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Marcus Mason cut by the Jets (1 Viewer)

Cecil Lammey


does he make it a 4th?

I liked what I saw from Mason during the preseason, when he led the league in rushing for the Redskins. Then he was signed by the Ravens, then he was signed by the Jets.

Now the Jets have cut him and there are many that think he won't last on a PS - but as we face the end of the season could he end up on someone's PS? It's a numbers game with some of these guys, and I understand that Mason is somewhat limited as a runner - but I'm surprised so many teams have let him walk.

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I'm not sure what Mason's situation was with all of his stops, but it is possible that he's been lost in the numbers game. It doesn't bode well that he's failed with 3 teams. For all we know he could be an ars-ehole, or he could be just what I've already said, "lost in the numbers game". I think he's worth keeping an eye out for, and possibly a roster spot for in leagues with 24 man rosters or greater.

This blog suggest he is not a good special teamer. i buy that for not making the 53 man roster, but I thought practice squad exist to help players develop in weak areas. Me thinks there is more going on with him.

I know some Redskins fans are probably surprised to see running back Marcus Mason on the list since he put up nice numbers in the exhibition season. The problem for Mason, other than the fact the Redskins are stacked at his position, is that he wasn't an excellent special-teams player. He needs to find another team's practice squad. Preferably a team that's not loaded at running back.
Good player, but not quite good enough.

He's just not quite athletic enough to stick at this level IMO. If he was a little bit faster and more explosive then he would've made a team.

Good player, but not quite good enough. He's just not quite athletic enough to stick at this level IMO. If he was a little bit faster and more explosive then he would've made a team.
This is probably pretty accurate, but I think Mason could endear himself to a team if he ever gets a break and gets on the field. He's a little smaller and less powerful, but he runs with same purposeful and efficient manner as Earnest Graham.I hope (and expect) Marcus Mason gets another shot, but I'm glad for him that he's even gotten this far.Stop me if Ive already told you this story, but I met Marcus Mason in the lobby of the Hilton Garden Inn in El Paso at the Texas Vs The Nation game in 2007. He had a typical story for a player in that game. He started out at a big program (Illinois), had to transfer for some reason (Youngstown State because he was blocked by Pierre Thomas and Rashard Mendenhall), and was trying to prove that he belonged with the players from those big programs that got invites to Houston or Mobile earlier in the month. Texas Vs The Nation is replete with hungry players who are trying to beat the odds, it's one of the reasons that I love having a close relationship with that game. It was Wednesday, so there were already two days of practices. When the players weren't practicing, they milled about with scouts from NFL (and sometimes CFL) teams, stopping to sit and answer a few questions at tables in the hotel restaurant and often setting a time to come back to the team's room to fill out a Wonderlic and swap contact info. Some players got more attention than others. Mason had looked pretty good during the week so far. He hadn't popped, but the good balance, low center of gravity, and initial burst that we've seen in the preseason was there - workmanlike and efficient, with the surprising ability to make a tackler miss completely in open space occasionally. I was interviewing players in the lobby before the Wednesday practice, which was going to be a scrimmage between the two teams - the first game action of the week. Everyone was on edge and pumped up - the scrimmage would be a major release of tension building as players were passing through the meat market/pageant that an all-star game week is, something that will in part determine their future. These guys were at a crossroads, and some of these players already had two strikes against them. I think I had interviewed Gary Russell and Josh Swogger right before I started talking to Marcus, but the tape wasn't rolling when I was talking to Marcus, I was just shooting the breeze. It went something like:
Me: You've looked pretty good out there.Mason: Yeah, but no one has asked me to come up and fill out a Wonderlic.Me: Really? I'm surprised.Mason: Most guys have talked to four or five teams already.
Mason had that sinking look on his face. Like everything he had worked for his whole life was starting to disappear before his very eyes. I tried to reassure him that from what I could see he could hang, but you could feel the weight on his soul. Mason ended up with five carries for 23 yards in the game. I figured he would be one of those early camp cuts, not because he lacked the ability, but because of the ominous lack of attention. It reminded me of the guys you see at the practices without invites who hand out hand labeled DVDs and one sheets on the sidelines because they don't even have an agent, but they just can't let the dream die. For every one who makes it, we don't see the dozen or more who have to "face reality" at some point along the way.Needless to say, I felt good seeing him succeed this preseason, and I give Mason credit for facing down failure and conquering it by spending time in the NFL. Hopefully the best is still ahead for him.
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Good player, but not quite good enough. He's just not quite athletic enough to stick at this level IMO. If he was a little bit faster and more explosive then he would've made a team.
One thing that is underrated by too many fans is the amount of talent that it takes to make even an 80 man roster in the NFL. Most of these guys can flash some talent if you hand them the ball 20 times. The ones who can be consistent or have some special quality about their game make the 53 man and beyond.

does he make it a 4th?

I liked what I saw from Mason during the preseason, when he led the league in rushing for the Redskins. Then he was signed by the Ravens, then he was signed by the Jets.

Now the Jets have cut him and there are many that think he won't last on a PS - but as we face the end of the season could he end up on someone's PS? It's a numbers game with some of these guys, and I understand that Mason is somewhat limited as a runner - but I'm surprised so many teams have let him walk.
Stop signing with teams deep at RB might be an option.I realize he doesn't necessarily have many options but...how about the Cowboys when Barber's out and Jones is on IR? If he could just produce in an NFL reg season game then maybe he could make some calls and get to pick a team in 09.

Didn't he essentially replace Jesse Chatman whom we didn't expect to get the ball much at all anyway?

He's not better than McClain, Rice, Betts, Cartwright.

Go step on the Broncos assemblyline. If they don't have an open spot, wait a week.


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