As a teacher, I think a lot of people (not just kids), look at our culture & society and think -
"No matter what I do, or how hard I work, I'll never be able to make it. So, why should I even try?"
Additionally a lot of what I see is:
"If the world doesn't care about me, why should I care about it, or the people in it? So, I'm going to act how I want to act, and they can all deal with it."
It is largely a financial problem. At the end of the day, I think a lot of it comes down to people feeling like they have no chance to achieve their dreams in this society. Are there unhappy rich people? Of course. But, I think more than ever, those in the middle and at the bottom of the pack, economically, just have an atittude of "screw it, I'm going to do what I want, when I want, because it doesn't make a difference anyway." And, when you begin to encounter more and more people with that attitude, you are more likely to adopt that mindset yourself. "Screw me? Screw you! I'll do what - I - want! Let's see how you like that!"
We have somehow landed in a place where we blame each other for our problems. Culture wars over largely meaningless things. We're fighting with the wrong people. The ruling class elites - the richest of the rich - have all of the money, and instead of being mad at them, we find a group of people that have it worse than we do and blame them. Or we find a group that has it slightly better than us, and blame them. They aren't the problem.
The boomer that has a retirement account and plays golf every day, shouldn't be the enemy of a Gen-Z kid with blue hair. And the Gen-Z kid with the blue hair, shouldn't be the enemy of the boomer that plays golf. Live and let live, and make the ruling class elites give up some of their obscene wealth, so the people down here at the bottom can you know, go to the dentist, or take our kids to Disney World. Crazy stuff like that.
At the end of the day, if people were more financially secure, we would have a happier & more productive society. Would it solve everything? No. But it would make a HUGE difference.
Well said and I agree. Kids don't look at the rags to riches stories anymore and think that could be me. They know the odds are very remote.
But why don't they believe it? It's just as possible as ever, maybe even more so.
I think they don't believe it, because even "good" jobs like teacher, cop, nurse aren't what we think of as "middle class jobs" anymore. A lot of teachers are broke. A lot of nurses are broke.
We still have a mindset that a job that requires a college degree = financial stability. In 2024, that isn't true for a lot of professions, they have moved down the list and the purchasing power of the people in those jobs is lower than it used to be. So, what do you need in today's world to be financially stable? From the outside looking in, it appears a lot of it is based upon your parent's level of wealth, and frankly some dumb luck.
Going to your state school and coming out with an education degree and becoming a high school science teacher, is no longer a one-way ticket to middle class, suburban bliss.
What -is- available (if you get lucky) that CAN get you to middle class and beyond, that kids see all the time? Influencers. Celebrities. Rappers. Politicians. Several of those professions are college degree (debt) optional, which makes them even more desireable to young people.
Working at a Retail Store for $12 or $15 or even $20 an hour, to "move up the ladder" isn't a viable option for most people anymore. They can't afford to only make $15 an hour, while they wait for the right manager to either quit, or realize that YOU are the star employee that deserves to be moved up the corporate food chain.
So, if working at a retail job leaves me just as broke as having no job - many people pick: no job.
The other story, that is often not told, and I think the OP may be encoutering - is the person that is in that $15 an hour job. They don't care about it. They don't want to be in that job, it feels like a total dead-end, they can't even afford to go out to Friday Happy Hour with the rest of the crew, because the kids have Prom coming up, so if Jim Bob Williams calls the store up and wants an answer about some house paint he called about 2 weeks ago - who cares? I've got bigger things to worry about. And if they fire me? Who cares? I can find another $15 an hour dead-end job if I really have to, and since I'm broke anyway, getting fired wouldn't change my life anyway, if anything, it might make it better.
So productivity? Get out of here. They're in survival mode.