long post I did not finish......
Didn't really want to start this but so fed up with the BS.........just need help how to deal with things the best.
Four kids, from oldest to youngest (brother(money wise well off), sister(ok), sister(ok), me(FBG)) My dad had a will, and my youngest sister is executor. My dad came back from cancer once and died 5 years later.
This is not a big estate, under 50K and life insurance is being sent directly to kids at 25% each as my mom died in 2009 and was beneficiary.
My sisters live at "home" where my dad was PA, my brother lives in DC and me NC.
Now big bro always thought he was going to be executor, I told him a year ago he wasn't but he did not seem to process it. My dad told me exactly what he is will was years ago (he wanted to make sure I didn't think he love me less because the girls were getting more, I understood).
Dad dies, I and coming from NC and have to bring the dog, so I say in a pet friendly hotel, my brother is already in Pittsburg cause his MIL just died and stays in at my dad's.
I probably given too much info, sorry it is personal. Cut to the chase or not.
About two years ago, I heard from oldest sister that my brothers friend wanted the house for his daughter when he died(brother does not know anyone else knows this)........Pissed me off. He was doing well then.
Bro is 10 years older than me. He emailed me the day before the funeral that friend's daughter was going to stay at dad's during the funeral to make sure no one broke in and took out the copper pipes. (yes this is all true). I told him that he had good neighbors they would make sure everything was ok, his response was the neighbors might not know he died. Okay? I told him I was not comfortable with someone I did not know being there before that family had a chance to be there. He was not happy with that. He told people that girl was like his daughter, all siblings had never heard her name before then. He ended up through the whole house without anyone else there while he was staying there. He kept bring that point of stealing copper pipes until BIL let him know (well then how would the pipe stealers know if neighbors didn't), anyway the neighbors show at the funeral home and my BIL nailed him in the face when he said "how do we know the neighbor's know he died" BIL, "they came here and paid their respects")
Brother calls me today and asked me if I talked with ex. sister recently, I said no. She talked with my wife last night not me, not big on the phone. He proceeds to tell me that she did not open a trust account yet(she did), that she put the house on sell for too much money (I said I think she put it at what the relator suggested, then he said they make money by just listing properties (WTF)can't make this #### up) and we should take any offer that we get.