Sorry to hear that Cap. My father passed away the day before Thanksgiving this year, and I'm still trying to process it. Thankfully, we moved my parents near us a few years ago, so I have been able to see both of them more in the past 4 years than I had in the prior 20 combined. Right now, it comes down to supporting my mom as she has lost her partner of the past 50 years.
My dad called me at 9:30p on the night before he died in his sleep. He just called to say hello and provide inconsequential information about something I already knew. I thought it was strange that he called that late as he never has called that late in the past but I didn't think anything of it then. He passed away at some point the following morning. I like to think that he just called to check-in and it was his way of saying goodbye, maybe directly or indirectly, who knows. He was diabetic, had progressing kidney failure, obese and was pretty much immobile, but his mind was still sharp.
It's strange as it's the first time I have dealt with the death of someone this close. Regardless of your relationship with your dad, it's still going to impact you emotionally.
Positively, negatively, indifference. And those thoughts may change by the hour, by the day, by the week. And that's okay. Processing is weird. It's challenging. And thought-provoking.
Strength to you man.