is Kekua's cousin -- introduced the two. After the initial meeting, Mauia said he met her at an "after-party" for all of the athletes involved in the camp. "She was tall," he said. "Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model ... " He said it is his understanding that Kekua's mother is operating her Twitter account. He said he'd never met her mother. When told by a reporter that she apparently might not have existed, Mauia said "No, she is real."
So I ask again who did Regan Mauia meet in Samoa?
who is that and what does that have to do with this story?
Reagan Mauia, an Arizona Cardinals fullback, said he believes Kekua existed because he met her in person when he and other Polynesian teammates and Pittsburgh Steelers star Troy Polamalu went to do charity work in American Samoa in June 2011."This was before her and Manti," Mauia said Wednesday evening. "I don't think Manti was even in the picture, but she and I became good friends. We would talk off and on, just checking up on each other kind of thing. I am close to her family. When she was going through the loss of her father, I was -- I offered a comforting shoulder and just someone to bounce her emotions off. That was just from meeting her in Samoa."Mauia said Tuiasosopo -- whom Mauia believes is Kekua's cousin -- introduced the two. After the initial meeting, Mauia said he met her at an "after-party" for all of the athletes involved in the camp."She was tall," he said. "Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model ... "He said it is his understanding that Kekua's mother is operating her Twitter account. He said he'd never met her mother. When told by a reporter that she apparently might not have existed, Mauia said "No, she is real."
This whole plan was so poorly conceived. If the entire goal was to illicit sympathy, he should have started a long-distance relationship with a real girl who was terminally ill. He would make her smile, people would still feel bad for him, and there's nothing to dig up on a fictitious girlfriend. Everybody wins.Sorry, had a Costanza-ish epiphany there.

Basically the Tuiasosopo kid is Sigfried. He tells Roy (Teo)to say he's yapping with his "girlfriend" all the time when they're actually falling asleep on the phone together every night. At some point they hatch a plan to say the girlfriend on the phone dies of leukemia as a way to gain attention and sympathy for Roy from the Las Vegas awards voters. Neither Sigfried or Roy can believe the attention Roy is getting thanks to their plan nor can they believe The Mirage now has a shot at the Show of the Year award. (They started the year not even ranked in the top 25 hotels!) At some point just after the Las Vegas awards (Roy was runner up) Roy meets a new "lady friend" and Sigfried becomes enraged. Roy dumps Sigfried just in time for the Christmas. (What a Richard that Roy is!) Roy gets a call from Sigfried on Christmas night saying that as a final gift to Roy, Sigfried has made a donation to the Deadspin tips foundation via email. Roy heads to Steve Wynn's office first thing in the morning to let him know his dead girlfriend called and told him it was all tiger crap. Steve Wynn (who's pretty much blind) tells him to hold tight while they can assess what damage this may cause the Mirage. "Just keep doing the show and don't say anything," Wynn tells him. Clearly flustered, Roy's final performance is his worst of the year and Jeff Foxworthy's one man show wins the big one for the 3rd time in 4 years. The Mirage says goodbye to Roy and wishes him well on Broadway. And then today happened.

It does conjur images of the Anthony Michael Hall / Judd Nelson scene from Breakfast Club

"I've laid lots of times"

So, someone correct me on my cliff notes understanding here:

MT's "girlfriend" was someone he knew online only. Maybe by phone. Real name is a fabrication. She existed in some way or fashion, and she somehow became the "love of [his] life. " Then, this Internet personality dies. He talks all about this "emotional" heart-breaking time for him because he learned of her death 6 hours after his grandmother actually dies. And, now the question is whether the made-up girlfriend and her death was a fantasy hoax played on him or something he just made up for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

Honestly, I couldn't read through the whole deadspin stuff, but is this the story in a nutshell?
Yes. He claims that he thought she was real and that some girl tricked him.Only problem with that story is that he told lots of people that they met in person several times. Also, he claims to have talked to her on the phone dozens of times, yet he still hasn't produced his cell phone (or his phone bill) to prove it.
Where did you get that part?You honestly think, after Penn State last year, ND is going to put out the press conference they just did without at least having some credible support for Manti's version of the facts?
Yes I do. Because Notre Dame has no intention of doing a "real" investigation. They are hoping to sweep it under the rug. And if enough domer homers blindly come to their defense, the story will eventually go away.Oh, and :lmao: at comparing this to Sandusky. Te'o hasn't committed a crime here, and there will not be a police investigation. Notre Dame knows what it is doing. They are going to pretend to do a full investigation while doing absolutely NOTHING. And the fans will eat it up.
Please show where you get your facts on 'not producing his cell phone' - as if he were even obligated to do so, because, as you said, he's committed no crime.
Then where is the cell phone? If Te'o wasn't a liar, then he could easily show the world his cell phone with the THOUSANDS of minutes logged to the same number. It will immediately exonerate him and put him back into the good graces of America.Sure, he doesn't have to produce the phone. But if he wants all this to go away, that's what he'll have to do.

But you and I both know that will never happen. Because he never talked to her. Because "she" never existed.

ESPN just reran that Gene W. interview and if this Deadspin story is true, this guy is ####ed.

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Haven't read the whole thread, and still confused with some stuff.But this Tuiasosopo dude sounds like a ####### whack-o. What's his deal and why is he scamming people with a fake chick?


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