Mike Nolan is an idiot. Martz was a desperate hire in order to save his job, knowing that it was against what the original plan of how the team was being built in the first place. Martz wasn't a popular choice with the Yorks. The Yorks, from earlier reports, are close friends with Jay Zygmunt, Martz's nemesis in STL. Nolan blindsided them with Martz, and he blindsided ScotM with Martz as well. Nolan was going out swinging, and Martz pretty much shut the door down on Alex Smith, ScotM's boy. According to Mike Silver, the Yorks wanted Nolan fired after last season. ScotM convinced the Yorks for Nolan to stay another year. Even after Nolan was stripped of power, he still though of himself as "the face of the organization". His arrogance and stupidity did him in. ScotM never considered Martz for the OC position before Nolan hired him. ScotM told the press days before that Martz's brand of offense didn't fit the talent of the team. Nolan hires Martz a few days later. Mike Nolan should never be a Head Coach in the NFL again. If he is, good luck to the team who is stupid enough to hire him.