Maybe you need to take him over to Abdul...
Guy realizes his lifelong dream to take a camel trip across the Sahara. Pays for a strong camel, and sets out. He hasn't gone 10 miles before he realizes his camel is going to fight him every step of the way. He finally makes it to the first oasis, and consults with the locals. "You've been sold a bull camel," they say, "You'll never make it across the Sahara."
What can I do? You can have him castrated. Where? Over at the fort they have a military hospital.
He goes over to the fort and sees a doctor there.
Yeah, I can castrate him. How much will it cost? About $170.
Crap! I spend most of my money buying this camel. I can't afford it.
Well, you might try Abdul over at the edge of town.
He goes over to Abdul.
Can you castrate my camel? Sure. How much will it cost?
Ten bucks. Ten bucks? ...Yup.
How can you do it so cheap?
Well, I take the camel and tie down his four legs. Then I go behind him and take a brick in each hand.
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeez! Doesn't that hurt?
Well, you have to remember to keep your thumbs out.