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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (9 Viewers)

So honest question about # of deaths: are hospitals still counting any death of someone that is believed to have Covid as being CAUSED by Covid even if the actual cause of death is likely something else?

Grove: now ask if that error (caused by neither malicious intent nor by any presumed monetary gain, but rather due to SOP in writing death certificates) is more than offset by the number of people who are dying of Covid, but since they have not been tested,  are being listed as "unknown cause."

IOW, all analysis to date strongly suggests that regardless of any anecdotal evidence of car accident victims with Covid who are being counted in the "Covid death" category, the number of deaths FROM Covid is UNDERCOUNTED by about 20% (see "excess deaths" and recognize that some of these are undoubtedly suicides and heart attacks caused by inability to get treatment, but most are assuredly unattributed Covid deaths. And absolutely none are from govt-mandated mask asphyxiation).

Or alternatively, you could simply listen to those who seek to answer complex and nuanced questions with overly simple answers.  Your call.

Here is a great thread about the start of the mask movement. I mentioned Jeremy Howard yesterday or the day before I think. I doubt many people know his name, but I think when this is all said and done he will have saved countless lives. 

So honest question about # of deaths: are hospitals still counting any death of someone that is believed to have Covid as being CAUSED by Covid even if the actual cause of death is likely something else?
The other answers you got are probably closer to my thoughts - however, I will say that it's probably completely a regional thing and there seems to me that it COULD have happened.  But this is like most other conspiracy theories - it breaks down once people think it's done at scale and in secret.  There's basically a 0% chance that it's widespread and intentionally done.  There's a non-zero chance that some individual person did it intentionally once or twice.

Grove: now ask if that error (caused by neither malicious intent nor by any presumed monetary gain, but rather due to SOP in writing death certificates) is more than offset by the number of people who are dying of Covid, but since they have not been tested,  are being listed as "unknown cause."

IOW, all analysis to date strongly suggests that regardless of any anecdotal evidence of car accident victims with Covid who are being counted in the "Covid death" category, the number of deaths FROM Covid is UNDERCOUNTED by about 20% (see "excess deaths" and recognize that some of these are undoubtedly suicides and heart attacks caused by inability to get treatment, but most are assuredly unattributed Covid deaths. And absolutely none are from govt-mandated mask asphyxiation).

Or alternatively, you could simply listen to those who seek to answer complex and nuanced questions with overly simple answers.  Your call.
Like I said, honest question. I think I’ve been pretty consistently on the critical side of how things have been handled (ie most states and people have been way too lax). 

But good data is important to make good decisions. Making assumptions one way or the other leads to poor decisions.

Mr Anonymous said:
Definitely seeing a lot of very large nationwide businesses putting in mask mandates on their own and it's encouraging to say the least. I guess since we can't count on our leaders to go that route, maybe big business will be the saving grace on this one. Gov't seems to either be on the side of a free-for-all or on the side of shutdowns. Hopefully this wave of businesses taking proactive measures continues.

Kroger Joins the Growing List of Major Retailers Requiring Masks
Our leaders are playing to their constituents and straddling the fence. We are living in a time of leadership unwilling to make a hard decision based on longevity of their political careers. We saw it early on when Federal leadership pushed decision making down to the States then (most) of the States punted to the City level and where possible the cities punted to the Towns. No one wants to make a decision because 1. the idea of wearing a mask has somehow become a political discussion and 2. in this day & age, no one wants to piss off somebody by making a hard decision so if the opportunity to ### it to someone else is there, that's where we are going.

Refreshing to see private businesses step up, do the right thing and lead from the front. Tired of this BS debate 7 months into this thing. I hope every business requires masks, then maybe people will get it and our leadership will see that it's ok to make a decision and not try to please everybody. 

Here is a great thread about the start of the mask movement. I mentioned Jeremy Howard yesterday or the day before I think. I doubt many people know his name, but I think when this is all said and done he will have saved countless lives. 
When is this?  Is there an objective daily case number where people can resume normal activity?  Just the regular flu numbers?  Vaccine regularly available?  I bet a lot of people will continue with the masks all the time when interacting socially.  Feels like there's no end in sight unfortunately.

