Let's not make it political but that doesn't mean we can't report what is being presented by elected officials up there
I'll quickly go thru the 3 different scenarios and what is being reported that I heard on TV as recently as lunch time today out here in the East
And for those who are completely in the dark I would point you to some headlines
The mysterious swarms of drones in New Jersey have sparked calls for a 'state of emergency' until answers are given about the thousands of bizarre sightings across the region since November.
-There is a set of 7 pictures in that article, No 5 in that series of 7 shots was what really got my attention
Theory #1 and the one I have a hard time not believing is that it's our own military testing out new gadgets and technology but elected officials in New Jersey have spoken with top top top officials and they swear they know nothing about these drones, if it truly is not something within the good ole USA as part of our military or intelligence than I do think the public needs to know a lot more about these. I'm not totally sold that it isn't the United States
Theory #2 and one that seems to be debunked quickly is hobbyists in the drone community, nobody in those verticals seem to believe any of them have the technology or drones in their possession to pull this off and that will lead us to
Theory #3 is that its a foreign government or country, namely Iran which bought a lot of this stuff from China and it is being presented that they are parked in a boat of the Eastern Seaboard and launching these to gather intelligence. Also many elected officials have homes in New Jersey and the Northeast and could be targets. I have a hard time understanding how Iran could be parked off shore and launching these without out military cruisng up next to them or shooting these things out of the sky
And that is what officials in New Jersey are starting to clamor for is US intervention and bringing these drones down immediately or the next time they appear
I'm surprised it's not bigger news
If it were true that Iran or some foreign entity is responsible for these drones at night then I think immediate action should be taken and i would assume many others would feel likewise
Whatever and however they need to do it and again I wouldn't start finger pointing, I'd rather just see the officials working together to put a stop to all of this
Theory #1 seems a lot more plausible than 3 on this list, what say you?
Has anyone seen them with their own eyes yet?