Someone recently asked if the age of death was dropping.  Here are the current percentages of deaths by age, according to CDC:

85 and older = 33.059%
75 thru 84 = 26.419%
65 thru 74 = 20.818%
55 thru 64 = 12.106%
45 thru 54 = 4.961%
35 thru 44 = 1.788%
25 thru 34 = 0.695%
15 thru 24 = 0.129%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%

I've been tracking this for a few months now, and the numbers have remained very consistent.  Here are the numbers from a month ago:

85 and older = 33.286%
75 thru 84 = 26.607%
65 thru 74 = 20.768%
55 thru 64 = 11.941%
45 thru 54 = 4.850%
35 thru 44 = 1.722%
25 thru 34 = 0.678%
15 thru 24 = 0.122%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%

Someone recently asked if the age of death was dropping.  Here are the current percentages of deaths by age, according to CDC:

85 and older = 33.059%
75 thru 84 = 26.419%
65 thru 74 = 20.818%
55 thru 64 = 12.106%
45 thru 54 = 4.961%
35 thru 44 = 1.788%
25 thru 34 = 0.695%
15 thru 24 = 0.129%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%

I've been tracking this for a few months now, and the numbers have remained very consistent.  Here are the numbers from a month ago:

85 and older = 33.286%
75 thru 84 = 26.607%
65 thru 74 = 20.768%
55 thru 64 = 11.941%
45 thru 54 = 4.850%
35 thru 44 = 1.722%
25 thru 34 = 0.678%
15 thru 24 = 0.122%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%
Scary how similar they are.

Someone recently asked if the age of death was dropping.  Here are the current percentages of deaths by age, according to CDC:

85 and older = 33.059%
75 thru 84 = 26.419%
65 thru 74 = 20.818%
55 thru 64 = 12.106%
45 thru 54 = 4.961%
35 thru 44 = 1.788%
25 thru 34 = 0.695%
15 thru 24 = 0.129%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%

I've been tracking this for a few months now, and the numbers have remained very consistent.  Here are the numbers from a month ago:

85 and older = 33.286%
75 thru 84 = 26.607%
65 thru 74 = 20.768%
55 thru 64 = 11.941%
45 thru 54 = 4.850%
35 thru 44 = 1.722%
25 thru 34 = 0.678%
15 thru 24 = 0.122%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%
You would think we were doing a better job of bunkering old people.  

So if trump cuts off the CDC data what does that mean on a practical level?
Allegedly, all the same people have access to all the same data just in a different system.....allegedly.  I think from a practical perspective, it's going to go down (on a much larger scale of course) as "hey, I have no idea why my hospital numbers aren't what we sent you...what's up with that?" like what's happening right now here in Florida.

Someone recently asked if the age of death was dropping.  Here are the current percentages of deaths by age, according to CDC:

85 and older = 33.059%
75 thru 84 = 26.419%
65 thru 74 = 20.818%
55 thru 64 = 12.106%
45 thru 54 = 4.961%
35 thru 44 = 1.788%
25 thru 34 = 0.695%
15 thru 24 = 0.129%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%

I've been tracking this for a few months now, and the numbers have remained very consistent.  Here are the numbers from a month ago:

85 and older = 33.286%
75 thru 84 = 26.607%
65 thru 74 = 20.768%
55 thru 64 = 11.941%
45 thru 54 = 4.850%
35 thru 44 = 1.722%
25 thru 34 = 0.678%
15 thru 24 = 0.122%
0 thru 14 = 0.026%
Just wait 2-9 weeks.

Like I said, honest question. I think I’ve been pretty consistently on the critical side of how things have been handled (ie most states and people have been way too lax). 

But good data is important to make good decisions. Making assumptions one way or the other leads to poor decisions.
Understood and took your question exactly as intended.

As a data scientist myself I am well aware of the need for "good data." But I also know that there is no such thing as perfect data - that all data contains inaccuracies, noise and outliers. And thus any dataset can be found lacking if the expectations are not properly set.  Indeed, I have seen people in this thread evaluating data sets the way we assess natural laws. That is, anything that can be found to contradict it discredits the entirety.  That may be true for any natural law theory, but that isn't how data works.  Much like the saying "we fight with the army we have," the same is true for data.  Yes, understand the flaws in your dataset, but don't throw the whole thing out because you uncovered a few errors and outliers.

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So honest question about # of deaths: are hospitals still counting any death of someone that is believed to have Covid as being CAUSED by Covid even if the actual cause of death is likely something else?
i havent seen this in my facility, and I've seen a lot of covid deaths that WERE primarily COVID caused. But it's also not as simple as you would believe. Many illnesses cause systemic failures. AS a SIMPLE non covid example: someone Overdoses on Tylenol and devastates their liver. They live another month in the hospital before finally dying. Their acetaminophen levels are normal for several weeks before they died. Did they die of liver failure...or overdose? 

So...someone has cancer but has been doing ok seeing family and having some nice final months....COVID gets them and they die today when they might have had another month or two. Without the cancer, COVID may not have killed them....cause of death COVID or cancer?

It isn't always so straight forward. There have certainly been isolated cases we could (mostly) agree shouldnt be counted as COVID deaths, but I think those are relatively isolated/fairly insignificant to the totals....especially when you consider that some folks are dying of COVID and never tested

went completely ballistic on one facebook "friend" this AM....one of those far right wing guys that seems to think everything the media puts out is a lie. Basically restating for at least the tenth time in the last month how the media stories are all hype...COVID kills less then 1% so all the coverage and such is nonsense.

So frustrating. Yeah...1% isn't much worse then seasonal flu (if roughly half again as deadly isn't much!), its more contagious, the recovery time is 2,3,4 times as long, and it's leaving far more people with long term damages...but hey yeah, it's only killing LESS THEN 1%!!!!

%$^%&#* idiots...so frustrating

Nextdoor continues to provide gems...

My husband is a health actuary and it is literally his JOB to predict this. The fact that positive cases are 4.8% tells me they are not testing enough in our county yet. The rate that is needed to make confident actuarial predictions is 10%. So....we are testing LESS THAN half as much. And that is science and math. Not opinion.

And another genius...

The "flu shot" has SARS antibodies in it as well as for other coronaviruses. This is why so many people are testing positive since these show up as positives in Covid 19 testing.

You have been the master at moving the goalposts. Two weeks. Three weeks. Four weeks. Now you're saying 3-5 weeks from today?? That's like 5-7 weeks past when you first said two weeks isn't it?
Deaths in the 21 states I’m tracking have gone up every day for the last 12 days. They will continue to rise until we start seeing cases plateau.  I don’t know what’s difficult to understand about that, or why you have an issue with it?

Cases CONTINUE to rise, so this increase in deaths will continue to happen.  Again, this isn’t difficult to understand.

went completely ballistic on one facebook "friend" this AM....one of those far right wing guys that seems to think everything the media puts out is a lie. Basically restating for at least the tenth time in the last month how the media stories are all hype...COVID kills less then 1% so all the coverage and such is nonsense.

So frustrating. Yeah...1% isn't much worse then seasonal flu (if roughly half again as deadly isn't much!), its more contagious, the recovery time is 2,3,4 times as long, and it's leaving far more people with long term damages...but hey yeah, it's only killing LESS THEN 1%!!!!

%$^%&#* idiots...so frustrating
And there is pretty good reason to believe there can be significant long term damage that the flu doesn't necessarily have.  We have lots of short sighted people in this country which I expect given the average American can't seem to look beyond the here/now or beyond their personal anecdotes.  

And there is pretty good reason to believe there can be significant long term damage that the flu doesn't necessarily have.  We have lots of short sighted people in this country which I expect given the average American can't seem to look beyond the here/now or beyond their personal anecdotes.  
absolutely...and I've seen this close up as well. We have one guy we've been treating for 6 weeks, needed surgery to repair a hole in his lung, and will almost certainly keep his trach the rest of his life. He's in his 40s with very little previous health history

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Per the WSJ the NBA is doing daily testing and sucking up 2,000 of the US 750k capacity.  Not to mention they get results in a day where suck folks are waiting well over a week in cases (that long a delay makes the testing useless).

That's insane.  There is no way that's worth that slice of testing capacity.  No doubt this is causing deaths in the population for a bit of entertainment.

Shut. It. Down.

Per the WSJ the NBA is doing daily testing and sucking up 2,000 of the US 750k capacity.  Not to mention they get results in a day where suck folks are waiting well over a week in cases (that long a delay makes the testing useless).

That's insane.  There is no way that's worth that slice of testing capacity.  No doubt this is causing deaths in the population for a bit of entertainment.

Shut. It. Down.
I don't get why they can't get away with weekly testing on a rotating schedule.  They are either in a bubble or they aren't.  

Ministry of Pain said:
I for one know what I want this Christmas, it's the years hottest gift, you'll want to put a deposit down for one of these. I know folks who would wear that now with delight in the grocery stores. 

A Hazmat suit for air travel but again, I can think of a dozen places including casinos, churches, and Disney should jump all over these and just attach ears to the top and now you can see everyone again.  

Better Shots of the BioVYZR...'I'd like to wear one and conduct interviews on the street of some of these Florida nutjobs.
Ahh...my Walter White costume from a few halloweens ago may finally pay off for something else.

I don't get why they can't get away with weekly testing on a rotating schedule.  They are either in a bubble or they aren't.  
See how many basketball players have kids with multiple women in multiple cities, no way they are staying in a bubble or not smuggling people into their bubble...

And another genius...

The "flu shot" has SARS antibodies in it as well as for other coronaviruses. This is why so many people are testing positive since these show up as positives in Covid 19 testing.
Just wait for when it is time to get the flu shot this year.  People will be saying the Government is putting untested Covid-19 vaccine in with the flu shot.

It doesn't matter what they want anymore. As Dr. Sanjay Gupta frequently alludes to, when cases are low, we get to decide. When hospitals and deaths are at this level, the virus decides.

Opening schools is a pipe-dream there, and frankly the way the country has handled it, opening schools is probably a pipe-dream everywhere. 

You would think we were doing a better job of bunkering old people.  
My guess is we are for those that are in homes or need caregivers.  There's still a lot of independent 65+ folks who are doing whatever they want.  It would be interesting to see the numbers again as it relates to nursing homes, etc.

More context:  "Miami-Dade: Big volume of tests reported on Thursday morning, nudges DOH positivity below 20%. It's just one day, and 3,000+ cases on 18.5% isn't exactly something to celebrate. AHCA dash has COVID hospitalizations steady overnight. We'll see what the county says later."


Per Worldometers, on July 5 our 7 day rolling average of daily deaths was 515, which is the lowest since March 30th. Since then, we have been back on the rise. This week the rate of increase isn't as big as last week, but we have still hit 760 which is the highest since the uptick. As for daily deaths, yesterday was the first day we broke 1000 since June 9th. It's hard to imagine this going back down anytime soon since our daily new cases are steadily rising.

It really is mindblowing when comparing our charts to other countries, and it really ticks me off that we didn't have the national leadership that we needed to avoid this, just as many other countries have done. 

This is worth reviewing.  It shows with each CDC update where the deaths landed.  It's something that has been difficult to pull out.


Of concern here is that the death rate for the week of July 11 over-proportionally landed in the weeks of 4/25 and 5/2.  This by and large is what I imagine the white house wants to prevent going forward.  Or, if you take a different perspective, landing those deaths so far back and so hard could be a conspiracy to make things appear better.

The week of 7/11 is tracking towards an increase in the cumulative mortality rate.  This would again be something that has not happened since April.  And the magnitude of it looks to be tiny.  


Did he void the shirt and shoes requirement as well? His office says mask mandates are unenforceable. Gov't sure doesn't seem to have a problem enforcing the mandate to wear shoes and a shirt into private business. Businesses are just going to have to take this into their own hands.
I mentioned in the PSF thread that I called his office this morning to let him know what I thought of his EO on this.  Pathetic.

So frustrating. Yeah...1% isn't much worse then seasonal flu (if roughly half again as deadly isn't much!), its more contagious, the recovery time is 2,3,4 times as long, and it's leaving far more people with long term damages...but hey yeah, it's only killing LESS THEN 1%!!!!
Agree with your sentiment, but I thought the death rate for the flu was 0.1%, which makes this 10 times as deadly.

Interesting to look at current numbers. Right now for coronavirus in the US there have been 3.6 million people who have tested positive and the death rate is at 3.9%. Of course we know this number isn't right, because there are a lot of people who have had it and never got tested. If the death rate is 1%, that means that roughly 14 million people have had the virus which is around 4% of the country. 

I mentioned in the PSF thread that I called his office this morning to let him know what I thought of his EO on this.  Pathetic.
I doubt you were the only one. Hopefully they listen to their constituents. It would be easy to flip flop and say they didn't want a bunch of local and differently worded mandates and then impose a universal statewide one. I have a feeling that's what will ultimately happen. Friggin' Alabama put in a mask mandate after all.

Per the WSJ the NBA is doing daily testing and sucking up 2,000 of the US 750k capacity.  Not to mention they get results in a day where suck folks are waiting well over a week in cases (that long a delay makes the testing useless).

That's insane.  There is no way that's worth that slice of testing capacity.  No doubt this is causing deaths in the population for a bit of entertainment.

Shut. It. Down.
MLB converted one of their drug testing labs to a Covid testing lab and they were making a point to let everyone know that they were not taking testing capability away from the general public. Surprised NBA didnt do the same.

I doubt you were the only one. Hopefully they listen to their constituents. It would be easy to flip flop and say they didn't want a bunch of local and differently worded mandates and then impose a universal statewide one. I have a feeling that's what will ultimately happen. Friggin' Alabama put in a mask mandate after all.
We already have local school systems reversing course and going all virtual to start.  I wish it didn't come to this but as Grace mentions above - when you don't do the right things and let the cases get high enough you have no choice but to lock things down (or accept the illnesses and deaths that come with it).

This is worth reviewing.  It shows with each CDC update where the deaths landed.  It's something that has been difficult to pull out.


Of concern here is that the death rate for the week of July 11 over-proportionally landed in the weeks of 4/25 and 5/2.  This by and large is what I imagine the white house wants to prevent going forward.  Or, if you take a different perspective, landing those deaths so far back and so hard could be a conspiracy to make things appear better.

The week of 7/11 is tracking towards an increase in the cumulative mortality rate.  This would again be something that has not happened since April.  And the magnitude of it looks to be tiny.  
I find it interesting to see some of the alternative viewpoints when it comes to looking at the statistics. But one thing that is hard to overlook is that our positive case numbers continue to increase. We know that Covid has some unknown mortality rate, so you would also expect the number of deaths to increase. Other countries have had a steady decline in the number of positive cases. 

So I'm confused...

"Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed an executive order Wednesday night explicitly banning cities from enacting their own mask mandates..."

"Kemp’s order voids existing mask mandates in more than a dozen cities or counties, while also extending other coronavirus social-distancing restrictions statewide."


"Kemp’s new order “strongly encourages” masks."

"Kemp’s order comes two weeks after he joined U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams in a campaign at stops around the state to encourage Georgians to wear masks. The governor appealed to sports fans, saying, “If you want some college football this fall and other sports, wear your mask for the next few weeks.”"

Regardless, all of the non-maskers have a new home where they can congregate. At least there is that silver lining. Hope it works out for them.

We already have local school systems reversing course and going all virtual to start.  I wish it didn't come to this but as Grace mentions above - when you don't do the right things and let the cases get high enough you have no choice but to lock things down (or accept the illnesses and deaths that come with it).
Governors like Kemp seem less willing to re-institute lockdowns than they are to mandate masks. You're likely in for a real mess and  I'm sorry to see that for you. Hopefully this wave of businesses mandating masks grows to the point that it doesn't matter what individual state governments fail to do.


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